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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Vampka.
Posted: Wed, 20/05/2015 06:29 (9 Years ago)
I think this could be included in the recent slots. I mean they could add these items to the actual prices. I would support that. More things (milk, honey, baked/cooked items, boxes, keys, other evostones, etc.) could be added.

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Posted: Mon, 23/02/2015 13:38 (9 Years ago)
yaaay I enteeer *-* username is Vampka 8)

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Posted: Sat, 31/01/2015 12:11 (10 Years ago)
Hi! ^^ I'd like to buy all your bug gems for pd. :) Can I set it up and send you the money?

Damn, sorry, I came here through a link and didn't see that your shop is closed. ><

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Posted: Thu, 01/01/2015 19:47 (10 Years ago)
As I earlier said, the prizes were set up today in GTS with medichams ( #308 ) with the name of the winners. :) Offer any pokémon and I will accept it. Again, congratz to everyone! ^^
The money was sent to everyone and the plushies too. Those who didn't get their plushies because they already had the limited fennekin: please write a private message what you'd like to get. You can ask for anything except shinies, megas and the limited fennekin (I don't want to take away the chance to get one from those who don't have it yet).

Happy 2015!

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Posted: Wed, 31/12/2014 22:55 (10 Years ago)
Thank you all for joining this raffle! :) I was very happy to see you all
helping me get the medal and get involved in all this. As I promised,
today, in the last hours of the year I - the Randomizer, to be honest - chose
the winners. Congratz, you can see the list of the winners in the first post.
Thank you again for everything! I hope you all going to have a good 2015! :)

If you won a plushie, and you already have the limited fennekin,
comment here or send me a message about what plushie would you want.
Thanks. ^^

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Posted: Wed, 31/12/2014 21:18 (10 Years ago)
Guys, the raffle is over, I'll announce the winners in an hour.

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Posted: Tue, 30/12/2014 09:03 (10 Years ago)
Hey everyone! ^^
Good news that could be better if the medal rally description would be truly accurate: Boldy won a medal! :D Tadaaaa:

Which means that tomorrow evening I will announce the winners! People can join until today, 13:00 servertime, after that I will make sure that the list of the participants is correct, and everyone's on it. Don't be nervous if you don't see your name on it yet! I know that I left out some people, I made mistakes, that's why I want to take some time to make sure that everything is okay with it. :)
Thank you all for the support and for the interactions, I hope you all had a great christmas and going to have a happy new year! :)

I'm sorry if I seem bitchy because of the medal is not the golden one
but I'm pissed because it says that thenew rounds start on the first day
of the month. It's not the first day of the month, not even the last one
and I saved a lot of rare candies to make sure that I'll win the golden medal.
It seems that it was a waste of money and time. :<

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Posted: Mon, 29/12/2014 10:06 (10 Years ago)
my mew is already chillin with ya and these cuties here are want to join

the turtle has an everstone. 8)

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Posted: Sun, 28/12/2014 21:47 (10 Years ago)
I'll be able to lend you my mew. :)
And check my UFT boxes, you might find some pokes you don't have yet. I think I have an Abra or something like that... :D

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Posted: Sun, 28/12/2014 16:03 (10 Years ago)
Yeah, I love the snow. *-* So far it was like +10°C here... Then yesterday suddenly -5°C and a lot of snow and now my internet is not the best, but at least we have snow! *-* And I just figured out how to make my own phone into a router of it's internet so I can now use it as a wifi on my laptop and add the new participants to the list. :D
If 15 new people join until 30th 13:00 ST, I'll add a lugia voucher to the prizes. ^^
So bring some newbies! :D
The last person who joined at this moment is WinterLugia.

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Posted: Sun, 28/12/2014 15:03 (10 Years ago)
Sure, I'll add everyone who posts here but I'm from my phone, using it's internet. :D It's snowing here, and I don't have a good wifi at the moment but don't worry, everyone will be added to the list later today or tomorrow. :)
And anyone can still join until 30th december. ^^ The raffle ends on 31st.

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Posted: Mon, 22/12/2014 13:12 (10 Years ago)
15 people is going to get 10.000
and 10 people is going to get a Winter Fennekin plushie,
or a plushie they don't have yet or a plushie they are hoarding!

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Posted: Mon, 15/12/2014 08:55 (10 Years ago)

Title: already a change in the rules

It seems that an event pokémon can't get a medal. Santa is already passed lvl 60 and gained a lot of experiences and still not in the rally. So great that it's not stated anywhere... I wrote Riako a message about it, I'm waiting for his reply.
Anyway, until the answer I modified the pokémon you should interact with. Don't worry, the three of you is still in the raffle. :] But the new partizipants must interact with the meditite above.

Edit: Riako answered and the problem with the Santa Bird was that I obtained it yesterday and this is what counts, not the date of the hatching. Everything's clear now.

You can write the proof anywhere. Here, or in the feed after the hashtag, even palpad or PM counts. :3 Thanks for joining and thanks for the nice entry too! ^^

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Posted: Mon, 15/12/2014 00:12 (10 Years ago)

Yaay, this is my first Christmas on Pokéheroes! *-*
Hello everyone, I hope you all going to have a great Christmas and a happy new year! This is the holiday when we all give and get nice things, right? I'd like to make the first days of 2015 even better for you with this raffle. ^^ It begins on 15th of December and ends on the last day of 2014, so it's a pretty long game as you can see.
I'm going to raffle away a cute little shiny meditite (scroll down) and a lot of other things: money, fossils, a weather ballon, a dragon gem and a star piece. But... my late christmas present for myself would be to win hopefully a golden medal in the Medal Rally. *-* In order to win I need your help. If I will get a medal in the "Strongest Pokémon" category, I will give away two other valuable things too: a megastone and a Ruby. :3 (I'm also buying rare candies for 5000pd each, PM me if you have some for sale. ;D)
You can enter the raffle anytime. The winners will be chosen randomly by using the Randomizer.
Good luck! ^^


1) Post your entry here, in this topic! The winners will be one of the posters so write at least one post in this topic! Without a post and at least one hashtag you can't win anything.
2) Train or feed this cute medicham every day with cookie and milk a berry. ^^ If you interact with it as a guest, that's a bonus. ;D

3) To avoid the spamming, put this hashtag in your feed as many times as you can but only twice in every day: #HolidayRaffle2014 and let me know in your feed or in this topic if you fed my pokémon. It doesn't matter where you post, just let me see the proof. :3 I'll check the hashtags and the feeding/training randomly. Please don't forget to post your entry here as well!
4) Subscribe this forum! I might will update things later.
Enjoy the raffle! ^^


Please write a little stuff about yourself and post it here. What do you love about Christmas, where will you spend your holidays, what would you do with the shiny, anything, really. A simple hello is fine too if you can't speak english or just too lazy to express yourself. xP Just let me see that you are here to win something. :3


1 x

1 x

1 x

15 x 10.000

10 ×
or a plushie you don't have yet/hoarding

1 ×
1 ×
1 ×
1 ×
1 ×
1 ×

+ I will interact with your party every day and feed your pokémon with berries.

If I win a medal in the "Strongest Pokémon" category:
1 ×
1 x

So don't forget: to win you must feed the hashtag at least once,
feed my pokémon/train him and write an entry here, in this topic!

I'll check the hashtag and the pokémon after you post here your entry.
Good luck! ^^

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name - the date of join

Blue-Eyed_Devil - 15th december
Latias_Queen - 15th december
Legendary252 - 15th december
goku591 - 15th december
hashirama13 - 15th december
saketo - 15th december
r0ad07 - 16th december
starmie12 - 16th december
$Bulbasaur$ - 16th december
Zombrie - 16th december
apqsyafiqp - 16th december
supernova - 16th december
Pokegamer99 - 17th december
Yoru - 17th december
ChocolatNinja - 17th december
Mink - 17th december
Xmaster - 17th december
Leiko9897 - 18th december
Faol - 18th december
Jokar - 18th december
Hideyoshi - 19th december
Wellslee - 19th december
wingweaver - 19th december
FlamePrincess - 19th december
cut3gummy4life - 20th december
VarsitiyRisneX - 20th december
Danyiele - 21st december
Jackling - 21st december
Nurisia - 21st december
Miss - 22nd december
Dragoniss - 22nd december
Yuki-chan - 22nd december
rijal_amrit - 23rd december
crystalsnow25 - 23rd december
Aksharsh - 23rd december
danijust - 23rd december
TimTam - 24th december
TheTrickster - 24th december
Fionna - 24th december
Kekkomaru - 24th december
primeape - 25th december
ImmortalGod - 25th december
rainbow - 25th december
Csoxi - 26th december
Christy-Taylor - 26th december
AbsolEmerald - 27th december
vanillite1 - 27th december
Latios_Master - 27th december
WinterLugia - 27th december
Fulton - 28th december
BlueAbsol - 28th december
jackiller51106 - 28th december
grgrgr101 - 29th december
sizzle - 29th december

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The winners were chosen by Randomizer (random.org). I randomized the list by every prize, except by the money and the plushie. In these cases, the first 15 and the first 10 people on the random list get the prizes.
I used randomizer for the categories too, so I randomized the list of the names, then I randomized a category to the list, that's how I got the results.
Congratulations for everyone and thank you for joining me in this and helped me get the medal! ^^ I will send the prizes on the 1st of January, and put up everything in the GTS with medichams and with your names.
I hope you all going to have an incredible, great year! :)

megastone: rainbow
shiny meditite: Christy-Taylor
the Ruby: Legendary252
the dragon gem: Yuki-chan
the star piece: $Bulbasaur$
the weather balloon: Csoxi
10.000 pd (15 people): Zombrie, Kekkomaru, rainbow, WinterLugia, rijal_amrit, TheTrickster, Fulton, supernova, Jokar, apqsyafiqp, Yoru, Jackling, Dragoniss, Leiko9897, Fionna
plushie (10 people): primeape, sizzle, Jokar, Danyiele, WinterLugia, Legendary252, supernova, rainbow, Yuki-chan, Latias_Queen
armor fossil: primeape
cover fossil: Legendary252
dome fossil: supernova
jaw fossil: BlueAbsol
plume fossil: $Bulbasaur$
skull fossil: rijal_amrit

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Posted: Thu, 11/12/2014 07:58 (10 Years ago)
because I need spaaace

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Posted: Wed, 03/12/2014 08:56 (10 Years ago)
for something else.

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Posted: Mon, 01/12/2014 10:26 (10 Years ago)
There are lists about the frequency of pokémons, but there is no list about the megas. I know, there are only a few pokémon that can megaevolve but I'd like to see a list about them too, which one is the rarest megaevolved (and not megaable) pokémon on site. After all, mega-pokémons have a different section in the Pokédex, why not a different list too? :) Maybe insert them into the other lists?
For example I know that there are only 10 megakangaskhans on the site at the moment, but of course I only know that because I have one. Which means that they are more rare than f.e. Yveltals, so megakangaskhans could be on the list of the "Lowest frequency" too so anyone could see that.

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Posted: Sun, 30/11/2014 09:28 (10 Years ago)

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Posted: Sun, 30/11/2014 09:03 (10 Years ago)

Oh, yeah, I have a gym. Bug-specified, so I don't think it's hard to beat me but I'm trying. :3 Therefore I need a lot of training, so do my darlings down there.
These are the bugs I use in battles. Please click on the training button and help them get stronger. ^^ (And if you want to battle, just PM me.)


Of course sometimes I challenge others, or I simply battle for fun. I have favorites, and my best team member is obviously my loyal starter, Balerion. I'm not saying that I always use him for battles, but... I often do.


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Posted: Fri, 31/10/2014 06:46 (10 Years ago)
What will you do with it if you win?: place the mareep on my "wall of pride" (alive, of course), with the PD I'll probably buy a lot of pokes to fill my dex ^^
Username?: Vampka
Other?: happy halloween 8)

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