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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from VOLDEMORT~EVIL.
Posted: Wed, 19/10/2016 17:30 (8 Years ago)
Username: Fugacious
Your Trainerlevel: 43
Anything else?: It would be amazing i think. :D :D

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Posted: Sun, 25/09/2016 03:54 (8 Years ago)
I came after 3-4 months back on PH and then found that you are quitting. Felt sorry for that.

We have talked much, frankly speaking every-time I came for some doubt, need help and many more. Sorry, to disturb you for all the time I did. Thank you for believing me every-time, and the last time we talked, was to remove a false warning on me!! :D Thanx, for helping me a lot.

And there is no doubt how much have you worked for PH, thank you for doing a great job over these 3 years! Your actions (always been fair) and dedication (helping new users all the time, without heisitaion) can't be expressed in words. (just know that, you are too good). (Y)

Ever need help, there are a lot of user behind you, and when it come to me mine everything belongs to you Liirah.
Best of luck!! (^_^) (Y) (Y) (Y)

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Posted: Thu, 22/09/2016 08:13 (8 Years ago)
headline"><#failed toErr#406.2:
Missing No. at [$addrPtr+4]

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Posted: Thu, 07/04/2016 07:52 (8 Years ago)
+1 Support!

Really liked this idea!!

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Posted: Sun, 20/03/2016 06:21 (8 Years ago)
like this idea (Y)

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Posted: Thu, 17/03/2016 01:36 (9 Years ago)
I can sell u
Black Kyurem
White Kyurem
Shaymin (sky)

for 16 star pieces

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Posted: Sun, 31/01/2016 17:41 (9 Years ago)
which pokemon

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Posted: Sun, 31/01/2016 11:10 (9 Years ago)
anything good especially water gems

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Posted: Sat, 30/01/2016 10:33 (9 Years ago)
Hello! I need the following items. I am ready to pay __195.5k pd_____(price)
Username - Fugacious
Which item u need? - 71X normal gems, 2X dragon gems, 2X star pieces
Quantity of item? - 71X normal gems, 2X dragon gems, 2X star pieces
Paying? - 195.5k

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Posted: Sat, 30/01/2016 10:31 (9 Years ago)
i want to buy all ur normal gems, star pieces, dragon gems

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Posted: Wed, 27/01/2016 06:39 (9 Years ago)

Welcome to the Shiny Mega hunt!

10497/28000(For atleast 2000 gyarados eggs)

As you can see i am looking for (Water gems).

This thread has been changed from Shiny Mega Swampert Hunt to Shiny Mega Gyarados Hunt by the permissions of liirah. -Screenshot-

Things I can offer:-


Show hidden content
1= 5X(we can negotiate)

Items (Water Gem:Respective items)
Show hidden content
1:3(Poké Ball)X256
1:1(Great Ball)X27
2:1(Ultra Ball)X30
3:2(Bug Gem)X5
2:1(Electric Gem)X3
1:1(Fighting Gem)X317
3:2(Flying Gem)X93
1:1(Grass Gem)X733
1:1(Ground Gem)X491
2:1(Normal Gem)X18
1:1(Poison Gem)X389
1:1(Rock Gem)X457
3:2(Dark Gem)X187
3:2(Fire Gem)X113
1:1(Ghost Gem)X1
2:1(Ice Gem)X15
3:2(Psychic Gem)X282
3:2(Steel Gem)X87
75:1(Dragon Gem)X51
3:2(Fairy Gem)X0
(Cold Rock)X0
(Hard Rock)X0
(Light Rock)X0
20:1(Relic Gold)X0
(Relic Silver)X1
(Relic Copper)X0
100:1(Star Piece)X6
60:1(Armour Fossil)X0
60:1(Dome Fossil)X1
60:1(Old Amber Fossil)X0
60:1(Plume Fossil)X2
60:1(Root Fossil)X1
60:1(Sail Fossil)X1
60:1(Helix Fossil)X1
60:1(Skull Fossil)X2
2:1(Tiny Mushroom)X1
2:1(Fire Stone)X1
3:1(Leaf Stone)X14
3:1(Oval Stone)X11
2:1(Water Stone)X1
6:1(Dubious Disc)X2
10:1(Metal Coat)X5
3:1(Moon Stone)X4
6:1(Razor Claw)X2
6:1(Razor Fang)X4
3:1(Soothe Bell)X15
6:1(Up Grade)X0
3:1(Sun Stone)X8
3:1(Dusk Stone)X2
6:1(Prism Scale)X2
6:1(Reaper Cloth)X2
3:1(Shiny Stone)X9
6:1(Whipped Dream)X4
10:1(Spray Duck)X7
1000:1(Mega Stone)X1
60:1(Weather Balloon)X0
200:1(Blue Orb)X0
200:1(Green Orb)X1
200:1(Red Orb)X2
200:1(Enigma Pearl)X0
40:1(Burn Drive)X1
40:1(Chill Drive)X2
40:1(Douse Drive)X3
40:1(Shock Drive)X1
2:1(Moomoo Milk)X739
1:3(Soda Pop)X288
50:1Lugia Egg VoucherX45

Valuable Pokemon (offer via palpad)
Normal Pokemon (offer via palpad)
Show hidden content
Pokemons in these boxes:-

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If u want anything please palpad me. Do not post in this forum.

Donators Corner

Prizes to the donators(according to the number of gems donated)
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1)3480nuggets (3 month premium membership + 3Xblue and black flutes)
3)800k PD
4)2X megable swamperts/shinies
5)1X megable swamperts/shinies
More to be added soon........

Show hidden content
1)Sayo X836 gems
2)Samyak X696 gems
3)Delina X575 gems
4)KRITYAM X573 gems
5)Flamesilocks X231 gems
6)ShadowFlash1278 X166 gems
7)EmoMouse X106 gems
8)Professor_Maple X65 gems
9)Bgrippa X52 gems
10)XxMega_CharizardxX X50 gems
11)LuxrayRanger21 X45 gems
12)flytewing X26 gems
13)Soulstice X24 gems
14)Togekiss X23 gems
15)Anara X22 gems
16)viee94 X20 gems
17)sugiith X14 gems
17)Temy X14 gems
18)APHBrussels X12 gems
18)chillywilly1990 X12 gems
18)ZoruaLove X12 gems
19)ShaneWulfric X10 gems
20)1q2w3e4r X8 gems
20)ShadowTyphlosion X8 gems
21)Nicoliole X5 gems
21)Pantheon113 X5 gems
22)Dharmadan X4 gems
23)Suvam_Behera X3 gems
23)Saturnman X3 gems
23)TheSilverFox X3 gems
24)Hinata_Hyuga X1 gems
24)Harmony123123 X1 gems
24)Junichi_Masuda X1 gems

Here's a list of the slots given to various users.
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None at the moment.

Show hidden content
1)Ximbatika(Adamant/brave natured){payment decided is 350k}.
2)PARADOX17(Adamant/brave natured){payment decided is 330k}.

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Congratulations! A megable Mudkip hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #28)!
(Lax nature)

Congratulations! A megable Mudkip hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #41)!
(Modest nature). Sold it to Jin_Kazama for 350k

Congratulations! A megable Mudkip hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #92)!
(Impish nature). Exchanged it with Darkchomp for a Megable Sableye.

Congratulations! A megable Mudkip hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #105)!
(Bold nature). Exchanged it with Rosie for a megable audino.

Congratulations! A megable Mudkip hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #185)!
(Brave nature)Sold it to Ximbatika for 350k

Congratulations! A megable Mudkip hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #211)!
(Gentle nature). Sold it to AK_MASTER for 100k+50X+1X(Dragon Gem)

Congratulations! A shiny Mudkip hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #221)!
(Quirky nature)

Congratulations! A shiny Mudkip hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #259)!
(Naive nature)

Congratulations! A shiny Mudkip hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #270)!
(Brave nature)

Congratulations! A shiny Mudkip hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #296)!
(Brave nature). Wonder Trade with froakieforlife and recieved a shiny bunneary

Congratulations! A megable Mudkip hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #349)!
(Sassy nature)

Congratulations! A shiny Mudkip hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #404)!
(Docile nature)

Congratulations! A shiny Mudkip hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #418)!
(Lonely nature)

Congratulations! A megable Mudkip hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #426)!
(Quiet nature)

Congratulations! A shiny Mudkip hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #454)!
(Serious nature)

Congratulations! A megable Mudkip hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #457)!
(Quirky nature)

Congratulations! A shiny Mudkip hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #507)!
(Sassy nature) Exchanged it with MonsterTruck for a Shiny Blaziken.

Congratulations! A shiny Mudkip hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #514)!
(Gentle nature)

Congratulations! A shiny Mudkip hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #533)!
(Bashful nature)

Congratulations! A shiny Mudkip hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #564)!
(Sassy nature)

Congratulations! A shiny Mudkip hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #581)!
(Quirky nature)

[Read more]
Posted: Wed, 27/01/2016 02:57 (9 Years ago)
1200pd for the water gems
if u wanna trade let me know via palpad

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Posted: Sun, 27/12/2015 15:56 (9 Years ago)

~Okay~, then you have decided to donate it for the sake of friendship.
MY Friends who have donated me :-
Show hidden content
None at the moment....

And I will give you all guys some exciting gift for sure.

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Posted: Sun, 27/12/2015 15:56 (9 Years ago)

~Okay~, then you have decided to donate it to me for the raffle.

Firstly, the name of the raffle is #ShinyDialga

So, to participate in this raffle you have to donate me a / .

Why you should do that?
Show hidden content
Firstly, it would help me in completing my dream to shiny hunt DIALGA and the site would have its SHINY DIALGA. Secondly, it would help you own a hatched DIALGA without breaking your long shiny chains.

In return what you get :-
You get a hatched + 30,000 or an ITEM equivalent to that+ 1X DialgaRaffleCoupon
Quote from DialgaRaffle1)You get a 1XDialgaRaffleCoupon for every donation.
2)The donator with most number of DialgaRaffleCoupons wins the raffle.

Winners of the DialgaRaffle win the following :-
Show hidden content
2)Mega Stones
3)More to be added soon.........

Leading Users of the DialgaRaffle are as follows :-
Show hidden content
1)RampagingRayquaza - 1XDialgaRaffleCoupon .
2)PastryPies - 1XDialgaRaffleCoupon .
3)NeonHyena - 1XDialgaRaffleCoupon .

Users whom i owe a DIALGA :-
Show hidden content
1)RampagingRayquaza donated me a .
2)PastryPies donated me a .
3)NeonHyena donated me a .

[Read more]
Posted: Sun, 27/12/2015 15:56 (9 Years ago)

~Okay~, then you have decided to sell it then


I pay you 120,000 for Vortex of Time (Map) or An Adamant Orb . You got to simply use the form to trade in this case.


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[color=blue][size=10][h][u]Hey, Dialga's Shiny Hunter I want to sell you [img]http://wiki.pokeheroes.com/images/f/f5/Terra-cave-%28map%29.png[/img]/[img]http://i.imgur.com/U4El12f.png?2[/img] for the 120,000[img]//staticpokeheroes.com/img/items/pokedollar.png[/img][/color][/size][/h][/u]
I have:


I pay you 80 for Vortex of Time (Map) or An Adamant Orb . You got to simply use the form to trade in this case.


Show hidden content
[color=green][size=10][h][u]Hey, Dialga's Shiny Hunter I want to sell you [img]http://wiki.pokeheroes.com/images/f/f5/Terra-cave-%28map%29.png[/img]/[img]http://i.imgur.com/U4El12f.png?2[/img] for the 80[img]//staticpokeheroes.com/img/items/nugget.png[/img][/color][/size][/h][/u]
I have:


I pay you ITEMS for Vortex of Time (Map) or An Adamant Orb . You got to palpad me to have a trade in this case.


Show hidden content
[color=red][size=10][h][u]Hey, Dialga's Shiny Hunter I want to sell you [img]http://wiki.pokeheroes.com/images/f/f5/Terra-cave-%28map%29.png[/img]/[img]http://i.imgur.com/U4El12f.png?2[/img] for the ITEMS we have decided on palpad.[/color][/size][/h][/u]
I have:
Have you palpaded me:


I pay you 5X Lugia Egg Vouchers for Vortex of Time (Map) or An Adamant Orb . You got to simply use the form to trade in this case. Currently have 20+ in stock.


Show hidden content
[color=purple][size=10][h][u]Hey, Dialga's Shiny Hunter I want to sell you [img]http://wiki.pokeheroes.com/images/f/f5/Terra-cave-%28map%29.png[/img]/[img]http://i.imgur.com/U4El12f.png?2[/img] for the 5XLugia Egg Vouchers[/color][/size][/h][/u]
I have:

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Posted: Sun, 27/12/2015 15:54 (9 Years ago)


Spreading Of Raffle
So, [user]Fugacious[/user] is holding a raffle for the donation of [b]Vortex of Time Maps[/b] and [b]Adamant Orbs.[/b]
He is also buying those items
Winners have a chance at getting:
1)A Mega Stone
3)more to be added soon.....
[url=http://pokeheroes.com/forum_thread?id=39680]Take A look at this thread on the forums for more details.[/url]
[b]Spreading the hashtag you can win : Fossils, Lugia Egg Vouchers, Some Gems, etc.[/b]

As the forum states I am gonna shiny hunt DIALGA. So guys, I really require your help :-

If you got Vortex of Time (Map) or An Adamant Orb for sale or donation or you are unable to hatch it as you are on a shiny hunt, then you are at the right place.

Will start my shiny hunt after collecting a minimum number of 100 /

Number of / i have collected so far :-(11/100)

Firstly, classify yourself whether you want to :-
1)Sell it to me.
2)Donate it to me for the raffle.
3)Donate it for the sake of friendship.

Also, check this raffle out to see how my race opponent's doing! If you have any Emeralds or Sky Pillar Maps, give them to him!

[Read more]
Posted: Sun, 27/12/2015 14:23 (9 Years ago)

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Posted: Sun, 27/12/2015 13:56 (9 Years ago)

[Read more]
Posted: Sun, 27/12/2015 13:36 (9 Years ago)
Spreading Code to my raffle

So, [user]Fugacious[/user] is holding a raffle for the donation of [b]Vortex of Time Maps[/b] and [b]Adamant Orbs.[/b]
He is also buying those items
Winners have a chance at getting:
1)A Mega Stone
3)more to be added soon.....
[url=http://pokeheroes.com/forum_thread?id=39680]Take A look at this thread on the forums for more details.[/url]
[b]Spreading the hashtag you can win : Fossils, Lugia Egg Vouchers, Some Gems, etc.[/b]

[Read more]
Posted: Sun, 27/12/2015 12:32 (9 Years ago)
So, [user]Fugacious[/user] is am holding a raffle for the donation of vortex of time maps and adamant orbs.
Also buying them.
Winners get:-
1)mega stone
3)more to be added soon.....
Checkout [url=http://pokeheroes.com/forum_thread?id=39680]this forum for more details.[/url]
[b]Spreading can win you fossils, lugia egg vouchers, bunch of gems , etc.[/b]

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