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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from TheOverbear.
Posted: Fri, 16/09/2016 03:14 (8 Years ago)
Mitch halted to analyze the sign, planting his fist on his hips and puffing out his chest dramatically. His eyes followed the sign's directions, and he gazed down the road towards the town. "Well," he replied, pivoting to face Leo, "I want to shop. Window shop, specifically. As you can see," Mitch paused to take out his wallet and open it up to demonstrate its nigh emptiness, "I have very little money." Mitch snapped the wallet closed and slipped it back into his pocket. "I'm hoping that there'll be a job I can take that won't interfere with my schedule. Get a resume together and figure out my schedule, then apply for some jobs, as I enjoy having a steady source of income." Mitch's face became forcedly solemn, and he nodded and stared into Leo's eyes. Then he broke into a grin and guffawed.

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Posted: Thu, 15/09/2016 22:18 (8 Years ago)
Mitch took a huge breath of the nippy air and let it all out in one great puff. Upon Leo's comment, Mitch whipped his head around. "What? Oh, am I going to fast?" Mitch turned so that instead of looking over his shoulder, he was walking backwards. "Sorry about that, just got a little distracted, you know?" Mitch shrugged with his hands, smirking a little. "Um... Sooooo..."Mitch dragged out the word so before pursing his lips and making a popping sound with his mouth. "It's pretty cold outside, right?" Mitch tried.

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Posted: Thu, 15/09/2016 21:45 (8 Years ago)
Mitch sighed, relieved that he hadn't done anything wrong. He suddenly felt very awkward and out of place. It felt like there was a sign above his head shouting LOOK! HE'S WRONG! HE WAS SCARED! Mitch crossed his arms over his chest. "Aight." Mitch rubbed the back of his neck stiffly, then dropped them, as if indecisive. "It's fine," he continued, tone hollow. "Um, let's go then!" Mitch tried at a happy tone, but his voice popped and his smile seemed a bit lopsided. For a few seconds, Mitch debated on whether or not he should take Leo's hand again, then quickly jammed his hands into his pockets and turned on his heel, marching straight towards the door. Ugh, what an idiot he was. And now he was just making Leo feel bad for yelling at him. Stupid, stupid, stupid Mitch.

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Posted: Thu, 15/09/2016 20:10 (8 Years ago)
Mitch ground to a stop instantly, comically wobbling on one foot before hopping around to face Leo. Mitch frowned and cocked his head, confused. He looked a bit like a puppy in that moment, not hurt, just confused. "Is something up?" Mitch asked, searching Leo's face with his eyes. Mitch hoped nothing was wrong. Perhaps Leo had forgotten something. That was an awfully loud yell though. Had Mitch hurt him? Mitch came to the sudden realization that he was still clasping tight to Leo's hand, and dropped it like it bit him, a blush spreading from his ears to his cheek bones.

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Posted: Thu, 15/09/2016 15:47 (8 Years ago)
"Yes yes yes yes yes let's go let's go!" Mitch grabbed Leo's arm, jumping up and down excitedly like a child. Mitch's eyes were wide and earnest. "Dude I don't even know what this town is called but holy heck I want to go," he jabbered, grinning. Without another word, Mitch dragged Leo out of their room by his elbow, pausing only momentarily to shout at his cat and lock the door. "Don't wreck our stuff!"

With that warning, Mitch grabbed Leo's wrist and bolted down the stairs, hardly even looking where they were going.

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Posted: Wed, 14/09/2016 01:05 (8 Years ago)
Mitch listened silently to Leo's words, staring at Maou instead of maintaining eye-contact, and only responding with a nod or a shrug. Upon invitation to check out the town, Mitch lit up. He sat up instantly, eyes twinkling and merry, his grin large. "Do I!" Mitch responded, picking up Maou as he stood and ungracefully dropping her on her bed, leading to Maou making ungodly mewls of protest. "I'd love to!" He dug through a pocket of his bag and pulled out a skinny wallet, which he jammed into his pocket along with his dorm key. "Let's go!"

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Posted: Tue, 13/09/2016 13:35 (8 Years ago)
Mitch shrugged. "I dunno, memories? A kind of portfolio or something? I'unno." Mitch bit his lip and stared at Maou, slowly stroking her back. "I have my doodles, mostly because I'm a hoarder." Mitch chuckled. Maou turned her head to peek out of one eye at Mitch. She arched her back then padded around to a more comfortable position. Mitch sighed. "So did you just not like anything you made? Bet it's better than anything I could make." Mitch had tried to make a bowl once, and it had collapsed into a decorative plate, so he was pretty confident in that statement.

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Posted: Sun, 11/09/2016 22:13 (8 Years ago)
Mitch nodded hastily. "Yeah, seems like a lot more liberal arts. I mean, you could always check? They might have sculpting or pottery. Or your could do a general artsy degree, like Art and Design or Communications. I've been thinking about something like that, but I only really doodle." Mitch shrugged. "So what do you make? Have you finished anything before?" Mitch gasped exaggeratedly. "Do you have any with you?" He asked excitedly. Maou hopped onto Mitch's bed and curled up in his lap, shooting a lazy eye at Leo before snuggling down and taking a nap. Mitch absent-mindedly began to stroke her fur.

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Posted: Sun, 11/09/2016 21:36 (8 Years ago)
Mitch paled at Leo's distrust, and he turned to stare at the ash tray. "No... No. It's, um, it's my dad's." Mitch's face grew impossibly sad, staring at the tray, his current expression dissonant with his persona so far. He could still feel the heat on his back from where cigarette butts had been extinguished on his shoulder blades. He began to flush, his face growing red and his fingers growing anxious. "Yeah, well. How about your major? You seem like a zoology guy, maybe?" Mitch spluttered, gesturing desperately at Leo's bird.

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Posted: Sat, 10/09/2016 19:29 (8 Years ago)
Mitch slowly arranged his candles, and once he was finished, dropped the box on his bed and took a plastic bag out of his duffle. He dumped the contents on the table, revealing three large matchbooks and 5 smaller ones, all of which he began organizing in one of his drawers. As soon as that was over, he took out a match and lit one of his candles. The room slowly began to fill with a clean, fresh scent. Mitch waved the match out and stuck it on a cigarette tray he fished from his bag.

"Hmm? Oh, yeah! Super great. I haven't really decided on a major yet though... Or minor! Pretty nervous." Mitch laughed light-heartedly. "So what about you? Have you decided on a major?"

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Posted: Fri, 09/09/2016 21:55 (8 Years ago)
Mitch hardly seems to notice Leo as he was unpacking. His face was solemn and he was entirely focused on arranging the candles along the back of the desk, twelve in all. "Huh? Oh. Oh yeah!" Mitch brought his smile back up and straightened his back, wheeling to face his roomie. "Candles! I collect them. Kinda silly of me, but I find them fascinating." Mitch began to gesture to various candles. "This is a tea light. They don't make a lot of scent, but they're good for decorating. This tall one is the same, best for candlelit dinners. I'm surprised it did't break," Mitch commented, gently feeling the wax for cracks. "It'd be pretty easy to fix though, just needs a little heat."

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Posted: Fri, 09/09/2016 18:55 (8 Years ago)
Mitch's eyebrows raised. "Shoot, really? That's pretty far out." Mitch glanced at each side before dropping his duffle on the left bed. "I'll take this side, if you're fine with that." He unzipped his bag and took out a cardboard box labeled "CANDLES." Maou wailed, pawing at the bars, and Mitch made a face at her.

"Hope you don't mind," Mitch mumbled as he slid to the door and closed it. "Behave," Mitch hissed at Maou, and the tabby mewled innocently. Mitch opened the cage and Maou hopped out, instantly in charge of the room. After he let Maou out, Mitch went back to his desk and proceeded to unpack several candles of various sizes and colors, all different.

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Posted: Fri, 09/09/2016 13:16 (8 Years ago)
It seems cool, but where will they get the extra bed and how will they fit it in there?

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Posted: Fri, 09/09/2016 13:04 (8 Years ago)
"Close! Her name is Maou. Like mew, but more ow." Mitch smirked. "And thanks. Nice accent, by the way. Where're you from?" Mitch stepped ahead to their dorm room door, keeping his head tilted towards Leo so that he wouldn't miss his reply. Mitch fumbled with the key a bit, then finally managed to unlock the door and open in up. "Neat," Mitch commented, striding into the room casually.

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Posted: Fri, 09/09/2016 04:18 (8 Years ago)
Mitch trotted to catch up, then fell into pace with Leo. He somewhat anxiously flipped his key between his fingers, reading door plaques in search of 314. "So, what's your bird's name?" Mitch asked, trying to make conversation. He had run into a lull in what to chatter about, which was unacceptable. "They're super cute." He stooped a bit to get a better look at the bird. Humming bird? Exotic. Well, not exactly, but it was rare to see one as a pet.

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Posted: Thu, 08/09/2016 20:59 (8 Years ago)
"Hmm, well," Mitch muttered as he patted at his pockets. Did he still have it on him? Yes, I do, he thought as he dug into his back pockets and dragged out the dorm room key. "Yep! Got mine. What about you, got it on you?" Mitch asked, curious. Hopefully Leo hadn't lost his key on the first day. That'd be a major bummer. Mitch rubbed the jagged edge of the key with his thumb, and thought about the contents of his duffle. Hopefully the matches were still packed properly, and all his jostling hadn't broken any glass. Those candles were very important, as were the matches to light them. Well, Mitch had gone through the city on the way here. Even though he hadn't seen one, maybe there was a Yankee Candles store. He'd love to visit it.

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Posted: Thu, 08/09/2016 14:57 (8 Years ago)
"Alrighty then," Mitch replied, readjusting his grip on Maou's cage and starting to walk again, this time at a slower pace.

Mitch continued to babble as he and Leo made their way to the building. Upon entering though, Mitch excitedly broke off, running a bit down the hallway before backtracking and starting up the stairs. "314 is probably upstairs right? Yeah," Mitch huffed back at Leo's general direction. Mitch was obviously super excited. A dorm to himself (and Leo, and their respective pets)? Score!

Mitch hustled his way up to the op of the stairs, where he dropped his things and bent over, planting his hands on his knees and wheezing over dramatically. "Wow. Okay. Bad idea. Oh my gosh." Mitch tossed his head back and groaned, then stooped to pick up his things. "Remind me to not do that again," he said, plausibly to Leo, plausibly to Maou, most likely to himself.

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Posted: Thu, 08/09/2016 14:03 (8 Years ago)
Mitch continued on towards the building, head in the clouds. "Leo, huh? That's a fancy name. Never met anyone named Leo before. Sure it ain't Leonardo?" Mitch giggled, then noticed that Leo wasn't actually keeping pace with him. Mitch pivoted slowly, brow furrowing. Maybe Leo was just shy or something, but Mitch was confused. "Hey, what's wrong? You coming?" Mitch shrugged his shoulder lightly towards the building, indicating that he meant for Leo to come with him. It was the first day and all, and the first day was the best day to chat people up and make some buddies.

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Posted: Thu, 08/09/2016 01:01 (8 Years ago)
"Oh!" Mitch chirped excitedly. "So we're roomies? Lucky! And after you tried to ruin my day," He said, raising Maou's cage so that he could stare her straight in the eyes. She mewled apologetically and rolled over. Mitch couldn't help but smile at her antics.

"Well, Mr. Roommate, let's get a move on!" Mitch declared, turning and marching towards the building Leo had indicated. Mitch quickly began to babble. "By the way, I like your birdcage, it's very fancy. Say, what's your name? I certainly can't call you 'Mr. Roommate' forever, ha! I'm Mitch. My friends call me Mitch." He chuckled at his own joke.

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Posted: Wed, 07/09/2016 14:59 (8 Years ago)
"Maou!" Mitch hollered as the chubby tabby barreled down the sidewalk. "Maou, get back here!" Maou paused at an intersection, and Mitch took the opportunity to leap for the cat. Literally. Mitch dived for Maou and snatched her soundly. Maou threw a hissy fit as Mitch forced her back into her cage. "Listen you little fuzzy-butt, I said you could come out if you were good. That," Mitch said, waving a hand around, "was not good!" Maou thinned as Mitch stood and began to take stock of his things. Luckily, nothing had been broken in the chase. He looked around a bit sheepishly, and realized that he had no idea where the dorms were. He had been lost before, and he was even more so now. He breathed a sigh of relief as he spotted a boy with a birdcage off a little ways away. "Excuse me!" Mitch called, jogging to catch up with the boy and praying that he hadn't seen Mitch's blunder. "Excuse me, do you know where the dorms are? I'm supposed to be in... 314, I think? I have no clue where that is." Mitch chuckled.

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