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Posted: Sat, 30/06/2018 10:49 (6 Years ago)
Please don't make it even by taking away kyurem's stat change too...

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Posted: Fri, 29/06/2018 17:09 (6 Years ago)
Groudon's stats don't improve when it becomes primal...
Don't know if this happens for Kyoger...
Cause I don't own one.
I just got a groudon...
Please don't tell me the forms are only for some sort of dex completion!

I'm convinced this is a flaw cause my kyurem doesn't seem to have the same issue.

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Posted: Fri, 29/06/2018 07:03 (6 Years ago)
Didn't you just say you were getting this back up?

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Posted: Thu, 28/06/2018 04:49 (6 Years ago)
Trying to be a playful and carefree person has stopped being fun....
Sure I met lots of wonderful people and they were nice to me too...
But that quickly ended...
I guess I should go back to being a serious loner...
People eventually seem to get tired of cheerfulness...
Maybe they got exposed to me more than I should have let them...
Well at least that won't happen is I go back to being a quiet person.

It kind of sucks that it only lasted about 3-4 days...
Well I've only been here 24 days...
Hope I find more friends who don't get tired of me...
So far their numbers are very small and most of them are ones I know personally...

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Posted: Fri, 22/06/2018 15:23 (6 Years ago)
sun pokemon...

No solgaleo or solrock...

Primeape, slurpuff, something else...

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Posted: Fri, 22/06/2018 09:53 (6 Years ago)

It's been 18 days since I started playing this game...
I had doubts on my mind about joining this site because it's more of an "adoptable" game... (Don't know if thats the right way to say it)

In all my other I've rarely caught more than 12-18 pokemon... (Notable exeption-Emerald the first time I played I completed the pokedex and used a different well trained party against each gym leader too)

For later games I got to relying on just one team of six that I caught and trained throughout the journey.

The only time I regretted this tactic was in Dark rising 1 where I couldn't defeat the final boss, my party had relied on my over the top level grinding and an excellent moveset up until then.

This was the only thought apart from my friends' insistence that got me to enter...

And honestly, I don't regret it although I don't know them at all I've made some very good friends...

I don't know how to make the "show content/hide content" button so I'll be listing there names...

Galvadyne was the first to welcome me along with KakashiHatake and TheFallen who I know personally...

I first met Denied who I guess is my best friend on this platform at Discord which I think LOLZGAMER113 invited me to.

She has been very helpful in helping me get going here...

Then I met CharmanderForLive, AlexTheSnivy and Shangria who were other newcomers who battl;e with me often...

catnoir7529 is another sparring partner although he doesn't talk much he has challenged me to battle more times than anyone else...

I had been winning easily with a team which I am aware has two flaws-

1, It is weak to water...(not type weakness but don't have the ability to make massive damage on one it it will be a long drawn inch and inch battle)

2, Doesn't have a water or ground type... this hasn't been much of a problem yet but thats only cause there are so many flying types out there and electric types aren't used extensively...

The first high level trainer I fought was Psylo I won but recognize that it was only because he used a non legendary/mega team against me cause I was a beginner I acknowledge that he has to put more attention into his best team to give his best among his peers I hope I can fight him one day when he won't have to hold back.
(He has this interesting challenge now if you beat him as of today unbeaten tea he will give you gifts!)

Then I had my first loss I had a battle with a level 13 trainer I didn't know that an autolevel hadn't been set...
Nor did I know that he had started playing 4 years ago cosmin_2006 gave me my first taste of loosing...(complements of his super Lv414 Emolga) until after the battle cosmin didn't know that I expected there to be no autolevel either cause my blaziken had took out his fortress (Which I later realized was Lv417) with a fire type sp attack...

He gave me a rematch and I won but I learned to pay attention to every detail that day...

But because all my pals seem to be from the other side of the world (Online together at dawn and dusk!) and the ones I knew rarely came online...

I started looking through the forum for battles when I got lonely and sent plushies to newer trainers to make more friends...

Thats when I came across The~Dark~Mystery's tournament...
Huge prizes that if I won would take me up 10 levels in the least (In terms of items I would have...)

But I when I read the rules I realized I had no chance Items are the only restriction...

I talked to him later too and tried to contribute to the prize money cause I could only hope someone would set up an event so awesome when I'm ready for such a battle...

He said he didn't need anything more to add to the prize and that it was fine as it is and gave me a DNA splicer white which I had mentioned in our conversation as what caught my eye the most I was looking for one at the moment but all players who offered one online happened to be inactive at the time... (I was later contacted by three players and bought an extra one too cause I had asked him if he wanted a deal the third person acknowledged that I didn't need to buy one if I had two that nice guy is Pastatarian EmmyFalcon who I bough one from would later block me for reasons I don't know I wante to ask for an update allowing the blockees to know why the blockers blocked them but I decided against it cause it would be unfair to those who have legitimate reasons...I hope to find out why some day...Wanted to paste our whole conversation in my feed and ask people to help find out the reason for this mystery but apparetntly there was a word limit and I later lost interest...)

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Posted: Thu, 21/06/2018 09:53 (6 Years ago)
I don't know what I'm doing!
This is posting new message but I was asked to comment!

Outdated stuff still if someone sees this tell me what it was about!!!

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Posted: Wed, 20/06/2018 14:04 (6 Years ago)
Why couldn't this be about competing pokemon clubs and competition between clubs???

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Posted: Wed, 20/06/2018 07:21 (6 Years ago)

Title: Nine letters


Cosplay pikachu

Root Fossil



Iron Tail

Great ball

Endless path

Endless path






Stardust and spray duck are one words...
And my mouse is faulty so it clicks twice!

Mega Steelix


Trainer Red


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Posted: Sun, 03/06/2018 16:44 (6 Years ago)

Title: Hi! I am new here!

I am a very enthusiastic fan of pokemon...
It was my friends vis KakashiHatake and EagleEye who introduced me to this game...
It was a few years ago but I never really got the opportunity to start playing this today I have completed a major phase of my life and can now afford to spend time on this platform...
I have played all (almost) of the traditional pokemon games and many hacks and I was focused almost only on the battling part (not the least interested in breeding, trading etc...) I am interested to see how this game will push me...
I have major doubts about how a game without movesets and abilities will keep me interested...
I have interacted without an account for a long time and I doubt if this for of training can keep me interested for long but I hope for the best and look foreward to a wonderful experience.

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