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Searching for: Posts from Sylva.
Posted: Sun, 24/06/2018 09:04 (6 Years ago)
Username: Sylva
Payment: 150 grass gems
Total Number of Tickets:150

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Posted: Fri, 22/06/2018 18:48 (6 Years ago)
"I'd be surprised if it was. But the most problematic thing is: where are all the souls. I've heard about awful black magic devices. Something like soul catchers. I wouldn't be surprised if we found some." He said. He just hoped the coming trials would be things that they could document rather than have to actively interact with. Things held behind bars would be nice. "However, for all the wraiths and the souls we can feel I don't know where they are." He said. That worried him, especially as the magic pressure seemed to increase as the number of souls he could feel decreased.

"..." He was silent for a moment, looking left and right. "Not sure, to the right?" He asked. He wasn't sure it mattered. They hadn't got a floorplan of the building as the dark magic interfered heavily with scrying. It was against the 'flow' of the magic swirling through the air. Which means if they needed to go back it would be easier. Well, that was if the magic vortex had any effect on them or whether it was just body-less souls.

The glowing sphere danced between them as they walked through the building. He was purposefully moving it so that their shadows would constantly be moving so nothing could sneak up on them. At least, that's what he hoped. If he was a water element mage they'd be having a massive problem right now. "This is the last time I go on a 'people are dissapearing, go investigate' mission." He said with a huff.

(Sorry for taking so long. I got good bit into the post and had massive block on how to write the rest of it. And exams. So many exams)

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Posted: Thu, 14/06/2018 18:42 (6 Years ago)
The feline preferred his fire spells and spells that would counter other spells. Preferring to stop others casting spells at all rather than have to deal with the consequences of whatever they had cast. He was alright at dispelling other spells if they weren't too strong... but it could drain too much energy to simply keep casting dispel spells. At least, that's what he found.

Shakily standing up, an involuntary tear sliding down his face, he interwove his fingers and outstretched his hands so that his palms were facing the entrance. A pulse of magic emanated from his fingers. The inside becoming light up, anything magical would glow. The air itself seemed infused with magic, swirling and coalescing. Seeming to be spinning towards the centre and swirling counter-clockwise.

Directly in front of them was something, hands outstretched to the barrier. Anyone knowledgeable on wraiths would know this was a wraith-lord. Near invisible to all but those who had night vision and were currently in darkness. Whilst wraiths could barely interact with anything, a wraith-lord could touch living creatures and draw out their souls. Many, many wraiths had to be 'sacrificed' to create one of these.

Thankfully they weren't difficult to dispel. Much like wraiths they were incredibly weak to bright light.

The feline bristled in anger at what he saw. Fire erupting from his palms to scorch the creature before them. "It seems that the trap was more something was waiting for us." He said, shivering. Few ever survived contact with those creatures. Usually, because they were taken by surprise and couldn't see what was happening.

Jace was already feeling the effects of the spells he had casted. Panting a bit. They hadn't come this far to turn back. "I'm good to continue. However, I get the feeling we're going to need therapy after this." He said with a mirthless chuckle. Casting mage light a decent sized glowing sphere appeared in front of them. "If it's just wraiths for the moment this should keep us safe." He said. Stepping through the door and nothing happened he sighed. It seems safe enough." He said, it was cold in here. Not quite chilly but definitely colder than outside.

The room, well more like a wide corridor, stretched out for about eight meters and split onto the left and right.

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Posted: Tue, 12/06/2018 19:47 (6 Years ago)
"If that's their souls... likely dead, if not worse. It's almost like a whirlpool in there." Jace said as he tried to read the magic. It was all twisted, wrong in a way that he couldn't describe. He tried to wrack his memory for anything that mentions these kind of effects but came up blank. Waving a paw he tried to perform the proper 'detect magic' spell he'd been taught but like his natural magic reading skill the results didn't make sense. Actually, they made less sense. He could tell there were many souls in there but the number of them that were actually alive was... likely very few.

A wraith-like figure stood just inside the darkness. Jace turned his hand towards it and it faded away. Pulling his hand away the figure returned. It was looking at them. "Oh no." Jace said. Wraith's were created when a person's soul was torn from their body in certain dark rituals. The person's body 'faded' from the world and darkened to shadow. Left neither alive nor dead and required magic to dispel. They tended to fade out of sight if there was too much light and couldn't interact with the world without the aid of magic or if there were many of them.

"It's no problem. I'm thinking we start at the top and work our way down? I can't get any proper readings with whatever magic is still going on in this place. I think it was recent too." Jace said. "So, cautious. We need to find out what is going on and the more we can do before going downstairs the better." He said, he didn't know why but he felt like underground would be significantly worse than upstairs.

Stepping through the door. He was hit with a wave of nausea. If it was bad on the approach it was awful inside. He was forced to kneel and put a hand over his maw. His flame went out as he seemed to retch. A purple energy gathering at his fingers and eyes. The magic in here pulling at his soul and trying to drag it out of his body. Raising a paw he closed his eyes and fire began to pour from every strand of fur on his body. A warmth was all that would be felt on contact. The fire carried protection magic, it was a high level fire technique that would 'purge' other magic around him for a short while. He staggered back out and flopped onto his back as the fire went out. Not a fur on his body was harmed.

"No wonder there are souls here. Anyone who wonders in here will have their soul ripped from their body." The feline said, he felt disgusted at what had just happened to him. Violated in a way nothing had made him feel before. He cast a basic soul ward, a white band appearing on his head and a circle on his chest and back over his heart. "And anyone who investigates... was anyone else sent to investigate?" He asked, mildly horrified at the thought.

Standing up he shook himself off. "So, uhh what should we try next?" The ocelot was a bit unsure of himself now after that. If he didn't know that defensive magic he would have just died.

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Posted: Tue, 12/06/2018 09:58 (6 Years ago)
The trees were beautiful. A forest of pine with green for as far as the eye could see. At least, that's how it was for the group that was heading to their target. A building in the middle of the forest, secluded from the rest of the world. It had gone largely unnoticed for, as far as they could tell, years. But in the nearby towns people had started disappearing. At least, the reports had started to come in recently. Who know's how many people who lived on the streets, who no-one cared about, had already vanished.

"I don't have a good feeling about this." Jace said. The ocelot's tail bristling. Despite the fairly cheery atmosphere and the decent illumination from the sun something felt wrong. There wasn't any sounds one would usually associate with the forest. It was simply so quiet.

The building itself seemed to be constructed of wood and straw... but was too large for a structure so badly constructed to ever be able to stand up. No light seemed to penetrate the tightly woven sticks and the entrance was just a ragged hole in the side.

"Not ominous in the slightest." He said with a soft 'hehe'. It was certainly one of the creepiest job he'd been on and they hadn't even entered the building. Jace shivered as he created a small flame as they entered the mouth to try and see a little inside. "C-can you feel that?" He asked, feeling oddly skittish as he felt a large presence of magic in the building and many souls. He normally wasn't so skittish but something about this place wasn't right. It almost looked like the building had no edges to it.

Before he'd been assigned to helping deal with dragons, the feral kind, and stop slave trafficking but this was something else. Jace knew of black magic and knew a bit on how to counter it but it wasn't exactly his speciality.

Inside the building, on the floor below them, a ritual was taking place. It still had a day or two left to go but it would summon a very powerful deity that had been locked away. That was just one of the things happening inside.

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Posted: Fri, 08/06/2018 08:32 (6 Years ago)

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Posted: Wed, 30/05/2018 17:50 (6 Years ago)
Heya peeps.

Like the title says I'm looking for pokemon I don't yet have... that aren't more than 10k PD (looking more to fill out the 'dex than get the expensive legendary's)

Here's my compare page for easy access!

http://pokeheroes.com/userpokedex.php?name=Sylva&compare here is the url raw link in case it's easier.

Looking to buy at roughly these prices:
-easy: 200-400 pd
-medium: 400-600 pd
-hard: 600-800 pd
-rare: 800-1000 pd
-starter male: 1000-2000 pd
-starter female: 2000-3000 pd
-unknown: 5000+ pd
-Other: Palpad/post

But I'm more than happy to negotiate for a price that might be more... agreeable for certain pokemon.

And if you want just set up a GTS with pokemon and a note of what price you're looking for. I also will trade combee (male and/or female) for pokemon.

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Posted: Sun, 27/05/2018 17:36 (6 Years ago)
I'm looking to do some rp's. My rp stuff can be found on my diary at the bottom of the page. I'm looking to do 1x1 rp's. Mostly because I'm not good at group rp's (but I can play multiple characters).

But in case you want a quick rundown of what I'm like:
Semi-lit to literate
Can do pg only
Can do 18+ on discord or skype or something
Can do furry
Can do feral/quad
Can do human
Can do some fandoms (pokemon, FNAF, undertale)
Can try AU's.
I will try to meet or exceed your post length.
Prefers OC's in most cases.
Can do/try most genres.
I'm happy to give most things a go
Prefers MxM

I don't know if this is the correct place to post this DX

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Posted: Sun, 27/05/2018 14:44 (6 Years ago)

Title: Shop 2

(e) for everstone
*User Name: Sylva
*Pokemon(s) you want: Togepi, Blaziken, Mudkip(e), Marshtomp(e), Swampart, Lombre, skitty, Torkoal, metagross, wormadam (sand), stunky, carnivine, tangrowth, serperior, lillipup(e), munna(e), munna, Scraggy, Sigilyph, Cofagrius, beheeyem, axew(e), stunfisk, Bisharp, larvesta, Braviary, Heatmor, Pangoro, Doublade, Dragalge
*Box for find it: They are all in shop two
*Total in Pd: Once again, I'm not entirely sure ^^

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Posted: Sat, 26/05/2018 15:06 (6 Years ago)

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Posted: Fri, 25/05/2018 17:10 (6 Years ago)
(e) is for everstone
*User Name: Sylva
*Pokemon(s) you want: Chikorita (retro), sunkern, sunkern, murkrow(e), swinub(e), magby(e), treeko(e), grovyle(e), nuzleaf(e), ralts, gardevoire(e), vigoroth(e), aggron, manetric, grumpig, Vibrava(e), Flygon, Altaria, Zangoose, Tropius, Spheal(e), Clampearl(e), Gastrodon (east), stunky(e), Gibel(e), garchomp, Hippowdon, Toxicroak, Lumineon, pansear(e), unfezant (male), Excadrill, Scolipede, Darumaka(e), sandile(e), Scrafty, Crustle, Swanna, deerling(e)(summer), deerling(summer), sawsbuck (autumn), lampent(e), beartic, Mienshao, Pawniard(e), Bouffalant, Rufflet(e), Vullaby, Pyroar, Floette (Blue), Floette (white), Floette (red), Flabébé(e)(white), Flabébé(e)(red), Furfrou, Gogoat, Clawitzer.
*Box for find it: They are all in shop one
*Total in Pd: I don't honestly know. How much would you charge (considering I don't know how much for chikorita and some of the more specific requests I've made). For each everstone i will reimburse you for the everstone

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Posted: Fri, 25/05/2018 16:32 (6 Years ago)
I would like to place an order!(:
Name of Pokemon(s): Lantern, Togepie
Specific gender?: nope
Shiny?: nope
Mega-able?: nope
Price: 350 (medium:togepie)+500 (rare:lantern)=850

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Posted: Wed, 23/05/2018 07:28 (6 Years ago)
Kendra, a Retype please!
Username: Sylva
Pokemon: latios
New Type: Dark
Extra: Please tell me I've filled it all out correctly this time

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Posted: Mon, 21/05/2018 17:38 (6 Years ago)
I have some box's and keys I'm looking to sell. 4 light blue. And some keys: 1 Brown, 1 Green, 2 Pink, 2 Purple, 1 red.

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Posted: Sun, 20/05/2018 19:17 (6 Years ago)
Literacy// Basic to Semi-lit but it varies! I've done Basic rp's to Literate rp's

Length and Style// Anywhere between a few lines to two thousand characters (although my paragraphs tend not to uhh... be too great at that length). I'm not really fussed about spelling/grammar errors. However, if I'm really confused by something I may query it just to make sure my character doesn't respond... stupidly.

Interests/Genre// I'm happy to do Quad, anthro or human rp's. I prefer OC's even if we're in a particular fandom (as I'm not really too good at pulling off how canon characters act)(but there are some exceptions).

As for fandom's I'm interested in: Pokemon, Spyro the Dragon (can kind of cannon), Mass Effect, Dead Space, Danganropa, My Hero Academia, undertale (can kind of cannon), five nights at freddies (can cannon) and a good few others.

As for specific genre's: I'm happy to do them all pretty much. I have the most experience in fantasy and the least in horror.

Maturity and Romance// A little gore is fine but I'm not a fan of excessive gore. As for other mature themes, that's a yes from me. I'm happy to do, and not to do them.

I prefer MxM by a good majority. For other pairings... you'd have to ask me. I don't play females if that helps (but may sometimes play 'other' characters).

And for romance, anywhere from innocent to not so innocent. Or it can start out as one and gradually transition into the other.

Contact// I have discord (which would need to be used for more mature themes), for lighter stuff we could use the E-mailing system (for both discussion and for writing as I find palpad rather... restrictive due to the narrow window.

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Posted: Sun, 20/05/2018 08:05 (6 Years ago)
Kendra, an Egg please!
Username: Sylva
Pokemon: Shiny Zoroa
Extra:I missed the Zoroark egg entirely XD

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Posted: Sat, 19/05/2018 20:11 (6 Years ago)
Kendra, an Egg please!
Username: Sylva
Pokemon: Zoroark

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Posted: Sat, 19/05/2018 10:00 (6 Years ago)
Good morning

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Posted: Sat, 19/05/2018 09:20 (6 Years ago)

EDIT: Got all of the pokemon. Order cancelled.

Have a nice day,

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Posted: Sat, 19/05/2018 09:08 (6 Years ago)
Cancelled order

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