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Searching for: Posts from Strawhat-Luffy.
Posted: Tue, 18/02/2025 04:17 (27 Days ago)
Its amazing, truly a work of art!!! I'm just curious if it is possible to change the headcrest from orange to black or grey, whichever works best, if possible? Also, the eye color is perfect but could the yellow part be black if thats okay?? Let me know of your opinions in PP to c:

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Posted: Sun, 02/02/2025 21:02 (1 Month ago)
Hi Froakie, I’d like to place an order :)
the items I want: all the nebula stones
the Pokémon I want: [n/a]
Everstone needed: [n/a]
Paying in: 150 nuggetz?
Note: Let me know if changed need to be made :)

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Posted: Mon, 20/01/2025 02:31 (1 Month ago)
Hello! I was just curious if these items were still available for these prices:

4 Dino Fossil: 58000, 9 drake fossils: 180,000, 1 Hollow Space Map: 160,000, 2 Vortex of time map: 310,000

If they are, could I buy them for 250 nuggetz? I'll send a private trade if yes but you can cancel if not. Thank you once again!

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Posted: Mon, 20/01/2025 02:21 (1 Month ago)
Hey Bubbly,
I’d like to buy {4 Old Vinyls} from 🔥Item Asylum🔥
It will cost {Insert Total Cost Here}. 200 nuggetz
Tips? 10 random gems
Passcode: FireMankey
Promo Code (If any):

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Posted: Sat, 18/01/2025 20:40 (1 Month ago)
Heya Froakie, I’d like to place an order :)
the items I want: 10 dynamax crystals, 1 mixer, 1 monitor, 1 refrigerator, 1 Drake fossil, 1 lustrous orb
the Pokémon I want: [n/a]
Everstone needed: no/yes
Paying in: 100 nuggetz
Note: Thank you again! I will send the trade over.

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Posted: Mon, 06/01/2025 01:52 (2 Months ago)
Username: Strawhat-Luffy
Payment: 50 nuggetz
Reference: A electivire and gengar fusion?
Other: Thanks a lot, let me know in pp if it is doable but if not, I understand. :)

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Posted: Mon, 06/01/2025 01:45 (2 Months ago)
-Username: Strawhat-Luffy

-Headshot or Full: Full

-Reference image(s): https://cdn.gencraft.com/prod/user/5e697d10-461e-47b5-9a4d-39ec6448c4d2/432158a4-f2a2-4434-9276-d0e007c7a57e/image/image0_0.jpg?Expires=1736214085&Signature=izw3Cy-e8OSr3Bz8bukxGxeJq2l7-BNTZxZqezznBsxJUnvIAjKShaUYuQ6Zx11KaDM8xm43zPq68j7uNa-8CBRomkaWHwJS9FA8umTtAf~WQuxicMGapFzp0gQiNpaVZprVc0rQEuBwoyMGt3NurahhnowRDdIQQLFEIz7fPQoS06ikajMXQkbgYr3Y~Qez~dU7RkTi7S8TgRw275U85u1P6Y0rFYdaCedjwYTRUK0p8QMLCvUCFTjYCrN~7jXqJ84kPfVFix5MFdm9azCsWLZj~0u-fq-6JsrpErarjByT-H1oxsAsml2Uy6ofAlHBovlQVhvj5RMDvTMrBoJTUQ__&Key-Pair-Id=K3RDDB1TZ8BHT8

( Sorry, couldn't find another way for url )

-Specifics (poses, expressions, etc): I just wanted it to have a more attack type of pose and different color pallete. ( Red, Black, grey, and any other shades of those )

-Password: Coffee Ice cream

-Payment: 60 nuggetz

-Anything Else?: Thanks for the creation! And also, it's up to you however you would like to place the colors. :)

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Posted: Sun, 03/12/2023 00:58 (1 Year ago)
Hello there! Can i get the gb magerna voucher and shiny suicune? Its with the 200k discount

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Posted: Wed, 11/10/2023 15:24 (1 Year ago)
Hey, Vulpix! Draw me something!
Username: Pirate-Hunter-Zoro
Art Type: headshot backround
Reference: Sent you in PM
Payment: 50 nuggetz
Password: Greninja

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Posted: Wed, 11/10/2023 06:00 (1 Year ago)
Horray! Sorry my brain wasn't working before. School has me stressed not thinking straight

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Posted: Tue, 10/10/2023 04:02 (1 Year ago)
Character Name: Pirate-Hunter-Zoro
Props/Accessories: Gengar fused with Gyokko, has the demon eyes same as Gyokko, useing lick, color scheme follows Gyokko, in mega forme, extra eyes if you feel looks nice, and another other ajustments you would like :)
Image Style: Transparent Fullbody
Expression/Personality: Serious
References: Don't really have a refernce since tried to think about something different from that art piece
Anything else: 50 nuggetz payment

You have really nice art :D

( Please lmk if I did it wrong again, I am know to mess up a lot of things, sorry for the inconviences )

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Posted: Tue, 10/10/2023 03:44 (1 Year ago)
thats alright, it makes sense, ill give it in a little more detail

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Posted: Mon, 09/10/2023 19:17 (1 Year ago)
oh sorry, im not to good with the art posts kind of thing. I was just curious if you could make not that image but like something similar in a differnet way. Not sure if this still makes sense though

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Posted: Mon, 09/10/2023 08:40 (1 Year ago)
Hey, Vulpix! Draw me something!
Username: Pirate-Hunter-Zoro
Art Type: Headshot
Shading?: yes
Reference: Somthing like this, not exactly but something like it

Anything Specific?: Not really, just in a sort of halloween design
Payment: 50k pd
Password: greninja

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Posted: Mon, 09/10/2023 03:12 (1 Year ago)
Hey, Sol! I wanna buy a Bloopem.
Username: Pirate-Hunter-Zoro
Bloopem: Seraphim bloopem
Password: r7i
Payment method: Nuggetz
Tip: 5 gems
Other: tank you! :D

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Posted: Sun, 08/10/2023 19:57 (1 Year ago)
Character Name: Pirate-Hunter-Zoro
Props/Accessories: Just how its set
Image Style: Transparent Fullbody
Expression/Personality: Just like how it is
References: Something like this? https://i.pinimg.com/564x/e2/0a/9c/e20a9c7640974ea576227df04323ea95.jpg
Anything else: 50 nuggetz as payment

( Your art is really something :-0 )

PS: You can make any adjustments to it, I trust what u make

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Posted: Sun, 24/09/2023 17:12 (1 Year ago)
Type of sprite: Darkrai x Houndoom Fusion
Base pokemon: Houndoom
Description: The houndoom should be kept it body but with few details added with darkrai and its colors
Payment(not mandatory): 10 gems?
Other: Thanks

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Posted: Mon, 11/09/2023 14:26 (1 Year ago)
Hey, Sol! I wanna buy a Bloopem.
Username: Pirate-Hunter-Zoro
Bloopem: Goodra Bloopem
Password: r40s
Payment method: 25 nuggetz
Tip: 5k PD
Other: ty!! :3

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Posted: Mon, 28/08/2023 05:00 (1 Year ago)
Hey, Sol! I wanna buy a Bloopem.
Username: Pirate-Hunter-Zoro
Bloopem: Pyroar Bloopem
Password: r52e
Payment method: nuggetz
Tip: 20 gems
Other: Thank u :D

(P.S.: It won't let me show it the way others did it, i don't know why )

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Posted: Sun, 20/08/2023 04:34 (1 Year ago)
Username: Pirate-Hunter-Zoro
Pokeball type: ( ultraball, masterball) Any of these
Add-ons: Whatever u think is good :D
Specific Pokemon (For Ultra and Master only): Greninja x Darkrai
Specify Type: Dark / Water / Ghost
Colour scheme:[/b] (Only if Lum Berry is bought, can send a link or an image)
Payment (Include Total): 50 nuggetz and 20 gems as tip? :D

Username: Pirate-Hunter-Zoro
The pokefusion you're buying: Archeops x gholdengo
Payment (Include Total): 25k pd and 20 random gems?

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