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Posted: Tue, 27/02/2018 01:25 (6 Years ago)
Left snapped to the sound of a candy-sweet voice that sounded across the room. Bleh, made him want to gag.
"At least give her a chance," Right murmured, but Left pretended not to hear him. Chorus made his way across the room, paws just a tad unsteady due to the new surroundings. The pokemon who had summoned them was tiny, that much was evident, but due to the lingering smell of flowers and bleached grass, Chorus would've guessed either grass type or fairy, though it wasn't as perfume-y as some of the other fairy types they had come across.

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Posted: Mon, 26/02/2018 06:51 (6 Years ago)
*Littlegamer didn't accept your forms... Did you not see her message following your's? If not, I would suggest going back and fixing them really quick ^^*

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Posted: Sun, 25/02/2018 22:12 (6 Years ago)
Chorus lowered both his heads. While Right was overwhelmed, Left was just surveying the area, trying to find a good place to slide it. Loud music assulted their ears, making them both cringe. Must parties always be this loud? Was there really nothing he could do to put and end to this infernal racket? Right sighed.
"You know, you don't always have to be like that," He muttered, turning away. Left snapped to face him, despite the lack of sight.
"Hey, you were thinking the same thing!" He protested. Right rolled his head, the only substitute he could think of for rolling his eyes.
"Only because you thought it first," Right stated. With a harumph, Left turned away, seemingly disgusted. He couldn't deny his true nature with Right around. After all, though they thought different things, they still knew what went through the other's mind.

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Posted: Sun, 25/02/2018 02:49 (6 Years ago)
Thank you ^^ I'll keep that in mind

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Posted: Sun, 25/02/2018 02:43 (6 Years ago)
Username: Sirhorsealot
Name of Pokémon: Chorus
Species: Zweilous Gender: Male
Likes: Peace and quiet, the sound of rain and friends
Dislikes: Fighting, falsities and the fact that they cannot yet see (they would if they evolved into Hydreigon, as it has eyes)
Disabilities?: Cannot see, as they lack eyes, and the two heads bicker endlessly
Anything else?: The right side is downcast and gloomy while the left side is conniving and a schemer, but they both believe in justice. They were abandoned by their trainer due to their constant fighting in and out of battle.

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Posted: Fri, 23/02/2018 23:50 (6 Years ago)
Where...? Cassiopeia looked around. It was mountainous, just as it had been when she fell asleep, but something was off. The sun rose over the tall peaks, brushing it's gentle light onto an entire valley that lay below the twin mountains. Immediately, Cass felt something was wrong. The sun was chilling, not warm. As it struck the valley, mist began to seep from the ground and covered the ground like a scab. A shrill howl splot the air. And, with no warning, screaming flooded the area. The could see shapes through her amaranth eyes, both human and dragon, and soon the mist began to turn red with fresh blood.
"The peaceful land of the dragons will be scorched by an eternal flame of fury," A timeless, mystical voice filled her head, "for a devastating war will rage between Dragons and Humans and will destroy all."
"Wh-what?" Cass couldn't think, she couldn't move. It was like her entire being was seized by the voice, and her body was no longer privy to her mind's commands. "Who?"
"But, a team of brave dragons will end this war with humans riding upon their backs," It continued. The voice, whatever it was, didn't seem keen on exposing it's identity. Smart... "Not as masters or slaves, but as friends. You have been chosen..." Then, as quickly as it had come, the voice left, leaving Cassiopeia oddly... hollow. Her eyes flew open and she gasped as she awoke, startled. What was that? She shook her head. No, she needed to find food first. Now, where to look...

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Posted: Fri, 23/02/2018 15:30 (6 Years ago)
Thank you :3

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Posted: Fri, 23/02/2018 04:56 (6 Years ago)
Nightwings aren't listed on the first post, therefore they shouldn't be accepted...

Name(if hydra, has more than one name for each head) : Cassiopeia (Cass)

Age: 16 Years

Gender: Female

Type of dragon(+ appearance) : Eastern

Power: Cass has the power to grant wishes, however, she can only half fulfill them, and that's only if they aren't too strenuous for her to grant

Personality: Cass is, first and foremost, guarded and keeps to herself. She hates conflict, so she uses indifference as a shield, secluding her emotions and convictions from public sight. Under this skin, she is a very generous dragon, giving in nature and tends to sacrifice her needs for the desires of others. Cass can have trouble expressing her emotions properly, usually keeping them supressed or shoved to the side, as she knows not how to handle them. She is intelligent, able to figure out traps with ease and is very hard to catch when she starts running (flying?)

Rider(future) : Rhia

History: Cass was born to a pair of hands-off parents. They preferred to allow her to raise herself, abandoning her before she turned even a year of age. Because of this, Cass developed a tough outer shell to protect herself against other, stronger dragons. Through her years, she made many friends that eventually left her, whether through death or otherwise, leaving her alone most of the time. It is because of this that she has a bit of trouble expressing herself properly and has a tendency to keep a stiff air about her, shying most away.

Other: I added personalities, just for my sake ^^

Name: Rhia Babbitt

Age: 15 Years

Gender: Female


Personality: Rhia is a passionate, creative teen. She loves to spend her free time daydreaming and reading, sometimes coming up with stories of her own. Even so, she hates the spotlight and prefers just to blend into the crowd rather than stick out. She has her faults, too. Rhia has a nasty temper that, fairly, is hard to reach, but it's the passive aggressive journey there that usually leads to problems, as she will almst always lock herself away when she reaches her boiling point. She can't stand bullies or those who consider themselves better than other, since these elements caused her much grief in her past.

Dragon(future) : Cassiopeia

History: Rhia Babbitt was the youngest of three, below her two over-achieving sisters. Her parents fought often, which fueled her enraged tendencies, and she constantly felt forgotten within her own home. So, she resorted to harming her sisters and began taking on a loud voice so as to not be ignored. Of course, this first throw prompted her sisters into action, and they began lying and ditching her on a regular basis. It wasn't until Rhia's parents divorced that this stopped. Suddenly, all three sisters were members of a family long-since broken, but now made public. Rhia secluded herself from everyone and everything, burying her mind in her books and just trying to recover. Right after the divorce, however, she was severely bullied by other children and even a few adults, telling her she was worthless and unneeded. With a change of location, that was fixed right up. Since then, Rhia is still recovering from those early traumatic experiences, but is now more confident and sure in herself than ever before.

Other: Done!

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Posted: Thu, 08/02/2018 23:45 (6 Years ago)
(Thanks for leaving me in the dust... I don't think I can continue participating in this roleplay. Sorry...)

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Posted: Wed, 07/02/2018 23:37 (6 Years ago)
Lani sighed in relief. Thank Arceus for electric types.
"Krill, that's enough," She called. The aura surrounding the large beetle faltered, then disappeared completely before Krill landed in Lani's arms. Nemo had jumped out of the way, thankfully, and was doing excited flops from the ground. Taking a closer look at Krill, the Vikavolt's body was covered in vein-like burns. Frowning, Lani fished in her bag, eventually grabbing a rawst berry and an oran berry and fed the two to Krill. He ate them thankfully, the burns fading. "Okay, come on back." Lani withdrew Krill.

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Posted: Wed, 07/02/2018 14:46 (6 Years ago)
Lani nodded, releasing the doors. The gap between was now wider, probably wide enough to fit a Prinplup, but definitely not big enough for an Emboar or Luxray. Really, if this guy wanted to get inside so badly, why didn't he just put his pokemon away for a second? Of course, Lani wouldn't ask this. It was downright rude. Still, she wanted to point this out, but just backed away, tapping Soren and pulling him back with her. Her arms ached by now, really her whole body did. Sighing, Lani grabbed a chair from the cafe section and sat down.

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Posted: Wed, 07/02/2018 06:40 (6 Years ago)
"W-wait!" Lani rushed over to the sliding doors, still slightly parted. "Soren, can you help?" The Decidueye stepped over, feather hands raised to touch the door. The feathers wrapped around one of the doors, Lani grabbing the other and the two pulling the doors further apart.
"Deciiii," Soren grunt, face screwing up. The doors had become much heavier than Lani remembered before, but they creaked slowly, almost like a low growl. They slid open a few more inches.

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Posted: Wed, 07/02/2018 04:52 (6 Years ago)
(Lol, sorry, forgot to mention that Lani pulled the doors open a bit XD May not be wide enough for him, though)

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Posted: Wed, 07/02/2018 04:45 (6 Years ago)
(That's okay ;3 Now is better than never, though)

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Posted: Wed, 07/02/2018 04:40 (6 Years ago)
(Lani just lit the place up, albeit dimly ^^ Our heroes are currently chatting, introducing themselves and such)

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Posted: Wed, 07/02/2018 04:25 (6 Years ago)
Lani scratched the back of her head, feeling a bit embarrassed.
"Just figured that would help move the light around is all," She chuckled nervously. "So, Necrozma... What do you think it's doing here?" She had many more questions than just that to ask, such as what it planned to do and if Krill would be okay, but held these inquiries back. Everyone was already confused, no use in adding to the growing pile of questions. "Rose, Nemo, Soren! You can come here now." The three pokemon tottered over to Lani's side, Nemo springing into her arms. For a fish, Nemo was surprisingly cuddly, and though Soren enjoyed his petting, he and Rose were both more of the loner type, which didn't work out too well for Lani. Usually, she ended up soaked with a fish flopping around in her arms and Soren would have to dry her off with his wings. Oh, good times.

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Posted: Wed, 07/02/2018 04:13 (6 Years ago)
Necrozma... Lani repeated the name in her mind. Her knowledge on the creature was limited, of course, but she knew it was bad news. Necrozma was exceedingly powerful; a serious threat to Alola.
"Everyone!" Lani threw her other three pokeballs out. A Wishiwashi, Decidueye and Rose the Lurantis popped out, looking around in confusion. Rose hissed under her breath. "Okay, we're going to try something... Nemo, use ice beam!" Lani commanded. Her Wishiwashi leapt into the air with a slap of it's tiny tail and created a good sized ice crystal on the wall. It continued to do this in multiple different spots, eventually creating ice polka dots on the pokemon center walls. "Rose, Sunny Day! Krill, you dive into it!" Rose sent an orb of light into the air, a move Lani usually didn't care for. But, with Rose's held rock and her Solar Blade attack, she found the move rather useful. Kriil drove himself into the ball of light, the Sunny Day reacting with his built up electricity. He glowed like angel, sparks flying off of him dangerously and he fluttered higher. His light reflected off the ice crystals dotting the walls, sending a mellow light across the dim room and brightening it up substantially. However, Krill buzzed in pain, the electricity sparking across his tough outer shell. Was it hurting him? Lani considered letting him stop, but decided against it. "Krill, can you keep going?"
"VooooOoolt," He droned, making the light more intense. Worry clouded her gaze, but Lani decided to let him continue. It was much brighter, and she had a good stock of hyper potions.

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Posted: Wed, 07/02/2018 02:59 (6 Years ago)
Lani nodded.
"Nice to meet you," She did the Alolan wave. "My name's Lani, and this is Krill. I was born here, but lived in Sinnoh for fourteen years."
"Vooolllt!" Krill buzzed. Lani tucked some of her loose hair, now noticed in the mild light, behind her ear. She hated it getting in her face. She wasn't even the one who wanted longer bangs to begin with! She shook her head. No, this tangent could wait for another time. Crisis now, hair later.

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Posted: Wed, 07/02/2018 02:50 (6 Years ago)
Lani smiled, despite the situation.
"Rose, return! Krill, I choose you!" She exclaimed. In a flash of light, Krill, her Vikavolt, appeared with a buzz. "Krill do you mind using Charge Beam? Just... Don't actually shoot anybody," Lani added the last bit. Per her request, Krill began to spark with static, glow effectively lighting the room.
"Vikkkaaa," Krill cheered. He always liked to help others. His electricity should at least provide a more permanent solution than burning the pokemon center down.

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Posted: Wed, 07/02/2018 02:09 (6 Years ago)
Panting, Lani staggered to a window, peering inside and finding multiple people inside. She held back a sigh of relief. Best not to get up her hopes just yet.
"Come on!" She called to Rose. The Lurantis hurried on over, it's large claws out and ready in case anything happened. Lani ran over to the pokemon center door, finding it stuck shut. "Can you help?" Lani began fidgeting with the sliding door, prying it open bit by bit. As Rose came to help, it opened even further, until there was enough space to squeeze through. Lani and Rose both passed through this space, feet hitting the usual pokemon center floor. "Is everyone alright?!"

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