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Searching for: Posts from SilasCole.
Posted: Tue, 07/04/2020 18:15 (4 Years ago)
Despite my friends shunning the franchise spin-off, I always loved the Pokemon ranger games. Often times I enjoyed these games more than the mainline, and with the new mystery dungeon remake for the switch having such a great reception, I can't help but wonder about Pokemon Ranger. I would happily pay for a new installment, remake, or even direct port to the switch. I loved the region, story, and game play so much. Sadly, I never hear anyone talk about Pokemon Ranger but I would love to hear your thoughts on a new game, or the franchise in general.tweakbox appvalley https://vlc.onl/

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Posted: Tue, 07/04/2020 18:14 (4 Years ago)
Sprites or 3D Models??

do you prefer sprites or 3d models for pokemon ?

i like stationary sprites from gen 3/4 but i hated the moving sprites from gen 5 to the max,they were a huge pixelated mess which was ugly ;

i like 3d models,some of the animations are cute as heck and they look a lot better than sprites imo,but its really difficult to newly create them,the time taken to do it can be used for some other purposes like extending or improving the game,what do you think?appvalley tutuapp tweakbox

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Posted: Fri, 03/04/2020 13:00 (4 Years ago)
Hey, can someone help me out here? I’m trying to pass on a repeat ball female Eevee’s HA to a Level Ball male Eevee but I’ve been going at it for more than a day without any luck. Is this impossible or am I just incredibly unlucky?

Also another question, let’s say I’m breeding a Female Moon Ball Skitty with a male Dream Ball Wailord (sorry this is the only combo that came to mind) is it possible for the Skitty to inherit the Dream Ball?

Thanks for any answers!shareit appvn

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Posted: Wed, 01/04/2020 16:10 (4 Years ago)
I've been working on my National Pokédex in Gen VI for some time now, I just recently completed both Regional Pokédexes in Gen VI and wanted to know exactly which Pokémon I still needed that weren´t part of them, I looked up on the internet if there was a list like that but couldn't find one with that exact information, so I made my own.
low cost color copy at 55 printing

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Posted: Wed, 26/02/2020 07:25 (5 Years ago)
Never expected the backlash to be this big. I remember everyone screaming how let's go was a terrible game and was a cheap money grab. Now with sword and shield it feel sad but kinda great to have been right. I knew minimal effort was going to be made besides a new gimmick. I'll still buy it but I wonder if from now on Pokemon will just be In an ongoing constant stage of backlash at this point I'm glad that let's go at least tried to be different. I just hope if let's go Togepi and let's go Pichu arrive we can learn that different can be goodvidmate mobdro word counter

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