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Searching for: Posts from Shouya_Ishida.
Posted: Thu, 30/05/2019 22:00 (5 Years ago)
Dracon3867 recieved his pokemon and paid

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Posted: Thu, 30/05/2019 21:52 (5 Years ago)
Jeez, it's so gorgeous, thank you it's really amazing

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Posted: Wed, 29/05/2019 20:31 (5 Years ago)
Are the slots still full?

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Posted: Fri, 19/04/2019 10:22 (5 Years ago)
Can I have fullbody of her for 400k PD? Don't know if it's enough.

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Posted: Thu, 18/04/2019 15:22 (5 Years ago)
Oh, ok no problem

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Posted: Thu, 18/04/2019 15:05 (5 Years ago)
Username: mikim007
Character(s) to draw: her
Headshot/Fullbody: fullbody
Background: transparent/ something simple like mix of few colors like pink, blue and violet
Additional information (ex. pose, emotion): something like this
Payment: 250k PD
Other: I don't know of this isn't to demanding. But I like your art and I am counting that I am wrong. Thank you in advance.

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Posted: Wed, 17/04/2019 20:04 (5 Years ago)
Username: mikim007
Nickname: Just Miki or Mikołaj, but probably the first will be easier :p
Who's Your Marvel Husband/Wife?: Black Widow/ Captain Marvel/ Storm
How Did You Get Into Marvel?: I don't remember exactly but I suppose that was when I first saw Iron Man or X-Men.
Password: Wakanda Forever!
Other: Favourite character? Hard to say I like Deadpool cause he's funny, Thor because I love many mythologis and gods, and probably Star-Lord since in the comics he is half Kree and in the movies is half ¿planet? So what about me? I'm from Poland and I have always dreamed about having old Mustang from 60's-70's.

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Posted: Thu, 11/04/2019 22:36 (5 Years ago)
Current Username: mikim007
Current Shiny Hunt: Shinx
Price of Each: 50k PD for shiny and 50k PD for mega able
Specific Gender Price: +25k PD
Everstone Charge: No charge
Slot Number: 4 shiny slots and 2 mega able slots

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Posted: Sun, 21/10/2018 09:16 (6 Years ago)
175k for adopt 2

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Posted: Fri, 07/09/2018 14:25 (6 Years ago)
Username: mikim007
Shiny/Mega You Want: Tympole
How Many Slots You Want: 1
Rare Gender: No
Want It With a Everstone: Yes

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Posted: Mon, 07/05/2018 09:57 (6 Years ago)
Username: Mikim007
Shiny/Mega You Want: Yamask
How Many Slots You Want: 1 (I don't know if this slot 4 is free)
Rare Gender: No
Want It With a Everstone: No

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Posted: Sat, 28/04/2018 22:10 (6 Years ago)
Username: mikim007
Shiny/Mega You Want: Shiny Absol
How Many Slots You Want: 1
Rare Gender: No
Want It With a Everstone: No

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Posted: Thu, 26/04/2018 21:26 (6 Years ago)
Barret has suddenly woke up. He remembered that he wanted talk to his father about his future. He knew that his sister Iris someday will become Queen but he have never thought about his own future before. He was worrying that one day, when his sister will find herself a husband, he will have to find himself a new home because will be expelled from this castle and Royal Family.

~ ~ ~

Emeric was at the town doing the shopping. He was so hungry that he have already eaten a roasted beef and now he was standing at the queue for the delicious chicken with roasted potatoes. He was wondering if he made good choice that he was taking part in this civil war.

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Posted: Sat, 21/04/2018 21:38 (6 Years ago)
@Saratank, for me fair enough but remember to add Knighty

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Posted: Sat, 21/04/2018 14:39 (6 Years ago)
Username: mikim007
Shiny/Mega You Want: Skiddo
How Many Slots You Want: 1
Rare Gender: No
Want It With a Everstone: Yes

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Posted: Wed, 18/04/2018 13:13 (6 Years ago)
Rank Wanted-//
Kingdom they are in- (Western or Eastern)Eastern
Dragonetes- //
Family-He was taken under protection by Royal Family and he never met his true parents.(Is it okay or do I have to change it?)
Power(s)- (Nothing OP)Sometimes, when enraged, he can change the feeling of gravity by one person.(Is it ok?)
Look-His scales are silver and his wings are emerald like his eyes.
Other-He don't take a part in Royal Family events.

Rank Wanted-//
Kingdom they are in- (Western or Eastern)Western
Dragonetes- //
Family-Not known.
Power(s)- (Nothing OP)He can fight very good, using his claws and fangs.
Look-His color is orange like sunrise and his eyes are brown.

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Posted: Thu, 12/04/2018 20:10 (6 Years ago)
Is it possible for me to eventually sign in tomorrow? Because I have to think about if I really want to play with you cause as you can see I'm not from England or USA or any other country where English is official language and I can have little problems with writing correctly.

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Posted: Thu, 12/04/2018 19:37 (6 Years ago)

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Posted: Thu, 05/04/2018 21:50 (6 Years ago)

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Posted: Wed, 28/03/2018 20:04 (6 Years ago)

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