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Searching for: Posts from ShadowSpirit020.
Posted: Sun, 18/06/2017 15:31 (7 Years ago)
How can I evolve my Shelmet/Karrablast? I traded one of the follow with someone but nothing happened....I read about it and thought it made sense...A little help?

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Posted: Sun, 18/06/2017 15:30 (7 Years ago)
OK That's what I need to know. I'll go post this question on the help section.

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Posted: Sun, 18/06/2017 15:24 (7 Years ago)
Not sure where to actually place this...Sorry still kinda new to PokeHeroes!

How can I evolve my Shelmet/Karrablast? I traded one of the follow with someone but nothing happened....I read about it and thought it made sense...A little help? (plus telling me where I should place this question)

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Posted: Fri, 04/12/2015 06:37 (9 Years ago)

Title: Hello!

Hi everyone! Glad to be here! Can't wait to hatch pokemon!

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