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Posted: Wed, 05/07/2017 14:49 (7 Years ago)
Quote from MinzyHow accurate are the item prices? I have people offering as low as 30 grass gems or 15 fairy gems, best offer of 35 fairy gems, for a dragon gem, 2 gold keys, and 12 normal gems. Are normal gems really worth the same as fairy?

I just want to be sure if i'm supposed to be seeing those offers as lowballs

The prices I would say are not "accurate" per say, they are more like guidelines or estimations of prices to help users make decisions on exchanges. However Dragon Gems still estimate anywhere between 45k to 50k so often times you will get "low-ball" offers. But prices that are mostly listed here are "average" prices.

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Posted: Tue, 30/05/2017 03:23 (7 Years ago)
Quote from PiratePatIs 15k a fair price for a festival kirlia?

Yes, 15k sounds fair for an uncommon Event

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Posted: Tue, 03/05/2016 04:13 (8 Years ago)
Lii, I have Gems for you!
Amount and type of Gems
: 15x Water Gems, 20x Ghost Gem

Lii, I have Star Pieces for you!
Amount of Star Pieces:

Comment: Sending~

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Posted: Sun, 01/05/2016 05:09 (8 Years ago)
Quote from blizzardkittyhow much would a eevee be holding a resolute stone?

It would cost the price of a resolute stone which is 90,000 - 120,000 PD + 5,000PD? because Eevee is a rare pokemon but still common now adays

A shiny Eevee which is 300k give or take holding a resolute stone would be the combined price of 420,000 PD, Roughly.

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Posted: Fri, 22/04/2016 16:50 (8 Years ago)
Pokemon: Sylveon (Pokesona)

Payment: 15k
Password: Pokemon
Other: Fine with any size
Payment Sent

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Posted: Tue, 19/04/2016 13:37 (8 Years ago)
Lii, I have Ghost Gems for you!
Amount of Ghost Gems
: 50

Lii, I have Star Pieces for you!
Amount of Star Pieces
: 4

Comment: Sending via Delibird~

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Posted: Sun, 17/04/2016 13:52 (8 Years ago)
Quote from robelshould I trade my shiny raikou and shiny Entei for articuno and moltress?

Considering the price of Shiny Raikou and Entei in comparison to Articuno and Moltress I would say it's a steal for you.

Also pointing out this is a Price Check thread not a "suggestion thread" I offer my opinion out of courtesy

Quote from ToothieShiny Raikou: 700,000 - 750,000
Shiny Entei: 900,000 - 950,000

Total = 1,600,000 - 1,700,000

Quote from ToothieMoltres - 1,800,000 - 2,300,000
Articuno - 1,800,000 - 2,300,000

Total = 3,600,000 - 4,600,000

In my opinion both are significantly hard to acquire but due to the fact that for the Three Dogs you only have to save up coin it is not a game of chance like adopting them from Rowan and coming across them.

In the end it is up to you / Only Pointing out facts

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Posted: Fri, 15/04/2016 07:14 (8 Years ago)
Lii, I have Ghost Gems for you!
Amount of Ghost Gems
: 18
Comment: Sent Via Delibird as requested

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Posted: Fri, 08/04/2016 01:10 (8 Years ago)
Quote from TheRealMossiI need know the price of ALL event and their evolutions...

Quote from Toothie
General Pokemon (By Rarities):
Easy - 200 - 800
Medium - 1000 - 1500
Hard - 1700 - 2500
Rare - 2800 - 4500
Special - 3500 - 5000
Events - 18,000 - 28,000
Unown - 20,000 - 25,000
Starters - 2000 - 2500
[FEMALE] Starters - 3800 - 4200

Event Legends:

Raylong: - 80,000 - 100,000
Polestar: 50,000 - 70,000
Seatran: 50,000 - 70,000
Aurora - 80,000 - 100,000

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Posted: Sun, 27/03/2016 05:45 (8 Years ago)
Well last time that applications were open there was also an influx of new users which also included an influx of Applicants. Considering there are even more now it could take some time so patience will be important. Moderators work as fast as they can but you got to keep in mind there is a reason why they are looking for more Moderators to begin with, which is for the help in managing all the new users that arrive.

Not that it is my place to say but if you are already asking when the first round will be over, should lead you to question if you have the patience to manage users that will require your patience. In any case like CatLady said there is no definitive time frame, could take weeks or months it is completely dependent on the amount of applicants and the available time of the Moderators. Because we all know that apart from being a Moderator on Pokeheroes they all have separate lives to attend to as well. You can rest assure that if you move on to the next round you will know for now please be patient.

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Posted: Thu, 24/03/2016 01:11 (8 Years ago)
Your account is 18 hours old, you need more time on Pokeheroes and more activity among forums and the overall website before you can apply for a Moderator Position.

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Posted: Thu, 24/03/2016 01:03 (8 Years ago)
You can apply by clicking Mod Application Panel in the first post of this thread

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Posted: Sun, 13/12/2015 09:09 (9 Years ago)
40 poison gems= 4
180 Psychic = 36
90 ghost = 18
80 rock = 8
60 grass = 6
20 water = 4
10 bug = 3
Total =79 tickets

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Posted: Fri, 21/08/2015 13:26 (9 Years ago)
Well I didn't make the cut and actually not all that surprise. Thank you for the opportunity.

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Posted: Sun, 16/08/2015 15:01 (9 Years ago)
If you want an idea, in the dp shop you can buy 100 dp for 100 nuggets which I doubt there are many that would use their nuggets for something like that. But they are commonly sold every 10 dp for about 500 Pd but will still depend on the seller or buyer

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Posted: Sun, 16/08/2015 14:53 (9 Years ago)
For dreampoints it is a completly thin line it could depend on the plushie itself or the invidual selling them or buying them

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Posted: Sun, 16/08/2015 12:21 (9 Years ago)
Quote from ToothieRetros:
Retro Pikachu: 30,000 - 50,000

Retro Charmander: 50,000 - 55,000
Retro Bulbasaur: 50,000 - 55,000
Retro Squirtle: 50,000 - 55,000

Retro Magikarp: 200,000 - 250,000

Retro Togepi: 80,000 - 100,000

Retro Delibird: 70,000 - 90,000

Retro Mew: 320,000 - 350,000

Retro Ducklett: 50,000 - 80,000

Retro Taillow 100,000 - 120,000
Retro Poochyena: 100,000 - 120,000
Retro Zigzagoon: 100,000 - 120,000

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Posted: Sat, 15/08/2015 12:25 (9 Years ago)
Lii, I have Normal Gems for you!
Amount of Normal Gems: 10
Yes, I have read the rules! "I shall Win the Pink bun bun"

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Posted: Sun, 09/08/2015 02:12 (9 Years ago)
I already suggested something like this already. Many people don't support it because it doesn't really affect them but they still vote against it. I personally think it would make sorting of friends easier because it is not fair that you add someone but don't return the favor and than you have to start clearing your list of friends by cross referencing who has added you.

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Posted: Thu, 06/08/2015 07:32 (9 Years ago)
Well there is an issue we all run into when Trading Pokemons through GTS for PD or Nuggets. And that issue is trust, it is hard to know who we can trust to trade you the Pokemon if you send the Money first or Send the Money if you trade the Pokemon first.

So my suggestion is a system which allows you not to only Offer Pokemon but also allows you to have the option to Offer Pokedollars and Nuggets.

I understand that the concern one this issue is that it may be abused and individuals would send Pokedollars in large quantities to one another. But like transferring Pokedollars by normal means the Taxes would still be implemented like they are through auction.

I am sure you have reasons why you wouldn't support this idea but I believe it could help reduce the amount of worries of being scammed and the potential of being scammed which in turn would also reduce Reports of why most people are scammed.

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