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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from RamenCat.
Posted: Sat, 20/08/2016 00:37 (8 Years ago)

Title: Shaymin giveaway! :)

#Berries4Shaymin I'm doing a giveaway, folks! You have to feed this Shaymin (http://pokeheroes.com/pokemon?id=11486495) a berry and share my hashtag to get in. The winner will get a Shaymin with a Gracidea Flower and 10,000 pokedollar. If enough people share it, I'll add a second Shaymin for a second place winner. The giveaway will end in a week, on 8/24/16 at 6:00 Pacific Time.

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Posted: Thu, 11/08/2016 03:59 (8 Years ago)

Title: I just got this Mespirit Egg :D

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Posted: Tue, 09/08/2016 08:02 (8 Years ago)

I want to start playing. Touch my egg please. ;w;

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