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Searching for: Posts from Procompy.
Posted: Sat, 14/10/2023 01:49 (1 Year ago)
sending one!

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Posted: Fri, 13/10/2023 06:00 (1 Year ago)
Totodile! He's just a little guy

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Posted: Fri, 13/10/2023 05:55 (1 Year ago)
I've always had a fondness for vaporeon, I like how it has sea goblin vibes and just vomits water on people.

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Posted: Fri, 13/10/2023 03:58 (1 Year ago)

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Posted: Thu, 12/10/2023 09:38 (1 Year ago)
Chaotic neutral

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Posted: Thu, 12/10/2023 09:37 (1 Year ago)
banned for contesting a fartcusation

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Posted: Thu, 12/10/2023 09:35 (1 Year ago)

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Posted: Thu, 12/10/2023 05:55 (1 Year ago)
If you treat this logic seriously then dragons, griffins, sphynxes, fairies, and winged horses are all also insects.

Personally, I feel like being an insect is less dependent on the amount of limbs and more the taxonomical linearity of a particular group of invertebrates, and fantasy creatures don't fit earthly taxonomy by nature of being Weird Things we Collectively Made Up.

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Posted: Thu, 12/10/2023 00:32 (1 Year ago)
sending now ~

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Posted: Wed, 11/10/2023 11:45 (1 Year ago)
Glitchly: Your piece is done!
Munkiki: Accepted

-- General Notice --
All slots are now filled! Requests will be closed until I am done with all current requests and choose to open slots again.

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Posted: Wed, 11/10/2023 06:05 (1 Year ago)
No worries, not everyone is familiar with character design code of conduct so I didn't take it the wrong way.

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Posted: Wed, 11/10/2023 05:38 (1 Year ago)
Pirate-Hunter-Zoro: looks good now! Accepted
Arwen: accepted! Your lad looks like a lot of fun

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Posted: Tue, 10/10/2023 03:07 (1 Year ago)
glitchly -accepted~
pirate-hunter-zoro: sorry, but its bad form to recreate another artists' interpretation of fandom mashups, especially when that artist is making a living selling art of it. If you can isolate what it is you like about it conceptually I can make my own interpretation (genger + oni? demon hunter characters as pokemon? extra eyes? using the move lick?), but I can't accept that request as is.

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Posted: Sun, 08/10/2023 10:33 (1 Year ago)
Both current requests are finished ~

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Posted: Fri, 06/10/2023 01:20 (1 Year ago)
sending one!

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Posted: Thu, 05/10/2023 21:56 (1 Year ago)
evil, but in a harmless and endearing way

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Posted: Thu, 05/10/2023 21:54 (1 Year ago)
Banned for exceeding the charmander limit

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Posted: Wed, 04/10/2023 11:01 (1 Year ago)
NekoScrub - request accepted!

ThatCatKid - In future, I'd really rather payment be sent after I've chosen whether or not to accept a request and it's completely finished, and what the payment is really doesn't need to be stated, but I am quite partial to eeveelutions so I'm still accepting it.

I'm adding you both to the list of claimed slots and I'll start on your art tomorrow evening after I've gotten some sleep and have free time.

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Posted: Wed, 04/10/2023 10:08 (1 Year ago)
Welcome to

Procompy’s Precarious


Pokemon Pictorium

Current Status: CLOSED

Welcome one and all to the Precarious Pictorium! It won’t plop over, trust me, these supports are more sound than they seem. I am your host, Procompy, purveyor of portraits and artist extraordinaire, humbly offering my spectacular skills of sketching to produce bespoke art for you, yes you, for the low low price of whatever you feel like paying. How can I afford to offer such a grand product for such a nebulous price, you ask? Simple! Money isn’t real, art is invaluable, the entire concept of an economy is based on the flawed notion that goods and services can be quantifiably judged against one another in any meaningful way and belies the folly of mankind! But also I can’t be bothered to set one, so here you go.

QuoteSo, how does this work?

Simply fill out the form below with the particulars of the character you wish me to draw, including a spoilered list of reference images, mood board, and/or detailed description depending on what you have available. I will only accept one request featuring one character from each user any time slots are open, and I will not accept a request from that user again until all slots are filled and slots are open again. If for any reason you can’t decide between characters you can fill out the forms for several and I will choose between them for you. If I like the request and feel like drawing it I will post a message here acknowledging the claim, then send you a direct message when the art is complete. After receiving the art you can decide how much you would like to pay for it and send the amount and a direct message back. Please note - I neither expect nor particularly welcome a payment amount to be proposed when making a request. It will have no effect on if I choose to work on your art nor how much time and effort I choose to give it. I make art for my own amusement, not as a business transaction. Art I am working on may be completed and uploaded within the hour or up to two weeks after accepting. This has nothing to do with how much time I am spending on the piece and is simply because I am a busy bird with better things to do. After finishing I will consider payment late if it is not sent within two weeks, but would encourage you to send some payment as soon as possible even if you’d like to gift more later so I can be sure our deal is done.

QuotePWYW? Really? Any amount I want?

Yes, really truly any amount you want. Of course, I encourage you to pay what you think the art I’ve produced is worth, but if you are just starting out, or blew everything you had on an auction, or asked for art on a whim and got something way different than you imagined, you can pay what you’re comfortable with and I won’t take offense. Right now I could use pokedollars and would prefer them over anything else, but I am also happy to take payments consisting in any combination of nuggets, gems, pokemon missing from my dex, shiny pokemon, chests and keys, items, or whatever else holds value around here. I will not accept art trades, however, as I don’t have reference sheets for characters ready and prefer to use my own art in most cases.

QuoteWhat are you willing to draw?

I’m confident drawing:
Pokemon, animals, fantastic beasts and creatures (especially griffins and dragons), extinct animals such as dinosaurs, Digimon (depending on complexity)

I can draw:
art styles/detail anywhere between stylized cartoons and painterly realism. Simple mechanisms and accessories. Wings, horns, and other common additions. Fan characters and OCs inspired by specific media, such as HTTYD. Humanoids sporting particularly non-human features. Characters that don’t exist yet and are only a vague concept.

I won’t draw:
Humans or humanoids that look almost exactly like humans, full-bodies of humanoids, backgrounds, anything against TOS including sultry expressions, mecha or complex mechanisms, excessively detailed markings, or closed species

Extra note: I am unwilling to draw designs that were or are adoptables, aka visual character designs created solely to sell the concept to another person rather than created for a specific purpose or to enrich the life of its creator. If I suspect that a request is being made for an adoptable, particularly if it has a toyhou.se, I won’t accept it. This is because I have a moral objection to the concept of the adoptables market and the practice of adoptable creation and has nothing to do with the design itself. This is also true of closed species. If you made a character yourself or commissioned the design but think it may be mistaken for an adoptable due to the use of a free template or attributes commonly used in adoptables, let me know so I can give it due consideration. Additionally, I may turn down any request for any reason not listed here, and you’ll just have to live with that since this is PWYW and I’m here to have fun.

Quote So about that form…

Yes, right, hang on a moment. Ah, this will do.
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Character Name:
Image Style: (PFP, thin signature, or transparent image) (full body, bust, headshot)
References: (text, images, links, moodboards – spoil this to keep things tidy)
Anything else:

QuoteRequests Accepted:
1. ThatCatKid Finished
2. NekoScrub Finished
3. Glitchly Finished
4. Pirate-Hunter-Zoro
5. Arwen
6. Munkiki

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1. ThatCatKid

2. NekoScrub

3. Glitchly


Previous Examples:
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It's empty! So spooky. Completed requests will be cycled here in the future, but for now my art is a mystery. Do you dare make a request completely in the dark?

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Posted: Sun, 10/09/2023 08:10 (1 Year ago)
changed my username in an old chat room to procompsognathus triassicus as a joke about mods hating long names and it stuck.

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