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Searching for: Posts from Pandakid.
Posted: Sun, 15/03/2020 20:15 (5 Years ago)
Probably zekrom, who is salamence(look it up, also means dragon) and electric type

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Posted: Sun, 15/03/2020 20:05 (5 Years ago)
Nope. Nuff' said.

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Posted: Sun, 15/03/2020 20:04 (5 Years ago)
Imagine a mega chatot...

Nevermind, there is such a thing(albiet, it isn't actually canon, but it is indeed a thing).

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Posted: Sun, 15/03/2020 19:58 (5 Years ago)
Might be either Pokemon: Sapphire because it's the first pokemon game I played or PMD EoT/D/S because of the absolutely amazing storyline.

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Posted: Sun, 15/03/2020 19:55 (5 Years ago)
I am; I play a violin in spare time, if I wish.

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Posted: Sun, 15/03/2020 19:53 (5 Years ago)
Primal Dialga's theme (Dialga's Fight to the Finish) in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Time/Darkness/Sky

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Posted: Sun, 15/03/2020 19:50 (5 Years ago)
Probably one from the Mudkip line. Maybe a shiny Mudkip.
Don't you dare say it.

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