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Searching for: Posts from Neptune2018.
Posted: Sun, 28/01/2018 05:51 (7 Years ago)

Title: for TheNinjaCyndaquil

Thank you so much for helping me out as a new poke hero here!

thank you for being so helpful!!

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Posted: Sun, 28/01/2018 04:26 (7 Years ago)
I'm going to be starting to sell fan arts here for pokedollars. If anyone is interested in a specific Pokemon Please private message me.
-My price ranges will vary from 50-100 pd (i don't think that's too ridiculous)
-i'm not too detailed in my art so bare with me
-I'll put some samples out soon so you guys can check out what they look like and decide if its worth the pd
Thank you

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Posted: Sun, 28/01/2018 03:24 (7 Years ago)

Title: Hi!

Hi, my name is Neptune
I'm fairly new to pokeheroes! So far the game is pretty legit and i really like it.
So a little about me, though im not too interesting.
-I'm a digital animator and a self taught artist
-i'm a senior in high school (yes i'm old)
-I love pokemon
-my favorite food is pizza
-i have a mut named Prince
-I listen to music 24/7
Thank you guys for taking the time to read this! I hope to get familiar with this game and you players!
-Neptune Jefferson :))

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