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Posted: Thu, 28/05/2015 07:51 (9 Years ago)
In the GTS ? There's already a Cancel Button Oo

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Posted: Wed, 20/05/2015 12:27 (9 Years ago)
I'll buy your keys, Palpad me =)

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Posted: Thu, 14/05/2015 12:42 (9 Years ago)
Part One : To The Outside World

Chapter One : Beginning

Well, here we are. The difficult part now is to find new lifes, to see each steps of their life... Brrr, it's cold here... Are we in Winter ? Now where was my LifeRadar... There ! Let me just activate it... Oh gosh it's broken. Well. It happens. ALL THE TIME. Now help me find... Ssshhh ! There ! You see ? Let's come closer, but stay quiet ! It's a female Flareon. she's giving birth to her babies !

(YES, she's not laying eggs, 'cause that doesn't make sense otherwise)

She was exhausted. But finally, here they were. Nine months. After nine long months, she was a mother.
*There you are, my little babies...*
She looked upon them, a gentle smile on her face. They were all newborn babies, unable to walk, talk, or even open their eyes. One male and two females. But the fur of one of the female was silver-colored. That didn't seem to bother her. She licked the top of her baby's head.
*Welcome to this world, Miko...*
She looked at the young male, trying to open his eyes.
*Welcome to this world, Nell...*
She turned her head to the last one, who was already reaching for her mother's breasts.
*Welcome to this world, Eliktras...*
Having named them seemed to greatly exhaust her, and, as she lie on her side, she watched the three newborns Eevees suck her milk. Later that night, with full stomachs and curled up against their mother, they slept, together, in a circle full of warmth and love.

Days went by, then months. The three little ones grew fast.
Miko seemed to love water, and Nell jumped happily after her, in a small river near their nest, but Eliktras was afraid of it. She jumped anyway after a moment, visibly jealous when they were playing in the water. Nell was smart, and his senses sharp. He could tell which pokémon was there, by the sounds of their feets, and when danger arise, they all ran away to hide in their nests. Eliktras was the fastest and strongest of them three. She won many races around the forest, against Ratti, a wild Rattata that lived nearby, and could jump higher than everyone.when the sun was setting, they came back to their nest, where their mother was waiting, famished and exhausted, but a wide smile over their faces. Life could have gone forever, but alas, a different fate awaited them.

One morning, when he four of them were still sleeping, a loud sound woke Nell, who frantically began to search the noise's source, which proved to be human.

"Over here ! I saw them here the other day. They were playing in the water."
"Man, you realize ? Eevees ! We can gain a lot of money for them."
"Yeah, yeah, but don't let your guard down, their parents must not be far away."

Now they were all awake, panicking at the idea of humans finding them. They had never seen humans before but seeing the terror on the faces of their mother was enough for them to understand. Humans are bad. They curled up at the bottom of the nest with their mother, waiting. Time seemed infinite, and after a while Eliktras decided to head out to see if they were gone. And everything happened very quickly.
A black-gloved hand grabbed her by the head.
*Eliktras !*, cried Miko, while Nell regained his senses.
By the time he jumped out, she was gone. Another hand tried to grab him, but he bite it and jumped to the side. He then looked at the two men looking at him, a grin on their faces. They were wearing black latex costumes, with a giant R on the front. He stood up, but was unsure about what to do. One moment later, their mother was there, launching fire by her mouth.

"A Flareon ? I thought it was an Eevee couple."
"Doesn't matter. Cobra, go !"

A loud "Pof" was heard, and an Arbok was looking at them, threatening, dominating them by it's full height.
At this very moment, Nell understood a feeling that he never felt before. He understood what his mother went through, everytime she thought about humans. Fear. Pure fear, the fear that make you unable to move, unable to think. The fear of death. He was trembling now, when his mother talked to him.
*Grab Miko and run ! I'll get Eliktras back !*
She saw one of the men shoving Eliktras in a bag. She was ready to fight.
*NOW ! GO !*
He stayed there a moment, then nodded, and ran. He was afraid for his mother, unsure about what she could do, but was relieved that he didn't had to fight this monster that the humans had unleashed upon them. He came back to the nest, grabbed Miko who was trembling in fear, and they ran toward the heart of the forest.
Nell was about to cry, but his sister was with him, and he couldn't give in to his feelings. But... he stopped.
*What ?*, asked Miko, still trembling.
*You. Go. Run. I can't leave here.*
*Whaaat ? You're crazy !! You saw this monster ! You...*
*I KNOW !!*, he cut her.*I know, but... I must do something. I must do it.*
And he ran away, towards the fight. From that distance, he could see fire, his mother's fire. A half-smile appeared on his face, convinced that his mother was winning.
He was wrong. The Arbok was way stronger than her, and by the time he arrived, she was laying there, defeated. Astonished, he took two steps, when suddenly something purple flashed before his eyes. There was a "Bonk", then the pain started. It was horrible, like many bones of his body were crushed.
"Hey, calm down, don't kill it !"
There was another "Pof". Then footsteps. He couldn't open his eyes. The pain was rendering him unable to move. He felt something liquid, and warm, running along his body. Then he fell inconscious.

"God dammit. He's dead. Look at all that blood, and that sound when it crushed its bones ! Man, nothing could survive that... Hey George, why didn't you stop him ?"
"Didn't had the time, Bill. And you know the beast, when it want to kill, you can't stop him... But man, we lost at least five hundred Pokédollars there... Or more..."
"Well, at least we got the Flareon and that little shrimp. Where's the father ?"
"Hmm, I don't know..."
"You know the prices for theses ones ?"
"Well, I have a friend who..."

They were leaving, Eliktras in a bag, their mother in another. Nell was on the verge of dying. And Miko...

Miko was still running. Straight ahead. Her breath was disturbed, her muscles aching with the effort. And she was still running. Her vision was blurry. And she was still running away from the fear she felt back there. And she didn't see the branch. Her paws touched it, and because of fatigue, she couldn't stop herself from rolling.
She rolled several meters, and fell into a hole, which made her roll again, eventually stopping on a small path, deep in the woods.
Bleeding, exhausted, she stayed there for a while, until she heard footsteps approaching. She tried to get up, but couldn't. She could just stay there, fearing for whatever may happens to her, and the exhaustion took her. She fell inconscious.
Meanwhile, the footsteps turned out to be those of an old man.
"Well, well, well, what do we have here, hmm ? Unusual colors, that is."
He looked at her tiny body, and checked her pulse. Then, with a sad face, he took her in his arms.
"Hop, here you go ! I'll heal you back at my house. Don't worry, everything will be fine."
He touched her cheeks, and knowing that she couldn't do anything, he wrapped her in his coat, and turned back.
"But seriously, what happened for you to be in this state ?"

His state ? Well... Nell was dying. His breath was short, he couldn't move. Now his left eye was drenched in blood, as he felt his body getting colder and colder. He took a final breath. And everything stopped.

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Posted: Thu, 14/05/2015 12:27 (9 Years ago)

It is truly a miracle, a blessing... and a curse.
Because, with life, came the worst fear known in human existence : Death.
Some may think :"Why living when you know you will die ?"
Some may think "Why worry about death when you know you won't care anymore ?"
Life. And Death. And Life. And Death.
A neverending circle, born from nothing, destined to return to nothingness.
As I'm studying the matter of Life and Death. I've come to some conclusions, as I've seen many lifes, wasted at war, but also peaceful and fulfilling lifes. I'm what you can call... A Life explorer. But I digress.
Today, my friends, my students, I would like to show you this miracle.
To show you its power, and its weaknesses. Its pros and cons. Come with me, and we shall see for ourselves, what Life has in store for us.

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Posted: Thu, 14/05/2015 12:22 (9 Years ago)
Okay okay, so first, a few words about this. This is not my first fanfics, nor will it be the last. I accept the criticism, but they must be constructive.
So, what about this little ? Well, first, let me thanks -Miko- and Eliktras, for allowing me to use their names here. Thanks. This story will, in differents parts and different chapters (As in, Part 1- Chapter1-2-3, Part 2-Chapter4-5-6, ans so on...), relate the story of three little Eevees. They will face many hardships, fight many battles, and you'll see them grow, mature, and many more things. But they are not alone ! And that's where YOU, readers, are gonna interact with me, and with our story as well, because no, it's not MY story, it's OUR story. They will meet many others Pokémons, many trainers, scientists, and many more people, and YOU can be one of them. How you ask ? Simple, just send me a PM with your name and the pokémon/human you want to be =)
BUT a few rules must be applied here.
First, the name. It has to be a "name" feel, for example "Peter" or "Alexandra". I won't accept names such as "666DaRkDrAgOnBlAcKfUrY666" because NO, I DO NOT WANT. Period. If you have a nickname that does not ressemble this, you can create it, for example, being nicknamed 136Celebi can result in the name of Cele, or Celes. You CAN be creative with that =) I'll be the only judge for that matters.
Then, the pokémons. You CAN'T be a Legendary ('Cause you know, if Groudon is nicknamed "Charlie"... You get the point.) Also, NO SHINY. There will only be one
shiny, unless it's really part of your... "feelings" or whatever... If I don't make this rule, everyone will be Shiny, and that's confusing as hell. Seriously, did you see Shiny Espeon ?? GREEN. Eew. Gross. I don't like it. Well, here too, you get the point. For the Trainers, be creative too. I don't want 14 League's Masters, with Mega-Charizard and
Mega-Mewtwo. Oh, by the way, no Megas. I know where to put Megas in this story. For the Trainers, then, it's the same, except that you don't tell me the Pokémon you want to be, but the Pokémon you'll be having in your team. As always, be creative, take your favorites pokémon, not uber-powered ones. It doesn't matters anyway, if I see only one tiny bit of Megas, or powerful pokémons without reasons, his trainer will DIE PAINFULLY o_o. Just kidding, you can, but take it easy, ok ?
Also, if someone want to make arts for this fanfic, you can, but I can't give you anything in return =/ I'll be happy to post an art at each end of chapter, if you can provide ^^
Finally, all rules of PH apply here, be respectful, do not insult anyone, bow before me...
Oh, I forgot, many things here will NOT follow Pokémon's logic. Don't fret over the small things, just grab some popcorn and enjoy. There my be some swears, but I'll censor it ^^'
"Humans will talk like that".
*Pokémon will talk like that.* (Nell will talk in PURPLE, Miko in PINK, and Eliktras in YELLOW. The others characters will have colors as well, to see who is talking.)
(Pokémon (The main characters) will think like this)
[And battle moves will be used like this.]
I apologize if I make some mistakes here and there, but as you may or may not know, I'm French, and an English fanfic is a first for me =)
Oh, and close the door behind when you enter. It's cold outside.
No Pokémon were hurt during filming.

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Posted: Thu, 07/05/2015 03:28 (9 Years ago)
So you're saying we should redo the sprite of the whole Pokémon ? No point.

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Posted: Thu, 07/05/2015 02:00 (9 Years ago)
7730 ^o^

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Posted: Sat, 25/04/2015 06:43 (9 Years ago)
Sounds fun, I'll enter too !

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Posted: Fri, 05/09/2014 14:24 (10 Years ago)
I might have to get myself a signature too...

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Posted: Fri, 05/09/2014 14:20 (10 Years ago)
Do you need to get a fixed level to get more gems ?
I mean, do I have more chance to get a gem when I'm at a lvl 2 rumbling than a lvl1 rumbling ?
(Sorry for the bad english, I'm French ^^')

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Posted: Fri, 05/09/2014 14:15 (10 Years ago)
Thanks for warning us =D

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Posted: Mon, 01/09/2014 14:29 (10 Years ago)
Hello everyone =)

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