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Posted: Sun, 30/06/2019 05:29 (5 Years ago)
The Papyrus looked up and tears up at the name before Zero teleports away and out of sight. Myst begins speaking at this point, making sure that Zero was gone and couldn't hear what they say.

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Posted: Sat, 29/06/2019 07:24 (5 Years ago)

Title: S a d

Myst doesn't speak or move, though the Papyrus doesn't react as one would to a stranger. He waits a somber moment, then smiles heartbreakingly, taking the spaghetti and putting it in his inventory. "Th... Thank you sir... Sorry for barging in unannounced but..." He starts tearing up, though his expression doesn't change. His tears are actually grey, which is kind of odd. "I just didn't want to be alone..." He leans into Myst, who's crying in the same way, all tears, no expression change. He also takes a hold of the dusty jacket in one hand, Zero's jacket in the other. His hands are purple and dusty, probably from his brother.

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Posted: Fri, 28/06/2019 17:17 (5 Years ago)
A sad Papyrus looking monster slowly walks out. His skull is stained with orange lines where he'd evidently been crying. His appearance in and of itself is rather colorful, though his aura is quite the opposite. "Nn... Hello..." He looks around and holds a bubbly jacket covered in dust. Myst is physically caught off guard, looking distraught and furious. The look doesn't last though, as Myst slowly steps to the Pap and wraps their arms around him. The Pap is shaking and doesn't seem comfortable in the hug, though he doesn't move away. This would be the first time, even before and during the fight with Error, that Myst showed any sign of inconfidence.

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Posted: Fri, 28/06/2019 17:10 (5 Years ago)
"Qell that's his main motive, getting rid of the flawed and skewed AUs that aren't the original Undertale. I'm just trying to think of what got him riled up in the first place..."

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Posted: Fri, 28/06/2019 16:29 (5 Years ago)
"Like I said, Ink probably f*unKe*d something up and Error didn't like it so he threw a tantrum." They yawn and join Zero in sitting on the ground. "Otherwise, he might just be entertaining himself, I don't know."

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Posted: Fri, 28/06/2019 16:22 (5 Years ago)
"So you're from this AU? Or are you an outcode that found a home here and that's what brought you to offer me a home? Also, yeah, I have so many questions but I wouldn't want to overwhelm you too much." Myst chuckles before stopping abruptly and turning around. Their goofy smile turned into a somewhat serious glance to a place someone would hide in (such as the trees in snwdin, the quiche spot in waterfall, etc.). "Well that was quick, one of my buds found me."

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Posted: Fri, 28/06/2019 02:38 (5 Years ago)
"Huh, now that I think about it, I have a few. Is this before, during or after the human falls? Is there a human at all in this AU? Do you have access to the surface? Is the OG gang around or is it completely different characters? What's the difference between normal Undertale and here? What role do you play? You don't have to answer all of my questions but since you offered, I thought I'd spew a few of them." They practically say this in one breath, the air around them warming up as they get a bit excited.

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Posted: Thu, 27/06/2019 21:15 (5 Years ago)
"That doesn't seem too tough, I can help you out some if need be. Oh well, it's all good, this is fine." Myst doesn't really notice the glitches and messed up world, though they do seem a bit off put about something.

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Posted: Thu, 27/06/2019 21:14 (5 Years ago)
Myst just sighs and shakes their head. "I'm not human and I know about finger guns. I'm not exactly a serious guy but I know how to be serious."

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Posted: Thu, 27/06/2019 04:55 (5 Years ago)
Myst looks at their hands. "... You've never seen finger guns..?" They almost look saddened by this fact, only to turn dramatically. "I can't believe I have to fight along side someone who doesn't know about finger guns."

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Posted: Thu, 27/06/2019 04:53 (5 Years ago)
Myst pauses for a moment, then thinks for a solid minute. "I'm sure some of the characters from my AU survived... We should probably wait though, they might have gotten away scot-free depending on where they were. Still, we should wait, it's not like they'll all come at once, they all spread out on their own ways." Myst smiles more. "We're a stubborn bunch of fother muckers, we don't die off so easily." They're obviously feigning confidence, though it's good for them to be like this rather than all sad and depressed. Also, be prepared for stupid sweats such as the one used here, they don't like swearing straight on.

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Posted: Thu, 27/06/2019 04:41 (5 Years ago)
"Oh, that's fine, I don't think I'm exactly scared of Errors yet. In fact, this last end-of-worlds battle only got me more intrigued. I tend to be interested in many dangerous things, though I won't meddle with your Error, I suppose." They smile widely. "Besides, we made it out alive, right? I'd say we won as is."

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Posted: Thu, 27/06/2019 04:31 (5 Years ago)
Myst comes in alone, not having found their friends yet. They let Zero know that their friends wouldn't cause any harm and they'd come around and chat if they do come to the AU. Except for their Gaster, they went to great lengths to say that they wish he would die in the Void. "So, this is your AU, huh? It looks a lot like the original, it's nice to come to an OG AU at times, easy in the eyes."

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Posted: Thu, 27/06/2019 04:23 (5 Years ago)
Myst points finger guns at Zero awkwardly. "Sounds good, broski." They turn to Gaster and Aster in confusion. "You two need a second to get things straight or you good?"

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Posted: Thu, 27/06/2019 04:16 (5 Years ago)
Myst: The Chara of a destroyed AU called Mancertale (of which monsters were experts in one magic and humans were good at a touch of each magic). Similar to all Charas, they shared more in common with monsters and couldn't learn much of any other magics. The magic they concentrated on was Xenomancy, magic of the unknown. This ends up being all sorts of magic, but the thing is that their magic switches up constantly, they never know if they can control fire or fly or teleport, though they can test it out when they're in a safe space like an empty AU or even a closed off room in a basement. They're rather eccentric and unpredictable, so many have a hard time trusting them. When asked what they are, monster or human, they often answer indifferently, generally avoiding the question. Also, when asked their gender, they never give the same answer. Boy, girl, non binary, they tell different people different things, though they could care less what you think they are. They dont have any genitals, so most consider them as male.

Nano: The Frisk of Mancertale, they don't have any magic, hence why they went to Mount Ebott... Anyway, since the abolishment of their AU, they've been stuck in the body of Myst. They never really come about in Myst's life, but you can tell that Myst would be much worse of a pain if you knew Nano was in there. They would have a brief mention at some point, but only when Myst truly feels at home in this unfamiliar area. Also, if ever mentioned, Nano is a girl, even though Myst calls them in non binary pronouns.

Crone: The Asriel of Mancertale, he specializes in Necromancy, magic of (hyper)death. He's extremely polite and elegant in nearly every sense except for the decay of his horns, which often stinks if not cleaned up every three hours. He looks damaged when coming into the AU, though only because he couldn't find a safe AU to rest in after being attacked head on by Error.

Chrome: The Papyrus of Mancertale, he specializes in Chromomancy, magic of light and color. He tends to be rather quiet and much less obnoxious than his original counterpart. He gets excited when talking to blind people and can bring them temporary sight for long periods or short periods of time simply for them to experience sight and see why people wouldn't want to lose it. He's kind and very tolerant to Myst's shenanigans, sometimes being able to get them to calm down a bit. When he enters this AU, he doesn't speak for a long time due to the loss of his brother. He carries a shredded cloth that has a dirty blue side and a matted dusty white fluff side, evidently the back of his Sans' jacket. He eventually will cope though, probably depending on Natalie to be his new "brother," often talking to her about stars, fire and fireworks.

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Posted: Tue, 25/06/2019 06:07 (5 Years ago)
"And so long as you hold true to that, I very well may protect you if worse comes to worst." They nod to Zero in acknowledgement. "Connections are always good kid, make them with many different people so when one hits the fan, the others will be at your side."

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Posted: Tue, 25/06/2019 05:44 (5 Years ago)
Myst chuckles a bit and gets up again. "I'll keep that in mind, though just know that I have no motives against you guys. I won't hesitate if you actually try to kill me though, I have quite a few people I can reach out to despite the [REDACTED] that we're in, I'll personally have Error go after your [REDACTED]. Not until you prove to be a foe more than a friend though, no worries. You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours, that how I go in this shindig." Myst looks around at the portals rims, along with the area they mindlessly jumped into, showing no concern or apathy for the words spewing from their mouth.

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Posted: Mon, 24/06/2019 07:24 (5 Years ago)
"Hell if you could have done anything, you were probably busy with another AU or something. There's nothing you could have done when it comes to him going in the doodle sphere." Myst is just fine with the spears surrounding them. "And sorry, you sounded annoyed so I made myself satisfy you quickly."

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Posted: Mon, 24/06/2019 03:10 (5 Years ago)
Myst jumps through before Angel could respond to Zero, they tend to be very compulsive it seems.

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Posted: Mon, 24/06/2019 02:33 (5 Years ago)
Myst shrugs. "Yeah, Geno and I were pals in one of the timelines before he finally kicked the bucket, I doubt it was your Geno though." They look Zero right in the eye, then grin a little. "Curiosity killed the cat, you know."

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