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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Mimikyu_Trash.
Posted: Tue, 05/06/2018 14:03 (6 Years ago)
Really?! Thank you so much for the potential opportunity to work with you!

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Posted: Tue, 05/06/2018 01:52 (6 Years ago)
im going to be very bored this summer so i was wondering if anybody would like to collab in terms of animating or "hire"(you dont need to pay me) me onto their production team?Preferably a fanime as that is what im most used to,but I'm honestly down with whatever haha
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=77K5Om2zpgU (this is my demo reel. please contact me if you're interested!
Thank you for reading and have a nice day/night!

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Posted: Sun, 03/06/2018 15:54 (6 Years ago)
your little mareep looks adorable! it will be a pleasure to draw! same with carmela!(i hope i spelled the last one right hehe)

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Posted: Fri, 01/06/2018 00:04 (6 Years ago)
Is traditional okay?? Im actually better woth traditional and they were going to be sketches anyway. Also unfortunately i have to get my computer fixed sorry ; ;
Also thats really nice of you to say thank you so much!!
EDIT: I finished the sketch traditionally and i will provide a link to it very soon. I apologize for any inconveniences that might have happened

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Posted: Wed, 30/05/2018 22:22 (6 Years ago)
awww thank you very much!! also sorry if u don't see this i don't really know how to reply correctly ..'

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Posted: Wed, 30/05/2018 22:08 (6 Years ago)
Just as the title says! Ill draw you and your pokemon(ONE) of choice(not a legendary sorry but most of those are too detailed for me to be doing five a day ; ;
I will only be doing sketches however as I'm already doing commissions and I'm just doing this to help those who might be lacking in artistic skill or maybe just wanna see their ocs in a different style ya know?? Also its first come first serve and no i don't do nsfw sorry i just...it kinda grosses me out personally and while its not my opinion that matters i know that if i draw something i don't wanna draw i wont get it done like AT ALL.

Just leave a comment on this thread if you're interested, and Oh! examples will be at the bottom lol sorry i almost completely forgot about those...

Ummm i couldn't find any examples of sketches but here's a commission i did for someone ,just imagine it without the color i guess??sorry ; ;

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