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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from MichaelaMeepyMaster.
Posted: Wed, 03/11/2021 01:09 (3 Years ago)
what i like from the game is that all the eeveelutions are here! and that you can auction, trade, someone told me youu could battle, and catch pokemon! there are my favorite pokemon here! rockruff, mew, all eevee evelutions, eevee, lyncinrock (midday/middnight), and meoth and his evolve stages! i like how you can give your pokemon nicknames too! i like how you can sell stuff to other people, you can grow berrys for more pokedollar, there are fun events! i mean, i like most the stuff! i like how you can help people hatch there eggs and help other peoples pokemon gain more levels. i like how you can add friends, send privet messages, report mean people and report people for breaking the rules. i like how you can get free eggs, witch equals free pokemon(i think). tell me if you like some different stuff that i might have missed. and tell me what you dissliked from my choices! have a good day or night wherever you are!

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Posted: Wed, 03/11/2021 00:56 (3 Years ago)
must be cool to be getting a eevee out of an egg then have it evolve into a eevee evelution right after, at least that's how i read from you post how it works

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Posted: Tue, 02/11/2021 23:53 (3 Years ago)

Title: tips with evolving a eevee into espeon/umbreon

instead of using the sooth bell to EVOLVE the eevee's into umbreon and espeon, give the eevee's the sooth bells. it wont work if you try to evolve the eevee's into umbreon or espeon with the sooth bells. also, good thing the sooth bells are reusable!

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Posted: Tue, 02/11/2021 23:48 (3 Years ago)

Title: it took me a long time...

i was looking for a long time for a espeon and a umbreon. so it said i needed sooth bells to make my eevee's into the espeon and umbeon, (i had the 2 sooth bells, the 2 eevee's, the sun and moon evolve stone) so i asked my friend if they could help me with the sooth bell problem. i learned you should give the eevee's the sooth bell, not use the sooth bell to evolve the pokemon lol XD.

for me it wasnt that hard to get a jolteon, all i needed was a thunder(or whatever its called) stone, and a eevee. no sooth bell needed for me!

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Posted: Tue, 02/11/2021 23:42 (3 Years ago)
yeah, i was new, but now im not, my old goal was to get all the eeveelutions, now im so close, i just need 1 stinking glaceon. and i might give away a eevee, but i dont know yet...

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Posted: Tue, 02/11/2021 23:35 (3 Years ago)

Title: read this plz

my 2 favorite eeveelutions are umbreon and vaporeon, vaporeon is winning right now on being my favorite, his type, color his body, VAPOREON IS CUTE!!! and i love to swim and vaporeon is a water type! so i can agree.

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Posted: Tue, 02/11/2021 23:30 (3 Years ago)
tell others what you like about vaporeons and if you'd be one, or tell people why you dislike vaporeons.

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