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Posted: Sat, 05/10/2019 07:48 (5 Years ago)

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Posted: Fri, 04/10/2019 07:48 (5 Years ago)

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Posted: Fri, 04/10/2019 07:34 (5 Years ago)
I was working on my Flight Rising hatchery, this separates the dragons I'm selling.

It's not really necessary, but it's pretty!

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Posted: Fri, 04/10/2019 07:25 (5 Years ago)

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Posted: Thu, 03/10/2019 09:41 (5 Years ago)

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Posted: Thu, 03/10/2019 08:18 (5 Years ago)

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Posted: Thu, 03/10/2019 08:11 (5 Years ago)
Entry Method: (dragon or treasure)
Breed Guess: (Tundra, Guardian, Fae, or Mirror)
Primary Color:
Secondary Color:
Tertiary Color:

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Posted: Mon, 30/09/2019 05:51 (5 Years ago)
(Sweet! Half RP, half question blog, this is great!

Questions that further the story or add to the lore would be cool!

Like one's that talk about how Shadow became a Shadow Raichu or something-for example, it doesn't have to be that.


*A shiny Poochyena walks out of the forest sopping wet, shaking herself to dislodge the water that was stuck in her fur.

She spots the trio and follows them at a distance, not knowing about a Lucario's ability to sense Auras, as she'd never seen one before.*

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Posted: Mon, 30/09/2019 05:36 (5 Years ago)
(Sorry, was asleep!)

"Yes, the name's Lola, don't wear it out! ;)

I don't know, some people seem to be heading somewhere, let's just follow them and see where they go!:D ", she said.

*She motioned to the Abra to follow, and slowly floated out the door- discreetly following the other mons.

They arrived at a gymnasium.

Lola gaped, astonished at how immense it was- it certainly didn't look this big on the outside!

Must be some sort of magic room or something.

She snorted as a thought crossed her head*

{}=thinking to herself

{What if the teacher is a Palkia, or some sort of Palkia fusion?

The principal is a Mewtwo, so it's not so Farfetch'd that there would be other legend teachers here- heck, one of the students was a Diance, another was a Magierna, and another was a Lunala fusion!}

*To pass the time until the teacher came, she busied herself with exploring the gym.

At one end of the gym was a gigantic wall logo of an Alolan Vulpix on one side blowing Ice, and a regular Vulpix on the other blowing fire with the text "Pokemon Academy- Fighting Pixes!" (Short for Vulpix-if anyone has a better name, feel free to suggest one!
Pics-es, not Pixies.)

Also on the walls were banners with various sports on them, including past winners of an event called a "Pokelathon."*

{I wonder what that is? Sounds kinda fun! I wonder if anyone here will tryout!}

*She went to the side of the gym, and sat down, having explored a good chunk of the gym.

Just then, a Palkia in a red tracksuit with a blue line running down the sides, did indeed walk through the door*

Palkia: "Alright everyone- we have plenty of time for a quick skirmish, who's up for a little doge-ball?" she asked.

*Lola was shocked, the Palkia didn't look feminine, but certainly her voice was!
(Nothing against people like that, it's just a plot device, and she's young, so she hasn't met too many others!)

She squeaked and turned invisible, not wanting to get hit with a ball and took to the air-albeit low since heights were not her thing.*

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Posted: Mon, 30/09/2019 04:51 (5 Years ago)

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Posted: Mon, 30/09/2019 04:51 (5 Years ago)

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Posted: Sun, 29/09/2019 07:57 (5 Years ago)
(Hey Nerdy, this is fascinating!

I would love to see this as an RP, I wanna see where this goes!

Would you want to make a thread in the RP section with a link back to this?

I think it would be fun!

How's about it?)

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Posted: Sun, 29/09/2019 07:34 (5 Years ago)
(Eastern Standard time, it's 3:34 am right now.)

*Lola walked into the classroom, and saw there were only two other Pokemon besides her.

Where was the teacher and the other students?

She floated over to the Abra, fully visible for once.*

"She noticed a room key hanging off of her neck that had a number 4 written on it.

Lola inwardly gasped, and realized this was one of her roommates!

She extended her paw to the Abra, wanting to introduce herself, floating a few inches off the floor.*

"Hello there! My name is Lola, I'm one of your roommates! :D

Everyone makes mistakes, and you were the first to try the experiment, that means your're a trailblazer!

Don't feel bad about messing up, it happens to everyone.

It's only the first day, don't be afraid to try new things!

Nobody got hurt, so no harm, no Torchic. ;)", she said.

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Posted: Sun, 29/09/2019 04:37 (5 Years ago)
2 Alili
3 Zora

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Posted: Sun, 29/09/2019 04:33 (5 Years ago)
(I'm up while the rest of you are asleep, as I'm a nightowl, so I won't be as active.

I also may be getting a job at some point-they're doing background checks now.

Another reason why Lola is part Latias-she's invisible most of the time, just watching everything unfold, so it works out.

I just read what I missed, then RP accordingly.

I'm not good with names or physical descriptions, so pardon me if I get anything wrong.)

*Lola picked up her key in her paw, and read the number on it*

"Dorm number 4 huh?

It seems I'll be with Kiki, Alili, and Zora, I wonder what they're like?", she wondered.

*She walked until she got to her dorm, she literally hovered in the doorway for a few minutes, scanning the room.

It seems like everyone was already in their next class.

She landed back on the ground, and took a minute to get a drink, put the stuff she didn't need away, took the only bed left, and then ran off to class.

"Math huh?

Great.... I'm not too good at it....I wonder if my roommates are any good at Math?", she griped.

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Posted: Sat, 28/09/2019 08:26 (5 Years ago)

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Posted: Sat, 28/09/2019 08:02 (5 Years ago)
*She had arrived to school ten minutes before she was supposed to be there, as to make sure the teacher saw her, she had heard that her teacher was a male Delphox.

She went up and introduced herself to him, and then made her way to the classroom.

As the first few students walked in, she turned invisible (The Latias part of her) so that she could quietly observe them and not attract any attention to herself.

The teacher knew she was there because he could sense her Psycicly, as he had made a mental note of her when she met him, that was one of the reasons he moved to the back, so that everyone could see-not just the ones in the front.

A little after the class started, an Abra teleported next to her out of nowhere.

She flinched, but kept up her camouflage.

The mess with the experiment spooked her, but she tried to keep it together.

At the sound of the announcement, she revealed herself, pricking her ears, the light blue parts of her glowing in interest.

This is where she was going to find out who she was going to be bunking with.

She walked out of the classroom, headed to the gym, and floated up to the back-seeing as it wasn't particularly high up, and not too crowded with other students.

She sat down and waited for the Mewtwo to speak.

Lola noticed the Mega stone on his neck, and wondered what he could evolve into, X form or Y form, and he was green too-he was a shiny legend like her!*

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Posted: Sat, 28/09/2019 07:18 (5 Years ago)

Missing or Umbreon please!

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Posted: Sat, 28/09/2019 07:13 (5 Years ago)

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Posted: Fri, 27/09/2019 09:04 (5 Years ago)

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