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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Lamvin.
Posted: Tue, 04/04/2017 21:47 (7 Years ago)
Happy Birthday!~

I'll do my best to find all the friends for you!! (Currently waiting for my Rumblers to get back so I can find one of them.)

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Posted: Tue, 07/02/2017 07:07 (7 Years ago)

Jack groans a bit, stretching softly as she drinks a small cup of coffee. She was, right now, off duty for school reasons, though she had her phone on her in case of emergencies. Though she had a feeling she wasn't going to get very far in school for some reason...ah, just a thought.

Screaming was the current thing heard in an alleyway. Loud, angry screaming. With a lot of swearing...and some shouts of pain. The Jack in the alley looked near exactly like the Jack going to school, except with tattoos covering her arms, legs, and neck. Right now, she was wearing a crop top and short shorts, not caring what people thought of her.

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Posted: Tue, 07/02/2017 01:50 (7 Years ago)
Welcome to both of you!~

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Posted: Sun, 05/02/2017 04:13 (7 Years ago)
It is said that every person has an opposite. A doppleganger. This is only partially true. Two worlds. One world is the real world. The other has the opposites, each person being opposite of their other world's counterpart. Living opposite lives. This story is of those two worlds coming together.



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Name: Jack/Jack
Age: 16/16
Gender: Male/Female
Profession: Policeman/Gangster
Family: Mother, father, and brother/None

Name: "The name's Doug Uni."/"Uni Doug! Nice to meet ya."
Age: "12."/"12!"
Gender: "Im a Male."/"Female. Girl power!"
Profession: "I work as a Metalworker."/ "Eh, I work at McDonald's Drive-through."
Family: "None, I'm an Orphan."/ "They died." *sobs*
Religion: "Never had one."/ "Nope!"

Name: "Oliver Carson Hymun!" / "Name's Olivia Carolyn Hyman..."
Age: "16 / 16"
Gender: "Male!" / "Female." Oliver dresses like a girl--
Profession: "I'm a bartender!" / "Waitress at Culvers."
Family: "Big brother and Mom! Dad died from a heart attack..." / "Three big brothers, parents."
Religion: "I'm Atheist..." / "Catholic."
-Oliver Looks-
-Olivia's Looks-
-Both are Panromantic

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Posted: Thu, 26/01/2017 21:29 (7 Years ago)
Hey Felix! I'd love to help with your hunt!
Username: Lamvin
Donation: 17 Ground Gems, 9 Rock Gems, 10kpd, 1 Brown Mystery Box, 2 Green Mystery Boxes, 2 Light Blue Mystery Boxes, 2 Red Mystery Boxes, and 5 Dark Blue Mystery Keys
Password: Regulus Black
Other: Hope you can get the Shiny Mega soon!~ (Will send the donations after this post.)

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Posted: Wed, 25/01/2017 20:15 (7 Years ago)
Posting here, not sure if I should be, because I have a Quest from Rowan...not sure what else to say. Goes and hides

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Posted: Sun, 15/01/2017 11:50 (7 Years ago)
The ones with [X], if you couldn't guess, are the ones I have.

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#252 Treecko []
#253 Grovyle []
#254 Sceptile []
#255 Torchic []
#256 Combusken []
#257 Blaziken []
#258 Mudkip []
#259 Marshtomp []
#260 Swampert [X]
#261 Poochyena []
#262 Mightyena [X]
#263 Zigzagoon []
#264 Linoone [X]
#265 Wurmple []
#266 Silcoon []
#267 Beautifly [X]
#268 Cascoon []
#269 Dustox [X]
#270 Lotad []
#271 Lombre [X]
#272 Ludicolo []
#273 Seedot []
#274 Nuzleaf [X]
#275 Shiftry []
#276 Taillow []
#277 Swellow []
#278 Wingull []
#279 Pelipper [X]
#280 Ralts []
#281 Kirlia []
#282 Gardevoir []
#283 Surskit []
#284 Masquerain [X]
#285 Shroomish []
#286 Breloom [X]
#287 Slakoth []
#288 Vigoroth []
#289 Slaking []
#290 Nincada []
#291 Ninjask [X]
#292 Shedinja []
#293 Whismur []
#294 Loudred []
#295 Exploud []
#296 Makuhita []
#297 Hariyama [X]
#298 Azurill [X]
#299 Nosepass [X]
#300 Skitty [X]
#301 Delcatty []
#302 Sableye [X]
#303 Mawile [X]
#304 Aron []
#305 Lairon [X]
#306 Aggron []
#307 Meditite [X]
#308 Medicham [X]
#309 Electrike []
#310 Manectric []
#311 Plusle []
#312 Minun []
#313 Volbeat []
#314 Illumise [X]
#315 Roselia []
#316 Gulpin []
#317 Swalot [X]
#318 Carvanha [X]
#319 Sharpedo []
#320 Wailmer []
#321 Wailord []
#322 Numel []
#323 Camerupt []
#324 Torkoal [X]
#325 Spoink []
#326 Grumpig [X]
#327 Spinda []
#328 Trapinch []
#329 Vibrava []
#330 Flygon []
#331 Cacnea []
#332 Cacturne [X]
#333 Swablu [X]
#334 Altaria []
#335 Zangoose [X]
#336 Seviper [X]
#337 Lunatone []
#338 Solrock []
#339 Barboach []
#340 Whiscash [X]
#341 Corphish []
#342 Crawdaunt [X]
#343 Baltoy []
#344 Claydol []
#345 Lileep []
#346 Cradily []
#347 Anorith []
#348 Armaldo []
#349 Feebas []
#350 Milotic []
#351 Castform [X]
#351 Castform []
#351 Castform []
#351 Castform []
#351 Castform []
#351 Castform []
#351 Castform []
#351 Castform []
#351 Castform []
#351 Castform []
#351 Castform []
#351 Castform []
#351 Castform []
#351 Castform []
#351 Castform []
#351 Castform []
#351 Castform []
#352 Kecleon [X]
#353 Shuppet [X]
#354 Banette [X]
#355 Duskull []
#356 Dusclops []
#357 Tropius []
#358 Chimecho []
#359 Absol [X]
#360 Wynaut []
#361 Snorunt []
#362 Glalie []
#363 Spheal []
#364 Sealeo []
#365 Walrein [X]
#366 Clamperl []
#367 Huntail []
#368 Gorebyss []
#369 Relicanth []
#370 Luvdisc [X]
#371 Bagon []
#372 Shelgon [X]
#373 Salamence []
#374 Beldum []
#375 Metang [X]
#376 Metagross []
#377 Regirock [X]
#378 Regice []
#379 Registeel []
#380 Latias []
#381 Latios []
#382 Kyogre []
#383 Groudon []
#384 Rayquaza []
#385 Jirachi []
#386 Deoxys []
#386 Deoxys []
#386 Deoxys []
#386 Deoxys []

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Posted: Wed, 28/12/2016 06:45 (7 Years ago)
"Oh!" She quickly puts it on, giggling. "Sorry." She says, continuing to bounce happily.

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Posted: Wed, 28/12/2016 06:23 (7 Years ago)
"Dunno!~" She says, though she was smiling happily. "Shopping, shopping, we're going shopping~" She says, bouncing gently in her seat.

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Posted: Wed, 28/12/2016 06:00 (7 Years ago)
She giggles happily, smiling as she looked to Grey, tilting her head a bit curiously. "He's sleeping."

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Posted: Wed, 28/12/2016 05:45 (7 Years ago)
She pouts a bit, getting in as well, getting nice and comfy, smiling happily.

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Posted: Wed, 28/12/2016 05:37 (7 Years ago)
"Awh, please?" She asks Harper, making puppy dog eyes. "I haven't driven in foreeeeeeveeeeeer!"

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Posted: Wed, 28/12/2016 05:33 (7 Years ago)
"...I call driving!~" She says, running to the van, despite not having a drivers license yet...and she barely knew how to drive.

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Posted: Wed, 28/12/2016 05:31 (7 Years ago)
Lucia happily follows, a slight skip in her step as she went, happily.

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Posted: Wed, 28/12/2016 05:25 (7 Years ago)
"Ya!~" She says, happily, before pausing. "Which way again?"

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Posted: Wed, 28/12/2016 05:13 (7 Years ago)
"Awh..." Lucia huffs, before heading outside with everyone else, looking around and smiling happily.

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Posted: Wed, 28/12/2016 05:05 (7 Years ago)
Lucia grins happily, clapping. "Yes!~ Shopping!~ Can I stab someone? My Butterfly knife hasn't seen blood in a while."

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Posted: Wed, 28/12/2016 04:52 (7 Years ago)
Lucia comes back out, smiling. "Ready.~" She says happily, her butterfly knife hidden again.

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Posted: Wed, 28/12/2016 04:46 (7 Years ago)
She grins happily, clapping as she did, going to go get dressed in her...well, normal clothing. Which...was basically the same outfit. Just with a black shirt.

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Posted: Wed, 28/12/2016 04:41 (7 Years ago)
<< Ah. Sorry. >>

She giggles gently. "Mmm...that'd be a good idea. We do need some new things, so that helps." She says, grinning happily, bouncing on her feet slightly.

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