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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from LadyVillain.
Posted: Sat, 03/01/2015 00:41 (10 Years ago)
QuoteMy username and number in the category is: LadyVillain, #42.
My most wanted shiny from the prizes: Vulpix.
Why I want the shiny: My first Pokémon game was Crystal, so the first and second generations are closer to my heart. Plus foxes are just too cute! ♥
Why I chose this category: Because shinies. Everybody loves shinies. o3o
What will I do with the shiny: I'll name it, evolve it and suffocate it with my love until I decide to stuff it into a box so I can look at it from time to time and fawn over how sparkly it is.

Tweaked again with the form, sorry. ;u;

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Posted: Wed, 17/12/2014 13:13 (10 Years ago)
QuoteName: LadyVillain
Number: #42
Categories I wish to apply for: 1st, 4th and 5th.
Why I want to apply for these categories:
1st: Shinies! I just really like shinies.
4th: Originally I was going for legendaries... but I kind of want to have the satisfaction --and pain!-- of going through the necessary steps to get my own legendaries~ ... Aside from hunting for the item, that is. P:
5th: That megastone... I just- hnng! I want it!

I tweaked a bit with the form, hopefully that's ok... my non-existent OCD kicked in. I don't actually have OCD, I'm just very fussy at times.

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Posted: Thu, 11/12/2014 09:01 (10 Years ago)
I'm REALLY bugged by the box system in here. x.x
I don't like the tick boxes, I don't like that there isn't an option to select all pokémon in a box, I don't like how easy it is for a clumsy person as myself to spend half an hour (slight exageration) ticking boxes only to forget clicking the move button and swapping to another box without taking the previously selected 100 pokémon. It displeases me very, very much. |:

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Posted: Thu, 11/12/2014 08:32 (10 Years ago)
Congelador (Portuguese). :3
What is rabbit in your language?

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Posted: Thu, 30/10/2014 15:06 (10 Years ago)

Hello, hello!

And welcome to my lair of EVIL! Mwahahahaha!
Yes, now, enough of that.

Please don't post on this thread! If you'd like to get in contact with me for whatever reason do so through PMs (a.k.a. personal messages)!

Dear Diary...

This diary was made mainly to keep track of the shiny hunts I plan to make in the future. But I'll probably add a wishlist and somehow try to keep up with my Pokédex through here as well! :3
It might turn into a note clustered thread in the future... but that's why I called it a notebook~

Current Goals
• Save 1.200.000 for box upgrades.

Future Goals
• Finish second medal set.
• Complete Kanto Pokédex.

Shiny Hunts
Warning! Extensive list of delusions bellow!
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Upcoming Hunts:

Possible Future Hunts:
#28 Sandslash
#94 Mega Gengar
#113 Chansey
#120 Staryu
#700 Sylveon
#184 Azumarill
#189 Jumpluff
#206 Dunsparce
#215 Sneasel
#264 Linoone
#286 Breloom
#314 Illumise
#315 Roselia
#334 Altaria
#335 Zangoose
#358 Chimecho
#417 Pachirisu
#425 Drifloon
#428 Lopunny
#531 Audino
#545 Scolipede
#667 Litleo
#672 Skiddo
#676 Furfrou
#677 Espurr
#682 Spritzee
+ All starters!

Honorable Mentions
A.k.a. "the show-off corner"!
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26/10/2014: Finished first badge set! Woot!
28/10/2014: Hatched first mega-able pokémon! It's a Shuppet!
29/10/2014: Hatched second mega-able pokémon! It's a Snover!
03/12/2014: Gathered enough funds to buy the Pokéradar and it's non-included battery!
03/12/2014: Started my very first shiny hunt... "LadyVillain is currently hunting Eevee."
27/12/2014: "Congratulations! A shiny Eevee hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #174)!"
02/01/2015: Second shiny hunt started! "LadyVillain is currently hunting Poliwag."
06/01/2015: "Congratulations! A shiny Poliwag hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #57)!"

Notes! Notes everywhere!
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30/10/2014: Changed box arrangements, now everything is thrown together instead of separated by nature. In turn, I came up with another way to "mark" pokémons based on their natures:
( » ) Great Nature: + % highest stat and - % lowest stat.
( › ) Good Nature: + % highest stat or - % lowest stat.
( º ) Ok Nature: doesn't affect highest stat nor lowest stat.
( • ) Neutral Nature: no effect.
( × ) Bad Nature: - % highest stat or + % lowest stat.

04/11/2014: Decided to make a little experiment with daycare couples and how well they get along. I saw somewhere that it was related to the trainer and species of each pokémon so that's what I'm focusing on at the moment!

Pair 1: Two PKMN originally from owning trainer -- of different species.
--- "The two don't seem to like each other."
Pair 2: Two PKMN originally from owning trainer -- of same species.
--- "The two seem to get along."
Pair 3: One PKMN originally from owning trainer, one PKMN originally from other trainer -- different species.
--- "The two seem to get along."
Pair 4: One PKMN originally from owning trainer, one PKMN originally from other trainer -- same species.
--- "The two seem to get along very well."
Pair 5: Two PKMN originally from other trainer -- different species.
--- "The two seem to get along."
Pair 6: Two PKMN originally from other trainer -- same species.
--- "The two seem to get along very well."

22/12/2014: Decided to make an experiment to keep track of the cost of hunting a shiny. Since my eevee hunt is already on-going I'll be applying this to my next hunt instead.
Shiny Croagunk Hunt
- Total breeding couple cost: 1.789 PD.
- Total daycare cost: ?? PD.

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Posted: Sun, 26/10/2014 14:40 (10 Years ago)
I always go an extra mile to make my usernames only with letters, so I often end up throwing words together which results in a handful of oddities. xD

Anyway, I like villains. Not the hardcore baddies, but the silly ones you find in children's cartoons.
"Take it Kronk! Ohoho, feel the power!" Just, just ! xD

And ladies are awesome. Gentlemen too!
I like old-fashioned things, well... the good old-fashioned things. Some old-fashioned things just sucked.

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Posted: Sun, 26/10/2014 13:59 (10 Years ago)
Flower Girl, Festival Ralts and Cottonblu are my favorites. I have a thing for soft, pastel and candy colored things. ;u;

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Posted: Sun, 26/10/2014 13:54 (10 Years ago)
I love Grimer! It just looks so EXCITED! xD

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Posted: Sun, 26/10/2014 13:51 (10 Years ago)
I have the shiny Gardevoir header with the bubbles background~ I really wanted to use the Audino header, but none of the backgrounds looked nice with it to me. T:

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Posted: Thu, 23/10/2014 02:34 (10 Years ago)
Only came across this on the very last day! But hopefully still on time; I wanna join! ^w^

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Posted: Wed, 22/10/2014 20:15 (10 Years ago)
I got a Piplup, but I picked water hoping for a Squirtle. xD

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