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Posted: Fri, 12/01/2018 06:03 (6 Years ago)

Honestly, I don't know if I'm in the right thread ^^; Sorry??

Okay, so, like, I am interested to know if anyone would like to talk about Attack on Titan with me? I watch the anime, and have read the manga.

Let's just say I am 18+ and prefer to talk with fellow adults who I find I might have more in common with since I do not seem to connect with the younger generations and their smart phones, haha.

I just don't really have many friends who like Attack on Titan, see, and me, being a writer...well, I like to talk about the topic I am writing about, even if the chat has nothing to do with whatever story I am working on.

Preferably, if you're a fellow Attack on Titan fanfiction writer, I'd much prefer talking to you, especially if you like the yaoi couples too.

Some of you even might recognize me as a fanfiction writer ( but let's hope not. I never post anything that you would see located on /this/ website.... >.>;;)

Anyways, could use a chatting buddy, or a writing buddy or both. Feel free to send me a private message if interested.

And if you're a fellow fanfiction writer, of the AoT nature, I could throw writing prompts your way too, if you prefer that. I always have a surplus of ideas that I don't always get around to writing myself.

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Posted: Sat, 12/08/2017 20:01 (7 Years ago)
Well, hey, in America, at least, people have very diverse opinions. There are, for example, plenty of conservatives who support the LGBTQ community...just as there are gay republicans. In the future, it might be wise to not jump to conclusions, don't you think? If someone does say something honestly homophobic, then, sure, be mad, say something. No one should discriminate against anyone for personal life choices, or lack there of. Just saying.

I have just received the third book today. I am contemplating reading it. Or writing. Or cleaning. (the struggle is real) And for the record, I completely, at least currently, having not read book three, support Fillip/Tedros. Not that it would ever happen. But I can be interested in it regardless. Never did understand the Hort/Tedros paring though. I don't think they ever liked each other as friends, let alone anything else. Unless their lack of a friendship changes in book three which okay, fine then, maybe. But until then, I like my current ships.

I'm totally impatient for the movie though. Anyone else interested in the coming not fast enough movie?

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Posted: Mon, 31/07/2017 22:06 (7 Years ago)
Oh, no. The reason I don't like the Levi/Eren pairing is because Levi is a (admittedly hot) thirty year old man, while Eren is just fifteen. I think normal people classify that as pedophilia and look down upon it. But I ship Eren/Armin hard, for obvious reasons.

And actually, as far as The School For Good and Evil is concerned, I ship Fillip/Tedros hard. I understand who Fillip actually is, and I understand that Fillip was only around for a moment, and that it is not a viable couple. They're both "boys", so, no, I'm not concerned about genders, only people and how they interact with one another.

I have purchased book three, and when it arrives, I will read it, and then be caught up with everyone else who knows the series.

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Posted: Sat, 29/07/2017 15:49 (7 Years ago)
I hope book three will be great. I am eager to read it. I just have to procure money to buy it. Not that it's expensive. Abebooks.com is where the thrifty book collectors shop for a reason, after all.

Thank you for the words of encouragement. I have to admit though, people have read my works. I know because, there's a "hit" count, where, every time someone clicks into the story, their click is recorded. It's also recorded whether or not they Kudo/Like it. Often, the fanfic looks like this;

1 Kudo - 200 views

But, it's not like I've posted original work. I know my original work is splendid. Plus, I don't write fanfics that the majority of the fandoms want to read. For example, the Attack on Titan community has an unhealthy obsession with the pairing Levi/Eren. I don't write that. I write about much more acceptable couples, and the fandom doesn't appreciate that. Lol. No one respects originality, lol. And I'm all about originality. So I'm cool with my current position.

And apparently, the Hort/Sophie ship is not popular either, in the School For Good and Evil series. Does anyone else ship them? Again, haven't read the third book, I don't want spoilers, but, discussing books 1-2, anyone else ship them? :)

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Posted: Thu, 27/07/2017 23:20 (7 Years ago)
Well, I don't know if I can capture the essence of the characters well enough to roleplay them. These characters, from a writers perspective, are quite complex. I am unsure of my own ability to roleplay them. If you want to judge my writing ability, you can find my writing at www.archiveofourown.org which is a website where people post fanfics. I did just write a fanfic for The School For Good and Evil. However, no one has Kudo's it, (liked it) nor have they commented on it, which tells me that I did not write it as well as I thought I did. Regardless, you're free to read it, and make your own opinion, if you want to. I can send a link over. I have wrote other fanfics, but I normally write unpleasant stories that I would advise you to be wary of. So if you don't mind, I'll just send you a private message and we can talk about the books there so we don't spoil the story, nor the characters for others who might pop into the forum.

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Posted: Thu, 27/07/2017 05:18 (7 Years ago)

The School For Good and Evil.

The Tower of Evil hosts aspiring villains and villainesses while the Tower of Good hosts future Queens and Kings.

A witch who abhors pink is mistakenly guided to the Tower of Good while a beautiful princess is locked into the Tower for Evil. Once, they were best friends. Now, they're separated by complex concepts. They try to reunite since they were each other's first, and only friend. As they navigate their new world, they learn more about the other then they ever could have back in their home village. Will the truth tear them apart or bring them closer together?

One might wonder if this is just another fairy tale.

It is not.

The series challenges, and defies all traditional fairy tales.

Princes do not rescue princesses. Princess's rescue princes. Then fart on him.
Chivalrous concepts are rejected in favor of feminism.
There is no love-at-first-sight. There is hate-at-first-sight, though.
Even Princes need to be saved.
Even villains can love.
Friendships prevail.
Friendships shatter.

The very notion of good and evil are heavily challenged.
Who is good?
Who is bad?
Is someone only good, or only bad?

Sometimes the truth is obscure.

In a story about friendship, The School For Good and Evil is unique as it embraces modern, democratic concepts including, and not limited to, gay characters. There is even possibly a real werewolf in the story. I doubt the future movie will reflect that, though.

So, how about it?


Already read it?

For anyone who has read the novels, I certainly wouldn't mind chatting about them!!! I have only read the first two books, though. I have yet to read the third installment, and, obviously, the fourth book because I don't think it's been released yet.

Anyways, I'm totally into the novels, and, since this is a general discussion forum, I figured I might see if anyone else knows them too. So, I, uh, hope my post being here is fine.

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Posted: Mon, 17/07/2017 20:38 (7 Years ago)

Title: Ruby's Story

My first dog is a type of dog that I swore I would never own. I did not want the stigma that would surely be associated with me owning the particular dog breed. I myself looked down upon yuppie women who carried these dogs in their purses. The dog in question was supposed to be my uncle's dog, my uncle who I live with. My uncle is great with dogs, by the way, so, it's not like the dog had a reason to not choose him as an owner. He even named her Ruby.

None of us know exactly why the dog choose me to be her owner. Don't misjudge me, I love animals and I always have. I just, well, never thought I would be "one of those women" who owned a Chihuahua that could potentially be carried in a purse. Yes, I am now the proud owner of this little dog:



Initially, I didn't care much for her. She was cute and all, I suppose, but I was more interested in her sister, who looked more like a cute Pomeranian. They are technically Pomchii's. I've always been more interested in dogs who have color to their coat, and who actually have soft, furry bodies. Ruby, the Chihuahua was therefore of little interest to me. I would give her a pat on the head, and back, then coo over her sister, Molly. It's not like she, Ruby, was supposed to be my dog anyways. Molly wasn't supposed to be my dog either, but one could hope, right?

Well, when Ruby began to realize I didn't have interest in her while everyone else in the house was fawning over her, she made it her personal mission to change my mind about her. I unintentionally used reverse psychology on her, is what I realized later. Me not wanting her made her want me to like her. Normal human nature, really. We want who we can't have. I wanted Molly, haha. Well, Ruby, in the beginning chose different people to cuddle up to at night. I was one of her choices, and quickly I became a reoccurring choice before any of us knew what was going on, Ruby choose me. She wanted to snuggle me, and make me love her. Ruby overtook my bed, and still to this day chases off other dogs who try to jump on to my bed. Ruby especially chases Molly away. Ruby was just a puppy but she quickly realized that if she wanted me, there was competition for my heart; Molly. That's where the jealously embedded itself into her heart. Ruby is still to this day jealous and guarded of her own sister, which I never intended for that to happen. I didn't intend for it to be a competition.

Once I realized Ruby was a rather intelligent dog, and was very aware of her surroundings, I made more of a point to be nice to her. Not that I was ever mean to begin with. I just had other interests. Some people prefer Pitbulls. I preferred...not Chihuahua's. Ruby was more intelligent then I gave her credit for too because I began to love her without realizing it. It took me awhile to realize just how much I like this girl. She was small enough to sleep in the crook of my neck. She would curl up against my tummy and keep my stomach warm. Ruby even began to sing like Taylor Swift for me. ( Ruby has a high pitched squealing bark which is not a jab at Taylor)

All of a sudden Ruby was my dog, and I loved her. I also began to realize that Ruby is me. Ruby emulated my personality. Recreated? I'll admit, it's a bit nerve wracking how like me this dog is. Ruby is bossy, demanding, and prissy. So prissy. If I don't have a constant supply of duck jerky to feed her as a treat when she finds the tallest pillow she can stand on to start demanding treats with, she'll give me the cold shoulder. God forbid I offer her a Milkbone or a cheap dog treat of questionable content. And as she demands treats, she'll tick at me. It's the cutest thing ever. But goodness, her being a Chihuahua, she can't chew for anything. I had to accept long ago that she is a messy eater. Oh, and she is racist against dark skinned Alaskan Eskimo's. Like, what? I don't understand where Ruby gained that trait. She was a pup then, and I was watching that movie with the train and the snow and the cockroaches were made into the meal served to the poor people, and the one, I think she was Asian, steps out of the train in the eskimo like suit and Ruby flipped out. I couldn't console her for a good hour. I still don't know why Ruby was so terrified. I haven't replayed that movie since.

And since owning Ruby, I have developed into a better person. I have a new respect for Chihuahua's, and their owners. Ruby taught me a lot about how I shouldn't judge people, nor dogs. I know, I know, we had a rocky beginning. A lot of you were probably horrified by the beginning of Ruby's story. I can assure you all that I am not the same person I was when I met Ruby. Over the years, I have learned a lot, and I don't look down on people, as Ruby taught me a lot. I love Ruby, and I wouldn't trade her for any dog in the world. She made me love her. And I do. I just wish I could bring her on car rides with me. Ruby, despite her size, is not a travel-friendly dog. Ruby gets car sick, just like I do. When I tried taking Ruby up to the snowy mountains, she puked the whole way there, and shivered. (I've realized in recent years I shiver like a Chihuahua too when I'm nervous) I took her, twice, to get a Christmas tree from the store. The first time wasn't so bad but the second time, Ruby was terrified. I don't think I'll put her in the car again.

This means, any dreams I have of visiting Disneyland or Pennsylvania will have to wait. I won't leave Ruby at home, and I can't go without her. She would be too sad, and I would be too sad. We would miss each other too much. It's a bit disappointing since I'd like to travel, and I'd like to travel with her but it's not quite possible so my grand plans of travel will have to wait.

I can assure you all that I love Ruby, and that I cherish her every day.

Sometimes, the best friendships occur from rocky beginnings.

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Posted: Mon, 17/07/2017 19:43 (7 Years ago)
I am a proud Leo.

As per the Leo definition, I am pure as in, I match my sign in almost every way possible;

Artistic, big ideas, grand flourishes, generous, prideful, passionate, opinionated, bossy, pays-attention-to-fashion, ect.

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Posted: Tue, 01/11/2016 01:17 (7 Years ago)

Title: Searching for RP partner

I am moderately literate, although that might not show here, since I am speaking and not engaged in writing. I will admit that I am an idea woman, and as such, I tend to take the lead in directing where roleplays will go. However, I am capable of following my partner if they have a brilliant idea they wish to enact.

When I am roleplaying, I prefer to write paragraphs. However, I fancy script format on occasion. That said, I prefer third person.


Those are my main territories because real life is boring. I am capable of roleplaying characters from fandoms. However, that's not my forte. I do have a love of dark themes as well, but it largely depends on the plot.

I'll point out that I do not like unnecessary gore. If the gore is important to the plot, I'll allow gore. I'd just prefer not to see Saw-level gore unless there's a good reason. As for maturity, I do like adding elements of real life into a roleplay, so if you want to roleplay with me, I implore you to be eighteen or older.

Where pairings are concerned, I write all; Male-female, male-male, and female-to-female, although I am least likely to write lesbian roleplays. I can, I just do not like to unless its essential to the plot. And while I support transgender people, I will not roleplay transgender characters, nor non-binary characters.

I am alright to roleplay on Pokeheroes, although I would prefer Facebook (we do not have to be friends to message each other) or Telegram.org. So if you're interested in roleplaying with me, just message me first on Pokeheroes regardless.

Lastly, I apologize if my post is not as organized as it should be-I tend to think outside the box.

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Posted: Wed, 04/11/2015 16:33 (8 Years ago)

Please send something I don't have.

*If you can, I would like a Pumpkinboo Pikachu. I can return the favor!! Just Pal Pad me if you're interested in an exchange.

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Posted: Mon, 02/11/2015 21:14 (8 Years ago)

Please send one plush that I don't have if possible

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Posted: Mon, 02/11/2015 20:28 (8 Years ago)

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Posted: Mon, 02/11/2015 16:15 (8 Years ago)
Sending! :)

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Posted: Mon, 02/11/2015 15:36 (8 Years ago)
Sending! :)

Please send something I don't have if you can

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Posted: Mon, 02/11/2015 01:19 (8 Years ago)
Sending :)

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Posted: Mon, 02/11/2015 00:49 (8 Years ago)

Please something I don't have

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Posted: Sun, 01/11/2015 23:36 (8 Years ago)
Sending! :)

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Posted: Sun, 01/11/2015 22:28 (8 Years ago)

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Posted: Sun, 01/11/2015 21:20 (8 Years ago)
Sending :)

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Posted: Sun, 01/11/2015 19:17 (8 Years ago)
Sending! :)

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