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Searching for: Posts from Jirachi.
Posted: Tue, 07/01/2014 14:50 (10 Years ago)
My only complaint so far is when you get two pokemon that fit the requirements in a question but only one is the actual answer. I kept hoping during the 2nd tunnel that I wouldn't get any of these since they seem to be more prominent after the 1st tunnel. It usually happens with EHP questions, it seems.

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Posted: Thu, 02/01/2014 15:51 (10 Years ago)
Ahhh yay, I'm accepted! It's nice to see other people who like the manga verse of the sinnoh trio ;w; (My favorite is Dia haha) 4th gen all the way for me, definitely!

Also a chance to change one thing about the anime... Hmmm... maybe for one of the male protags to have a chance to chime in that isn't a cameo... y'know, with their own cool backstories too? Ash tends to just steal their clothes and run off with the female protag whose story is adapted for the anime... (not that the stories they tend to make for them aren't good.)

Either that or less forced shipping EVERY season? :X the writers themselves don't seem to know what they're doing a lot of the time when they keep giving Ash 2903790573609 love interests and such.

Then again it's a kids' show and for the youngin's who probably won't even notice this stuff... which isn't bad but, it makes the older viewers tend to cringe when they have some forced/hashed interactions here and there.

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Posted: Tue, 31/12/2013 19:28 (10 Years ago)
I feel I might be a bit out of place since I'm more of a Pokespe shipper than an Anime one but I hope I'll fit in/it's allowed since it's still Pokemon, haha. I'm pretty open about most ships in general so I don't think you'd have to worry about me outright hating anything you guys like!

Username: Jirachi
Fav Character from anime: Casey
Fav shipping: Entourageshipping (Pearl, Diamond, and Platinum Berlitz. OT3!)
Fav pokemon: Clefable
Fav generation: Generation 4
Fav gen-starter: Turtwig
Password: Pikachu roxxX
You pledge to support only one shipping?: Do you mean like one ship per character? I have one or two ships like that so I guess yes.
(Contestshipping, Franticshipping, and Specialshipping are some examples ^q^)
If you mean just one ship only and nothing else then.. Iiiiii dunno man I ship a lot of characters! That'd be hard.
Because... with the Manga!Sinnoh Trio and a few others I tend to bounce around ships for them because there's so many possibilities!
If I had to go around with a label for myself though I'd be an Entourage-Shipper

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Posted: Tue, 31/12/2013 18:24 (10 Years ago)
I got about ~210 interactions in with the click lists. Much more than I thought I would with the slight lag! However I think I'll do that multi-tab trick next time and see what happens. Let's kick that last SCE in the rear and bring it all home *w*

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Posted: Tue, 31/12/2013 17:24 (10 Years ago)
The only shiny I EVER legitimately saw that wasn't the red gyarados or from chain fishing (the new method in XY) was a shiny patrat in my white version. Sadly I accidentally fainted it and it was a nuzlocke run anyways :(

You guys are super lucky though, holy cow.

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Posted: Tue, 10/12/2013 19:37 (10 Years ago)

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Posted: Sun, 08/12/2013 07:13 (10 Years ago)
Gosh yes I had no idea what to pick when joining the site, being genderqueer, so I eventually decided on Male since I prefer those pronouns most of the time by non-close friends U___U;

I would've loved a choice for neutrality/ability to change/to not show it at all though.

I'm so glad someone mentioned it. I was too nervous to, myself.

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Posted: Mon, 02/12/2013 00:57 (10 Years ago)
I use Paint Tool SAI and MS Paint XP

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Posted: Tue, 01/10/2013 23:08 (11 Years ago)
I'm totally willing to mod the tumblr with you, if you want! I can also offer up any IMs I've got or something for a 'mod' chat of sorts so we can plan anything like how to post information and etc.

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Posted: Tue, 01/10/2013 02:21 (11 Years ago)
It actually reminds me of how a friend and I actually had a forum RP type of deal called Project PokeGene a long while back where we made cute little fused pokemon sprites while we had route subthreads and whatnot!

Also yeah Pokefuse sounds a bit better than Fusemon and, as with garrison, I'm totally willing to cough up some fusions for the new site if we make it! UvU

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Posted: Mon, 30/09/2013 23:48 (11 Years ago)

Waooohhh man this is intense.

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Posted: Mon, 30/09/2013 19:08 (11 Years ago)
@ Aero -

@KevinXDE - Sure! I'll do it sometime this week. My arm's a little out of it today, though. UvU;

As proof as such. I tried to do Chel's request and. uh. well.

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Posted: Mon, 30/09/2013 18:05 (11 Years ago)
I got!!! a big old commission done and It was late at night so I decided. Let's design some Jirachi forms for my game!

And thus I did. I made 3 forms. I thought about just going with one but a friend of mine said maybe I could offer up the player to have the option of getting one of the three depending on their choices at that part of the game.

I only have a vague idea for the one on the right, which I might as well dub Comet or Attack/Speed Jirachi. Do you guys have any ideas for what the other two could be or how I could tweak the designs in general? Much obliged!

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Posted: Thu, 26/09/2013 22:32 (11 Years ago)

I really hope I'm not putting you too on the spot here but uh... did you highly reference that from the daycare owner at the end of the Pokespe Platinum arc, master?

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Posted: Tue, 24/09/2013 21:58 (11 Years ago)
I hope my silly concept is good enough @w@. I can try and dish up a more polished picture if you want, too. I tried to go the slightly goofy route, though he takes his job's traditions seriously. He's a tiny old guy in my head so that's what I drew!

Ohhh I should draw his grandson, too but I just have kurumi's design in my head so I guess it'd just be that if I even tried. eheheh.

Larger Size

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Posted: Tue, 24/09/2013 09:28 (11 Years ago)
I've been in an art rut. Fell on my right side a few days back and for some reason it's been a pain to get my LEFT side motivated to draw (wow okay lazy me) @-@

So here's some doodles I did a little while ago. My friends are makin pokemon games and I was like. Man. I wanna make protags just because. So I did.

I'm gonna finish requests and stuff in a bit I just.. wanted to do something for me I guess haha;;

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Posted: Sat, 21/09/2013 10:12 (11 Years ago)
Maybe to ensure there can be a constant flow of donated eggs instead of only at 12 AM server time, we could implement a "release early/give to Professor Rowan" button so you don't have to WAIT either. Maybe with a limit to prevent flooding the lab with certain egg species.

The process we have now feels like a default method and people don't want to see a clutter of eggs in their daycare every day because it can get a little hectic when you have really compatible Pokemon dishing out more eggs than you can hatch and/or scan!

TL;DR I agree with maybe a 24h/48h based on when the egg was hatched rather than a whole daily flush and maybe there should be a way to hand them off earlier.

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Posted: Fri, 20/09/2013 07:50 (11 Years ago)
Yes you do liirah! UvU

Here is Amelia for you! I hope I drew that scarf right! :0

As for Chelterra. I can totally do that! Do you have any specific gender or idea in mind for me to do? 'w'

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Posted: Thu, 19/09/2013 23:06 (11 Years ago)
Well this is the suggestion area... and this certainly is a suggestion! If not for this year then for the next, because the mods shouldn't have to think of everything themselves! Let's take a load off of them sometimes, eh?

I know that one can be stumped or feel like you can have too many choices when you're in control of things like this. Sometimes seeing a thread like this opens up more opportunities for other similar events as well ^^
Even then if it's not implemented it will at least go to their minds for the future for anything else they don't have planned. Really excited to see what the gang's cooking up!

I support all the little suggestions here and there for this! It's like a little halloween themed party in here already! It doesn't have to be exactly word for word with what's said but I can see any of these things occurring in our cute little community! Not too far-fetched in my opinion.

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Posted: Thu, 19/09/2013 22:55 (11 Years ago)
AAAaaAAAaa I hope I got this last request right.
You said profile picture and I didn't know what you meant Luna.
I assumed you meant your Avatar and drew up a quick Gamer Luna. I don't draw ponies so It's a little wonkyyyyyy I'm sorry. @_@

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