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Posted: Sun, 29/12/2024 05:37 (2 Months ago)
@Riako: Thank you, you are the best!!! :)

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Posted: Sun, 29/12/2024 03:16 (2 Months ago)
@Riako: Thank you so much for your help with this! Similar to -Nat-, I also had claimed the egg already (I had claimed Baby Latias) before the fix and now it is not allowing me to collect the Baby Latios egg.

Would you be able to please help me with this too? :)

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Posted: Mon, 23/12/2024 06:34 (2 Months ago)
Door 5 is the only one that says “This door has already been opened.” instead of “You have already received this gift.”. I also know it is door 5 because I have been able to claim all other doors during this advent period. I just wasn’t able to login after the glitch was fixed for door 5 :(

But I thought that they were going to count it for people who bought the lottery tickets and just didn’t get to log in again after the glitch had been fixed for door 5?

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Posted: Sun, 22/12/2024 07:01 (2 Months ago)
I reached out to the support team for assistance with this and they recommended I make a post about it in this forum/section so here we are.

I know that Riako had made a post stating that for those who tried to claim Door 5 of the Advent Calendar when it was glitched and didn't log back in after it was fixed that the Advent Calendar tracker would be updated soon. I wanted to give Riako time since I know they are super busy, which is why I didn't post this until now.

It seems like the Advent Calendars might not have been updated yet for those who tried to claim Door 5 when the glitch was happening and then didn't log in after it was fixed? My Advent Calendar is still 1 day off (showing 21 out of 24 doors instead of 22). I have claimed every single day except for when Door 5 had the glitch, and I didn't log back in until Dec. 6th.

Is anyone else also experiencing this?

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Posted: Mon, 16/12/2024 06:11 (2 Months ago)
Christmas gift Sending = 2
Total Tickets = 2

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Posted: Thu, 12/12/2024 03:48 (3 Months ago)
I want to buy tickets!
Amount of gifts I will send today: 2

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Posted: Sun, 01/12/2024 00:27 (3 Months ago)
Done :)

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Posted: Sun, 03/11/2024 10:44 (4 Months ago)
Could I please have these pokemon?

Voltorb (Hisuian)
Toxtricity (Low Key)

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Posted: Sun, 03/11/2024 05:22 (4 Months ago)
Sending! ^_^

Please send missing plushies

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Posted: Fri, 18/10/2024 03:01 (4 Months ago)
Darkrai ^_^

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Posted: Tue, 05/01/2016 14:53 (9 Years ago)
Aurora knew exactly how Lucas felt. Anger at the scientists and a solemn vow to end them once and for all. "I understand why now...Maybe one day we will be able to stop them from hurting others ever again." Then a Glaceon Pokehuman fell from a nearby tree, landing behind some bushes. She watched as Silver walked over to the girl, making sure she was alright. Then shortly afterwards a Raichu Pokehuman, one she had not seen with them in the lab, also came to check on the poor girl. Aurora hoped she was okay.

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Posted: Fri, 01/01/2016 18:37 (9 Years ago)
Rose watched from the crowd at the events unfolding before her. Mew had received her mortal and the Goddess of Death had just asked her mortal for her answer to be her bride, the mortal having muttered out her agreement. She herself was curious as to which god she was to be assigned to, none of them really popping out to her but there was an irony she saw of her being paired with the icy cold Regice god.

(Still interested!)

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Posted: Wed, 23/12/2015 16:21 (9 Years ago)
((Sorry for replying late all the time >_<))

It wasn't long into her conversation with Kayoko when the newcomers made their entrance into their camp, and everyone started to do their own tasks. Kayoko and Erin seemed to get along quite nicely, especially for just meeting one another. She noticed they had similar personalities and figured that wad why they clicked so well. Before she could introduce herself to him, Kayoko climbed a tree and made an announcement to them about her idea, one Aurora thought would be their only option at getting closer to the truth and the reason to them being here.

The newcomer, a boy, had climbed up a nearby tree as wel, munching on apples whie Kayoko talked. Once the conversation seemed to quiet down, she walked over to the base of the tree he was in and spoke up, a gentle smile to add to her greeting danced on her lips, "Hello! I'm Aurora and..um..I guess welcome to this group? Haha." She was unsure if welcoming someone in their particular situation was a good idea or not, and her cheeks burned a pink shade at her embarassment.
"Thank you for informing me, Dakota." The griffin said to the wolf, genuine gratefulness in his tone. He was curious as to who these new people were, especially the boy named Erin who was -in his opinion based on Dakota's words- was somehow related to Kayoko. He also was curious to meet the two Rune Drakes, to see what they were like and such.

He was about to greet Nyx as she came over, but she quickly curled up and fell asleep under a nearby tree. He decided to let her rest, the day having been a long and tiring one. After a while the griffin grew a nervous, heavy knot in his stomach, feeling as if something was going to go terribly wrong soon. He hoped his feelings were wrong.

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Posted: Wed, 23/12/2015 10:25 (9 Years ago)

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Posted: Tue, 22/12/2015 14:52 (9 Years ago)
Rose twirled a strand of her fiery orange hair in her hand, growing even more impatient every second. She pulled herself off the wall and decided to walk over to where all the other offerings were, thinking she might try to at least know their names- for there was a sliver of a chance that she might see them again after the ceremony. Though she was unsure which one to approach, and she kept having to apologize to random civilians for hitting them with her wings. This space was just too small for her.

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Posted: Tue, 22/12/2015 08:14 (9 Years ago)
((Sorry been busy, yes I'm still here! Not a whole lot my char can do atm though, being a lone wolf and all. XD))

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Posted: Tue, 22/12/2015 05:05 (9 Years ago)
Type of picture: Animal

OC, Normal, Shiny or Special: Normal/Special?

Avatar, Commission, Ship, etc : Commision :3

Looks: A large, black wolf with black wings spread out while it is howling at the moon (I hope this isn't too much...)

Payment: ~You shall see~ ;)

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Posted: Mon, 21/12/2015 12:45 (9 Years ago)
Aurora was surprised when she heard Lucas say he had escaped several years back, along with two legendary pokehumans -something she thought was nearly impossible. If they escaped...why did the lab not heighten their defenses? I mean it was way too easy for us to escape...Maybe they thought that those pokehumans only escaped because of the Mew and Darkrai pokehumans? She thought to herself, analyzing the situation.

Then a question popped into her head. "If you escaped years ago, why did you stay close to the lab?"

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Posted: Mon, 21/12/2015 06:48 (9 Years ago)
((Sorry been busy >_<))

They? I wonder...did they run into any more people?! That would explain why they were gone for so long, and if their creature didn't land softly enough that could explain the crash sound earlier! Unless I'm thinking too far into this.. Aurora hoped she was right in her thoughts about what Kayoko meant by "they" and her grin. She was a bit confused when Kayoko nudged her, as she had no idea what the girl was insinuating.

"Ah that is a tough question...I think it has it's pros, like the friendly creatures that i don't think are back home and the scenery is lovely, but it's way too mysterious for me, ya know? Like the fact that some creatures can possess you, and the reason we came here." She had never really thought about her opinion of the place they were in, just that they were there and needed to go home. Then she heard loud footsteps and Kayoko say "they must be close", adding to her guess that more people and their familiars had joined them on their quest.

After a little while a Rune Drake flew overhead, landed near then, and dropped a pile of herbs on the ground. Kayoko took one and ate it, a sign they were the edible kind of plant. Then she nodded at the dragon and laughed as the said creature blew fire onto an unaware griffin in the sky, causing it to fall down from the sky. Not long afterwards, Nyx ran to them with fish in her mouth. She stood above the now dead fireplace, as if signaling to that that they were to cook the fish for a meal.
Drake was curious as to who the newcomers were that Dakota mentioned so he asked, "We have new humans and creatures in our group now? What are they like?" At the mention that the wolf was hungry, Drake gave off a slight chuckle before he replied, "I am unsure, though I am guessing it won't be anyone here. You'll have to wait for Silar or the other humans to do it." Ah, Rune Drakes Huh? That adds to the diversity of our group, and with three creatures that can fly it could prove helpful.

The griffin was curious to meet the two Rune Drakes, and could hear their loud footsteps from the camp. Then, as if on cue, a Drake flew by, landing nearby, and dropped off some herbs, obviously to aid in their cooking. The griffin felt a bit bad for one of his own as it was hit by fire from the dragon and sent crashing to the ground.

Then Nyx appeared, carrying fish in her mouth and walking toward the burnt out fireplace. It was part of their meal, he figured. Without needing to be asked, Drake walked over to the fireplace and blew fire on the wood, bringing flames to life as they consumed the wood. "There, now we can start cooking your fish, Nyx."

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Posted: Mon, 21/12/2015 06:20 (9 Years ago)
Aurora was amazed at how the professor could tell what had caused the phenomenon. He isn't a professor for nothing, that's for sure! He is so smart and knowledgeable!. She was in true amazement. "How do we find hoopas bottle professor? Just by looking around and searching?"

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