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Posted: Sun, 01/09/2024 03:09 (1 Month ago)
banned for flute

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Posted: Sun, 01/09/2024 01:28 (1 Month ago)
banned for pink

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Posted: Sat, 27/07/2024 00:24 (2 Months ago)
i will start your hunt

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Posted: Thu, 25/07/2024 16:04 (2 Months ago)
can i work here as shiny hunter?

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Posted: Wed, 24/07/2024 23:30 (2 Months ago)
In the vast expanse of the cosmos, where stars danced and galaxies weaved their celestial tapestries, there existed a unique Umbreon named Hazmat. Unlike ordinary Pokémon, Hazmat’s velvety black fur shimmered with cosmic hues—hints of nebulae and distant quasars. His eyes held the secrets of forgotten constellations, and his tail bore the imprint of a comet’s fiery tail.

The Cosmic Encounter:

One fateful night, as Hazmat wandered through the interstellar meadows, he stumbled upon Mew—a cosmic entity with two mega forms. Mew’s iridescent form pulsed with energy, and his eyes held the wisdom of eons. He floated gracefully, his presence both awe-inspiring and comforting.

Mew sensed Hazmat’s latent cosmic potential. He saw beyond his Umbreon form, recognizing the celestial essence that flowed within him. With a gentle touch, he awakened Hazmat’s dormant powers—the ability to manipulate stardust, control gravitational forces, and traverse dimensions.

The Gift of Cosmic Power:

Mew became Hazmat’s mentor, teaching him to harness his newfound abilities. They soared through the Milky Way, creating auroras and shaping comet trails. Hazmat’s cosmic fur glowed brighter, and he could weave starlight into protective shields or launch cosmic flares.

But fate had other plans. One day, a rogue comet hurtled toward them. Hazmat, in an act of selflessness, intercepted it. The impact was cataclysmic. His memory shattered, and he plummeted to Earth, landing in a dense forest.

From Cosmic Guardian to Pet Rock:

Hazmat awoke as a bewildered Umbreon, his cosmic powers dormant. His memories were fragments—like stardust scattered across the void. He stumbled upon a stream, where a kind-hearted human named Lily found him. Mistaking him for an ordinary Pokémon, she took him home.

Lily named him Hazmat, unaware of his cosmic origins. Hazmat adapted to his new life, becoming her loyal companion. He slept on her windowsill, absorbing moonlight, and occasionally rolled into a cozy pet rock shape.

The Forgotten Past:

As days turned into months, Hazmat forgot his cosmic heritage. He chased butterflies, napped in sunbeams, and wagged his tail when Lily returned from work. The stars whispered to him, but their secrets remained locked away.

Yet, sometimes, when the night sky sparkled, Hazmat would gaze upward, feeling an inexplicable longing. He wondered about the comet, the cosmic mentor he once knew, and the power that lay dormant within him.

And so, Hazmat—the Umbreon who once danced among galaxies—lived as a pet rock, waiting for destiny to rekindle the cosmic fire within. oh and as for lily: Lily’s eyes held both sadness and determination. “Hazmat,” she said softly, “I’ve cherished our time together. But my path lies beyond these star-kissed walls. I must explore distant lands, seek forgotten constellations, and unravel cosmic mysteries.”

Hazmat’s tail twitched, its comet-like glow dimmed. He understood. Their bond transcended mere companionship—it was woven from stardust and shared dreams. Yet, he too felt the pull of the universe—the longing for answers beyond the cave’s embrace.

He nuzzled Lily’s hand, his cosmic eyes reflecting starlight. “Go, dear friend,” he whispered. “May your journey be as infinite as the cosmos itself. And when you look up at the night sky, know that I’ll be there, a silent sentinel among the constellations.”

Lily smiled through tears. She stepped into the cave’s mouth, her silhouette framed by distant galaxies. “Goodbye, Hazmat,” she said. “May the stars guide us both.”

And with that, she vanished into the cosmic unknown, leaving Hazmat alone—a pet rock with memories etched in celestial ink. He watched her fade, then turned back to the cave’s heart, where the stars whispered secrets and the comet’s echo lingered.

Perhaps one day, their paths would intersect again—a cosmic reunion across time and space. Until then, Hazmat remained, guarding their memories, waiting for the next cosmic wanderer to cross his threshold.

he is litterally a pet rock now :/

Short part 2 of it
Mew and hazmat meet again but with mew also forgetting his cosmic past. They became best friends and lives together in a village called Volcanion Village

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Posted: Wed, 24/07/2024 18:25 (2 Months ago)
Mew was picking up rocks off the ground colored purple. "According to the ma-" Hazmat jumped in the air and ate the map. "We dint ned mip fer fanding fat foret." Said Hazmat with a smile on his face. "Didn't Hazzy tell you to STOP EATING RANDOM STUFF OFF THE GROUND?" Mew felt bad for screaming at hazmat. But Hazmat was happily looking at the terra orb that mew dropped while screaming. "MOO! Te tarre erb is powed bye rag!!1" Mew touched the terra orb as the mega stone fell out of his bag and when they touched the stone changed from Y to X. "Woah" said Mew. "Don't wanna break that.." The second Mew touched the stone his tail began to become more bulky with jagged spikes on the end with wings like a dragon Mew became very strong and heavy. "erm" Said Mew. "Also Hazmat i'm sending you to school." "NUUUUUUUUUUUU-" Hazmat was sent to school.. Nothing else. Mew walked into Fractured forest with wonderful purple diamond leaves. Mew picked a leaf off one of the trees. As Mew cradled the leaf, its veins pulsed with a soft luminescence. The forest whispered secrets—ancient spells woven into the very fabric of the leaves. Mew’s dragon-like eyes widened, reflecting the purple hues of the diamond foliage. The leaf held memories of forgotten civilizations, lost love, and cosmic dances.

With newfound strength, Mew unfurled its wings, their iridescent scales shimmering like stardust. The forest floor trembled as Mew took flight, leaving behind a trail of sparkling dust. The leaf clung to Mew’s chest, its edges curling in anticipation.

Ahead, a gnarled tree beckoned—a sentinel guarding the heart of the forest. Its bark bore cryptic symbols, etched by time itself. Mew landed gracefully, talons sinking into the mossy ground. The tree stirred, its ancient voice echoing through the leaves.

“Seek the Well of Whispers,” it murmured. “There, you’ll find answers.”

Mew’s curiosity burned brighter than a comet’s tail. The Well of Whispers—the stuff of legends! It lay deep within the forest, hidden beneath a moon-kissed waterfall. Its waters held glimpses of past, present, and future—a kaleidoscope of destinies.

But the journey wouldn’t be easy. Hazmat’s mischievous spirit lingered, leaving riddles in Mew’s path. Each step revealed a clue: “Follow the silver fox’s song,” “Befriend the moon moth,” “Dance with the shadow sprites.”

And so, Mew ventured forth, guided by moonlight and intuition. The leaf hummed, its secrets unraveling like constellations. The forest watched, ancient and patient, as Mew’s tale wove into the very fabric of existence. Mew found the silver fox, a shiny Eevee. its eyes reflecting constellations. Together, they stepped toward the Well of Whispers, ready to unravel the fabric of existence itself. And bye that i mean skip the rest of the follow the moon moth thing and fight Kyogre. As Rath, The Eevee and Mew walked into Moonlit Lake Kyogre arose from his rest. "Hello Mew, Eevee , and Ha-" "No he is in school. And using his powers to mess up the whole story," Said Mew. "Let's fight!" Shouted Rath as she evolved into a shiny Sylveon. The scene is set, and the tension rises as Rath, the newly evolved shiny Sylveon, faces off against the mighty Kyogre at Moonlit Lake. The air crackles with anticipation, and the fabric of existence trembles. Sparks fly as Rath launches her first attack, determined to prove her mettle. "MOONBLAST!" Shouts Rath. Rath’s voice echoes through the battlefield as she channels her energy into the incantation. The very air seems to shimmer, and then, with a blinding flash, the Moonblast erupts—a radiant sphere of celestial power hurtling toward her opponent. The ground quakes, and the heavens themselves seem to hold their breath. Kyogre forms into The Aqua Orb and this orb returns Mew to his original state As he and Rath begin the adventures home. Victini The victory pokemon appears to cheer them on as they go home. The energy that they create sends Mew and Rath back to Volcanion Village as Hazmat jumps to mew he says "Mew! and.. A SYLVEON! I told you i would get them all 😏." Well it times to start the next adventure. TO FIND THE AURA ORB!

Mew And The Mystery of Sky coming soon

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Posted: Wed, 24/07/2024 15:53 (2 Months ago)
Closing the shop down

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Posted: Fri, 14/06/2024 21:23 (4 Months ago)

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Posted: Fri, 14/06/2024 21:15 (4 Months ago)
banned for no pfp

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Posted: Sat, 17/02/2024 23:25 (7 Months ago)
Victini, I like its pose and shiny color

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Posted: Mon, 12/02/2024 13:59 (8 Months ago)

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Posted: Thu, 01/02/2024 12:27 (8 Months ago)
Accepted, I will see if I have any of those mons

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Posted: Wed, 31/01/2024 04:41 (8 Months ago)
Mew had left celestial town headed for the the cavern of dreams the sea of sounds and then Terra tower. Groudon moved places because of a rat problem.

Mew made sure to travel with a chunk of the rock to mega evolve. Hazmat was begging. "Plaase mew.." " okay... I'll teleport you in when I fight groudon to get the terra orb.." " :)" mew then took off while paying good attention to the trail and the map. 'Hmmm' thought mew. ' Just follow crystals that have z's on them..' mew was certain he would not miss it confidently floating.

Then it hit a crystal the second it started moving.'oww stupid rock..' mew said hi and the rock blew up. Just then a big chunk flew into the sky with a z on it. "..." mew watching as the rock formed into shadow darkria. " fear me mew, as i am the pokemon of nightmares and will make u eat sleep paralysis for 400 years" " no" Said mew. Just then darkria blew a blast of red energy at it ".." "well i guess your agility helps you" mew was fed up by now.

" dont you have something better to do? This is supposed to be cressselias domain and yu stole it" "well.. uhm" darkria then blew up and mew scratched cavern of dreams of the map and started walking out the cave " hey wait I never entered a ca-" shut up. Mew went over to the sea of sounds and sighed.

" just a bit longer to go" "uhghghghghg" said a noise. Mew ran so fast that it made it to the- mew.. i am 4X005.. call me 5.. but if you go gast enoughyou can teleport through m- "I'm sorry.. BUT I DONT CARE" "THIS BOOK IS LONG ENOUGH" mew was at terra cave looking at groudon.. hazmat appeared " hallo baddy. Me her to figt" in a flash mew became it's mega form and so did hazmat.

Just then the groudon went primal and prepared to fight.

Blasts of energy went everywhere. The entrance almost collapsing. Just then groudon shrunk. "congrats little dudes. Time for kyogre." groudon handed hazmat the stone. Hazmat fell. Mew picked it up snickering at hazmat " thank you Gordon" said hazmat " me and hazmat thank you for this stone, now bye were teleporting to FRACTURED FOREST!"-

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Posted: Wed, 31/01/2024 02:52 (8 Months ago)
Mew saw a strange rock fall and said nothing about it. Just then hazmat the umbreon ran up to mew. " MEW!" He shouted "I HAV A NAM FOR UU! HAZMAT JR."mew stared at then stated "uhh thanks hazmat but i'll pass on the 'nam'" it giggled as it flew to its little cave.

Mew slept all night until hazmat ran I to it's cave. " MOO! I CAUGHT A MEWTWO!!1" hazmat stuck out a paw to see a papper saying 'mootoo' mew laughed and flew high into the air. " nice job. But.. you said my name wrong and-" Mew was cut off, hazmat disappeared while saying " I dederbe tis" Mew was freaking out because it's friend was gone. It then saw the world fade to black.

Mew flew fast and saw the rock from before, it thought nothing of the rock and looked for things to help until.. black mew couldn't see. "HELP. HAZMAT ARE AYOU THERE" A voice called out "NO" then silence. Again mew screamed but nothing. No hazmat no nothing. Mew remembered Hazmat's brother Hazzard and Hazzy. And ran to him to see him fading. "HAZZY!" ARE you okay?" " not sure.. but as a leafeon I think i can-" guess what? He's gone.

Just then there was only rock. So mew giving up hope picked it up.. biggest mistake ever. Not lol. Light burst from the rock splitting mews tail into 3 beautiful tails, feathered with jewels on the tips. A burst of like flashed as mew looked like a upgrade of a lake trio.

Mew new what to do.. use Ariel ace. But a flashing light emerged from mew. As mew saw itself once again it looked at itself. " I think I look good.. hazmat would agree. Hazzard and Hazzy won' t tho" mew flew and saw the problem. A shadow deoxys peeling away at the fabric of reality.""STOP" mew called. The deoxys looked back at it and blasted it. Mew was mad now. Mew used the power of the mega stone combination and did a powerful blast big enough to wipe out 1900 arceus.

Mew saw hazmat in a cooler state.. mega evolution. Hazmat nodded and they flew at the deoxys and.. oh wait.. that blast fainted the deoxys.

Hazmat hit a wall "oweee" "Hazmat.. I need to find the power of the weather trio and restore balance.. the deoxys broke everything..." hazmat seemed happy " I'll get all the sylveon if I help you" " your not coming.."


mew and the mystery of earth coming soon

Don't post! Mew and the mystery of earth coming soon. Staring groudon

Mew and the mystery of sea coming soon. Staring kyogre
Mew and the mystery of air coming soon. Staring rayquaza

Mew and the final blow coming soon... staring Everybody? shadow mewtwo
Yes every legendary is coming in this one :)

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Posted: Tue, 30/01/2024 02:50 (8 Months ago)
Hey fluffy!
Can I get (insert #9 of spins here) spins?
Payment: (pd, gems, etc.)
Anything else? I need old vinyl

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Posted: Sun, 21/01/2024 03:00 (8 Months ago)

Hey Noob ,I need items
Item:mystery box (pink)
Tips:500 pd
Note:I'll add in some gems

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Posted: Fri, 19/01/2024 01:47 (8 Months ago)
Hey Noob ,I need items
Item:mystery key (light blue)
Tips:100 pd
Note:I'll add in some gems

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Posted: Thu, 18/01/2024 13:09 (8 Months ago)

Hey Noob ,I need items
Item:mystery key (light blue)
Tips:500 pd
Note:I'll add in some gems

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Posted: Wed, 17/01/2024 22:14 (8 Months ago)

Title: #2


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Posted: Wed, 17/01/2024 17:11 (8 Months ago)
Oh my god! I told you only conquer the ones in our solar system! Grounded!

Mom, I just stole an entire bank

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