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Posted: Thu, 24/08/2017 19:53 (7 Years ago)


I'm truly sorry for not posting in a while, life has been crazy and I've had a few bad break downs due to things going on. So I haven't felt much like updating this. To those that read this I want you to know that this may or may not get canceled and I'll start over at a later time when I'm more stable and able to do so. I've had doctors appointments and blood work and new prescriptions that I've had to deal with this past week and I've found out that I still need more blood work done. I've been dealing with thoughts of self harm and I have a couple of burns that are healing but as I've said the past little while has been really rough. I don't expect people to understand but I hope that I haven't angered or upset anyone. I just want you all to know why I haven't been as active.

In terms of my plans and pets everything's been going well so far, I have a new sprout growing from a leaf I propagated from one of my succulents so I'm kind of excited about that. None of my other succulents have had any parts rot so I'm hoping that I've killed whatever caused my succulent to die a while ago. Everything for my plants has been going smoothly. My pets on the other hand, all my cats are a bit crazy. My male cat is still very attached to the stray that comes by regularly, I've actually managed to pet her and have her smell my hand. So I'm still a proud cat mom. Other than that, that's been my life. Again I'm sorry for being away.

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Posted: Fri, 18/08/2017 22:57 (7 Years ago)

Day 5

OKAY! So to start this diary off I want to apologize for not posting anything yesterday. I was having a really rough day and was basically on the verge of having a melt down. Wasn't cute. But anyway I feel like I let myself down yesterday because I've only been doing this for a few days and I want to do better. I also kind of felt bad because I feel like I made a commitment to write things about my day that maybe someone could relate too. So I'm a sense I feel like I'd let anyone that actually reads this down.

On another note today was a new day and I'm fairly proud of what I've done today. I managed to do a bunch of cleaning, mainly in the kitchen and basement. Everything is slowly starting to look nicer and it makes me feel a bit happier. I don't feel as depressed and down today, my anxiety hasn't been through the roof today either which I'm greatful for. I hope that with every passing day this will slowly get easier. I also did a bit of work on my succulent gardens, removed dead leaves to make way for new growth. I'm attempting to propagate a few and maybe start growing my own succulents for gifts. My two baby aloe plants are getting bigger every week it's kind of crazy how big the oldest one is now. My plant family is slowly growing which makes me a proud plant mom! I apologize for the rather short post today, but I'm still kind of trying to get over how I was yesterday. So please bare with me and I'll do my best. I hope you all are having an amazing day/night.


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Posted: Thu, 17/08/2017 03:28 (7 Years ago)

Day 3

So to start off today's diary entry I'm gonna start by saying thank you to anyone that clicked on this or even took the time to post something! I appreciate it immensely you honestly have no idea. Now in terms of how I've been feeling today, honestly not the greatest. Last night I was feeling really low and I wasn't 100% sure why. I was also feeling confused about some things that I won't mention yet. As I said before in yesterday's entry I'm not very open so if people want to get to know me they mostly need to try and get me to talk. It's not because I mean to be rude or come off as arrogant it's just when it comes to meeting people I can be rather closed off and kind of awkward. Like I'm trying to hard to make friends, which usually scares people off. Other times I can come off a short kinda cold and uninterested which also makes people lose interest. I swear I don't mean to though and I'm trying my best to work on it but I just need people to know that I most likely won't actively pursue conversation right away.

On another note there's been a stray cat coming by the house, I think it's a girl. Mainly cuz my male cat seems to have taken an interest and sits by the screen door close to her when she comes by. Even hear them having little kitty conversations. I'm not sure if the cat possibly belongs to a neighbor or someone nearby but I've nicknamed her Nyx for the time being. I feel like a proud cat mom watching my baby boy spend time with this cat. Wanna sit there on the floor just watching them to see what they do.

Now in terms of my plants I have a few updates. I've sprayed my plants down again with a soap and water mixture to kill off any bugs that may be in the soil, because I think one of my succulents has root rot and I see little specks crawling around in the dirt. So I'm hoping that kills off any in there. I've also combed through some of my lil plant baby's because I saw a small fuzzy bug on one of my taller succulents. My ruffled Echiveria is growing really big now and I'm so happy, see I rescued the little guy from the garden nursery I found it in. The poor thing was crammed into a tiny container which was stunting its growth and honestly I never would of imagine it would grow so quickly. My Echiveria Lola I believe it's called is doing well too, I had to report it recently because it was getting so big and over crowding my other succulents. I'm hoping to start seeing my Jade plant grow too, I have it in a beautiful white porcelain square pot and it's a decent size to grow into.

Hoping you all have an amazing night!

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Posted: Tue, 15/08/2017 20:40 (7 Years ago)


Feeling kind of proud of myself, learning to get fancy with my posts to make them more interesting. Feels good to be able to do something different for a change, and I think these daily posts will be good for me. Now for a formal introduction since I don't think I did a good job yesterday. You guys (and girls if you take offense) can call me Gaia, I'm a relatively friendly person once you get to know me though I may come off as a bit over bearing. I like to garden, I'm currently caring for 10 succulents and a couple of orchids. I also like to draw but I don't do it often.

I suffer from severe social anxiety, general anxiety and severe depression all diagnosed. So doing this is kind of new for me since I'm not very open, but I try my best! Scatter brained may as well be my nickname because half of the time I have no idea what I'm doing, I can be kind of random and a bit weird but I promise if you tell me I'll tone it down. I'm also a huge nerd, probably seen all Lord Of The Rings movies over 20 times. I love anime, especially Wolf's Rain and Saiyuki. The first anime I ever watched (if you don't technically count Sailor Moon/ Pokemon/ Digimon/ etc.) was Inuyasha and I'll tell you now I felt robbed.

I think I've rambled on a bit, but anywho I hope that gives you a better insight as to who I am. I still haven't quite yet decided what I want this to be for, but I hope anyone reading this will stick around to find out. I'm gonna enjoy seeing where this goes. Enjoy the rest of your day/night!


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Posted: Tue, 15/08/2017 03:32 (7 Years ago)
This is the first day I'm starting this, I can't say much has really happened in terms of excitement. But I was able to get 2 more unknown eggs for my small collection so far, put up some auctions today to try and make more PokeDollars.
All in all a pretty decent day.
I'm sure as I get used to making daily entries my posts here will get longer, and I hope that whoever clicks on this post decides to maybe stick around for a little, I can't promise it'll always be exciting but I may post about my plants here too. Not quite sure on the content yet. Maybe message me with ideas?
Other than that I hope anyone reading or passing by has a great day!


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Posted: Tue, 01/08/2017 04:01 (7 Years ago)
I'm wondering the same, since I'm either really unlucky in my 6000 interactions so far, or it's something else.

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Posted: Fri, 07/07/2017 20:13 (7 Years ago)
I'm artsy fartsy, let me join!
Username: Chibidemonixx3
Thank you!

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Posted: Thu, 25/05/2017 02:42 (7 Years ago)

Title: Yo

New and looking forward to hatching pokemon

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