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Posted: Sun, 14/02/2016 02:44 (8 Years ago)
Riku simply snorted in response. He immediately shut his eyes due to the brightness of the sun. I wasn't prepared for that. He thought, shaking his head. Slowly, he managed to open them as far as a squint, examining his surroundings.

Hinami held the boy's hand and followed close behind, watching the vampire's every move. We can't get too comfortable with him. Just his face being that close to Draco's neck is making me nervous...

Axel smirks at Khaalida's slurred words, her head leaning against his hand for support. He swiftly pulled her up in his arms bridal style. "That's better now." The Noble hummed and took off, his pace light and quick.

Erin blinked, surprised to see that they were back in reality.Movement? She stood, looking at Bradwr expectantly. Did they start moving again?

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Posted: Sun, 14/02/2016 01:57 (8 Years ago)
Riku growled and did what he was told, getting on Draco's back slowly. He hanged his arms on Draco's shoulder's so he wouldn't fall back. "Is this better?" Riku muttered, trying to make himself as weightless as possible. I really hope he doesn't complain for the rest of the journey...

Axel's lips curl back into an ugly frown. "Watch your mouth." He snarled, wanting to smack that grin off of Khaalida's lips. Oh if only I could permanently...that would be so sweet. The Noble shook his head, reminding himself that her just being alive was a huge burden for her. "Now, before you can even say anything else..." Axel crouched down and roughly placed his hand on Khaalida's forehead, whispering his spell.

Erin blinked."That could happen?! Then can you show me? She chuckles nervously. The last thing I want is being stuck here.

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Posted: Sun, 14/02/2016 01:26 (8 Years ago)
Riku grunted, wincing as he crashed onto the floor. Before he could even mumble an apology, Draco began to yell at him angrily, Riku barely having anytime to process the words. "Do you think I did that an purpose?" The vampire hissed, rolling onto his back returning the glare at the Hunter. "May I remind you that you offered to carry me because of my legs? That's why I fell on you!"

Hinami tried to soften Draco's fall by catching him, but failed her reaction to slow. Before she could even ask if he was alright, he shot up and barked at the vampire, obviously not happy at what just happened. She made no attempt to speak for the vampire's defense.

Axel did not feel the nails digging into his hand, his mind too preoccupied with the scene before him. He grinned at Khaalida's words, letting go of her suddenly. "I suppose you do have a point." Axel looks around once more, deciding on route to take. I'm guessing she'll not grace me with peace whenever we're travelling again. she's too weak to do anything at the time being though so that can work in my favor.

Erin nods, staring at Bradwr with wide eyes. "Khaalida? Never heard of her, I think..." She shrugs. "Hmm, I'd like to do both actually." Erin chuckles. But that wouldn't be fair, would it? I like to try myself!"

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Posted: Mon, 08/02/2016 00:38 (8 Years ago)
Riku heard Draco approach him, expecting the Hunter to say a stupid remark. He stared at him in confusion as he offered to carry him. Is he serious? Riku had thought that Draco would've have simply tell him to keep up but this...was ridiculous. Riku wanted to decline the offer, his pride too great to let some human carry him. On the other hand, walking would be nearly impossible for him and he did not want trouble at such early hours of the day. With a sigh mixed with a growl, Riku nodded. "...Alright." The vampire watched Draco turned around, offering his back to him. Riku's eyes slowly trailed upwards, locking onto his neck. So exposed... Riku's pupils dilated for a few seconds before he shook his head, focusing on the matter at hand. He won't be enthusiastic to help me if I try to drink his blood. He reminded himself. With a grunt, Riku pulled away from the chair, expecting to take step towards Draco. Instead, his legs gave out on him, his weight proving to be too great. Riku slammed onto Draco's back, causing both to fall.

Axel tilted his head at Khaalida's words. "Get on with what?" He asked,, grinning. "Does the princess need help?" He chuckles and stands up, examining their surroundings. This is unfamiliar territory...I have to find the camp to head back to the base. After figuring out the plan, Axel nods to himself focusing his attention back to the female vampire. "Are you up for travel, my dear?" He asks and leans down to pull her up by her hair. "If not, then I'll have no choice but to drag you."

Erin covers her eyes at the light, blinding her momentarily. She blinks a few times, her eyes slowly focusing on her surroundings. She watches the young version of Bradwr, a smile creeping on her face at his actions due to the small cut. It quickly vanished as the other, the girl, began to speak to him. Erin could not grasp the situation, not understanding what they were speaking of. When she began to comprehend what was happening, the door shuts. Erin huffs, disappointed at the shortness of it. She jumped when Bradwr's voice echoed. Erin thought for a moment, recollecting the events that just happened. It was you, when you were younger. You were with someone else I didn't fully recognize, a girl. I believe she was treating a cut you received during training before leaving...

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Posted: Sun, 07/02/2016 18:33 (8 Years ago)
Hinami sighs, figuring that Draco did have a point accepting his actions without hesitation. He is my comrade and that is a vampire. The choice seems self-explanatory. She nods and accepts Draco's hand, pulling Elliott with her. "Same here," She brushes herself off, casting a short glance towards Riku, scowling at the smirk she received from him.

I'd like to see you try, Riku thought, staring at Draco with a grin. He watched silently as the Hunter's prepared themselves, smirking at the girl when she glanced at him. After a few moments of watching them, Riku decided to stand almost regretting the decision immediately. His legs were stiff and felt unstable. He managed to hold himself up by the chair, it creaking under his weight. Crap...how am I going to travel?

Axel simply nods, doing a short quick bow. "Of course, my King." He quickly obliged. Once he stood straight, the latter was gone as if he was never there. A frown falls upon the Noble's face as he thought over the orders he had just received. He should've taken her with him He stared at Khaalida distastefully, it soon disappearing as he saw what position she was currently in. Amusement lit up his face as he made his way over to her. "Are you saying any prayers?" His voice is cold. "I hope not because your wasting your breath," Axel crouches down to her level and watches the blood slowly pool around her. "Who would want to listen to your pathetic pleas of mercy anyways?" Axel mocked, his body trembling with laughter. "Honestly, Khaalida you're just so amusing!"

Erin glances around, half-hoping to see Bradwr somewhere. With a sigh she hesitantly takes a few steps forward, debating which door she should choose. I mean, there really isn't anything specific I want to know. Erin thought shrugging to herself. She approached a door and opened it.

(Hmm...it's your choice. I suppose just something from his childhood?)

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Posted: Sun, 07/02/2016 00:57 (8 Years ago)
Hinami nudges Elliott softly, the boy begining to stir. He blinked open his eyes, still unfocused to his surroundings. She smiled. "Good morning," She whispered, removing a strand of hair from his face. Hinami's attention is drawn away as Draco spoke, his tone dripping with sarcasm. She huffs and glances at Draco for a few moments, watching his movement before turning her eyes to the vampire, her gaze hardening. It wasn't long before her eyes adjusted to darkness and saw a
different color beneath his nose. What is that? She wondered. After examining it longer, the realization struck her. "Draco..." Hinami muttered, figuring that something had happened during the night.

Riku reopened his eyes, glaring at the grinning Hunter. What a pain, He thought, quickly regaining his posture. Riku copied Draco's smile, settling his hand on his chin. "I'm feeling great, thanks for asking." He replied briskly. The vampire was going to continue until he saw that Hinami was staring at him with a confused look. Did she realize? His question was soon answered when the female hunter muttered her companion's name under her breath.

Axel blinked, his mind still trying to process the King's quick pace as he snatched Khaalida away from his hands. He made no attempt to help her as her father raised her by the neck, snarling right in her face. Axel chuckled, tilting his head as he watched her face become even paler. His smile soon vanished when he realized that the King had to stop. Nothing lasts forever... The Noble sighed, slightly irritated at what he had to do. "My King," Axel spoke slowly, "Your daughter is unable to breath." He kindly reminded him so the King would at least loosen his grip on Khaalida.

Erin stiffened as his fingers grew cold, everything seeming to just disappear out of thin air. Her surrounding were begining to adjust, the darkness taking form into a hallway. She blinked several of times to adjust. She stared at each door one by one, Bradwr's voice echoing. Alright...fine by me...

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Posted: Thu, 26/11/2015 21:57 (8 Years ago)
Hinami's eyes snapped open when she heard someone approaching. Her body loosened once she realized it was only Draco. Good... She slowly sat up rubbing her eyes before looking at the sunlight that was appearing. "Morning," Hinami murmured to Draco, her gaze settling on Elliot. A faint smile appeared on her lips and she reached over to wake him as well.

Riku opened one of his eyes at the sound of footsteps. He watched them for a bit before closing it again. His mind was still groggy but he shuddered at the dry blood beneath his nose. Disgusting... He thought sourly. His nose still throbbed but Riku didn't mind. I wonder what the female hunter will think when she sees the dry blood... He smirked.

Axel sighed, staring down at Khaalida disapprovingly. "I know that face," He growled his eyes narrowing. "We'll make sure that you won't." He then yanked her towards him, not being gentle whatsoever. So the female vampire wouldn't have any time to react, Axel quickly leaped off of the building the wind whipping his hair back. This time though, his feet landed with a soft thump unlike before. Axel then dropped Khaalida back on the ground, one of his hands still holding on to her just in case she tried to teleport again.

Erin nodded, the fact of Bradwr touching her face not bothering her. It's fine, I really don't mind. She then faced him, preparing herself. Erin was curious on how the thought exchange actually felt. Even if Bradwr said that it can be painful it still didn't make her not want to do it.

(Draco's thoughts x3. One is peaceful the other is disgusting)

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Posted: Wed, 25/11/2015 05:21 (8 Years ago)
Axel smirked at the whimper that came out of Khaalida's mouth. Pathetic He thought, easily keeping her pinned, her efforts in vain. His eyebrows raised slightly when he saw that she was trying to sink her teeth in his shoulder. He chuckled and held her back so she was unable to reach him. Once Axel was sure that Khaalida couldn't get near enough to sink her fangs into his flesh, he decided to mock her. "Poor Khaalida," Axel taunted and tilted his chin up, making his neck exposed.

Erin thought for a bit. Was there anything she wanted to hide...or more importantly, need to? Probably not. There was that one time... The memory made her grin like an idiot but she quickly waved it away, turning her full attention to Bradwr. I've got nothing to hide. Besides, it sounds interesting...

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Posted: Wed, 25/11/2015 05:08 (8 Years ago)
Niran stiffened as someone else came along, her attention transitioning from the wolf to the other. She was tall, her hair tied in a ponytail. To the jinn's surprise, the newcomer seemed to know who the wolf was and was scolding him. She watched the female give orders to the wolf, a small smirk playing on her lips. Serves him right. Niran thought, her head snapping when another voice was heard. How many are there? She wondered. Niran watched the tall female give her smirk before vanishing without a trace. Niran simply blinked in response, her mind still trying to wrap itself around the situation that had taken place.

She mentioned that police were coming... Niran immediately stood and went back to where most of the people were located. The last thing she needed was questions that she didn't want to answer or make lies for. Niran sighed and sat on a bench, covering the place where the wolf had bit her. I can make the conclusion that they're weren't human... As much as she hated it, there was a spark of curiosity in her. Who were those people?

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Posted: Wed, 25/11/2015 04:37 (8 Years ago)
Now that Axel was healed and energized, he saw Khaalida's fist coming towards him. He swiftly caught it with his other hand, not once removing his eyes off Khaalida's face. He wanted to see her reaction. "I'm afraid that your movements are too slow." He then forced her hand against the ledge, holding her in place.

Erin nods, processing Bradwr's explanation. That sounds neat! Her eyes are huge and filled with curiosity. We can try it out, I don't mind if its odd. It seems interesting. She shifts her legs so she could sit properly on the couch, waiting for the other vampire's response.

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Posted: Wed, 25/11/2015 04:08 (8 Years ago)
Axel chuckles, watching Khaalida glance down. His eyes glint with fascination wanting nothing more but to witness the female vampire plummet to her death. The King wouldn't like that. An inner voice reminded him. Axel scoffed at his thought a plan coming quick in his head. He decided not to contact the King...yet. Afterwards, a grin settled on Axel's face. "I don't take orders from you, princess." He purred and was instantly by her side, gripping her wrist tightly. "I suggest you don't try to kill yourself." He hissed.

Erin raised her head from the cushion. Thought exchange? She echoed and got in a kneeling position.

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Posted: Thu, 05/11/2015 23:35 (8 Years ago)
Axel's lips curled into a smile when he heard a whimper from behind. He stood and turned around to gaze at Khaalida. "Your little...disappearance made your father very worried." He took a small step towards the female vampire, his eyes gazing towards her arms. Axel chuckled. "Oh, Khaalida. You should know by now that I'll never let you die. Not on my watch," He purred, a bright smile on his face.

Erin grumbled and jumped back onto the couch. She muttered more intelligible words as she stretched her body across it. Erin had little patience. "So now what do we do?" Her voice his muffled due to the fact her face is buried in the sofa.

(We'll see~)

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Posted: Thu, 05/11/2015 03:08 (8 Years ago)
Axel eyes were locked on the other building, his eyes narrowing slightly. After a few moments, the Noble took off, placing his feet on the window sill before leaping from there. The wind pulled his hair and clothing back causing Axel to grin. He loved the feeling and silently thanked his vampire aspects. He soon landed on the building in a crouching position, his feet making a light thump.

Erin shook her head. I can't tell... She replied, staring hard at the building where the humans and Riku were. I guess we wait until they begin to move again. Erin sighs, resting her chin on her hand, a bored expression on her face.

(Yeh :3 )

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Posted: Thu, 05/11/2015 02:36 (8 Years ago)
Carlos had skimmed through random clothing, nothing catching his eye. "Hmm," His eyes landed on one of the game stands. "I guess it wouldn't hurt to play..." He trailed off and headed for one of the stands named 'Kill the Bandits'. The very name sent chills down Carlos' spine but he paid no mind to it. He knew that he was afraid of many things.

He came to a stop in front of the stand. He stood quietly for a few moments, wondering if he should speak up. I'll be standing here all day if I don't. He reminded himself. Carlos sighed and stood straight. "Um, is any-" He paused when his voice cracked ever so slightly. He cleared his throat and began again. "Excuse me," He apologized to the stand. "Is any one there?"

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Posted: Wed, 04/11/2015 22:35 (8 Years ago)
Voted for Feebas!!

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Posted: Sun, 01/11/2015 22:57 (8 Years ago)
Axel reached the top floor in a matter of minutes. He looked around in the hallways, trying to remember what direction the building was. Hmm... He went to the right, gazing into each room's window to see where it headed. The Noble halted at the sixth one, the view showing the building. Axel headed to it, clicking his tongue when he saw that the building was slightly taller than the one he was in, making it impossible for him to see it. "Looks like I have to jump..." Axel took a few steps back and readied himself.

Erin chuckled, a grin settling on her face. Not that I can remember, so I say no. She ruffled her hair even more. What about me? She asked. Erin knew that she moved a lot when she slept, Riku had told her whenever they had once slept together. She smiled at the memory but it quickly disappeared as she turned her attention back to Bradwr. I hope not...

(Just in case if you found Riku and Erin sleeping together weird, they see themselves as siblings so they don't have romantic feelings for one another, including Axel as well!)

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Posted: Sun, 01/11/2015 22:18 (8 Years ago)
Axel pace had decreased when he went inside the other building. This one seemed to be more stable than the other so he continued his way. Going up the stairs, Axel was met by a low growl. The Noble simply blinked and made it up the first flight of stairs. A couple of feet away was a big, mangled dog. Foam was bubbling at the sides of its mouth as it slowly stood, its growling getting deeper. Axel frowned in disgust. "Foul creatures," He muttered and walked up to it. The mutt barked in response and lunged but it didn't make it even halfway. It whimpered as Axel's sword pierced through its chest. Axel stared at the dying four-legged animal. Slowly it morphed in Khaalida's image. St-Stop... She whimpered, coughing blood. Axel smirked and tilted his head. He stabbed her and she let out a scream before becoming still. The Noble licked his lips and headed for the next flight of stairs.

Erin tensed, still not used to Bradwr communicating with her telepathically. She turned to him with a confused look. Why wouldn't I be? She asks the other vampire, leaning against the wall.

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Posted: Sun, 01/11/2015 19:06 (8 Years ago)
Axel made his way through the building, frowning when he saw that the first flight of stairs were broken. He pursed his lips. "This building isn't safe." He muttered, figuring the top floors could collapse at any moment. The Noble quickly exited and stared at the top of the building where the crows had been. That probably isn't even her. Axel covered his mouth with his hand before deciding to go to the building that was nearest to it.

Erin rubbed her eyes and opened them. The sky was beginning to regain color so she stood, glancing over to her companion. He was still asleep so she walked over to the window, leaving her hat on the couch.

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Posted: Sun, 01/11/2015 18:17 (8 Years ago)
Carlos had picked up his pace, nearing to the square in a couple of minutes. He squinted due to the darkness as he made his way, thanking silently to the street lights that lit up the way. He glanced around, relief entering him when he saw that some others were still arriving.

He slowed his pace, letting a couple of ladies pass in front of him before continuing. He walked a couple of steps, his eyes landing on every speck of detail. Carlos stiffened ever so slightly when the orchestra began to sing its song. Carlos chuckled to himself at his jumpiness before heading towards one of the stores, hands behind his back. Without meaning to, he began to hum along to the tune his head bobbing slightly to the beat.

Carlos passed by the fountain, a lone figure sitting on a bench near it. He quickly identified the figure as a female due to her build. He tilted his head finding it odd for her to be wearing a suit. It wasn't that Carlos minded it, he could care less but it still sparked curiosity in him. Carlos then turned his attention away since it would've have been awkward if she had caught him staring.

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Posted: Fri, 30/10/2015 02:16 (8 Years ago)
"How could I lose the track of time?" Carlos muttered under his breath as he ran down the trail towards back to the town. He had been in the woods since dawn, drawing himself away in the peaceful serenity of the wood. It wasn't until he had the urge to check his pocketwatch to see that it was close to being seven. Carlos had been too intrigued to his drawing to even realize that the day had passed by so quickly. His steps were light, his boots occasionally making thumps on the ground. Carlos was hugging his sketch book as he ran, his pendent hopping against his chest. It wasn't long before he made it back to his house.

It was quiet, considering that he was the only one that lived there. He deposited his book and bag on the couch and dashed to the bathroom. After washing, Carlos went over to his wardrobe his eyes skimming over the clothing. He stiffened slightly as he heard one of his clocks tolled quite loudly, signaling that it was seven. "Oh dear," He muttered, doing a small impatient bounce. He smiled finally finding his attire. "There it is," Carlos exclaimed.

He quickly dressed himself, humming during the process. His Lucky Rabbit was patiently waiting for him besides the door. "I'm going," Carlos said and shoved his foot into his boot before heading to the door. Carlos made sure the mask's ribbons were tightly secure, he emerged from his house and made his way to the main square, figuring that the event was way past started. "At least I'm not that late..."

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