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Posted: Thu, 25/08/2016 17:36 (8 Years ago)
Ah, right. Forgot about that.

Pleasure doing business. If I get more Dark Gems, I'll know where to send them.

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Posted: Thu, 25/08/2016 17:35 (8 Years ago)

Should I set up the offer? Or will you?

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Posted: Thu, 25/08/2016 17:32 (8 Years ago)
I have 40 Dark Gems. I would like to purchase both DNA Splicers.

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Posted: Tue, 29/12/2015 02:24 (9 Years ago)
I will not press the button. I've been through too much with my loved ones to press it.

You become an Avenger
You lose all memories of your family forever

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Posted: Fri, 18/12/2015 01:58 (9 Years ago)
Jacob wants the Gurox. Jacob will pay 1,400

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Posted: Sun, 01/11/2015 20:56 (9 Years ago)

Username: Dragonis Prime
Creature You Want To Bid On: The Tails Eevee Thing
Bid: 65k

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Posted: Sun, 01/11/2015 20:29 (9 Years ago)
Sorry, Lizzie Cat, the Tails Eevee is mine!

Username: Dragonis Prime
Creature You Want To Bid On: The Tails Eevee Thing
Bid: 40k

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Posted: Sun, 01/11/2015 20:16 (9 Years ago)
I like it. It's like Tails from Sonic and and Eevee had a baby

Username: Dragonis Prime
Creature You Want To Bid On: The Tails Eevee Thing
Bid: 15k

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Posted: Mon, 28/09/2015 01:33 (9 Years ago)
Team Dragon


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Posted: Wed, 16/09/2015 20:25 (9 Years ago)
I vote for enhanced survival mechanics. This means we can go longer without food.

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Posted: Tue, 15/09/2015 20:27 (9 Years ago)
I'm up for Charizard's team!

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Posted: Mon, 31/08/2015 19:43 (9 Years ago)
The people have been updated. Thanks glotilde, xXDodadoeXx, Yandere-chan and Marionette for joining.

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Posted: Mon, 16/02/2015 20:29 (10 Years ago)
Yep. Flashbacked

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Posted: Mon, 16/02/2015 04:47 (10 Years ago)
Sorry, Nix. WAY past this part, bt I may be able to Crowbar some of this in. Or Hatchet. Or Crankcase

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Posted: Mon, 16/02/2015 02:24 (10 Years ago)
Dragonis and Phoenix stood over the casket of their fallen leader. He had perished in combat while trying to escape Megatron and his fortress, Trypticon.

"Dragonis, we can't bring him back." Phoenix said as she put her arm on the other mech's shoulder

"But we can avenge him. We need to assemble the Autobots." he responded

Hot Rod and Jazz sat across from each other in the Autobar. They hated the new Primes, and blamed them for Optimus' death.

Everyone turned their heads as the Primes walked in

"Autobots!" Dragonis began

"We're going on the offensive!" Phoenix finished

The Autobots cheered and began to head to the flight deck

"Honestly, you two." Prowl said as he walked by "If you're going to finish each other's sentences, just get together already."

"Sure Prowl." Dragonis retorted "Oh, and how's Moonracer."

"Shut up." the enforcer said

"Don't make comments about our love life, and we won't make comments about yours, Prowl" Phoenix said with a smile

Megatron, believing Prime to be offline and no other taking his place, stood above his Decepticons as they charged the Autobots in a very empty field. So he was very surprised when two bots, Dragonis and Phoenix, came charging at him. Dragonis unsheathed his swords, and Phoenix deployed her whips. The three clashed, with Dragonis and Phoenix working extremely well together. With a snip of her whips, Phoenix disarmed the warlord, giving Dragonis an opening to bakflip and shove one of his swords through the vulnerable warmonger's shoulder. The Primes continued their onslaught, and soon Megatron was struggling.

"HOW!?" Roared Megatron, leaping back and dodging a blow from Dragonis that would have cleaved his head off. "How are you two able to fight ME?!"

"Because... we're Primes," Dragonis said, standing next to Phoenix with his swords in a ready stance.

"And we will defeat you!" Phoenix added, smirking a bit. Then without warning, they both charged Megatron. Phoenix switched to dual lances and Dragonis deployed Brass Knuckles. They both landed a hit and sent the evil mech flying. However, Megatron was far from defeated as he straightened in mid-air with his thrusters and called for a retreat. The battle was over, for now.

"Nice work." Dragonis said

"Thanks." Phoenix responded. Phoenix's optics widened as she realized that Megatron had planted a bomb next to them.

"SCRAP!" Dragonis yelled as he tackled the other Prime to the ground


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Posted: Sun, 25/01/2015 18:13 (10 Years ago)
Sure! I'll write you down

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Posted: Sat, 24/01/2015 02:27 (10 Years ago)

Title: Ok. Time for a dumb title card

Dragonis and Phoenix stood over the casket of their fallen leader. He had perished in combat while trying to escape Megatron and his fortress, Trypticon.

"Dragonis, we can't bring him back." Phoenix said as she put her arm on the other mech's shoulder

"But we can avenge him. We need to assemble the Autobots." he responded
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hot Rod and Jazz sat across from each other in the Autobar. They hated the new Primes, and blamed them for Optimus' death.

Everyone turned their heads as the Primes walked in

"Autobots!" Dragonis began

"We're going on the offensive!" Phoenix finished

The Autobots cheered and began to head to the flight deck

"Honestly, you two." Prowl said as he walked by "If you're going to finish each other's sentences, just get together already."

"Sure Prowl." Dragonis retorted "Oh, and how's Moonracer."

"Shut up." the enforcer said

"Don't make comments about our love life, and we won't make comments about yours, Prowl" Phoenix said with a smile
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Fight scene's yours, Phoenix

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Posted: Sat, 24/01/2015 02:11 (10 Years ago)
Shall I go first?

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Posted: Sat, 24/01/2015 02:07 (10 Years ago)
On Fanfic.net

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Posted: Sat, 24/01/2015 02:01 (10 Years ago)
Read the story again?

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