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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Demi_666.
Posted: Mon, 19/12/2022 17:53 (2 Years ago)

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Posted: Thu, 08/12/2022 21:24 (2 Years ago)
Jess looked up from her candy. Finally getting a good look at the other person in the room. She gets up and walks over to them, offering a piece of candy.

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Posted: Thu, 08/12/2022 03:44 (2 Years ago)
Jess wakes up in a different room. She immediately noticed the person across from her. She hurries to the closest corner of the room and pulls out a few more sugary candies.

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Posted: Wed, 07/12/2022 14:15 (2 Years ago)
Jess had just stared into the corner when the Commander come in. She just covered her ears and hummed when spoken to.

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Posted: Thu, 01/12/2022 13:52 (2 Years ago)
Jess looked straight into the camera and scowled. She raised her hand to block her face from view. Pulling her hair over her shoulder, she put her hood up and looked into the wall. She started humming a hypnotic melody and quickly fell asleep.

She woke up twenty minutes later in a start and bolted across the room, out of the view of the camera.

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Posted: Thu, 01/12/2022 00:30 (2 Years ago)
She wakes up from her lump on the floor and rubs her head. Looking around she noticed she wasn't in the park anymore. reaching into her pocket, she pulled out a few of her emergency candies and started munching on them. Jess pulled her knees to her chest and scooted into a nearby corner.

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Posted: Mon, 28/11/2022 19:19 (2 Years ago)
Character Name: Demi Devil
Gender: Female
Characteristics: An excited young lady who seems to be normal, yet she has a dark past that leads her to who she is now.
Appearance: Long red hair, about 4'9" tall, blue eyes, athletic figure
Background: Was originally created in a lab. Her family gave her up after finding out she was 'different'.

Powers: Shifting and blood warp (Blood warp is where she can use someone's blood, usually her own to warp/teleport to different places.
Age: 18
PalPad?: confused?
Questions?: Nope, just hope I'm acepted


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Posted: Mon, 28/11/2022 19:12 (2 Years ago)
Character Name: Jess Devil

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Personality: Shy, yet outgoing

Backstory: Currently unknown (Will slowly lay it out as the RP forms. AKA to long to post)

Appearance: Long black hair, yet it's always up. Deep blue eyes, and athletic build.

Test Subject Number: #016

Special Powers: Flames( Create flames with a flick of the wrist and is flame resistant.)


Other: Hope this turns out to be great

Password: Vulpix is adorable

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Posted: Mon, 28/11/2022 02:47 (2 Years ago)

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Posted: Mon, 28/11/2022 02:37 (2 Years ago)

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