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DarkHorse90 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 8 |
Posted: Mon, 23/04/2018 17:06 (6 Years ago) |
With now sitting near the opening and with Fang still watching him, he yawned and started to scratched his side slowly. His ears were propped towards Damion when he exited the cave. That one was up to something but he was up to something... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ With shaking his fur, Fane went for a walk to himself. The leader was a loner as well. No mate, no family, just his pack. His pack was his family.... [Read more] |
DarkHorse90 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 8 |
Posted: Sun, 22/04/2018 15:02 (6 Years ago) |
DarkHorse90 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 8 |
Posted: Fri, 20/04/2018 17:20 (6 Years ago) |
DarkHorse90 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 8 |
Posted: Fri, 20/04/2018 02:22 (6 Years ago) |
DarkHorse90 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 8 |
Posted: Fri, 20/04/2018 02:12 (6 Years ago) |
DarkHorse90 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 8 |
Posted: Thu, 19/04/2018 13:36 (6 Years ago) |
DarkHorse90 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 8 |
Posted: Wed, 18/04/2018 23:35 (6 Years ago) |
DarkHorse90 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 8 |
Posted: Wed, 18/04/2018 23:32 (6 Years ago) |
Shadowfax's eye was strictly fixed on the Apom. The one that the person was calling Nyx. He had no idea what his intentions were and he was not going to let anything slip. His hoof stomped the floor as a warning not to go near the baby that was sleeping. "I would wait until it is ok by Lithy to creep closer to her things...." The horse spoke softly but his actions were not unable to be read. Lithy still froze because she was not knowing of what was going to happen. Was he after the little one? What was going on... [Read more] |
DarkHorse90 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 8 |
Posted: Wed, 18/04/2018 18:56 (6 Years ago) |
Gender-Male Rank- Fighter Rank Wanted- King Kingdom they are in- Western Crush- None as of yet Mate- None as of yet Dragonetes- None as of yet Family- Alexis from the Eastern Kingdom Power(s)- He has the power of shadows and darkness. Look- He is a pitch black dragon. His scales are mate looking with sapphire blue eyes. Other- He and his sister have there disagreements and they both in hatred of each other. He has a scar over his left eye from her. He is a quiet dragon who wishes the best for everyone but will protect the ones he loves and cares for. Name- Alexis Gender- Female Rank- Fighter Rank Wanted- Princess Kingdom they are in- Eastern Crush- None as of yet Mate- None as of yet Dragonetes- None as of yet Family- Darken Power(s)- She has the power of light and healing but she rarely uses it. Look- Her scales are a bright white/silver with sky blue eyes. Total opposite of her brother. Other- She is a soft heartened female with a tough hide. She does not take back talk to her and she will speak her mind if need be. [Read more] |
DarkHorse90 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 8 |
Posted: Wed, 18/04/2018 18:17 (6 Years ago) |
Darken snapped at Fang as he was following the Beta. He was looking around at how closed off and hidden they were from the outside world. He stood in the middle of the area where the caves curved and sat down in pain. He glared at Fang and spoke low "My shoulder and legs are ripped I am not running anywhere anytime soon. At least there is shelter being a prisoner..." Damion trotted his way into the cave hearing the commotion and stood near Luna. "Everything ok?" He waited for a moment before shaking his head and turned to Luna. "We have a Loner that Fang is watching at the moment. He is injured but there is something about him that got me curious. We brought him back but before I do anything I wanted you to see for yourself after the commotion." Lithy watched Kaim take the lead in this fight and waited for his orders. She was way to hurt but if he needed help she would. Strange how an elder would be this strong still. She would circle and snarl, but she would keep her distance. She was getting sleepy slightly and feelings of chills but she had to wake up. She had to continue or she would never be noticed. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Aro...then fine. Bring him to me and then we will see...." [Read more] |
DarkHorse90 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 8 |
Posted: Wed, 18/04/2018 15:53 (6 Years ago) |
Shot out to the best. Although it was a while ago, the best one I have seen so far is a Shiny Raichu with a nick name of Cheese Puff. [Read more] |
DarkHorse90 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 8 |
Posted: Wed, 18/04/2018 02:59 (6 Years ago) |
Lithy heard Shadowfax short as she yawned and stretched. “What is it now...?” She slithered our of her sleeping bag and stepped forward to his side. Seeing the two others, she smile and patted him on the base of his neck. “Easy, they said hello first they don’t seem bad. Relax my friend.” She kissed him on the side of his cheek and stepped forward excited. “Hello! Are you lost? It’s late if you want you can bunck with us! No sense in trying to find another spot. I’m lithy it’s nice to meet cha!” [Read more] |
DarkHorse90 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 8 |
Posted: Mon, 16/04/2018 17:59 (6 Years ago) |
Lithy snapped her head around and pushed Fang out of the way just to take the next hit harder then him. She was now holding her front leg up from pain but she still had the strength to bull the new loner back. Darken turned but he wasn't going to push it. He was hurt enough. Damion motioned to Fang to watch Darken while he turned to Kaim. "I had enough, finish this while we go back to the pack to warn them..." With that, he turned and nipped at the heels of both Fang and Darken to get themselves moving faster. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "They would indeed. Lets see how weak they are. We wait until dawn. Gather a mix between the strongest and average hunters. We will visit at dawn...unless the humans go first. Then we will wait. Also, have the hunters go out. Im getting hungry..." Fane nipped his jaws as he turned slowly to walk back to the pack. This would be interesting... "Oh...and find the black loner. What was that mutts name...D...Darken? Right. Find him..." [Read more] |
DarkHorse90 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 8 |
Posted: Fri, 13/04/2018 20:06 (6 Years ago) |
With Lithy very slightly giving the way of she was way more injured then she seemed, she still stood her ground. She saw how Damion stepped forward, waiting for the other to speak. Something was not right in the situation. Darken still was showing his fangs but he spoke softly. “I was tired and I collapsed to sleep. I wasn’t paying attention. Maybe you should have paid more attention seeing as your pack is expecting and half of your little girl and boy scout group is here watching me limp…” Damion narrowed his eyes at the response but before he could speak, he heard the yelp from Lyra. Interesting…he knew before him. He was something, and he wasn’t going to let him go. “Since your mouth is slightly running, lets bring you back to rest. Fang, push him back to the pack but I want a full watch on him at all times. I am not done with this mutt.” Lithy knew that this wasn’t the end either….something else was coming. She looked at the loner but she was forcing her eyes open. She was loosing a lot of blood but she was hiding it well. Fane yawned and looked at his beta. Sitting down next to him, he gave a small chuckle and looked at him. “This time, this will be our biggest yet. Safety for our pack while trying to take over another. There is a pack deeper into the woods away from the humans that they have been hidden for awhile. I heard that that there is somewhat none of a leader…lets change that…..” [Read more] |
DarkHorse90 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 8 |
Posted: Thu, 12/04/2018 16:11 (6 Years ago) |
Feeling her let go, Darken snarled and launched himself at the new wolf attacking him. He was weakening faster then he thought. He locked his jaws on the new wolf’s back leg hard, hard enough to try and break bone. He needed to get away. He heard others coming and he didn’t want to be here. With a glimpse around the back of the wolf who had him in his grip, he saw the white one. Snarling, he lowered his head and growled, low and deep. Vibrations came off his skin as his hair fully stood up. If this was how he was going to go out, he might as well go out swinging. Trotting to a halt, Damion saw the loner and stood tall. He would wait if he needed to interfere but he wanted the others to learn how to fight and keep safety to the pack. “Enough!” barked the Beta as he stood tall. He motioned for Lithy and Fang to block his escape routes as he stepped forward. “Someone to be as bold to enter our territory should get a chance to speak for himself. Speak!” Idreal made her way to Lyra and made sure she was going to be ok. Stress was not a good thing especially at this time of her pregnancy. She sat down next to her and waited if she needed anything. Within the cold, damp darkness of his cave, Fane would open his yellow eyes and lift his head. He heard the howls of another pack and he almost grinned. As he slowly stood, his bones would crack as he stretched awake. Walking out slowly, he would lift his head and watch the rest of his pack slumbering. Today is the day that they take over… [Read more] |
DarkHorse90 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 8 |
Posted: Thu, 12/04/2018 05:32 (6 Years ago) |
The snort came from the Ponyta who's flame was blue and shown bright within the night. The clicks against the ground from his hooves weren't the only sounds made. Walking next to him with a map in her face was Ilithwin Aterna, his trainer, his only friend and family as well. The sounds of the night were getting him concerned as he forced her to stop to look at the map. "Look ok I know we are lost just....I made a wrong turn..." Lithy said with somewhat a believable statement. She was still slightly confused about what was going on. One moment, it was her and her two Pokemon that didn't talk and had anything to say and now...well they both talk and have everything to say. At one point, it didn't bother her whatsoever now knowing she had company that she could converse with but on the other hand...they were her Pokemon. She gave a sigh and smushed the map to her face and sighed. "Ok Shadowfax! Your right...were lost...." The Ponyta snorted and shook his head. He knew she could be a ditz some of the times. He turned his head to look at his back, seeing as the baby of the team was sound asleep on his back. He then looked at her and spoke softly. "We are all tired. I think we should settle in for the night. We can find who we are looking for tomorrow morning. You are stumbling over yourself and Darken is sound asleep. I think some rest will do us some good. Lithy looked at him and stared into his eyes for a few seconds. Those blue eyes that illuminated the surrounding area, not just his flame. She gave a smile and twirled her onyx black hair with a chuckle. "We have been walking for along time. Sounds good..." Shadowfax nodded and made his way to find a spot where it was an open area for him but an enclosed covering for her and Darken. When they found a spot, she set up her sleeping bag and secured her gear to a tree and started to get ready to get a few hours of sleep. They have been walking for along time. No family to go to, no place to call there own. The wilderness was there home. Only sometimes did they go into town and mingle with a few people but Lithy wanted to keep away from people. She never felt comfortable around them. And now, she had to meet others with this strange mission. She was getting her anxiety up. While everything was set, she picked up Darken, the small Eevee off of Shadowfax's back and snuggled him into the sleeping bag. Once he was all set, she slipped in gently and yawned. "Thank you Shadowfax. Give me a few hours and I will take watch while you two sleep." With a nod from Shadowfax, he trotted into the open field and started to graze, trot around to stretch his legs, and look up at the sky wondering what new adventures will be brought to there feet. [Read more] |
DarkHorse90 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 8 |
Posted: Thu, 12/04/2018 05:04 (6 Years ago) |
Age- 2 years Gender- Male Rank- Alpha Male of StormPack Rank wanted- Pshhhhhh Crush- No one Mate-Ha no one yet Family- None Pups- None as of yet Look- Fane is of above average height and is extremely strong. Not as fast but he doesn’t need to be. He is a salt and pepper fur but the colors are different, being black and gunmetal gray. He has yellow eyes that would pierce the soul and a scar over his left eye. Other- Fane is just the embodiment of a rabid dog but yet with the elegance of a wolf. He is above average height and weight, strong and muscular and yet, the mind of a killer. He will kill and take what he wants for whatever he wants. If he sets his eyes to it, it will be done. [Read more] |
DarkHorse90 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 8 |
Posted: Wed, 11/04/2018 23:31 (6 Years ago) |
Painting hard and stumbling here and there, Darken tried to keep his pace but was failing. He was tired, exhausted and starving. He knew that he stepped in the wrong territory that he was now the one being chased. He heard the footsteps but he was not going to give up the chase without a fight... Like lightning, Lithy was now toe to toe with the Loner seeing where he stands. Skinny, weak, and stumbling. He wouldn't be to hard of a target. But then again...this was child's play. The male was skinnier then bones and he probably stepped into the wrong area. But that was his mistake. With a leap, she launched herself to him, fangs open and grabbed him, tumbling around in the dirt, growling and snarling. Now the fight began... Darken felt pain. One of the pack. A...a female. No. That was not going to be. He wouldn't be put down by a female. He snarled and tumbled with her, blood staining the ground from him and he locked his jaws on her side whatever he could grab. A yelp from the female he heard knowing he was inflicting damage. With that, he lurched his neck back and forth, feeling fur and skin tear and rip. She was in trouble. A mistake she made caused her shoulder and side to be torn to shreds. She had to wait for the others but she would hold him here.... Damion heard the yelps and the growls and he barked for the others to get there faster. He knew who was hurt and this was not good. One of this best fighters. Barked at Fang to kick up his step and to hit the intruder from the front and he would hit from the other side that Lithy was not locked onto... [Read more] |
DarkHorse90 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 8 |
Posted: Wed, 11/04/2018 23:07 (6 Years ago) |
Lithy stood on edge and leaped to all four paws and snarled. That sent. Someone was near and they were not part of the pack. A howl left her to call the other fighters to be on alert.... Before Damion could respond, the howl from Lithy was heard and his ears went high and were stern. His hair went up and he motioned for Luna to stay with the pack while leaped into the forest first to see what was the danger. That was his job while there was no Alpha at the moment. He took it upon himself to protect the pack when need be. When Darken heard the howl, he knew something was up. He wasn't sure if it was him that was seen or something other that was the danger. Shoot...he thought to himself. With a sprint, he leaped over the stream and took off into the woods to find a hiding place. He couldn't get caught, at least not in this state... [Read more] |
DarkHorse90 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 8 |
Posted: Wed, 11/04/2018 23:06 (6 Years ago) |
Pegasus knight: Steal sword [
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