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Searching for: Posts from CelestialEcho.
Posted: Mon, 02/07/2018 06:24 (6 Years ago)
I hope this is still open!
Only the first 3 are finished.
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☾i wish to join moonclan!
✕roleplay name Sandsight
✕bio gender female
✕age 27 moons
✕ranking in clan Warrior

Sandsight is rather tolerant and intelligent, however she can be very grumpy when tired. She prefers to be left alone, but will not hesitate to show loyalty to her clan or play with the kits and entertain the apprentices. She is fiercely protective of the weak and will gladly stand tall with the strong.
✕crush/mate None (Yet)
✕kits None
-She particularly enjoys spending time in the Nursery
-She has a soft spot for apprentices and enjoys helping them
-Heavily believes in tough love
-Although a bit distant, shes known to be very kind and helpful. She has 3 sisters, Rainbreeze, Goldenspot, and Waspwing. (might add them in slowly)

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☾i wish to join moonclan!
✕roleplay name Spiderpaw (Later Spiderspeck)
✕bio gender female
✕age 10 moons
✕ranking in clan Apprentice

(Later, as a warrior)

Spiderpaw is very energetic and friendly, she tends to be very overbearing at times, and has a hard time knowing when to stop. She is mischievous and very tricky to pin down, but is incredibly clever. She could swindle a rabbit right out from under another apprentice's nose, if she wanted. She is very devoted to becoming a warrior and works her hardest to make her mentor proud. (If you want to be her mentor just ask!) She is incredibly fiesty and will snap when provoked, but she means well.
✕crush/mate None (Yet)
✕kits None
-Her only sibling, Ravenkit passed because of a lung illness. He started sneezing and wheezing and passed in his sleep.
-Spiderpaw is the runt of her litter.
-She tries especially hard to make up for her small size.

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☾i wish to join moonclan!
✕roleplay name Rainbreeze
✕bio gender female
✕age 27 moons
✕ranking in clan Queen

Rainbreeze is soft spoken and caring, she very much enjoys helping others and finds her experiences in life make her a great advice giver. She is devoted and loyal, but will always stick to her morals. She hates violence and tries to avoid confrontation, and is very self conscious about her sight. She often feels helpless because of it.
✕crush/mate None(Yet)
✕kits None
-She helps in the Nursery, due to the fact that she's almost completely blind.
-She has matching scars over her eyes from where a badger attacked her as a young warrior. The incident happened just one moon after she became a warrior.
-She was heartbroken when she realized she would never get her sight back, and it's still a touch subject.

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(Work in progress, wont be playable)

☾i wish to join moonclan!
✕roleplay name Goldenspot
✕bio gender female
✕age 27 moons
✕ranking in clan Warrior

Goldenspot is fierce and brash, agonizingly blunt and excruciatingly honest. She values honor and honesty from others, even if it stings. She prefers to be given constructive criticism, and to grow from her failures.
✕crush/mate None(yet)
✕kits None
-She lost her mate 9 moons ago.
-She was previously a Queen, before her mate passed, but the litter was stillborn.
-She can't visit the Nursery without breaking down.
-She is consistently at odds with her siblings, but loves them dearly.
-She is especially close to Rainbreeze, due to her support when she lost her mate and kits.

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(WIP, Unplayable)

☾i wish to join moonclan!
✕roleplay name Waspwing
✕bio gender female
✕age 27 moons
✕ranking in clan Warrior

Waspwing is playful and cheery, but also as slippery as an eel She is rather distant from others, and sarcastic to a T, but can easily disappear if need be. Sneaky and quiet, she loves scouting and hunting birds, but has trouble connecting with others and working in groups.
✕crush/mate None
✕kits None
-Waspwing was the runt of her litter
-She uses her size to her advantage
-She values the warrior code, but also likes bending rules.
-She and Sandsight get into spats often, they but heads when Waspwing wakes her from nap.

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Posted: Thu, 14/07/2016 00:25 (8 Years ago)
"Mostly because I've been home schooled my entire life. I asked my parents to let me go to public school and we came to an agreement. Although I did play on a sports team for the school I was zoned for where we used to live" She said with a shrug before continuing "And ruler of the school? Sounds like a pretty taxing job" She said with a laugh.

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Posted: Thu, 14/07/2016 00:13 (8 Years ago)
Storm nodded "Sounds good to me~" she replied, stepping closer ad waiting patiently for him to begin walking. "Im Storm, and you are?" She asked curiously from her place next to him, bringing her arms up to cross them loosely across her chest.

(Sorry, I was moving boxes into storage)

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Posted: Wed, 13/07/2016 23:42 (8 Years ago)
"Oh- Ah.. my family lives a ways away from here, near the lake" She explained, her head reeling to much to be her usual self.

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Posted: Wed, 13/07/2016 23:42 (8 Years ago)
Storm stopped walking as she got closer, standing a few feet away from him before putting on a flirtatious smile "I am, just transferred here today~" She said with a shrug. "Maybe you could show me around?" she suggested.

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Posted: Wed, 13/07/2016 23:03 (8 Years ago)
Storm was surprised to be confronted so suddenly, but decided to go along with it for now. "Ah, Storm." She replied, looking around, slightly dumbfounded. "Where are we?"

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Posted: Wed, 13/07/2016 22:45 (8 Years ago)
Storm walked down the hall, her arms clasped behind her back as she explored, during one of the rare moments she got to herself. She noticed another figure walking in the opposite direction, toward her, and slowed her pace slightly, surveying the person's appearance.

(Honestly, for anyone to pick up if they'd like)

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Posted: Wed, 13/07/2016 22:43 (8 Years ago)
Storm was busy tromping through the woods, after leaving her family to explore and see new sights. She was beginning to regret her decision slightly, but quickly shook the thoughts away, looking around curiously and noticing a camp set up not far from where she had wandered to. She ventured closer, curiously looking around the camp site.

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Posted: Wed, 13/07/2016 21:47 (8 Years ago)
Name: Storm
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Appearance: Here
Bf/Gf: N/A
Crush: N/A
Personality: She is often rude without meaning to be, cocky and over confident, as well as sarcastic, but is easy to get along with if you understand her sense of humor and know she means well. She is a fiercely loyal person and a friend that would do anything for her friends, even if she is brutally honest. She defends those she cares for and is often seen as an instigator. Despite her flaws, she tries to be a good person, even if she is a bit of a pessimist.
Other: She is a wartortle. The blue skin was a mutation at birth, but it has never really bothered her, considering it was a hereditary thing.

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Posted: Wed, 13/07/2016 21:31 (8 Years ago)

Title: New Charrie? :3

Username: CelestialEcho
Gijinka: Wartortle/Storm
sorry it isnt a picture
If the blue skin is to much, then just imagine her with really pale skin.
Personality: Storm is kind of a jerk, using her popularity and appearance to get what she wants. She tends to be vain and incredibly rude to those outside her friend circle, without really meaning to. She is also completely oblivious to other's feeling, often those that include fear, sadness or other negative ones. For example, she wouldn't notice when someone was upset unless they were sobbing their eyes out, but she can easily pick out if someone is attracted to someone else. She tends to use anything she can against others, but most of this stems from a rough childhood that she spent ebing tormented by other students. She has many admirers and often takes advantage of them for material things and affection when she feels lonely.
Dorm: Here
Storm tends to be on the messier side of the scale, although usually does a pretty good job of keeping it relatively clean.
Group (Popular, Geek, Preppys, Goths, Weirdos, Wonderers, Serial Romantics): Serial Romantics/Popular
Crush/Love interest: N/A

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Posted: Sat, 04/06/2016 12:07 (8 Years ago)
UserName: CelestialEcho
Pokemon you want: Female of the following starters: cyndaquil(155), chikorita (152), oshawott(501), and tepig(498 ) (PLEASE EVERSTONE THEM IF YOU CAN. I REALLY WANT THEM AS THEIR FIRST EVOLUTION)
Payment: 20k pd
How do you want to receive them: All at once
Password : rolling

[EDIT] I can give you the everstones if needed

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Posted: Sun, 16/08/2015 06:36 (9 Years ago)
Its been edited ^^

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Posted: Sun, 16/08/2015 06:28 (9 Years ago)
Should i resubmit when its done?

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Posted: Sun, 16/08/2015 06:14 (9 Years ago)
Oh oops, alright, well give me a moment..

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Posted: Sun, 16/08/2015 06:11 (9 Years ago)
Name: Riley Trance
Age: 18
Species/Pokemon: Lucario
House: Bellator

Personality: Very cold and harsh, tends to keep her distance from others. Her foster parents taught her that being invisible was easier than being ignored, and she adopted this theory wholeheartedly. She is very hesitant and reluctant of change and tends to get herself in trouble a lot. She s incredibly sarcastic and can be rude as well. She becomes anxious in large crowds, sometimes to the point of shouting and pushing to get out of them.
Moveset: Close Combat, Dragon Pulse, Aura Sphere, Heal Pulse
Ability: Inner Focus
Item: Lucarionite
Roommate: Open
Crush: Open
BF/GF: Open
Tends to always have her hair in a bow.

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Posted: Sun, 09/08/2015 21:03 (9 Years ago)
Username: CelestialEcho
Pokemon/s: Tirtouga
Other: curry

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Posted: Thu, 06/08/2015 04:08 (9 Years ago)

Polestar --- CelestialEcho --- August 6th, 2015

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Posted: Thu, 02/10/2014 03:13 (10 Years ago)

Custom PKMN Widget
- Select the PKMN (Just ONE); Jirachi
- Provide the link URL of you PKMN; http://pokeheroes.com/pokemon?id=1177612
*3D animated sprite will be used*

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Posted: Sun, 24/08/2014 18:03 (10 Years ago)
Experiment Nickname: Bonnie
Experiment Number: 149
Primary Function: Stealing things
Positon in I.G.E (Just a normal experiment or Artist): Normal

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Posted: Sat, 16/08/2014 03:11 (10 Years ago)
My pokemon likes costumes
Username: CelestialEcho
Pokemon: Froslass
Accesories(Please Explain in A Lot of Detail so i will Not Fail ): could you make her look like a kimono girl? :D it would be so pretty<3
Other?: \r\nPrice:10 PD

My Pokemon Looks Like Another Pokemon!
Username: CelestialEcho
Pokemon1(Base Pokemon): Froslass
Pokemon2(Pokemon the First Pokemon will Be Fusioned with): Gardevoir
Price:10 PD

Form: My Pokemon's Color looks Like Another!
Username: CelestialEcho
Pokemon #1(The Base Pokemon): Froslass
Pokemon #2(The Pokemon that will Color the Base Pokemon): Arceus
Other?:\r\nPrice:10 PD

Man This is Tasty! Oh no that Was My Pokemon!
Username: CelestialEcho
Pokemon: Froslass
Price:10 PD

My Pokemon Looks Totaly Different!
Color1: Change the white to black
Color2: light blue to mint green
Color3(optional): Orange to dark blue
Color4(optional): purple to grey
Other?:\r\nPrice:10 PD

My Pokeball Looks Similar To my Pokemon!
Username: CelestialEcho
Pokemon: Froslass
Price:10 PD


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