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Posted: Sat, 27/07/2024 03:37 (2 Months ago)
The haon listened to their peers' suggestions before moving to head back to their dorm room with a smile. They were careful not to accidentally knee another passerby on their way back, not wanting to cause any injury to the shorter students. Reaching their room, Pur pushed open the door and set to work gathering small pouches of different flavors of tea leaves. Various blends and combinations cluttered their desk before they stood back to admire their work.

Assembled in a small handmade wicker basket, neatly adorned with a blooming vine wrapping around the handle, sat a teapot, a water bottle, and a variety of various tea blends. Pur smiled at their work, contemplating on whether or not to change their outfit or add anything else to the basket.

Wandering thoughts were pulled back to reality by the sound of footsteps and shuffling paper eyes wandering over to their door and the note that fluttered underneath. Picking it up and letting their eyes wander through the carefully written letters, they gave a soft smile. With all honesty, they had only planned to attend simply for formalities. Every student talked of this event from even the beginning of the year, so there was no reason for the larger student to really miss it, whether attending with someone or not.

Gathering the basket and smoothing out their skirt, they tucked the note into the basket with gentle hands and left to meet back up with Kae in the courtyard as planned.

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Posted: Thu, 25/07/2024 18:10 (2 Months ago)
Malao continued to ramble on about all of the people he was hoping to see. "I've never seen a fire type that is from a different clan, have you? Do you think we'll get to meet one?"

He walked along the cat pokemon, nodding at what she had to say. "True, true, I can make friends with just about anyone if I really tried!" Malao chuckled, the monkey pokemon taking the grass piece out of his mouth and flicking it to the ground. "And different colors? You mean like the ones that look kinda different? Like the off-color Flareon we saw in camp? I just thought they were normal. Do they get.. like.. special abilities for looking different? Are they rare?" The monkey pokemon had only really met one shiny pokemon before, but Malao wasn't exactly observant when it came to little differences like that.

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Posted: Mon, 08/07/2024 23:33 (3 Months ago)
Malao scrunched up his nose with a confused look. "A nap?" The monkey questioned. "What good would that do?" He walked along, grabbing a piece of grass along the way, sticking it in his mouth, and waving it back and forth with thought. "Isn't that kinda the opposite of how meeting new people works?"

Before the other fire type could even answer his question, he continued, "I'm really good at making friends! I love meeting new people! Every Pokémon is so different and unique and I wanna meet every type I can." The monferno meant it too, trying to talk to and mingle with everyone in the clan. The little apprentice was more extroverted than anyone else in CinderSky, and he flaunted it proudly. He glanced ahead at the pokemon walking in front, watching the trees pass overhead as they continued to travel towards the meeting point.

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Posted: Sun, 07/07/2024 03:24 (3 Months ago)
The haon grinned once more. "I would like that, yes." They replied, their long tail swooshing behind them sort of like a small wave of a dogs tail. They seemed pleased to say the least, excited to show off something they found joy in.

"Are there any flavors you prefer?" Pur asked, gathering their things into a small bag. It was only a book and a pencil they had set down, but they tucked it away neatly, nonetheless. It was a rich brown and hung around their left shoulder almost like a purse due to their height. "I can also refrain from gathering flavors you dislike as well, if you wish. I would like this to be an enjoyable experience."

They stopped for a moment, seemingly halted by their own wording. "Not that.. um... I mean?" They stuttered for a moment, "It is only a sharing of flavors between peers. Not much else. Hopefully it leads to friendship, but even if not, I still would like an opinion beforehand."

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Posted: Tue, 02/07/2024 00:52 (3 Months ago)
"Nervous?" The monkey chuckled, looking over at his fellow apprentice. "Never been more excited! What is there to be nervous about! All of these different pokemon are going to be in the same place at the same time! The mixture of types will be.. be..." He threw his hands up in the air as he found the word, "insane!"

The smile on Malao's face was large a giddy, like a child on his way to a birthday party. "Just think! So many 'mon we haven't met! New apprentices, new faces, and maybe even some new friends! I wanna meet a dual fire type from another clan!" He giggled, "I already know all the fire types in ours, and yeah, while ours is WAY better, I still wanna meet some new people!"

He kept rambling on excitedly about all the new possibilities and friends they could make and the people they could meet. It made a question flash in the mind of the pokemon around him that was all too common.

Did he EVER stop talking?

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Posted: Sun, 30/06/2024 23:53 (3 Months ago)
Malao watched as his clan began the trek to the ceremony, observing from his spot by the tree. Not wanting to get left behind like he almost did last year, the little monkey made his move. A flick of his tail and a quick jump had him in the branches of the tree once again, bounding between the leaves. He followed the group from above for a short while before dropping down next to the Torracat almost silently, grinning with a "Hi Kitty!" that was a little louder than it should've been. It startled the other pokemon around them for a moment, but they all either shrugged or rolled their eyes when they saw who it was.

He chuckled at the antic, standing on his two feet and walking with his arms folded behind his head like he had been there all along, humming softly to himself as he trekked alongside his clanmates. In all reality, he wasn't quite sure what to expect, keeping it to himself that he hadn't paid much attention the year prior. He mumbled something about 'hoping it wasn't too boring,' before turning his gaze up to the sky and watching the clouds as he walked along.

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Posted: Sat, 29/06/2024 03:45 (3 Months ago)
A fiery ball of energy, more literally than not, Malao could be seen in a woosh of fur as he bounded around the border of Cindersky. The little fire type was a smiling ball of energy as he lept from one branch to the next, never touching the ground as he did so. Being a monferno had its perks, definitely, but not for the Pokémon around him, unfortunately. He cheered, hooted, and hollered to himself as he swung between trees, letting the wind rush through his scruffy fur, somehow messing it up more than it already was. His green bandana flapped in the wind behind him as he did stupidly risky tricks between trees. "The Ceremony is today!" The little monkey cheered as he nearly tumbled out of a tree. The landing was clumsy, but he managed not to fall on his face or rear into the dirt, so he counted it as a win in his mind. Without breaking for even a brief moment, he began to go at it with a nearby tree, punching it lightly as if it was a punching bag, pretending to beat up some criminal or fight against another tribe one day. A proud one was the naive little Malao, his recent evolution only growing his ego more and more.

He laughed and chuckled to himself, the apprentice using the slight time to himself to practice fighting techniques. Although sloppy in nature, at least it was an attempt.

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Posted: Sat, 29/06/2024 00:33 (3 Months ago)
The larger creature stopped in their tracks. "ah... That reminds me... mine is as well. My desk and various shelves... and closet is, anyways. I was searching for notes I swore I left in the correct folder and was almost late for a class... and had so many things going on afterwards that I suppose I just didn't have the time to clean it properly." They looked embarrassed to say the least, seeming to be usually prim, proper, and organized to a T.

"Regardless, I do happen to know where the notes and teas I have are kept. Would you like me to grab them and meet back up with you elsewhere? I wouldn't mind a quick jaunt to my dormitory." Pur stared down at Kae from their standing position, neck craning almost awkwardly just to look down at her.

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Posted: Tue, 25/06/2024 00:44 (3 Months ago)
"Interested?" Pur laughed with another awkward smile, this one seeming genuine and happy. "I would be delighted to! Thrilled, even!" They responded excitedly, putting their hands and lacing their fingers together against the side of their face. They leaned into their own hands for a moment, seemingly in thought.

"goodness, where should we even begin? Sweet? Mild? Fruity? Floral? Bitter? There are just too many to choose from!" The excitement and rambling of the larger creature threw Kae off, as Haon's, especially Pur, were known to be quiet, calm, and unsocial. They stood with the same little smile, gingerly brushing a crumb or two off their skirt. "I have the tea leaves in my dormitory room," They explained, pushing the chair back into the table. "I would love to get your thoughts and insight on some combinations!"

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Posted: Wed, 19/06/2024 18:28 (4 Months ago)
Placing their hands in their lap, the Haon offered another small attempt at a smile. It was slightly awkward, pointed teeth getting stuck on their lip when they attempted to close their mouth again. "Irises come in a beautiful variety." Pur commented. "Jasmine is a lovely companion for those flowers, and make a wonderful tea as well. Personally, I am quite fond of clover. There is a small patch out in the gardens here, and it is unquestionably popular for those lovely pollinators."

The larger being looked back out the window, glancing at a small patch of small white flowers. "They make a marvelous honey as well. I have found that experimenting with different teas and honey types makes for quite a few interesting combinations. Perhaps I should loan you a list of ones I find particularly pleasing?"

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Posted: Wed, 19/06/2024 07:35 (4 Months ago)


Character Name:


(maa - lou like in loud) - meaning quite literally "Monkey" in cantonese

Pokemon Species + Typing:

Monferno - Fire/Fighting

If Dual Typing, what Typing do they prefer to use (put N/A if Pure Type):





Malao is a standard looking monferno with scruffy fur, usually unkempt from roughhousing or adventuring where he shouldn't be. He wears a green and white checkered bandana around his neck with the tie in the back slightly scorched from his tail.


Quick and fast with his words and even quicker on his feet, Malao is loud and rambunctious and is very aware of it. He's a sweetheart and once calmed, his usually loud flame of a character can be soft and warm. Having recently evolved from a Chimchar, he's very proud and eager to show what he can do, but it usually ends up with him jumping into situations he can't handle and getting himself into trouble in one way or another.

Birth Clan:


Chosen Clan:




Level (keep reasonable with Rank):


Moves (four at any time, try to keep them of the Typing your Character prefers to use):

Ember, Mach Punch, Acrobatics, Fire Punch


Blaze - When a Pokémon with Blaze uses a Fire-type move, the move's power will be increased by 50% if the user has less than or equal to ⅓ of its maximum HP remaining.

Password: error 707

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Posted: Wed, 19/06/2024 02:09 (4 Months ago)
reserve please!!!

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Posted: Mon, 17/06/2024 23:57 (4 Months ago)
With another small nod, Pur hummed in response. "I'm not attending with anyone quite yet, either. I'm afraid I dove too deep into my studies to form any proper connections before it was too late."

It was true that they felt some sort of regret in not trying harder to create a bond between themselves and even just one student at the academy. Taking the last few bites of their sandwich, they glanced out the window once more, sitting in their own sort of silence as they gazed at the courtyard garden outside. They gestured with their head at the flora outside the window. "I believe I mentioned that I took care of the gardens on campus. Most of them anyways," They corrected, "Was there something you have an interest in? I would enjoy chatting about it if you're up for it."

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Posted: Sat, 15/06/2024 19:23 (4 Months ago)
Pondering what the girl said for a moment, almost as if they were thinking about it too hard, Pur nodded and replied, "I am more or less... how do you say... 'in the same boat'."

The haon took their napkin and gently wiped their mouth before continuing. "Most people are not willing to spend their time injuring their necks to try and form a bond. Thus, unfortunately, I do not have a partner to attend with, platonic, romantic, or otherwise. Did you happen to have someone of interest?" They asked, the tone in their voice shifting to what sounded like genuine interest. Green eyes stared down, filled with curiosity for the answer.

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Posted: Fri, 14/06/2024 23:49 (4 Months ago)
Pur nodded, taking another bite and glancing again out the window. There was a small garden in a courtyard that the Haon frequented often, simply just to sunbathe or to care for the flowers there. They had to admit, they would miss it after everything was over. Swallowing, they took a breath and gave it another try, this time with a little more effort than before, pushing down the anxiety that bubbled inside.

"This ball... are you attending with anyone? Is there anything you're looking forward to seeing?" They asked, the question sounding genuine enough, but still an attempt at breaking the ice between the two acquaintances.

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Posted: Thu, 13/06/2024 21:38 (4 Months ago)
Taking a small glance at the plate of their companion for the meal, Pur gingerly unwrapped the sandwich they had grabbed. It was a bit awkward with their large hands, but they seemed to manage well enough as to not drop the thing. They took a bite, savoring the flavor and glancing out the window for a moment.

This was the part that made the larger being hesitate. The dreaded small talk. Pur struggled conversating with even those they were acquainted with, so they sort of stared awkwardly at their meal for a moment before speaking.

"So..." They began with a sort of awkward mutter, "You.. um.. Does that food give you nutrients?" They asked with a small head gesture to Kae's plate. The immediate mental face palm had them wanting to slink under the table and perish. Why was talking to other people so hard? And why would THAT be the question asked??

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Posted: Thu, 13/06/2024 19:01 (4 Months ago)
Pur gave the smaller girl what looked like an attempt at a smile. It was small and slightly crooked, showing small, pointed teeth similar to a cat. "I would enjoy a meal with someone new, yes. I apologize for my height... I know it might be a bit of a strain on the neck to look at me." They half-teased, a small huff of air similar to a chuckle leaving the creature.

The Haon also caught wind of the disturbance, green eyes scanning over the heads in the crowd to find the source. They muttered something under their breath while looking at the cause, Kae catching that they muttered about table manners and being overly noisy in a common area. Their tall figure wandered into the cafeteria, picking up a small pre-packaged sandwich as opposed to a plate with a full meal. It looked to be filled with cream and strawberries, stuffed so full that the neat little package was the only thing holding it together.

"Do you have a preference on seating? If it is all the same to you, I would like to sit by the windows where the sunlight comes in."

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Posted: Wed, 12/06/2024 22:20 (4 Months ago)
Their shoulders relaxed almost immediately at the dismissal of the accidental bump. "Yes..." They replied, moving a small strand of leafy hair from their strange, green eyes. "That would be me. And you are Kae, yes? I believe I have seen you in passing and in a class or two." Their tone was strange, almost whimsical and faraway in a sense, like they were talking to someone unseen and distant.

They then seemed to snap back to the present, green eyes scanning the student in front of them. "You... were heading to the cafeteria, were you not?" The Haon asked, their shoulders and neck hunched slightly to appear smaller to their peers if at all possible. "I was as well if you would like... to um..." They hesitated for a moment, not entirely sure how to ask, "join me that is? For a meal? If you have no prior commitments, I mean."

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Posted: Wed, 12/06/2024 21:30 (4 Months ago)
The shuffle of paper on their desk as they sifted through unopened letters and messy notebooks yet organized caused Pur's eyes to land on the letter. With a soft sigh from their nose, they skimmed over it, letting out an amused huff at the edits made by a name they often recognized. Never interacting but certainly knowing about, Pur had heard of the Elite and had certainly heard and actively avoided the squealing members of his fan club.

The large being set the note back down on their desk, vowing to themself that they would declutter the mess left behind later. It was nothing more than a pile of old notes after all, and the Haon was attempting to decide if any were worth keeping. Pur'eshka was usually organized and tidy but seemed to dread the ball coming up. The overwhelming fear of failure and the anxiety of returning home empty-handed had them take a small step back and sit down on their bed for a moment. Their room was a bit of a mess, especially for someone attending a school such as this.

The rumble in their stomach had them turn their mind to other matters, however, as they turned to slip on a lengthy black skirt and a ruffled white blouse. Finding clothes to fit, or in their case, someone to make them fit, was difficult for their large stature, but thankfully they had managed to skim by. Even the food seemed pleasant enough to enjoy. It didn't offer her many nutrients, as her people weren't accustomed to the food, but they enjoyed the taste nonetheless. With that thought, they gathered their things in an over the shoulder bag and ducked through the doorway and into the hall.

Their own thoughts ran wild in their mind as they headed to the cafeteria, nearly plowing over a couple of students on the way. Small apologies were given and their pace quickened to try and avoid their peers from below, before almost kneeing another student in the back. It was a soft blow, the Haon immediately apologizing to thankfully, not a complete stranger. Pur had seen Kae in passing, and was certain they had a class or two with the mind reader. "I'm sorry..." They muttered with a sheepish smile. "I did not mean to harm you... I.. um" They trailed off for a moment, staring down at the other student, not entirely sure how she would react.

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Posted: Tue, 11/06/2024 20:44 (4 Months ago)

Title: ~Character Form~

Hello! My name is Cal, and I'm very glad I had a character ready, again, sorry I'm late aaaa- also I'm a huge science nerd and their power is based on how light works so there's gonna be a bit of science stuff in here and I apologize in advance!!

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Name: Pur'eshka "Pur" Salix (Salix is the scientific name for willow trees)

Age: 19

Gender/Pronouns/Sexuality: Non-binary, presents as feminine|They/she|Queer/Ace

Appearance: Pur'eshka is a Haon, a race similar to that of a dryad or leaf spirit. They are humanoid-esque in shape, standing at about 7 1/2 feet (2.2m) tall. Being born in the winter, they take the form of a snowy willow, their hair long and wild like the branches of said tree. Their skin is a light brown with deep brown and white markings across their body. Like their hair, they have a long white tail as well that brushes along the ground like a fallen branch. They have small horns on their head that resemble close to the branches of a willow, extending up from their head before drooping back down. They are often seen wearing simple cover ups such as a tank top and shorts to maximize the amount of time their body is exposed to the air.

(art by monokroe on Deviant Art)

Personality: Pur is relatively quiet, usually lumbering around outside or in the background. They aren't quite fond of other races, but has been known to attempt friendships in their own weird little way. People would describe them as having their head in the clouds, both literally because of their height and figuratively because they always seems to be staring out a window or gazing at the scenery around them. They adore bugs, pollinators specifically, but can tend to get grumpy with people who aren't respecting nature, or strangely enough, the dead.

Background: Coming from a nobility within their people, Pur was naturally pushed to attend an academy to further their growth and to hopefully secure a spot in the High Court per their family's wishes. Choosing to attend Riganois was natural, considering it was a decent distance away from their pushing family, but not too far to sever ties and disconnect from their home.

Power: Along with the ability to change into a tree to preserve energy like the rest of their people, which they only really do while "sleeping", Pur has the strange ability to use Photokinesis, or in simpler terms, manipulate light. Despite their people eating the shadows of trees, plants, and other flora, Pur is able to use both their mind and knowledge of prisms to manipulate light as they see fit. Much like a mirror, prism, or a window, they can use parts of their body to reflect light or allow light to pass through, become "invisible" (bending the light around their body), manipulate forms of light from gamma to microwaves (of light, they aren't going to be throwing microwaves at people lol), produce small amounts of heat of up to 1900k (think the color and heat of the flame of a candle), creating illusions via bending the light and changing the way the "normal" eye views it, and concentrate enough light to be able to shoot small beams. With enough time and energy, said beams could cut and/or weld metal.

Weakness: Pur's hands are very fragile, and can burn easily. They are sensitive to touch and unsurprisingly enough, always cold. They do always require some form of light, as they can only create a small amount themselves (see above), Their power does require more energy depending on the waves and amount being manipulated, visible light being the easiest, and non-visable such as gamma and radio/micro waves being more difficult. They require a lot of water, as manipulating the light dries them out and dehydrates them very quickly.

House: Lavetiara - The Enchanted

Rank: Gemstones

Previous Misdeeds: Pur has been rumored to have blinded people who disrespect nature to an unredeemable degree. Whether or not that is true, (it is, but shhhh) remains unknown to their peers.

PP?: yep!

Other: Pur is very passionate about nature and the science behind their powers, and performed the best in their science class without a doubt. They exhibit autistic tendencies such as poor eye contact, trouble making friends or forming connections, isolation, special interests, and inability to read social cues.

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