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Posted: Sat, 24/09/2022 02:44 (2 Years ago)
Koda hissed noisily. "Iie! Gomennasai ga iie! Iie!!" Koda snapped, raising a hand as though she's going to hit it. Her expression shifted several times before she lowered her hand slowly.

(Translate it if you can. If anyone can do it without google clap clap)

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Posted: Fri, 23/09/2022 04:43 (2 Years ago)
Koda gave a small huff. She was barely a touch interested in whatever festivities she had to be a part of. Yet, a small thought was corrupting its way through Koda. Perhaps she could look? Didn't Monokuma say everyone had to participate? Koda mentally burrowed away from the feeling. Moonling sighed and Cyber gave a rather impatient sounding click of his tongue. I mean, nobody said we had to be punctual... - Exactly! Whatever that means! - Stop giving her ideas... - Noo, you have thistlefluff for brains. Who says Moon is giving me ideas? - Me. She so is! - Not! Shut up Cyber! - Awwghfth. - Shut up, you carnival game clowns. - Heh?! Koda frowned. Stupid them. She wouldn't go. Maybe.

Fine. I'll go. - Ooh! She's interested! Did you hear that, Moon! - ShUT UP, ahem, or she won't go. Koda rolled her eyes. She blocked the image of Mindspace and stared blearily at the walls.

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Posted: Fri, 09/09/2022 21:47 (2 Years ago)
Koda rumbled grumpily. She had woken up and couldn't go back to sleep. What time was it? She sighed. Koda stretched herself out and tumbled gently off the mattress.

She stood up and huffed.

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Posted: Fri, 02/09/2022 03:45 (2 Years ago)
Koda winced as she shuffled. She was stiff. Standing up slowly and stretching, the ball of anger still remained present in her chest. She visualized tugging it out and compressing it into a bottle. Koda hissed furiously. It would be impossible to do so... how sad.

Koda still felt hysterically outraged about Kowai. The only satisfying thing was that they were dead. Dead, gone. Murderers. Koda hated them. Hated them. Every ounce of blood in her body was devoted to hating Kowai. Stupid murderer. Koda scowled, burying her face profusely into her hands. Stupid Kowai. Stupid Koda.

Koda was such a hypocrite.

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Posted: Sun, 28/08/2022 05:07 (2 Years ago)
fite perhaps

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Posted: Sun, 28/08/2022 05:03 (2 Years ago)
(im confused, there was a timeskip yes?)

Koda sat making a few popping noises with her mouth. Mild irritation settled over her like a blanket of clammy, cold snow. Pop, pop. Moonling was in co-front doing the popping. Pop, pop. Koda gazed at the walls. She hadn't moved, remaining still in thought, at the cafeteria. Pop, pop. Moonling stifled Koda's sighing with more of her obnoxious pops. Pop,- "WILL YOU STOP THAT INFERIOR-" Koda snarled at the walls, fury mounting. Inferior. Inferior. In-ferior. She frowned. Her mother used that funny word. In. Ferior. Koda groaned. Must everything remind her of Avalanche?

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Posted: Fri, 26/08/2022 23:51 (2 Years ago)
Moonling grinned. "Bye!" She yelled after them, twirling and giggling. She began to cough again, wrinkling her nose.

Koda stared at the room, confused. Moon, what happened? | Helping you, don't you trust me, Kody? I know when things get dangerous. Hah! Experience! Koda snarled under her breathe. "Stupid, stupid."

Gazing at her hands, she realized how grateful she was for Moonling and her composure. She held a dangerous amount of power in those hands. Koda couldn't stop herself if anything were to happen. She had learned the hard way that nobody could be trusted. Time and time again. But Koda couldn't stop thinking about her mother. Would anyone end up like Avalanche? They mustn't. Koda didn't want to die. Nor be responsible for anyone else to.

Koda sat down. She pulled her knees close and buried her face in them. Tears streamed down her face and she choked down a wail. Koda needed to keep quiet, where here she was alone and vulnerable.

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Posted: Fri, 26/08/2022 23:04 (2 Years ago)
Koda gave a small hiss, and suddenly racked with coughs. Was this Koda? No. Moonling kneeled infront of Suko, and touched their index finger to their chin. "I don't intend to let us die." Moonling whispered, a smile on her face.

"Us referring to me, Cyber and Kody. I won't let you try anything. I suggest you stay away, hmm?" Moonling barked a raspy laugh. "I can't guarantee you won't end up like her mother."

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Posted: Fri, 26/08/2022 21:53 (2 Years ago)
Koda flinched, whimpering. She felt her throat close up and her body be seized by fear. She fought to speak "Suko- You know I would. I promise."

But suddenly, in Suko's eyes, she saw someone else. Someone unforgiveable. Someone Koda... No. Koda closed her eyes, and was immediately flooded with memories of them. She snapped them open, beginning to tear up.

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Posted: Thu, 25/08/2022 20:06 (2 Years ago)
"OKAY?" Koda sat down on the closest chair, to her right.

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Posted: Tue, 23/08/2022 20:16 (2 Years ago)
"I- Uh-wuh, um-" Koda stuttered. "What?"

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Posted: Mon, 22/08/2022 20:17 (2 Years ago)
"I- oh, um, okay." Koda found herself struggling for words. "Okay."

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Posted: Sat, 20/08/2022 20:48 (2 Years ago)
Koda squealed, merely stopping herself from falling over. She felt something achingly familiar swelled in her chest. Koda trembled, and pushed it away from her. Bad.

Koda sighed, and stopped to give Suko a hurt expression, only to change it to a mock hurt quickly. Koda shook of the look entirely, and grinned instead.

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Posted: Fri, 19/08/2022 20:55 (2 Years ago)
Koda blinked in surprise as Suko began to drag her.

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Posted: Tue, 16/08/2022 08:09 (2 Years ago)
Koda cocked her head hopefully. "Can I join you?"

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Posted: Sat, 13/08/2022 01:23 (2 Years ago)
Koda hummed, bored.

I'm gonna be real, I spent like 10 minutes trying to figure out what to add to lengthen that sentence omfg

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Posted: Sat, 13/08/2022 01:10 (2 Years ago)
Koda smiled. "Happy for you." She narrowed her eyes slightly at Suzume and Megami.

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Posted: Sat, 13/08/2022 00:37 (2 Years ago)
Koda squinted at Suko with a small frown. "Are you okay?" Koda observed, scanning Suko's facial expression.

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Posted: Fri, 12/08/2022 21:03 (2 Years ago)
With heavy paws a misty, slightly translucent she-cat emerged from a hollow, a frown etched on her face. She wore the mark of the moon, and therefore was Moonling. Moonling yawned, a warm night breeze sweeping through her fur. She relished it, knowing winter would come eventually.

Moonling gazed forlornly at the sky. When the moon rose to its apex tomorrow it'd be her Morphingday. A Morphingday is when a Morphimal, a rare kind of animal shapeshifter.

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Posted: Fri, 12/08/2022 20:43 (2 Years ago)
Koda gave a small purr. "I think Suko's fine." She prodded them in the arm.

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