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Searching for: Posts from SilverShinyBirdizard.
Posted: Mon, 02/01/2023 20:58 (2 Years ago)
it is!
it's a demiboy zoroark!
congrats and thanks for playing Rhuna!

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Posted: Mon, 02/01/2023 20:55 (2 Years ago)
thank you 😊

also true, there are so many aspec flags with some variety of either green or purple (or sometimes both) and then black white and a grey (fun fact, the grey in the ace and the grey in the aro flag are not the same grey)
(or maybe i just know a lot of aspec flags xD )
as a hint, this flag does NOT have a grey

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Posted: Mon, 02/01/2023 20:47 (2 Years ago)
sorry for the delay!
if i ever don't post for like a month or something feel free to remind me lol
for that, you get TWO advanced ones (please still only guess for one though)

What's that Pride Flag?

easy: (guessed)

advanced 1: (guessed)

advanced 2: (guessed)
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(neutrois (gender))

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Posted: Mon, 02/01/2023 16:11 (2 Years ago)
hi i'd like to trade 100 ice gems and 250 flying gems for pd, please
(gotta keep these even numbers in the list)

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Posted: Sat, 31/12/2022 21:16 (2 Years ago)
hi there!
i moved the shop to this new forum so i can change the first post
i'm taking over the shop for as long as InkayLovesTwixBars212 isn't here
if you wish to rent from us, please go to the new forum

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Posted: Sat, 31/12/2022 21:14 (2 Years ago)
hi there!
since MalamarTrainer3 hasn't been on in a while, i'll take over our breeding pair lending shop now (formerly here)
for you, everything will stay the same, except we obviously can't lend out pokemon from people who aren't there, so you'll have to make do with my breeding pairs only for now

Quote1. all ph rules apply (duh)
2. you must return the pokémon!
3. you must give pokémon of similar or higher value for as long as you rent our pokémon; you will obviously get those back when you give the pokémon you rented back
4. please pay in advance (like at the daycare). if you need the pokémon for longer than you paid for, just set up a gift with the additional pd
5. your pokémon will be named after your username, so we can find them and return them to you; the pokémon you receive will also have the username of the person they belong to as name. by ordering and offering your pokémon, you accept the name change. please do not change the names of the pokémon you rent.
6. you can not currently rent my ditto unless i trust you.

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Quote500 pd - easy
750 pd - medium
1000 pd - hard
1500 pd - rare
1750 pd - special
2000 pd - starter
2250 pd - event

prices are per week rented.
If you only want to rent 1 Pokémon, the prices are halved.

(you can use the forms, or just write the info out yourself as long as you include all the important info in your forum post!)
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Quotehi, i'd like to rent!
which supplier:
which pokémon:
1 or 2 needed:
for how long:

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Quotehi, i'd like to join the team!
i have checked through my breeding pairs and can accurately tell you which breeding pairs i can offer and how well they match:
i have/can put my breeding pairs in an extra box/extra boxes:
i will send you (
) a pm stating all my breeding pairs and how well they match as soon as you agree!

alright, here comes the important part: the breeding pairs:
there's an 'sm' before any mon that i know can be shiny-mega hunted and an 'e' before any event mon

match perfectly:

gen 1:
Show hidden content
- 1 pair squirtle/wartortle/blastoise
sm - 1 pair pidgey/pidgeotto/pidgeot
- 1 pair rattata/raticate
- 1 pair spearow/fearow
e - 1 pair witch vulpix
- 1 pair digda/dugtrio
- 1 pair poliwag/poliwhirl
- 1 pair tentacool/tentacruel
sm - 1 pair ponyta/rapidash
e & sm - 1 pair dark ponyta/cursed rapidash
- 1 pair doduo/dodrio
sm - 1 pair ghastly/haunter/gengar
e & sm - 1 pair obsidianix/obsidialix
- 1 pair cubone/marowak
- 1 pair goldeen/seaking
sm - 3 pairs scyther/scizor
- 1 pair lapras
- 1 pair eevee
e - 1 pair solar eevee
- 2 pair dratini/dragonair/dragonite

gen 2:
Show hidden content
sm - 1 pair cyndaquil/quilava/typhlosion
- 1 pair hoothoot/noctowl
- 2 pairs ledyba/ledian
e & sm - 1 pair winter mareep/flaaffy/ampharos
sm - 1 pair mareep/flaaffy/ampharos
- 1 pair hoppip/skiploom/jumpluff
- 1 pair wooper/quagsire
- 1 pair girafarig
sm - 1 pair dunsparce
- 1 pair sneasel/weavile/sneasler
- 1 pair phanpy/donphan

gen 3:
Show hidden content
sm - 2 pairs treecko/grovyle/sceptile (+2 female ones!)
sm - 1 pair torchic/combusken/blaziken (+2 female ones!)
- 2 pairs poochyena/mightyena
- 2 zigzagoon/linoone
- 1 pair wurmple/silcoon/cascoon/beautifly/dustox
sm - 1 pair ralts/kirlia/gardevoir/gallade
sm - 1 pair swablu/altaria
- 1 pair tropius

gen 4:
Show hidden content
- 2 pairs turtwig/grotle/torterra
e - 1 pair turzai/grogarden/terraformu
sm - 2 pairs shinx/luxio/luxray (+4 female ones)
- 1 pair combee/vespiquen
- 1 pair pachirisu
(e) - 1 pair south shellos/gastrodon
- 1 pair aipom/ambipom
sm - 1 pair buneary/lopunny
- 1 pair chatot
sm - 1 pair gible/gabite/garchomp
- 1 pair finneon/lumineon
e - 1 pair gloweon/lumiday

gen 5:
Show hidden content
- 1 pair snivy/servine/serperior
- 1 pair oshawott/dewott/samurott
- 1 pair purrloin/liepard
- 1 pair munna/musharna
- 2 pairs pidove/tranquil/unfezant
- 1 pair woobat/swoobat
- 1 pair sandile/krokorok/krookodile
- 1 pair vanilliti/vanillish/vanilluxe
- 1 pair foongus/amoonguss
- 1 pair druddigon
- 1 pair larvesta/volcarona

gen 6:
Show hidden content
- 1 pair fennekin/braixen/delphox
- 2 pairs bunnelby/diggersby
- 1 pair litleo/pyroar
- 1 pair tyrunt/tyrantrum

gen 7:
Show hidden content
- 1 pair alolan sandshrew/sandslash
- 1 pair alolan vulpix/ninetales
- 3 pairs pikipek/trumbeak/toucannon
- 5 pairs rockruff/lycanroc
- 1 pair mimikyu

gen 8:
Show hidden content
sm - 1 pair galarian ponyta/rapidash
- 1 pair galarian zigzagoon/linoon/obstagoon
- 1 pair rookidee/corvisquire/corviknight
e - 1 pair lilyfleur/eldelium
- 1 pair chewtle/drednaw
- 1 pair rolycoly/carkol/coalossal
- 1 pair cramorant
- 1 pair arrokuda/barraskewda
- 1 pair morpeko

seem to get along very well:

gen 1:
Show hidden content
- 2 pairs bulbasaur//venusaur
sm - 1 pair pidgey/pidgeotto/pidgeot
sm - 1 pair growlithe/arcanine
e - 2 pairs slowyore
- 1 pair grimer/muk
sm - 1 pair pinsir
- 1 pair eevee

gen 2:
Show hidden content
- 1 pair teddiursa/ursaring
- 1 pair houndour/houndoom
e - 1 pair plaguekrow/dr. honch

gen 3:
Show hidden content
- 1 pair wurmple/silcoon/cascoon/beautifly/dustox
sm - 1 pair ralts/kirlia/gardevoir/gallade
e & sm - 1 pair crystal aron/lairon/aggron

gen 4:
Show hidden content
- 1 pair turtwig/grotle/torterra
- 1 pair starly/staravia/staraptor
- 1 pair burmy/wormadame/mothim (plant)
e - 1 pair pachirisnow
- 2 pairs cherubi/cherrim
(e) - 1 pair north shellos/gastrodon
- 1 pair aipom/ambipom
e - 1 pair gloweon/cosmoneon

gen 5:
Show hidden content
- 3 pairs snivy/servine/serperior
- 1 pair patrat/watchog
- 1 pair lilipup/herdier/stoutland
- 1 pair purrloin/liepard
- 1 pair sewaddle/swadloon/leavanny
- 1 pair ducklett/swanna
- 1 pair cubchoo/beartic

gen 6:
Show hidden content
e - 2 pairs violedge/harplade/caegillo
- 2 pairs amaura/aurorus

gen 7:
Show hidden content
- 6 pairs alolan rattata/raticate
- 1 pair alolan vulpix/ninetales
- 3 pairs alolan digda/dugtrio
- 4 pairs alolan meowth/persian
- 5 pairs alolan geodude/graveler/golem
- 2 pairs alolan grimer/muk
- 1 pair rockruff/lycanroc

gen 8:
Show hidden content
- 1 pair galarian zigzagoon/linoon/obstagoon
- 1 pair galarian yamask/runerigus
- 1 pair hisuian zoroark
- 1 pair grookey/thwackey/rillaboom
- 1 pair sobble/drizzile/inteleon
- 1 pair wooloo/dubwool
- 1 pair applin/flapple/appletun
- 1 pair clobbopus/grapploct
- 1 pair snom
- 1 pair eiscue

happy hunting and good luck!

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Posted: Mon, 26/12/2022 09:35 (2 Years ago)
Username: SilverShinyCharizard
Pokemon: Charmander
Quantity: 2
Mega-able/Shiny: both shiny
Payment Option (nuggets/megastones/pd) : 110k pd

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Posted: Tue, 20/12/2022 14:18 (2 Years ago)
yay, thank you

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Posted: Tue, 20/12/2022 11:13 (2 Years ago)

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Posted: Mon, 28/11/2022 14:45 (2 Years ago)
you don't need a laptop or tablet for it but you do need a stable internet connection for it, sorry

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Posted: Tue, 15/11/2022 18:47 (2 Years ago)
i see it too, both on mobile and on desktop (different browsers too)
it hasn't been this high before

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Posted: Mon, 31/10/2022 08:12 (2 Years ago)
Username: SilverShinyCharizard
PD sent: (tickets) -
Non set items sent: 1 green box, 2 pink boxes, 2 purple boxes, 4 gold boxes
Matching sets sent: 1 brown, 2 purple
Total tickets on this order: 63?

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Posted: Mon, 24/10/2022 21:09 (2 Years ago)
Username: SilverShinyCharizard
PD sent: - (tickets)
Non set items sent: 1 brown box, 1 gold box, 1 purple key
Matching sets sent: -
Total tickets on this order: 12

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Posted: Sat, 22/10/2022 21:41 (2 Years ago)
oh can i change it to 82 ice and 140 flying gems for 52 nuggets and rest pd please?
(also congrats on the house)

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Posted: Sat, 15/10/2022 05:24 (2 Years ago)

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Posted: Tue, 04/10/2022 16:59 (2 Years ago)
it is the normal rainbow flag!
the colours might be a bit off because they're shades of the original colours, like the blue is a lighter shade of that blue because the belly of charmander is a lighter shade, that might be why it looks different

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Posted: Tue, 04/10/2022 15:59 (2 Years ago)
it is!
it's an oriented aroace snivy!

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Posted: Tue, 04/10/2022 13:02 (2 Years ago)
Username: SilverShinyCharizard
PD sent: (tickets) 0
Non set items sent: Mystery Box (Brown), Mystery Box (Dark Blue), Mystery Box (Gold), Mystery Key (Green), Mystery Key (Light Blue)
Matching sets sent: none
Total tickets on this order: 20

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Posted: Tue, 04/10/2022 11:36 (2 Years ago)
nope, neither
the agender flag is closer to the aro flag colour-wise, just with one green
or is there a blue agender flag somewhere?

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Posted: Tue, 04/10/2022 11:10 (2 Years ago)
only guess for one please
and it's neither the mlm snivy nor the bi char

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