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Posted: Mon, 11/01/2016 00:12 (8 Years ago)
Nice theory!
I feel that it could be somehow like this,
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the colour of the 7 souls determine how much determination each human had, in a rainbow. Red being a large amount of determination, while purple is low. And due to this determines how far each human got on their journey, as shown by the dropped armour/weapons. The human who had the ribbon and knife dropped in the ruins could have been the purple soul, the one with the tough glove and bandanna was blue. This also fits with how each boss (excluding Muffet) has you change colour, from blue to green to yellow. You're going up in the determination rainbow as you proceed.

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Posted: Sun, 10/01/2016 23:19 (8 Years ago)
My Mettaton NEO headshot sketch, now a full body sketch!. My first time ever attempting a full body drawing, cause I'm so bad at trying limbsssssssss how to draw arm cannon tho. But I think this has come out GREAT. I don't really like lineart, so I don't know if I'll every finish it. I'd love too, but it probably wouldn't look as great as the sketch ;u;

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Posted: Sun, 10/01/2016 19:58 (8 Years ago)
DANG that Neo avatar is looking amazing ;0; *goes to change right away*

NEO doesn't have much fan art ;¬; Plus he makes great humanoid practice (also so I can get away with bad anatomy :^) ) I made this at like 4 in the morning. My art skill is phenomenal early hours of the morning but I just wanna sleep ughhh. Totally nailed his hair, but I completely botched his make-up and it looks so messy omggg.

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Posted: Sun, 10/01/2016 15:43 (8 Years ago)
I'd use the avatar whooaaa xqx Think ya can do one of NEO though? Not enough fan art of him, makes me sad ;w;

@Everyone talking about Flowey
He does indeed follow you everywhere, on every run. Once you get to a new "room", back-track into the previous room(s). He doesn't appear in every room, but I've seen him in around 4 rooms in Snowdin.
EDIT: Since I'm done with Undertale now and just playing for the secrets and challenges, I may go through a pacifist and genocide to document all of Flowey's appearances :0

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Posted: Sun, 10/01/2016 03:29 (8 Years ago)
As in, on the chart or in the game?
I can't see it on the chart, maybe it's not there? Or it just doesn't link with anything...
As for it being in the game, it's when you're in Hard Mode.

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Posted: Sun, 10/01/2016 01:34 (8 Years ago)
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To beat Mettaton, you need to get the ratings to 10k (12k if you're fast before his limbs blow off.)
The fastest, but more risky way, is to get yourself down to 1HP, then Pose the whole battle for 600 points each pose. This means you can't get hit though. The rating must reach 12k, and Mettaton will be fully intact at the end.
The usual way a new player would beat him would be to survive and just keep acting. The Boast action will increase points so long as you DON'T get hit by his attacks. The Pose command gives more points the less HP you have. Buying the food in the MTT resort increases points when eaten. On the essay question, typing Legs is the best answer, giving 350 points. You'll only need to get the ratings to 10k using this method though.
If you still have the stick or another piece of armour, use it! The stick will give 700 points and changing armour will give 1,500, but you can only use these items once.

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Posted: Sun, 10/01/2016 01:00 (8 Years ago)
There is not one song in Undertale that doesn't sound like another. They are all linked. Here is a chart linking all the songs, including songs that are reversed/slowed down/etc.

I'd really like Power of NEO to have been extended as much as Battle Against a True Hero. It's my kind of music, and all the remix I've been hearing lack the kind of techno/rock theme that seems to fit it best.

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Posted: Sat, 09/01/2016 15:22 (8 Years ago)
*heart shatters*
I'd honestly prefer Underfell Mettaton to be evil. He was just acting in the game. He's much like Asgore, doesn't want to hurt but needs your soul for the better. Seeing him as a victim in Underfell is kinda eehhhh to me.

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Posted: Sat, 09/01/2016 03:11 (8 Years ago)
*swivels eyes*
I'd smooch the robot. Heck yeah.
*runs away*

I have no friends in reality who are into Undertale, yaaay
Which is why I came to join all the nice people here, and make better more friends \o/

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Posted: Sat, 09/01/2016 02:43 (8 Years ago)
I found out in one of the Undertale kick starter updates that it was going to be possible to have a robot husband, but the idea got scrapped.
It literally would have been possible to date someone and NOT get rejected.
And who better than Mettaton? *sobs* Why was this not in the game ;7;

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Posted: Fri, 08/01/2016 17:10 (8 Years ago)
Dang, 7 hours. I probably spent between 1 1/2 - 2 hours on that fight, but unlike you, I'm quite a hardcore gamer and love every challenge I can grasp. Even I started to lose interest in the fight towards the end, just wasn't fun continuously losing.

I found Sans harder than Undyne... Hope that doesn't put you off, you might have a better chance than I did.

Stay determined!

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Posted: Fri, 08/01/2016 02:07 (8 Years ago)
Oh my god I LOVE watching other people play :0 I was really tempted to do a join.me on my first Sans fight for my Skype friends to watch and laugh at me, but I cleared it shortly after.
Although I do like watching people fail (sorry ;v;), as Goatchild said, I'd watch because it's the opportunity. But yeah, I enjoy watching people play more than playing myself.

I'm also looking for some awesome Mettaton NEO animated avatar to use on here, but the internet does not love NEO as much as I do sobs.

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Posted: Fri, 08/01/2016 01:49 (8 Years ago)
I guess it only filters swearing. You can get away with any insult (like I did) so long as you don't use bad language. I bet if you had the word legs in there somewhere, you may even get max points, even if it is an insult xD

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Posted: Fri, 08/01/2016 01:26 (8 Years ago)
The best part is his responses are as if you typed positive things xD

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Posted: Fri, 08/01/2016 01:16 (8 Years ago)
I'm having waaaaay too much fun with Mettaton's essay question :^)

I think you should have the experience of both Pacifist and Genocide. I was dreading geno, but by the time I started and got into it, I started to enjoy it for it's difficulty and challenge. I wasn't TOO distressed by killing the characters, even though there was heart break reading their last words... But you just got to pick yourself up and re-run with a nicer ending to compensate :'>

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Posted: Thu, 07/01/2016 01:47 (8 Years ago)
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If there was a way in an abandoned genocide run to spare NEO, I'd do it every run. I hated the time where I had to kill him ;-; I would wait for like, 2 minutes, watching his sprite and listening to the music, spamming the spare button before finally "right, gotta do this now" kicked in.

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Posted: Wed, 06/01/2016 22:07 (8 Years ago)
I'm totally done with UT, got all the endings I wanted
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Pacifist, genocide, soulless pacifist, soulless genocide, and, of course for my favourite character, King Mettaton ending :^)
Now I don't know what to do. I want to keep playing it! I'm going to keep playing, but it's going to be as interesting as possible. Such as my next run being a genocide with only the stick and bandage, while healing items will ONLY be dog salad, fun gamble :P
What do you guys think would make a fun run?

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Posted: Sun, 03/01/2016 20:42 (8 Years ago)
*No chocolate

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Posted: Sat, 02/01/2016 22:34 (8 Years ago)
While MettatonEX is right, it also helps to look at other people's art and pick up on art styles. Look at the drawings, study the shapes and visualise what it would be like to draw it. Then, the most important bit comes in - practice. You cannot get anywhere without practice. Don't be distressed if you can't see improvement within days - it usually takes a couple of months. But no matter what you do, you practice always. You don't need to show anyone you bad sketches and practice scribbles, I never do and wouldn't dream of it.
You just don't give up hope, and always practice. Look at your daily practices, and watch your improvements slowly form.

OH, and if you're looking for stuff to draw..
*slides this here*

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Posted: Sat, 02/01/2016 22:10 (8 Years ago)
Wow guys, all your arts so amazing to look at, how can I comparreeeeee ;7;

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