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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from eisner.
Posted: Sun, 22/01/2017 20:28 (8 Years ago)
The maid went back to the ballroom, sitting on a corner of course. Why, she was invited but neglected by the only people she knew. "No use, no use..." Kirumi muttered, getting another glass of wine and sipped on it.

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Posted: Sun, 22/01/2017 20:25 (8 Years ago)
The male woke up with a groan, grabbed his alsrm clock and slammed it on the wall, killing it on the process. He sat his galleses on the bridge of his nose and saw that he had broke his alsrm clock. Again. "Dangit!" He hissed, making a mental note to buy another alarm clock. Atsushi dressed up, not forgetting his trench coat and notebook before setting foot outside.

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Posted: Sun, 22/01/2017 20:03 (8 Years ago)
(Chara still idle until interaction :})

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Posted: Sun, 22/01/2017 19:37 (8 Years ago)
The maid saw a guy who was lifting weights with only his pinky. "Wouldn't he injure himself...?" The female mumbled to herself but then shrugged. None of her business and she didn't want to be a busy body.
(Idle until interaction)

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Posted: Sun, 22/01/2017 18:50 (8 Years ago)
I cant even be on the computer rip me
Also no i wont sleep
Ill just go laugh at malay vines :"v

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Posted: Sun, 22/01/2017 18:22 (8 Years ago)
Lmao same
I made a sorta technique where i tap my foot when red rolls in
That failed
So i made another one where my finger stays on last circle until another one rolls in

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Posted: Sun, 22/01/2017 18:19 (8 Years ago)

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Posted: Sun, 22/01/2017 18:18 (8 Years ago)
So is std
How2ss taiko tho

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Posted: Sun, 22/01/2017 18:17 (8 Years ago)
R i p
I cant even score an s on mania

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Posted: Sun, 22/01/2017 18:02 (8 Years ago)
Im a huge drama queen and complains a lot

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Posted: Sun, 22/01/2017 17:56 (8 Years ago)
No its monday
Bc its 1 am u p00t
Also hah jokes on u i aint goin to school

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Posted: Sun, 22/01/2017 17:54 (8 Years ago)
Rip p00t
And crys
Make me
my whole body aches after running 5 km on saturday ouch

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Posted: Sun, 22/01/2017 17:53 (8 Years ago)
The maid sighed as she watched the wine swirl in the wine glass. Sipping the red liquid, Kirumi went back inside looking left and right. She saw some challengers and royals and she knew better to not interrupt them. Placing the wine glass at a random table, she went back out the ballroom again but this time, she walked along the hallways. "Hm. I wasn't invited a couple of years when they had the same event but why now?"

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Posted: Sun, 22/01/2017 17:03 (8 Years ago)
Ohej its 1 am here

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Posted: Sun, 22/01/2017 16:29 (8 Years ago)
(Idle until interaction)

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Posted: Sun, 22/01/2017 12:58 (8 Years ago)
Ye i stay up late //shot

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Posted: Sun, 22/01/2017 11:56 (8 Years ago)
The female gave one last sigh before walking back to the ballroom, seeing that there's more people now. "Dear gods..." the maid mumbled, hitching up her gown a bit. Brighten up; she thought, it's a special day for you. Kirumi went totake a glass of wine and went to the balcony, gazing out the night sky.

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Posted: Sun, 22/01/2017 10:39 (8 Years ago)
Non ph related rant
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ok what
im not complaining about you posting yuris nope
Well im complaining that youre posting nsfw so freely like that
Wow what a time to be alive amirite

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Posted: Sun, 22/01/2017 09:02 (8 Years ago)
yes bc c h i h i

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Posted: Sun, 22/01/2017 07:47 (8 Years ago)
The female lets out a sigh of relief once she was out of the ballroom and cleared her throat. "Why did she invite me...?" Kirumi thought aloud as she went around the castle, picking the frills once in a while.

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