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Posted: Mon, 28/02/2022 19:18 (3 Years ago)
The voting has started about 3 days ago. Please give the last few Staff members that need to vote some time ^^'

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Posted: Mon, 28/02/2022 18:27 (3 Years ago)

Easter Egg Spriting Contest

credits to Furret

Weather. . . it's its own thing, blowing cold when it should be hot, blowing hot when it should be cold. We all know what that means. . . Easter Eggs contest! Feel the grass, the sun, the eggs digging in your back [how did that even get there? You wonder to yourself]. The eggs seems to be lacking a little colour, though.

Maybe. . . Yes, of course! you can help!
Just come through here and we'll supply you all the blank eggs you could desire [disclaimer - no more than 5 eggs per customer].

The Easter Egg Hunt usually starts in the week before Easter and lasts for about a week after, so you have more than a week to search for them. More specific details will be revealed on the 8th of April when the Hunt starts :)

We'll provide you with a template, so you guys can try and design your own Easter Eggs for the Hunt. Sounds great, doesn't it?
Spriters, start your programs and take out your pixels, it's time to let your creativity out!

Now a contest wouldn't be a contest if there was no reward, even though spriting can be fun by itself, so there will be a chance to win a prize. Aside from that lovely feeling of winning, the top 20 Easter Eggs will be made the official Easter Egg Hunt eggs for this year's Hunt.
That's not all, of course. The designers of these eggs will also receive 5000 Event Points to do with as they please ^^

Again, everyone who joins/qualifies, but didn't quite manage to snatch away a big prize, will receive a participation prize of 1000 Event Points as thanks for joining ^w^

Sprite Requirements
Accepted File Types: .PNG
Sprite Size: Please download this template -

(Right click -> "Save image as.." -> Save and Open/Upload to preferred program).
Sprite Type: Digital, full transparency [final product]
Sprite Design: Have fun with it!
* These are Easter Eggs, so please stay within the lines and don't change the size.
* There also needs to be an actual design. Monotone [one-coloured] eggs or simple duo-coloured eggs will not qualify.
* You are allowed to change the colour of the border.
* You can only submit up to 5 eggs for voting.
File Upload: Please upload it to a website which doesn't delete it within the next 30 days and allows third party viewing. It's also important that the transparency remains.
(Recommended: sta.sh, imgur.com)
Copyright: The sprite has to be designed completely by you. Aside from the black outline, everything must be sprited by you. You are not allowed to include (parts of) sprites made by others, including official sprites.

Please post your finished artwork in this thread!

The deadline is March 18th, 23:59.
The winners will be chosen by us, the Staff, based on quality.
The results will be revealed on April 8th, the day the Hunt starts :)

Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Can I design more than one egg?
A: Sure you can! Just keep in mind that you'll only win the prize once, as they're limited to one per user. Also, only up to 5 will qualify for voting.
Q: Can Staff join?
A: Yes they can.
Q: Why though?
A: We feel that everyone should have the chance to participate in a contest if they wish to do so. If a Staff member enters, they'll simply be excluded from the voting process.

Please keep SPAM out of this thread :)
And, most importantly, I hope you all HAVE FUN~

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Posted: Sun, 27/02/2022 20:07 (3 Years ago)
Alright, finally got some breathing room [and my shinies in order] so I can start actively trading again.
For those who had to withdraw, I appologize for the wait and I hope you found what you were looking for (:

@AeroSpaceLugia0770 - I'm sorry, but that's not enough. Shiny Kabuto is over 200k, and even when pricing Ice Gems at 1500, you barely reach 150k.

@Priyu - Sounds good! If you are still interested, please set up the trade and I'll offer the Nuggets on it (:

@Shy- - I'm working on your trade now! I have an agreement for my Fire Gems, so they're reserved, but I'll offer the equivalent Dark/Ghost Gems (:

@iN_A_Jam - I'm sorry, but that trade is not going to happen. It's either 5 of each or equivalent Flying/Ice Gems. While I am looking for other Gems, I'm not trading Mega Stones for them.

I have a bunch of Dynamax Crystals so I have no problem trading them, but I need to figure out the price first (':

Edit - Based on the Item Market [and those horsies] I've also decided to increase the price I pay for Ice Gems to 1500 PD. Flying Gems remain unchanged. It's still lower than the Item Market, but I'd be paying the taxes in these trades :p
The listed prices are x1.5 if you're looking to pay in Flying Gems.

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Posted: Sun, 27/02/2022 12:40 (3 Years ago)
Having glitching images is a pretty clear indication of a buggy graphics card. Could you explain why you doubt that's the case?

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Posted: Sun, 27/02/2022 12:38 (3 Years ago)
The complaint is not 'invalid', but the argument given could be a reason it's not gonna cause any changes to the site.

Also, don't use this as an excuse to argue with each other. You either post about the complaint [without attacking any specific person for posting] or you don't post at all in this thread.

Any such posts will be deleted.

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Posted: Fri, 25/02/2022 15:52 (3 Years ago)
No, this isn't possible.

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Posted: Thu, 24/02/2022 20:45 (3 Years ago)
After battling the voting thread (because of course the tiles wouldn't cause the only issue (': ) as much as I could, I finally managed to complete the Voting thread for the Staffies to vote in.
I'm really sorry about the wait! I'll post an update as soon as everyone voted and I tallied up the results (:

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Posted: Wed, 23/02/2022 13:30 (3 Years ago)
No you don't. You're only guaranteed 3 eggs every 24 hours. Better pairing just increases the odds of getting more.

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Posted: Tue, 22/02/2022 06:20 (3 Years ago)
You don't get Eggs every single hour. Not getting Eggs for a period is still not a bug, it's just bad luck.

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Posted: Tue, 22/02/2022 06:18 (3 Years ago)
. . . You have 4 DayCare Eggs in your party. Why are you saying they don't breed?

Unless you mean you're not getting Event Eggs. That's not a bug, Event Eggs are very rare, even with a perfect pair.

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Posted: Mon, 21/02/2022 16:10 (3 Years ago)
The 'aniversary' notification and the Premium notification are unrelated to each other.

The Premium notification doesn't account for the hour(s) left, so sometime on that day, your premium will end.

Anniversary counts 365 days as a year, so every leap year, your anniversary is moved one day forward.

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Posted: Mon, 21/02/2022 16:07 (3 Years ago)
Actually, you don't have to make interactions.
You just gotta pay the DayCare and you're good to go.

Did you pay them 24 hours ago?

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Posted: Mon, 21/02/2022 14:11 (3 Years ago)
What are you trying to breed and when did you start?

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Posted: Fri, 18/02/2022 20:32 (3 Years ago)
Because Shedinja's official way of obtaining is kinda. . . obnoxious, PH treats it as its own family (no evolution tree) with its own egg.

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Posted: Fri, 18/02/2022 18:14 (3 Years ago)
I should get voting on the way tomorrow.

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Posted: Thu, 17/02/2022 23:39 (3 Years ago)
This happens to my screen on certain percentages of zoom. Are you viewing the page(s) at 100% zoom [default size]?

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Posted: Wed, 16/02/2022 18:04 (3 Years ago)
No, the Vouchers work the same way as the Garden Legendaries. The 50th Egg is an guaranteed shiny.

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Posted: Wed, 16/02/2022 06:50 (3 Years ago)
Don't worry, I told him not to break it this time :P


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Posted: Sun, 13/02/2022 11:38 (3 Years ago)
@Sparrowwa - I'll definitely keep that in mind for the next contest of this kind, but right now it'd just delay it even more (':

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Posted: Sat, 12/02/2022 21:44 (3 Years ago)
1. It needs to be viewable by others, preferably without other programs

2. While the forum is an option, depending on the screen/zoom, they might be moved around

While what I'm doing is a bit more time consuming than expected, it makes sure that it's one image, that won't be influenced by screen size and/or zoom

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