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I'm Feeling Lucky

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Posted: Thu, 02/01/2020 05:56 (5 Years ago)
Felix felt something change, some sort of power fading. He quickly activated his PokéGear.

"Admin? Admin!?" he called out. No response. He started to panic.

"No, nonono NO-"

A flash of light.

Suddenly, Felix was standing between Admin and Yveltal.

"Did I just...teleport?"

He didn't have much time to wonder before hearing a roar. He turned to see Nebby overflowing with Z-Power, emanating from Lillie's Z-Ring.

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Posted: Thu, 02/01/2020 05:52 (5 Years ago)
Felix was worried about the others, but he tried not to think about it. Over his PokéGear he could here reports from all around the world of Legendary Pokémon freaking out, and he knew that he had to get to Melemele to help out.

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Posted: Thu, 02/01/2020 05:46 (5 Years ago)
Having alerted Lana and Mallow, Felix headed out for Melemele. "Lillie, I'll take care of Melemele Island," he said into the Pokégear. "You focus on helping Admin. Both of you, be careful!"

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Posted: Thu, 02/01/2020 05:11 (5 Years ago)
Felix arrived at Brooklet Hill and made his way through, searching for Lana

Olivia nodded, expression turned serious. "I'll get people gathered in the town square here in Konikoni - could you head to Heahea City and bring them here?"

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Posted: Thu, 02/01/2020 05:07 (5 Years ago)
(OOC: I gotcha)

Olivia turned to Lillie and smiled. "Lillie, so good to see you! What brings you here?"

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Posted: Thu, 02/01/2020 05:06 (5 Years ago)
Felix landed at the top of the Volcano, where Kiawe was standing with a Ride Charizard.

"Felix! What brings you here?" the Trial Captain cheerfully greeted his fellow Fire-Type Specialist.

"No time to talk, we have to evacuate," Felix explained. "Legendary Pokémon are freaking out, we have to get people to Aether Paradise, it's the safest place."

Kiawe nodded. "Say no more," he replied, hopping onto Charizard's back. "I'll go alert the other Trial Captains."

Felix nodded and hopped onto Icarus' back. "Get everybody to gather in Konikoni City!" he shouted as he flew off to find Lana.

Moonlight dug her claws into Giratina's back in order to hold on - luckily her claws are small enough compared to the Legend that it barely felt a thing.

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Posted: Thu, 02/01/2020 04:54 (5 Years ago)
Well, no more time to rest. Lillie would probably have reached Akala by now and Felix didn't wanna leave everything to her, so he headed off again, making a beeline for Wela Volcano. Admin must've caught Groudon by now, but all the chaos could disturb the Volcano enough to potentially cause an eruption, so it was best to start there.

Moonlight hopped onto Giratina's back without hesitation.

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Posted: Thu, 02/01/2020 04:49 (5 Years ago)
Seeing that everything was under control, Felix took a moment to breath. Things had very quickly gotten very chaotic, he hadn't even had a chance to contact the League Staff back in Galar to say he wouldn't be available to run the Gym today. Though, with everything that was happening, he wasn't sure if any Gyms would be open today...

Moonlight stared gently at Giratina.

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Posted: Thu, 02/01/2020 04:44 (5 Years ago)
When Felix and Icarus arrived at Seafolk Village, the town square was already busy. He rushed over to the center of the crowd, where Kahuna Hapu stood.

"What's going on?" he asked.

"Something's not right," Hapu replied. "The townsfolk are getting nervous. Don't suppose you know anything about it?"

Felix nodded before explaining the situation. Hapu commanded the villagers to prepare the boats and sent people to fetch those living outside of the village. Seems like things were falling into place easily here.

Moonlight hung back, but still stayed close to Violet - after all, it's not like she had anywhere else to go right now.

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Posted: Thu, 02/01/2020 04:39 (5 Years ago)
"Hey, Lillie?" Felix called out. "Be careful, okay?"

Moonlight stayed by Violet's side, just to be safe.

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Posted: Thu, 02/01/2020 04:37 (5 Years ago)
As Volt helped guide people through the Wormhole, Spins approached Felix and gave him a look that he knew to be asking if he was okay.

"We've gotta get these people somewhere safe," he said in response. "That's what's most important right now."

He walked over to Lillie. "I'll go evacuate Poni Island, you and Nebby should probably go get a start on Akala," he grew a little sheepish. "I mean, unless you have a better idea?"

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Posted: Thu, 02/01/2020 04:05 (5 Years ago)
Moonlight turned to the man and smirked.

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Posted: Thu, 02/01/2020 04:01 (5 Years ago)
Moonlight flipped over so that she was moving upright and lunged at the man. She slammed into his chest, and as he stumbled backwards, she grabbed his belt and snapped it from around his waist. She ran back over to Violet, carrying the belt - and with it, all of the man's Poké Balls - back to Violet.

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Posted: Thu, 02/01/2020 03:57 (5 Years ago)
Moonlight bounced back, and then ran forward, preparing another Throat Chop. The attack made it's mark, and as it hit, Moonlight shouted. "Um, Umbreon!" 'Grab me and throw me at your trainer! Make it look like you're fighting back!'

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Posted: Thu, 02/01/2020 03:53 (5 Years ago)
The Iron Tail landed, the extra momentum causing it to do extra damage. Before Zoroark could react, Moonlight rushed forward with a Throat Chop. As she landed the attack, she whispered to Zoroark.

"Umbre, um," 'Follow my lead!

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Posted: Thu, 02/01/2020 03:51 (5 Years ago)
Felix reached the center of Malie City and was relieved to see everybody was already there ready to evacuate. Now he just had to wait for Lillie to return with Nebby...

Moonlight used Substitute to avoid the attack and jumped up into the air. As she descended, she used Iron Tail, aiming directly for Zoroark's head.

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Posted: Thu, 02/01/2020 03:46 (5 Years ago)
"I appreciate the offer, but I really should help with evacuating the rest of the region," Felix replied as the two of them reached Malie City. "Poni Island should be easy to evacuate since there's only one real town on the island, so that's probably where I'll go next while Lillie gets a start on Akala or Melemele."

"Bre!" Moonlight shouted, jumping out in front of Violet and growling at her fellow Dark-Type.

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Posted: Thu, 02/01/2020 03:38 (5 Years ago)
"It might be super powerful, but it's still just a Pokémon, like all the others," Felix said, smiling softly before turning stern again. "Alright, time to attempt to reason with these people..."

As it turned out, the people of Po Town were easier to convince than Felix had been expecting. A lot of them were scared by all the crazy weather and were more than happy to get the heck out of there. A lot of them had Golbats or Honchkrows they could ride, and the few that didn't used Icarus to travel to Aether Paradise.

Content that everything was okay here, Felix headed back to Malie City, hoping that Volt and Spins had managed to gather up everybody in the city and that Lillie and Nebby were able to help everybody else on the island.

Moonlight didn't let her guard down, glaring daggers at the man. This girl may not be her trainer, but she was still going to protect her.

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Posted: Thu, 02/01/2020 03:34 (5 Years ago)
Felix pocketed the Master Ball. He was about to head into Po Town when he noticed Admin.

Moonlight turned and snarled, rings glowing.

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Posted: Thu, 02/01/2020 03:31 (5 Years ago)
Felix gulped, but stood his ground. "H-hey there, bud..." he said, gently reaching out to the Mythical Pokémon. "I know things are weird right now, but it's gonna be okay, I promise..."

Felix put a hand on Zeraora's cheek. It grew tense, but after a moment leaned into Felix's hand, and for a second, exhaustion showed in it's eyes.

Felix held up a Master Ball. "You wanna come with me for now? I promise I'll let you go when all this is over."

Zeraora nodded and pressed the button on the Ball, letting itself be caught with ease.

Moonlight prepared a Shadow Ball, just in case.

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