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I'm Feeling Lucky

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Posted: Thu, 01/05/2014 12:45 (10 Years ago)
Rylie nodded, wondering what she should use the pokeball for. She glanced at scyther and smirked, it was watching mightyena, right? Banette jumped up and attacked scyther from behind, using lick, paralysing it. Seel came up behind Sinji, it used powder snow to freeze his feet to the floor. "I'm really, really sorry about this," Rylie told him, she ran out the door with her Pokemon following.

(Lunch Time! I'll come back later.)

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Posted: Thu, 01/05/2014 12:33 (10 Years ago)
(Oh... Ok. And hi, Lilwan. Did you read how Rylie insulted Titanium {Kanto}? <3)

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Posted: Thu, 01/05/2014 12:28 (10 Years ago)
(Ya, I read that part. Why did they do that ?)

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Posted: Thu, 01/05/2014 12:26 (10 Years ago)
Rylie didn't try to hide her surprise this time, "I- Your scyther is mad at me because i followed it here, and... Well, let's just you have a lot of supplies." She looked around, "How did you ever come across such a place?" She clasped her hands behind her back and made a symbol with her fingers. Mightyena's ears pricked up and it gave the slightest of nods. She kept talking to Sinji as if nothing had happened, "Is this an old lab? Why wasn't destroyed by the disasters?" She questioned him.

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Posted: Thu, 01/05/2014 12:16 (10 Years ago)
(Yay! ^u^
Unfortunately, I cant have Rylie do anything, I have to wait for Xerneas to get on so I can insult titanium some more. XD)

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Posted: Thu, 01/05/2014 12:07 (10 Years ago)
Rylie glanced at scyther but ignored it, she turned back to Sinji, scratched the back of her head and sighed, unable to keep her silence any longer. "My name is... My name is Rylie." She sighed again, this was becoming a lot more complicated than she thought it would be. Her Seel moved away from the angered bug Pokemon and it's master, plopping itself down at her side. Moghtyena stayed where it was guarding the door, it growled slightly.

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Posted: Thu, 01/05/2014 11:50 (10 Years ago)
Rylie stares at him, she doesn't say a word. Then she turns glares at her Seel. It lowered it's head in shame, no one was supposed to know that she robbed them until she was gone. Seel, made sure that happened by keeping them asleep. She pulled banette off of her head and set it on the ground, still not saying a word. She crossed her arms and looked back at him, she was surprised he complimented though did didn't let it show.

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Posted: Thu, 01/05/2014 11:38 (10 Years ago)
Rylie picked up the pokeball and examined it, but saw nothing. Stuck it and the note back I her bag to think about later. She looked around the room one more time before heading down the ladder again.

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Posted: Thu, 01/05/2014 11:25 (10 Years ago)
Rylie looked around the room in astonishment, how could one boy get so much tech? She went over to the hunting rifle first, since that was the thing she was most familiar with. She picked up an ammo cartrage and weighed it in her hand. She didn't take it though, she didn't use guns, only daggers. Next she walked over to the capsule, is where they cloned mew? Rylie wondered, she pulled out the note and examined it again.

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Posted: Thu, 01/05/2014 11:08 (10 Years ago)
Rylie looked from porygorn to the ladder, "Do you not want me to go in there?" She thought about it for a moment, the more she did the more she was curious. Finally she said the the unresponsive porygorn, "Well, if you didn't want me to go in there then you shouldn't have told me about it." She looked over at banette, thinking it had gone unnoticed, had opened a can of peas and was stuffing its face. Rylie sighed, the little sneak, she had been to busy talking to porygorn to notice banette. "Come on you little rascal, put it down." She walked over and took the can from it, much to the pokemon's complaint. Rylie picked up banette and set it on her head, she then proceeded to climb up the ladder.

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Posted: Thu, 01/05/2014 10:46 (10 Years ago)
Rylie turned as soon as she heard the Pokemon cry, years of doing this had sharpened her senses to match even that of her mightyena. She approached the porygon slowly, "Shhh... I won't hurt you." She told it in a kind voice, "My, my, aren't you a beauty..." She said when she noticed the porygorn's colors. Rylie could sell this Pokemon and make a fortune... But she wasn't going to to that to this poor trainer. She glanced at him laying in his bed and wondered how he came to live in such a place? She hadn't actually slept on a bed in forever... She shook her head, "Such stupid thoughts," She told herself, "He probally stole it like the rest of us."

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Posted: Thu, 01/05/2014 10:30 (10 Years ago)
Rylie looked around the room, memorising every bit. Her Pokemon knew what to do, banette hopped off of her head and grabbed as many cans of food as it could carry in its little arms, Seel used hypnosis on the Pokemon and their master, just to make sure they don't wake up. Mightyena guarded the door, making sure no one entered or left. Rylie felt bad for the boy sleeping but she couldn't help it, he had food and her family needed it. She walked over to the bench and examined the tools lying there. Why was that scyther outside? Where did this guy get all of this stuff? She asked herself.

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Posted: Thu, 01/05/2014 10:08 (10 Years ago)
(Oh, ok. And don't forget third person. <3)

Rylie slipped the note into her bag and pulled out her lock-pick set from her pocket, "Sorry, random note," She said as she worked on unlocking the door. "But I don't follow orders. From anyone." The locked turned with a satisfying click and she stepped into the building, her Pokemon at her heals.

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Posted: Thu, 01/05/2014 09:41 (10 Years ago)
(You shouldn't control someone else's character, you can just say how scyther went into the building and you can describe the building as how scyther sees it. In the window scyther could see a generator sitting on the corner, then I would know that there is a generator there. If you want Rylie to read the note you can post just something like; the note read... And that's it. Or go on to talk about scyther again. Controlling someone else's character is god playing, it's in the rules so don't do it.)

Rylie saw the scyther climb into a building and stared, she's never seen such a nice place in her life. She saw that the scyther had dropped a piece of paper. She walked over and picked it up.

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Posted: Thu, 01/05/2014 08:33 (10 Years ago)
Rylie watched the scyther run into the cave and thought nothing of it until it ran back out of the cave to where ever it came from. That's weird, why would it run back and forth? She thought, she quietly shook her Pokemon awake, better not leave them this time. She put her finger to her lips to signal silence, the Pokemon woke up fully then, for they knew that when she did that they were going on a mission. All three Pokemon were jittery with excitement, they loved to go on missions with their mistress, because she let them come most of the time. Rylie picked up banette and set it down on her head, Seel and Mightyena followed her as she chased after the strange scyther.

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Posted: Thu, 01/05/2014 06:59 (10 Years ago)
(Oh wow xerneas, you actually sleep? I thought I was the only one who did that, because you seem to be awake when I'm asleep! You guys write books when I'm not there!
*gasp* wait, no.... You celebrated the 100 pg with out me?! What am I going to do with this cupcake? *throws it at the nearest person* I can't believe you guys left me... ;-;)

Rylie entered the room at that moment to see titanium and Lilwan arguing, again. She leaned against the wall in a casual way, "My, my, my, what a bromance we have forming here..." She teased them, she turned to titanium, "Besides, Titanium, your relationship is like a unicorn. It doesn't exist. So stop crying over it."

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Posted: Thu, 01/05/2014 06:45 (10 Years ago)
(Xman and BlackSD are both accepted!
Wait... You guys celebrated the 100 pg of Evil Rising with out me?! ;-;)

As soon as Rylie came insight of her little shack, her Pokemon came running out and jumped on her. She giggled, "Banette! Seel! Stop it!" They stopped licking her and looked at her expectantly. "No, I didn't get you any Poketreats, sorry." They Pokemon looked disappointed, but Rylie saw through their act. "Oh, come here," She kneeled down at their level and Seel, Banette and mightyena came over to sit down next her. She started to lovingly scratch heads and rub sides until the Pokemon where snoozing at her side.

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Posted: Wed, 30/04/2014 20:46 (10 Years ago)
Rylie glanced back and saw him leave, she didn't hate him. She didn't know him well enough for that. She shook her head, "I not going to follow you, " She muttered. Rylie walked into the shop to find Lyra waking and sitting up. Rylie set the items down on the counter, "Are you ok?" She asked the shop keeper. Lyra nodded, "Ya, my head just hurts." She rubbed a spot on her forehead where a bruise was forming. "Does it look bad?" She asked, "Uhhh.... No! No, it doesn't look bad." Rylie replied, feeling awkward. Lyra sighed, "Well, it can't be helped. That's what I get for living in hope town. I should just close up shop and make my own house like you." "No, don't do that! We all love your shop!" Talking about her home reminded Rylie of the Pokemon she left in her shack. Lyra nodded, " I guess you're right." She grabbed the items and went to put them away. Rylie walked out of the shop and headed home.

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Posted: Wed, 30/04/2014 20:29 (10 Years ago)
Rylie grinned, "If you knew me, then you would know that I take that as a challenge." She eyed the locket, formulating a plan on how to snatch it. She wouldn't keep it of course, she'd give it back after she's had her fun. She stroked Mightyena's fur, and saw the items on the ground and sighed, "Better see if Lyra has woken up yet," she scooped up the pile and headed back towards the shop.

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Posted: Wed, 30/04/2014 20:16 (10 Years ago)
Rylie watched him carefully, "What about the dagger you took?" She asked, still not trusting him. Mightyena came up behind her and growled. "I noticed, don't think I didn't." She set the items on the ground next to her Pokemon.

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