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I'm Feeling Lucky

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Posted: Thu, 12/05/2022 11:00 (2 Years ago)

Title: Daily Text

Shadow Radar Hunting Service!

Catchable Shadows today:

- Kanto
x / x / x / x / x
- Johto
x / x / x / x / x

5 Slots available.
Also check out Zoen's & LuckyLady's Daily Catchables, to have a bigger selection.<3

For more Information have a look into this Topic!

You can buy already catched Shadows without Service Payment, all Shadows from here are UFT! PP/PM me or comment if you're interested.
See you soon~

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Posted: Thu, 12/05/2022 09:23 (2 Years ago)
Star Dust ist aber auch tradeable, du kannst es also auch von anderen Usern erwerben, wenn du Deoxys nicht besitzt und somit den Space nicht selbst erforschen kannst.
Und die Preise werden irgendwann auch wieder runter gehen. ;)

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Posted: Mon, 09/05/2022 13:08 (2 Years ago)
Wie Akaza schon erklärt hat und auch der Text besagt, der dir angezeigt wird, muss das Solar Eevee das Item 'Stardust' tragen. Nur dann kannst du die Sphere mit 'use' benutzen um Solar Eevee in die gewünschte Form zu entwickeln.

Stardust kann nur von Deoxys in der Rumble Map Space gefunden werden.

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Posted: Sun, 08/05/2022 22:46 (2 Years ago)
The price seems not right.
Something that works on PH pretty well are dropping prices, but I never saw prices raise again, cause a pokemon isn´t available anymore. Items work with raising prices f.e. Gem prices when new Megas or Legys were relased, but not for Pokemon
Good example is this Ducklett(Retro).
It was available several years on Ducklett Party Week. Last time, this Event was up, was in 2019, but there we got Baby Ducklett, so Ducklett(Retro) was available last time in 2018.
Sitewide frequency: 1,957 / 6,967
So, yes there are many OS, but they aren´t available since 4 years now, so the price should raise again, not fall continiously.
Just saying. =/

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Posted: Wed, 04/05/2022 09:18 (2 Years ago)

Title: Shadow Hunting Short Story: A new Hunter!


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Posted: Sat, 23/04/2022 23:41 (2 Years ago)

Title: Shadow Hunting Short-Story: A new Huntress?

The gnarled branches of the trees towered above me, darkening the already cloudcovered sky. Wafts of mist crept across the ground as I knelt at the edge of a small clearing, examining tracks on the ground. I felt the piercing red eyes, which watched me from every bush around me, like pinpricks on my skin, they gave me goosebumps.
I was on the right track, I thought.. and I wasn't alone.
A branch snapped to my left, not far away. I steeled myself for an attack, but instead a figure stepped out of the mist and strode calmly but straight toward me.
The long cloak and the hood pulled low over the face prevented any recognition of who the visitor might be, but the contours of the body betrayed that it had to be a woman.
She stopped close in front of me, looked down at me and said, "I heard you're a Shadowhunter! Aaand it looks like you could need some help." Even though her face was still covered, I felt her wink at me.
"Yes, that's right," I glanced around furtively, making sure the shadows stayed where they were watching us. "Who are you?" I asked.
She reached out and helped me up. Then she pulled the hood back and revealed the brightest smile I had ever seen. "I'm LuckyLady!"
Almost at the same time as she has spoken, the shadows rushed at us from all sides.. and we now back to back, pulled out our Pokéballs!
We grinned "Let the hunt begin!"

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Posted: Wed, 13/04/2022 13:39 (2 Years ago)
I´m not that convinced with canceling the bid, cause I think that´s a pretty wanted action you do.
But I´m highly appretiate about the option to cancel the own auction as long as no one has bid on it -even if it´s for a little fee. I just had set up the wrong pokemon for auction and luckily someone bought it to give it back to me.

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Posted: Mon, 04/04/2022 00:01 (2 Years ago)
I think Stonks is pretty helpful with Items, but I´m rarely conform with it when it comes to pokemon prices.
Some examples:
Vivillon (Fancy) Sitewide frequency: 1 / 653
Vivillon (Poke Ball) Sitewide frequency: 0 / 1,602
Both are stated with 142k what totally makes no sence, when the amount OS is 1k difference and both aren´t available atm.

Even more clear it´s when it comes to the Retros from Retro Radar(prices are for non-shiny).
Venusaur Sitewide frequency: 168 / 1,129 - 23k
Charizard Sitewide frequency: 200 / 828 - 47k
Blasoise Sitewide frequency: 136 / 610 - 47k
Articuno Sitewide frequency: 183 / 801 - 114k
Zapdos Sitewide frequency: 175 / 539 - 237k
Moltres Sitewide frequency: 176 / 430 - 237k
Meganium Sitewide frequency: 156 / 601 - 28k
Typhlosion Sitewide frequency: 191 / 1,172 - 28k
Feraligatr Sitewide frequency: 149 / 770 - 43k

How can something with a sidewide frequency of 601 have the same worth like something with a frequency of 1,1k and compared to the Vivillons, how can Vivillon(Fancy) be worth 142k, while Meganium(Retro) is only worth 28k, if both aren´t available at all and the amount of Users who want them continiously raise?
I think through the fact, that some users sold Pokemon too cheap stonks just take that as regulare price, but didn´t(or can´t, cause it´s not programmed for that) include the information, that those Pokemon aren´t available for years(unown how many are lying on banned or inactive Accounts), which would normally cause the price to rise rather than fall over time.

Sry, when I often find ways to speak against Stonks, cause it´s pretty helpul in most of the cases, but I´m not fully happy with it and I think that´s something worth to speak out.
Am I right, that stonks only count 'sold trhough AH' but not 'through GTS'?

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Posted: Thu, 31/03/2022 09:22 (2 Years ago)
Yeah, it´s right, what Greggory_Lee says.
Since Radar-Shadows have been released, you can´t check the Price of Event-Shadow-Lugia or Rowan-Reward-Shadow Mewtwo over Stonks, cause you only get the Radar-Price.

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Posted: Fri, 25/03/2022 22:58 (2 Years ago)

Title: UFT Shadows

Here you find a List with all my UFT-Shadows from this Box.
Just write me a PM/PP or comment here, if you need anything. :3

Pkmn / Gender / Nature / Rarity / IV*
*you can't breed/hatch shadows, but you can breed with shadows

Ekans / f / Naive / Hard
Arbok / f / Modest / Hard / 1S
Sandshrew / f / Impish / Hard / 1S
Sandshrew / m / Brave / Hard
Sandslash / f / Lax / Hard
Paras / f / Quirky / Hard
Venonat / m / Bold / Hard / 1S
Venonat / f / Hasty / Hard / 1S
Victreebel / m / Mild / Hard 2S
Slowpoke / f / Sassy / Hard
Slowpoke / f / Rash / Hard
Slowpoke / f / Relaxed / Hard
Magnemite / - / Lax / Hard / 1G
Magneton / - / Naughty / Hard / 1G 1S
Magneton / - / Naughty / Hard
Magneton / - / Naive / Hard
Dewgong / f / Bashful / Rare
Onix / m / Jolly / Hard
Onix / f / Lonely / Hard / 1S
Hypno / f / Timid / Hard
Hypno / m / Modest / Hard
Exeggutor / f / Lax / Hard
Hitmonchan / m / Naughty / Rare / 1G 1S
Tangela / m / Rash / Hard
Kangaskhan / f / Serious / Rare
Magmar / m / Hasty / Rare
Tauros / m / Brave / Hard / 1G 1S
Tauros / m / Naive / Hard

Meganium / m / Bold / Starter
Quilava / m / Naughty / Starter / 1S
Croconaw / f / Serious / Starter
Natu / m / Bold / Hard
Xatu / f / Docile / Hard / 1S
Xatu / f / Naive / Hard / 2S
Yanma / m / Sassy / Hard
Murkrow / m / Gentle / Hard
Murkrow / m / Careful / Hard
Unown ? / - / Lax / Unown
Girafarig / f / Timid / Medium / 1S
Gligar / m / Rash / Hard / 1G
Piloswine / m / Adamant / Hard
Skarmory / f / Bold / Hard
Skarmory / f / Modest / Hard / 1S
Houndour / f / Hardy / Hard
Hitmontop / m / Lax / Rare / 1G
Smoochum / f / Lax / Hard / 1G

Last Updated: 05/Aug/23

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Posted: Fri, 25/03/2022 21:48 (2 Years ago)

Title: Catchable Shadows Today



Last Updated: 11/Apr/24

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Posted: Thu, 10/03/2022 00:43 (2 Years ago)
Fully support this! Blocking people happen that often, I think mostly while Trick & Treat. Plus the 'Notice'-Option is pretty good too.
And (even if I think this already has an own suggestion here) a Pop-Up "Do you really want to block User xy?" Would be great in combination. It would prevent all those accident-blocks and if you click yes, you still have the List with the notice and can easely check or/and change your mind without checking the userpage.

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Posted: Sat, 05/03/2022 17:02 (2 Years ago)
Na dann mal herzlich willkommen!♡♡
Wenn du Hilfe brauchst oder fragen hast, schreib einfach. :3

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Posted: Fri, 04/03/2022 15:56 (2 Years ago)
Wer Kekse backen kann ist immer willkommen in der Runde hier. 😋
Schön, dass du dazu kommst Wuffels<3

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Posted: Fri, 04/03/2022 15:12 (2 Years ago)
Ein Waffeleisen hab ich zum Glück, bei mir scheiterts grade an der Milch und evtl an den Eiern -und an der Lust einkaufen zu gehen ^^'

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Posted: Fri, 04/03/2022 14:40 (2 Years ago)
*Stellt eine Schüssel heiße Kirschen dazu*
Gott Waffeln mit heißen Kirschen *o* Das hätt ich jetzt wirklich gern! Ein Blick in den Kühlschrank verrät mir aber, dass das nichts wird, leider. =/

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Posted: Fri, 04/03/2022 13:26 (2 Years ago)
Na dann ran an die Arbeit!
*stellt das Waffeleisen auf und beginnt mit dem abbacken* *legt eine Waffel nach der anderen sorgfältig auf einen Teller* ....*holt den nächsten Teller* *verscheut Hände, die versuchen vorzeitig zu stibitzen* ... Fertig! Greift zu! *nomnomnom*🤩🤤*beginnt waffelmampfend bereits mit der nächsten Fuhre an Teig*

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Posted: Fri, 04/03/2022 11:59 (2 Years ago)
Immer hereinspaziert~

Mehr Gäste, mehr essen! *fängt an in den Schränken zu kramen* Waage, Schüssel.. Ei Mehl, Milch... Pfannkuchen oder Waffeln? uwu

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Posted: Fri, 04/03/2022 11:13 (2 Years ago)
Uuhh heißer Kakao *zugreif und trink* aahh >.<
Eeeees geht doch nicht über eine verbrannte Zunge bei heißem Kakao, dann scheckt er umso besser. x3

Und nein, Bo du bist nicht schlecht. Wir haben das einstimmig entschlossen, also keine Widerrede! ;P

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Posted: Fri, 04/03/2022 10:40 (2 Years ago)
Gut, danke und selbst? *entstaubt den Tisch und stellt einen Teller mit Keksen darauf*

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