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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Aerae.
Posted: Mon, 22/10/2018 18:44 (6 Years ago)
"Well to be honest I was only gonna ask that guy, but you seems pretty rattled too. You doing okay?" she ask Lunara.

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Posted: Mon, 22/10/2018 16:50 (6 Years ago)
"Well that was fast" she remarked as she walked in a slower pace behind Lunara. "You okay dude?" she asked.

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Posted: Mon, 22/10/2018 15:56 (6 Years ago)
"Well if that's the case, should we hurry up and go after him?" she questioned.

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Posted: Mon, 22/10/2018 14:59 (6 Years ago)
"Üm, is there something scary out there? I only have this weird shiny stone and a shard of mirror? Not much but I guess I can still stab them with that shard or throw that rock in worst situation..." she quietly mumbled the last sentence to herself as she opened her bag to look at the insides.

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Posted: Mon, 22/10/2018 00:39 (6 Years ago)
Should I edit my form then?

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Posted: Sun, 21/10/2018 18:12 (6 Years ago)
"I-I'm not scared of ghosts! A-and besides, you're also a ghost type anyway so hush." she huffed as she crossed both of her arms.

She ignored the tingling sensation she had felt after Bal's remark, knowing it's her paranoid mind at works again. 'Stupid Bal, I swear I'm gonna hit him later after this.' she glared at him for a few moments before looking forward again.

Too wrapped up against her thoughts, she was startled when Bal called her. "Ë-eh a rescue team? What's that?" she cocked her head slight, confusion evident in both her expression and voice.

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Posted: Sun, 21/10/2018 17:47 (6 Years ago)
She hummed quietly as she hear him chatter, her footsteps following his. The view around here is really nice, and she thought of coming back again later to maybe take a picture from here. And it's all immediately gone the moment she heard his last sentence. "C-c-creepy stories? Like g-g-ghost?" she shivered, holding her scarf closer.

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Posted: Sun, 21/10/2018 17:33 (6 Years ago)
She lowered her hand back after, appraising the Gengar. 'Not a bad name, tho a bit hard to say. Kinda like me. He looks pretty nice as well, maybe it's fine to at least try to trust him a little..' she nodded and smile slightly at him. She could see the questions in his eyes and mentally hit herself for being an idiot.

Óf all the things I could've said...' she shook her head slight and took her pack, seeing the insides. "Hm, water, flashlight, my books and cases, most of them are here..." she muttered quietly. Strapping it back against her back, she slowly and carefully unwound her scarf, checking for any damages, and to her relief, found none. "And my scarf is alright too~" she wraps it back again around her neck, snuggling happily on it.

Hearing a loud rumble, she turned back to Gengar, who only chuckled at himself. Being offered food makes her feel very conflicted. 'Hm... On one hand I'm hungry and it's free food... But on the other hand he's a stranger and don't want to be indebted to some strangers... And he might want to eat them all alone too... Should I or sho-' her musing was cut off by the loud rumble coming out from her stomach.

"Um, if the offer still stands, is it alright?" she asked quietly, feeling a tad embarrassed as she pat her belly as through it'd stop it from screaming for food.

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Posted: Sun, 21/10/2018 17:13 (6 Years ago)
"Well, I'm not exactly sure what's happening right now but alright" she shrugged as she followed everyone.

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Posted: Sun, 21/10/2018 17:00 (6 Years ago)
Aerae turned so fast she nearly gets whiplash. "Wh- Whaaa- A Gengar- How?!" she stammered a few times as she backed away, nearly tripping on herself. She looked down and saw a familiar white pack. "My bag~" she cried happily, hugging the item close to her. She suddenly recalled what the Gengar had said to her earlier, and jumps back angrily. "Hey! I didn't fall from a tree alright, I might be stupid but I'm not that stupid."She huffed angrily as she attached her pack to her back.

"And I don't need a doctor! Or at least I don't think there's a doctor around here who'd know how a human turned to a Pokemon... Right?" she muttered the last part to herself.

"Ah man screw this!" Aerae shook her head as she stares at the Gengar in determination. "Anyway, the name's Aerae, but for practicality sake please call me Rei since it's easier, tho I'm alright witha my nicknames as long as they're not bad. What's your name?" she rightens her scarfs and holds out one of her paw.

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Posted: Sun, 21/10/2018 16:37 (6 Years ago)
Aerae was havinga really nice dream until she felt a poke and a voice her calling out. 'Ugh, I'm having a really nice dream for once why...' She slowly sat up, rubbing her eyes slight. Or tried to, as she feels something is off with her hands. Opening her eyes slight, she was horrified to see paws, red Pokemon paws to be exact, instead of human hands. "Wha-" she jumps, taking in her cream colored stomach and feet; two plus marking on both her cheeks; two red ears that twitched periodically, and a cross tail. "Holy Arceus I'm a Plusle?!" she jumps in shock.

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Posted: Sun, 21/10/2018 16:14 (6 Years ago)
"Öh okay then. That's pretty neat" she giggled slight as she moved toward the girl who called her earlier. "Um, my name's Aerae, and I suppose I should follow all of you and save this other person?" she put out her hand shyly.

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Posted: Sun, 21/10/2018 15:49 (6 Years ago)
"Öh um hi~" Aerae waves back awkwardly at the girl. She was about to walk there when a voice startled her. "Wha-Where did that voice come from?"

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Posted: Sun, 21/10/2018 15:43 (6 Years ago)
Name: Aerae
Species: Plusle
Appearance (shove a picture here if you want): A normal Plusle with a white scarf around her neck and a white strap back pack.
Personality: A bit ditzy and likes to pun joke from time to time, but can be serious when needed. Easily flustered and would more than likely hit you for it.
Moveset: Nuzzle, Growl, Thunder Wave, Quick Attack
Other: I'll add later cause I'm too lazy lmao.

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Posted: Sun, 21/10/2018 15:33 (6 Years ago)
Sending now~ ;3

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Posted: Sun, 21/10/2018 15:28 (6 Years ago)
Username: Yuki-chan
What Shiny would you like?: Combee
Are you looking for specific genders?: A male please
How will you pay?: 110k PD
Password: bloop
Anything else: Thank you for doing this~ <3

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Posted: Sun, 21/10/2018 14:39 (6 Years ago)
Two bros going on an adventure. That's it man.

Kinda like PMD I'm sorry I suck at making summaries lmao


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[b]Appearance (shove a picture here if you want):[/b]
[b]Moveset: [Wait for your roll][/b]

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Posted: Sun, 21/10/2018 14:32 (6 Years ago)

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Posted: Sat, 20/10/2018 13:58 (6 Years ago)
If you don't want/need it, you could sell them to other people who need them. But gems are mostly used for hunts (if you collect certain amounts of certain gems, you could trade that with an egg in the gem collector) or you could save all of them and make a mega stone (again, in the gem collector section, but making it is kinda tricky) ^^

I'm sorry if I forgot some things, but feel free to PM me or other members in here if you have any other questions ^^

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Posted: Sat, 20/10/2018 13:46 (6 Years ago)
Username:[/b] Yuki-chan
Items Requested: 16 Electric gems, 4 Fire gems, 3 Ghost gems, 15 Dark gems, 11 Ice gems, and 24 Normal gems.
PD or Nugget Total: 32,750 PD
Password: All hail the mighty Yosei!
Comments: Thank you~ ^^

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