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I'm Feeling Lucky
Searching for: Posts from SilverStar.
SilverStar OFFLINE Forum Posts: 1,804 |
Posted: Sun, 09/10/2016 03:21 (8 Years ago) |
SilverStar OFFLINE Forum Posts: 1,804 |
Posted: Sun, 09/10/2016 02:55 (8 Years ago) |
SilverStar OFFLINE Forum Posts: 1,804 |
Posted: Sun, 09/10/2016 02:52 (8 Years ago) |
SilverStar OFFLINE Forum Posts: 1,804 |
Posted: Sun, 09/10/2016 02:50 (8 Years ago) |
*sighs* I love you dragonair... but I don't think you'd be very useful in this case xD I'll go with my second fav non legend then: flareon :) Same logic as Catlady for the fire stuff and well who doesn't love a fluffy puppy? ^^ [Read more] |
SilverStar OFFLINE Forum Posts: 1,804 |
Posted: Sat, 08/10/2016 13:32 (8 Years ago) |
No interest whatsoever in football (that is, if you meant soccer - although I don't like American football either :D) I personally like snowboarding, volleyball and badminton ^^ I have no interest in watching any sports though xD [Read more] |
SilverStar OFFLINE Forum Posts: 1,804 |
Posted: Sat, 08/10/2016 13:30 (8 Years ago) |
SilverStar OFFLINE Forum Posts: 1,804 |
Posted: Sat, 08/10/2016 13:23 (8 Years ago) |
Refrence: *points to my signature* Anything else?: Could you try to make it flat ish? ^^ (I want to use it for my section of the 'ask the mods' forum since my current picture in it is a bit big xD Offer: 100k pd Password: Servine [Read more] |
SilverStar OFFLINE Forum Posts: 1,804 |
Posted: Sat, 08/10/2016 13:09 (8 Years ago) |
Welp too hard xD Have a list of the ones I commonly use: ^^ :D :p xD :3 [Read more] |
SilverStar OFFLINE Forum Posts: 1,804 |
Posted: Sat, 08/10/2016 13:00 (8 Years ago) |
SilverStar OFFLINE Forum Posts: 1,804 |
Posted: Sat, 08/10/2016 08:38 (8 Years ago) |
My eyes would go wide and I'd go into shock for a while xD But yesssss that would be a dream come true :D [Read more] |
SilverStar OFFLINE Forum Posts: 1,804 |
Posted: Sat, 08/10/2016 07:54 (8 Years ago) |
SilverStar OFFLINE Forum Posts: 1,804 |
Posted: Sat, 08/10/2016 07:26 (8 Years ago) |
I don't think I've seen you before? ^^ [Read more] |
SilverStar OFFLINE Forum Posts: 1,804 |
Posted: Sat, 08/10/2016 06:44 (8 Years ago) |
Secondly, it's Riako not 'Raiko' ^^ Finally, no support since you haven't even explained exactly what it is that you want. Although I think being able to get it from the slots, item shop and prize exchange is enough. [Read more] |
SilverStar OFFLINE Forum Posts: 1,804 |
Posted: Sat, 08/10/2016 05:02 (8 Years ago) |
SilverStar OFFLINE Forum Posts: 1,804 |
Posted: Sat, 08/10/2016 04:41 (8 Years ago) |
hidden content
Do you guys enjoy your job as a moderator? Well of course ^^ What is your favourite Operating System (OS): Windows, Mac or Linux? Mac, it's the only one I know how to use now xD What is your favorite Mega Pokemon? Mega spring ampharos <3 If we're talking non emera, mega alteria or mega absol I guess ^^ Do you like anime/manga and if so, what is your favorite one? Yessss, Kuroko no Basuke is my favorite ^^ I'm not gonna lie, it's cause I'm in love with Kise xD What are you scared of the most? The idea of a stranger being in my house I guess? I'm extremely paranoid xD Who is your favorite celebrity? I kinda answered this before, but I wanna put emphasis on this soooo G DRAGON <3 What is your favorite song? Be I by B.I ^^ What language do you most want to learn? Japanese :) I started a bit, but I've basically forgotten everything again xD What subjects interest(ed) you the most at school? History and English ^^ Although I love stuff to do with politics and law, we don't have those classes at school... ;-; Where would you most like to visit? I kinda wanna visit Australia. Kira showed me pictures of all kinds of adorable animals there so yeah :D Who is your favourite author? Eh I'll go with Lissa Bryan on I guess? I don't really have one XD What is your favorite book? Don't have one either xD I do love the Moral Instruments series and the Hush Hush saga though ^^ Have any of you guys ever tried competitive battling on the Pokémon games, or on an online battling site like Showdown? If yes, did you enjoy it at all? Nopeee and not very interested in that stuff ^^ Have you ever broken the PH rules :'o *rolls eyes at Rii[/b] If you had to pick one Pokemon to own in real life as your pet, what would it be and why? Dragonairrrrr <3 It's my baby xD On a scale of 1-10, how tired are you at any given time? I'd say 8. If you don't know what International Baccalaureate is, search it up. It's torture. What is the weirdest thing someone has said to you since you became a moderator? I honestly don't remember xD It's the Zombie apocalypse! Pick your weapon for survival! Eh? Uhhhh *stares around* no idea :D Haikyuu!! or Ginatama? :3c I don't particularly love either... but I guess Gintama is weirder so I'll chose Haikyuu!! :D From a fellow guinea pig lover (and owner!): what do you love most about guinea pigs? Hmm... I can't pinpoint one thing xD Their fluffy hair, the nose, the fact that they'll eat anything, the fact that they recognize your footsteps... I could go on forever ^^ If you could add any event pokemon into Pokeheroes, what would it be and how would you obtain it? Guinea pig ver of bidoof yesss xD I guess you'd obtain it the normal way? :3 [Read more] |
SilverStar OFFLINE Forum Posts: 1,804 |
Posted: Fri, 07/10/2016 15:07 (8 Years ago) |
Spring mareeppppp <3 [
SilverStar OFFLINE Forum Posts: 1,804 |
Posted: Fri, 07/10/2016 14:05 (8 Years ago) |
I am literally choosing PH right now xD Although I'll probably get forced off the laptop in a bit :3 [Read more] |
SilverStar OFFLINE Forum Posts: 1,804 |
Posted: Fri, 07/10/2016 13:27 (8 Years ago) |
Awww yesh <3 Mmm, I guess my favorite character would be Chandler? I love his humor :D [Read more] |
SilverStar OFFLINE Forum Posts: 1,804 |
Posted: Fri, 07/10/2016 13:02 (8 Years ago) |
Omgggg Thanksgiving is coming up? :O I'm so clueless xD I've never really celebrated it since my parents are Chinese... so no idea to the stuffing questions ^^ My plan this weekend would be homework ;-; Favorite Sushi Roll? Hmm... dunno the names to anything but I do love ones with avocado and stuff with salmon ^^ [Read more] |
SilverStar OFFLINE Forum Posts: 1,804 |
Posted: Fri, 07/10/2016 12:41 (8 Years ago) |
Uh oh.... it's a tie between BigBang and iKON for band and G-Dragon and B.I for member xD Favorite flower? Jasmine flowers I guess? :3 After all, they're my namesake xD Favorite color? I like all the lighter cold colors ^^ What do you like the most about your parents? Heh? No ideaaa. I guess I like the fact that I can casually mention I want something and after a while... it'll show up xD Favorite pets? In case my avatar hasn't tipped you off yet... guinea pigssss *0* I've always had one since I was 5 or so ^^ Are there any evolutionary stages of Pokemon which- 1.You like a lot? 2. Don't like at all? 1. Dragonair <3 2. *hisses at dragonite* Are you on bulbagarden forums? If so, your username? No idea what that is ^^ [Read more] |