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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from SilverStar.
Posted: Tue, 11/10/2016 10:55 (8 Years ago)

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Posted: Tue, 11/10/2016 09:42 (8 Years ago)
If you could fuse two Pokemon together, and be able to use the fusion in game, what two Pokemon would you fuse and why?
Depends on beauty or strength xD Beauty = dragonair + milotic. Strength = dragonite + flareon (welll not exactly strengh but hey I love flareon xD )

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Posted: Tue, 11/10/2016 09:33 (8 Years ago)
Do you have siblings?

Greatest people you got to know on PH?
Too many to name xD

Whom would you like to meet?
You mean as in from the previous question? ^^ Dunno everyone? :3

Favourite clothes to sleep in?
No preference :3

Your favourite palindrome?
Lol xD

What's under your bed?
This shelf thingy with clothes xD

What music were you listening to recently?
Kpop is like :P have I answered this before?

What's the most romantic thing that has ever happened to you?
Heh, I'm 16.. never had a bf so nothing? xD

And what's the most embarrassing moment in your life so far?
Oh my god no xD

Which school lecture did you dislike most?
It used to be econ... I stopped doing that so I guess it's math now?

Which new subject would you like to have in school?
Law or politics ^^

Would you shave your head bald for 1000€?
I like long hair so NO XD

Coffee or tea?

Are you an emotional person?
In terms of anger? Yes. Otherwise, not really. I have a pretty low EQ and I know it :3

What's your most annoying habit?
I get angry a lot xD Cookie and *~-~* can vouch for it.

Which animal do you like least?
Hamsters :|

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Posted: Tue, 11/10/2016 09:19 (8 Years ago)
Q. Suppose you accidentally broke a PH rule, so what actions will be taken against you?
I'd say this is kinda of borderline no? I'm not answering this (although nor do I know the answer)

Q. You find your dearest IRL friend breaking a major PH rule. What will you do? Will you let them be, or send in a warning?
As I've just said, there is no point in asking this kind of question. Nor was this the point of this thread.

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Posted: Tue, 11/10/2016 09:02 (8 Years ago)
Support, I need this xD A search button that only searches titles would make it easier to find old suggestions etc.

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Posted: Tue, 11/10/2016 08:57 (8 Years ago)
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What are your usernames based on and what do they mean?
SilverStar is a reference to The Warrior Cats series which I used to adore as a younger child ^^ The ending 'star' is reserved for leaders in the series xD But to be honest, I just liked how SilverStar sounded :D

Your feelings when drama happens? :p
*shrugs* I just read it I guess? To make sure nothing too bad happens? XD

Do you ever part at the beach?
I don't party xD

what is your plan for halloween?
ACT exam and homework xD

What is your plan for the future?
I'd like to major in history and minor in politics/political science in uni then law school ^^

Do you prefer Zekrom or Reshiram?
No preference :3

What's your opinion on space?
I hated that part of physics xD

How many of you actually eat breakfast?
I have low blood sugar so I have to ^^

Do you generally like coding?
Nope xD BB codes are fine ^^ Others are definitely not xD

Do you pour the milk before or after the cereal? if you even eat cereal
I hate cereal :3

Do you like bongos?
Not reallyyyy

Owls, Hawks and or Eagles?
No preference xD shhh don't tell Yato

What is the cringiest moment you can remember?
Whenever I"m not wearing contacts/glasses and people talk and I just can't understand what they're saying nor can I even tell if they're talking to me.

Butterscotch or Cinnamon?
Butterscotch <3

favorite chocolate bar? :3c
Hmm.... anything milk chocolate or white chocolate is fine with me :3

Do you ever get bored of PH? If yes, What do you do?
Nope not bored yet xD I'm wayyyy too obsessed

Out of all of the 7 sins, which one do you think you have committed the most?
HAHAHAHA envy I guess I barely remember them....

What are your real names?
Jasmine is my English name and the name I normally go by ^^ It's not the name on my passport though.

Coke or Pepsi?
Neither, never drank those in my life. I'm gonna guess your reaction is "what?!" yeahhh I have a hate for soft drinks. I'll occasionally drink fanta or sprite if I don't have a choice but that's it.

Apple juice, orange juice, or lemonade?

How do you feel about "YAAAAAAAAAAS"?
That's me when a kpop person I like joins a new variety show xD

Have you ever played any of the Okami series of games? If you have, what did you think of them?
What is that? O.O

Have you ever found any loose ends in a TV show, video game etc.?
Like if a movie doesn't make sense? Probably, don't remember right now :3

I'm just gonna remind people again not to ask questions that we cannot answer such as ones about a certain user - even if that user is yourself and not to ask anything that could provoke someone

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Posted: Mon, 10/10/2016 13:42 (8 Years ago)
Do you really think deino exists?
In real life? Course not xD In the pokemon world? Well for Yato's sake, let's hope it does :3

Do you play any other online games?
I've played basically every adoptable/virtual world game before. Right now, this is my only one.

Do you like monkeys when they eat bananas?
Eh? Sure?

What would be your reaction if a monkey steals your mango?
*hiss* My mango xD

What would be your reaction when you're an old person and a younger person disrespects you?

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Posted: Mon, 10/10/2016 11:58 (8 Years ago)
9623 ^^

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Posted: Mon, 10/10/2016 09:32 (8 Years ago)
What do you think of Harry Potter Books? Specially the first 5 parts?
It was a pretty good series when I first read it... but to be honest it's just another series to me now xD I do get the hype over it

Your thoughts on Ash-Greninja?
Nope no idea what that is xD

Which Pokemon release from the anime did you find the most emotional?
Butterfreeee and it's the only one I remember

[b]How did you feel of Ash's Cyndaquil evolving after almost a decade?[/s]
Wait he has a cyndaquil? xD

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Posted: Mon, 10/10/2016 09:28 (8 Years ago)
who is fav girl protagonist in the pokemon anime? why?
Hmm... I guess Misty? ^^ I like her tomboy attitude xD I kind of don't remember the others as much... so yeah

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Posted: Mon, 10/10/2016 09:08 (8 Years ago)
Moving to Pokemon RP.

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Posted: Mon, 10/10/2016 08:23 (8 Years ago)
Favorite eeveelution?
Leafeon ^^

Can you draw?
I'd like to think I can ish? xD I do have an art dump in the fanmades subforum ^^

What make you annoying?
Do you mean what makes me annoyed? If so scroll to 'pet peeves' :3

what do you hate ?
Hamsters xD sorry not sorry

do you own any cats if yes which breed?
Nope, guinea pigs all the way~

do you like cats ?
Yeah I guess? ^^

Do you like the way "Giblet" sounds?
No opinion xD

Do you get paid?
Yesss I like Catlady's response: in power *muahaha*

Do you guys have a sewing circle every Tuesday?
Whatttt? xD

Do you all staff want a trip with ecco and riako ??
Whatttt? xD

You guys are starting to get weird :D

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Posted: Sun, 09/10/2016 11:22 (8 Years ago)
I don't think anyone except Riako knows the answer to that question ^^ But since shellder is considered extremely rare, I'd say Riako probably did make the chances of getting different pokemon uneven.

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Posted: Sun, 09/10/2016 09:54 (8 Years ago)
Moving to 'Roleplay'

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Posted: Sun, 09/10/2016 09:29 (8 Years ago)
9613 ^^

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Posted: Sun, 09/10/2016 06:27 (8 Years ago)
Moving to 'Shiny Hunting'

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Posted: Sun, 09/10/2016 06:25 (8 Years ago)
Please don't double post. Just edit your previous post.

Bumping is allowed after 2-5 days.

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Posted: Sun, 09/10/2016 06:13 (8 Years ago)
What background and header styles do you have?
The underwater background (with a dratini <3 ) and the articuno header ^^

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Posted: Sun, 09/10/2016 04:52 (8 Years ago)
Glue or Duct tape?[ (I'm going to assume that is what you meant? xD)
Hmm.. I'd say duct tape since glue takes forever to dry :3

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Posted: Sun, 09/10/2016 04:09 (8 Years ago)
Cherries :3

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