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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from CatLady.
Posted: Tue, 21/06/2022 22:06 (2 Years ago)
"Desktop" is not a browser. Which browser do you use?
Also, I'd still really like to see a screenshot, for visual confirmation.

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Posted: Mon, 20/06/2022 21:19 (2 Years ago)
Everyone should've received their first piece now!
For those who haven't joined yet - There are still some pieces left, so sign up now before it's too late ^^
For those who signed up as back-up - Depending on the (first) response, you should be getting a second piece sometime tomorrow (:

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Posted: Mon, 20/06/2022 15:41 (2 Years ago)
Exactly, the area has no effect.
A higher level does increase the likelyhood of finding one [because it increases the likelyhood of finding anything]. Every normal Rumble Area has the same (base) chance of finding a Mystery Item.

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Posted: Mon, 20/06/2022 13:44 (2 Years ago)
There are Mystery Items in Eternal Tower, but luck is unpredictable.

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Posted: Sun, 19/06/2022 19:47 (2 Years ago)
Have you tried clicking the second option from the start?

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Posted: Sun, 19/06/2022 16:32 (2 Years ago)
There's only two options? From what I remember (and from how Riako usually does those things) there should be at least 3, maybe four options.

Could you maybe share a screenshot so I know exactly what you're seeing?

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Posted: Sun, 19/06/2022 15:56 (2 Years ago)
Just pick a different option. If it fails, you shouldn't keep trying the same thing.

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Posted: Sun, 19/06/2022 05:42 (2 Years ago)
Could you be a little more specific?

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Posted: Sat, 18/06/2022 21:45 (2 Years ago)
Alright, a small update - I know there's been a delay in me sending out pieces [exams and heat will do that to me], but I have everything set up to start sending them tomorrow (:
You can still sign up as well! As long as there's pieces, you can sign up for your own piece (:

Thank you for your patience!

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Posted: Sat, 18/06/2022 16:38 (2 Years ago)
There are shinies in my Shadow Box. Those shinies are UFT.
Shinies in my 'Shinies' box [which in my Shiny Dex] are not for trade.

You can also check out 'reserved' or 'Frosty Moths'. Any duplicates in there are for trade. I just don't have enough space to dedicate a box to all the shinies I have for trade (':

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Posted: Sat, 18/06/2022 16:32 (2 Years ago)
What shiny Tyrunt are you talking about? ^^'

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Posted: Sat, 18/06/2022 15:20 (2 Years ago)
I removed SilverLugia456 from the Staff list and contacted Kimie about the other issues, mostly so I can learn how to do that myself.

Bokuto's Staff page [on Wiki] would need to be changed too, but I have no idea how to change the page title, woops ^^'

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Posted: Sat, 18/06/2022 08:47 (2 Years ago)
Can you take a screenshot and show it?

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Posted: Fri, 17/06/2022 20:58 (2 Years ago)
So what happens when you click the pencil? It opens the editor, but you can't actually edit?

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Posted: Fri, 17/06/2022 20:36 (2 Years ago)
So when you click the pencil, nothing happens?

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Posted: Fri, 17/06/2022 13:11 (2 Years ago)
What, exactly, are you trying to do?

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Posted: Mon, 13/06/2022 22:34 (2 Years ago)
Once I wake up tomorrow, I'm gonna send out the first few pieces.

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Posted: Mon, 13/06/2022 22:27 (2 Years ago)
There might not be a pokémon on your square, but that's the jist of it, yes. Once everyone has coloured their squares, I put them all together and we see the completed art.

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Posted: Mon, 13/06/2022 22:14 (2 Years ago)
You're not supposed to draw something. You get a black-and-white image [piece of lineart] that you need to colour in. Once you have, you send it back, so I can fit all the pieces back together.

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Posted: Mon, 13/06/2022 21:44 (2 Years ago)
Earth is waking up again

And for some reason, Summerly temperatures keep arriving quicker and quicker. Oh, what I'd give for some rain in this way-too-hot weather. I digress, though. You didn't come here to listen, you've come here to participate! Gather around everyone, for it is time for the next edition of. . .

Credits to Furret

To celebrate Spring we've decided to make a cute contest for the community to enjoy.

How it will work (slight change from last year, please read carefully)
♥ three lovely linearts have been drawn by our artists Hime-Nyan, Koushi and Inosuke and broken up into several smaller pieces
♥ Each participant will be given one piece of one of the pictures
→ You will receive the piece within 24 hours of your post in the forum
To join, simply post in this thread. A simple "I want to join!" will be enough
→ You can also opt in as a backup artist to get a second piece in case the original participant doesn't send it in in time OR there aren't enough participants. A simple "I also want to be a backup artist!" will be fine
→ You will automatically be a backup artist, if you join after all slots are filled
♥ Participants will colour that piece however they want. There are no guidelines for the colours, just use any colour you wish (ex. Paint, Photoshop, Gimp, etc)
♥ Before the contest is over, send in your piece to CatLady.
→ Your name will be added once your coloured piece was sent back
→ If you're a back-up artist, you will receive a new piece within 24 hours
♥ She will then put the pieces together again and show the finished puzzle on the forum so that everyone can see the outcome

Show hidden content

Our artists have prepared lineart inspired by Mystery Dungeons especially for this event. This is just an example of what it could look like:

This lineart has been cut into pieces to prepare for distribution:

Each participant will get one piece of it, let's say someone got this one:

And they decided to colour it like this:

Then they send their coloured piece to a Mod, and they will add your part to the whole picture:

When all users have given their coloured pieces, the final picture will look like this (just an example)

Rules & Guidelines

♥ You will get a piece of one of the drawings via PM
♥ Save it on your computer by doing right click over the image and clicking "Save image as..." or similar
♥ Open it in MSPaint/GIMP/Photoshop/SAI/ect.
♥ Colour your piece by using the bucket- or the pen-tool.
♥ You can use other effects on your pieces as well like shading, light glows, ect.
Do not modify/alter/recolour the lines! Those must remain intact.
♥ Once you are done colouring your piece, submit it. You can use sites as TinyPic, ImageShack, Photobucket, sta.sh (deviantART) etc.
♥ If you have some kind of problems with the image, contact CatLady. She will direct you to the specific Artist of your piece if necessary.
♥ If your part of the drawing is rather empty (e.g. sky), then feel free to add some small details (stars, small clouds etc.). However, do not alter the outlines!
♥ Save the image in the same size as you were given the original piece.
♥ In case you want to use Photoshop: Either use the bucket without "smooth/anti-aliasing" option, or add another layer below the original lines and set the original to "multiply" option in the layers menu.
♥ If you use SAI: pick the bucket, uncheck "anti-aliasing" and set the colour difference to 0, then fill the drawing.

Sign ups Are Closed

Deadline to turn in your completed pieces: As soon as possible!

Final design will be posted: June 30th

And here they are, the final designs!
(Click the miniature to see the image full size)

_ _

Interested in the Lineart? You can find them here! Have fun!

List of Participants
Show hidden content
1. ImperialHound [+3*]
2. Akaza [+5']
3. shockwave65
4. Aera
6. PinkBee
7. Rice [+5]
8.GyroZeppeli [+5]
9. CrystalBorf_aDORKable
10. *Piplup* [+3']
11. Gosth
12. BanzhanMushroom
13. AnimeFreak
14. SuperDucky100 [+1 A]
15. Vivixian
16. Kiraya [+5']
17. Akemie [+3*]
18. CutePikaEevee
19. ~Sakura~
20. Absbor [+6']
21. PandoraPika [+5']
22. ~PokeStar~ [+5 A]
23. Meowria
24. BambooTheAlbinoPanda [+2*]
25. NovaSin [+1]
26. PenguinPowerful [+6']
27. FyreBlossom
28. Riako
29. YourLocalGayOStar
30. bgreen
31. Harvey_The_Dark_Vulpix [+6']
32. ShatteredDiamond [+6']
33. Lorry14 [+4]
34. KeroHikari
35. Fuecoco
36. Smiley_Studios
37. ~CloverMeadow~
38. Rashiram [+1 A]
39. Komainu
40. HeartOfAWizard [+2 A]
41. Kimie [+2 A]
42. -Vannah- [+5']
43. Pixer [+2 A]
44. Furret
45. Fragment
46. SilverShinyCharizard
47. Quaxly [+4']
48. AlienSnowflake [+1 A]
49. DarkVolt
50. Tacomon237
51. SmellsLikeLavender
52. Cherry_Blossom
53. Daiko
54. Braixie [+2']
55. Leo_
56. Diego-
57. Bluefairy
58. THE_Green_Owl
59. Tobio-chan
60. Chydizzy
61. Cherry_Blossom
62. Kazyaquin
63. Milli
64. CatLady
65. BabyEevee22
66. Kadse
67. BeepBeepBirthdayMareep

Backup artists
1. ImperialHound
2. Smiley_Studios
3. Kimie
4. PenguinPowerful
5. rockruffuwu
6. Akaza
7. BambooTheAlbinoPanda
8. Rice
9. GyroZeppeli
10. Piolla
12. Rashiram
13. PandoraPika
14. *Piplup*
15. SuperDucky100
16. Akemie
17. -nationaldex-
18. ~PokeStar~
19. Braixie
20. NovaSin
21. AlienSnowflake
22. Absbor
23. ShinyMegaGardevoir
24. HeartOfAWizard
25. Castiello11
26. Lorry14
27. ShatteredDiamond
28. Harvey_The_Dark_Vulpix
29. -Vannah-
30. Kiraya
31. Pixer
32. Quaxly
33. KittyPet
. . .


Every participant gets 25 SC Tokens.

Main prize will be a mega-able Spring Mareep! [Mega Stone not included]

Five lucky participants will be drawn in a raffle to get it!

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