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Posted: Fri, 01/07/2022 12:44 (2 Years ago)
Correction to ~UmbreonLover~'s answer - It's holding something. The item itself is random and can differ from user to user.

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Posted: Fri, 01/07/2022 11:54 (2 Years ago)
Another possibility is that the numbers aren't 100% accurate. If the site hasn't been keeping track of the numbers from the beginning, it's possible the first few Jackpots weren't registered.

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Posted: Thu, 30/06/2022 21:40 (2 Years ago)
1) No, it's not. A non-shiny voucher will always get a non-shiny Lugia. There were several guaranteed shinies ID-numbers in the Guaranteed shiny Adoption Event, not just the one. It's possible that Lugia isn't the only one.

2) No, if the Celebi at the tree isn't shiny, it's not gonna hatch shiny.

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Posted: Tue, 28/06/2022 21:11 (2 Years ago)
If you're in the list, you're back-up artist ^^'
The end of the year is always very busy, hence the delay in piece distribution

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Posted: Sun, 26/06/2022 21:39 (2 Years ago)
If a user is doing it repeatedly, you can report them.

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Posted: Sun, 26/06/2022 21:39 (2 Years ago)
I think so, yes.

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Posted: Sun, 26/06/2022 21:29 (2 Years ago)
While it is definitely NOT encouraged, sharing your own information is still allowed.

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Posted: Sun, 26/06/2022 19:40 (2 Years ago)
Everyone who signed up received their first piece and back-up artists who sent in their piece(s) before Midday, should've received their next piece already!

Everyone else shall receive their (next) piece tomorrow!

[For those wondering if there's still pieces left - as long as there's numbers without a name, there are pieces to be filled, so don't hesitate to join!]

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Posted: Sun, 26/06/2022 15:45 (2 Years ago)
Considering there are a lot of different kinds of counters, your best bet is googling "page counters" and then deciding which you like best

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Posted: Sun, 26/06/2022 15:43 (2 Years ago)
There's no specific time frame on legendary breeding.

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Posted: Sun, 26/06/2022 15:23 (2 Years ago)
The reason I'm asking for a screenshot [and not a screen recording] is that "It won't (let me) save" usually happens when there's something wrong with the code.

A code-block around it [code]what you're trying to post[/ code] could also help as it will show the BBCode, without trying to use it.
[do remove the space between / and code ]

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Posted: Sat, 25/06/2022 20:11 (2 Years ago)
Everyone who signed up has received their first piece!
Back-up Artists have received their first additional piece as well :3

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Posted: Sat, 25/06/2022 17:45 (2 Years ago)
The final missing staff member voted 2 days ago in the middle of my correction marathon, so I'll do the calculating tomorrow and then check in with Riako to make sure (:

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Posted: Sat, 25/06/2022 16:29 (2 Years ago)
All (first) pieces have been sent! I'll update the back-up list and start sending additional pieces to the Back-up artists later today :D

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Posted: Sat, 25/06/2022 16:01 (2 Years ago)
I love it ♥
You did a marvelous job ;w;

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Posted: Sat, 25/06/2022 09:32 (2 Years ago)
Sure, that'll work for me. If you set up the trade, I'll offer the shiny Combee on it.

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Posted: Sat, 25/06/2022 09:05 (2 Years ago)
@spinorex14 - shiny Kabuto = 240k [160 Ice Gems]
Shiny Combee = 190k [127 Ice Gems]

@SilverShinyCharizard - Sorry about that! The list has been updated ^^
And sure! The calculations work out, so please set up the trade and I'll update the list!

@Rice - It's not that your calculations are incorrect, it's that they're based on the wrong premise. You indicate checking my main post, but you seem to have missed the tab labeled "Nuggets" where I put my expectations when trading for nuggets.

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Posted: Fri, 24/06/2022 08:50 (2 Years ago)
From what I experienced, there's no "blocking code" in the actual writing of the post. However once you click "post" or "edit" to publish, it checks whether you're allowed anything aside from BBCode. If you're not, it then blocks/disables anything that's more advanced than BBCode.

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Posted: Fri, 24/06/2022 08:48 (2 Years ago)
This is intentional. Both were part of the same Event, so breeding one can also get you the other.

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Posted: Thu, 23/06/2022 15:35 (2 Years ago)
Quick update - I'm currently drowning in exams to correct and they need to be done by Midnight tonight, which is why I've been so quiet these past few days.
The upside is that, from tomorrow onwards, I can fully focus on sending (and receiving) your pieces!

Sorry for the delay! I've never had so tight a deadline for correcting exams so it caught me off guard ^^'

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