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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from ~Fumiko_Fukuda~.
Posted: Thu, 19/04/2018 12:08 (6 Years ago)
I actually ordered a Mega Able Cottonblu instead of the shiny ^-^

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Posted: Wed, 18/04/2018 17:40 (6 Years ago)
Hey EeveePower, I would like to order a Pokemon!
Name of Pokemon(s): Cottonblue
Specific gender: Prefer Female, but either is okay.
Everstones on: Yes
Breeder: ~Pyukumuku~
Shiny (yes/no): No
Mega-able (yes/no): Yes
Payment: 650k PD

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Posted: Wed, 18/04/2018 17:31 (6 Years ago)
I would like a Shiny Pancham Slot for 100k PD :3

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Posted: Tue, 17/04/2018 19:56 (6 Years ago)
I've decided to do a Shiny Mega Magikarp hunt! 6 shiny slots and 6 mega able slots are open! 20k for shiny, and 25k for Mega able. this will be a long hunt >.<

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Posted: Mon, 16/04/2018 19:24 (6 Years ago)
Username: ~Bella-chan~
Shiny/Mega You Want: Zorua
How Many Slots You Want: 1
Rare Gender: either gender
Want It With a Everstone: Yes
(Breeders only) Using Discount: Yes

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Posted: Mon, 16/04/2018 19:16 (6 Years ago)
Username: ~Bella-chan~
Mega-Able you want: Mareep
Breeder of mega-able: AcryliCatUwU
Have you read the rules and agree with them?: Yep!
Other: thank you! <3

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Posted: Mon, 16/04/2018 19:14 (6 Years ago)
Username: ~Bella-chan~
Breeder: Ferret
Pokémon: Amaura
Amount of Shinies/Mega-ables/Regular: 1
Payment: 250k PD

EDIT: Cancel this order, please. :)

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Posted: Mon, 16/04/2018 17:11 (6 Years ago)
Yep. If I would've hatched a different egg other than Pichu, my chain would break.

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Posted: Mon, 16/04/2018 17:09 (6 Years ago)
You're welcome! If only I wasn't hunting Pichu, I would've helped by breeding you a female Salandit

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Posted: Mon, 16/04/2018 15:32 (6 Years ago)
^^ it an only evolve by leveling up if its female ;3

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Posted: Sat, 14/04/2018 19:11 (6 Years ago)
Username: ~Bella-chan~
Pokémon: Shiny Corsola
Amount of Shinies/Mega-ables/Regular: 1
Payment: 260k pd

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Posted: Sat, 14/04/2018 15:52 (6 Years ago)
Username: ~Bella-chan~
Pokémon: Shiny Ponyta
Amount of Shinies/Mega-ables/Regular: 1
Payment: 50k PD

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Posted: Wed, 11/04/2018 20:10 (6 Years ago)
I've decided to quit my Espurr hunt(it's too slow) and start on a Pichu hunt! Three slots are available and the prices are 90k PD, 9 Boxes/Keys, 90 electric gems, 2 star pieces or 57 nuggets.

Get 'em while you can! :3

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Posted: Thu, 05/04/2018 18:01 (6 Years ago)
^^^ you have to evolve it with high friendship

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Posted: Thu, 05/04/2018 15:15 (6 Years ago)
Username: ~Bella-chan~
Breeder: ARtai0S
Pokémon: Shiny Shinx
Amount of Shinies/Mega-ables/Regular: 3 shiny
Payment: 180k pd

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Posted: Mon, 02/04/2018 12:32 (6 Years ago)
Username: ~Bella-chan~
Shiny/Mega You Want: Eevee(from the breeder Adolamin)
How Many Slots You Want: 2 Eevee slots
Rare Gender: Don't really care about genders, so either.
Want It With a Everstone: Yes.

Username: ~Bella-chan~
What Are You Shiny Hunting: Espurr
How much for each (Including Female, Male, Mega Able, etc. if applicable): 150k for both Genders(Also accepting Nuggets(100) Star Pieces(3) and Boxes/keys(15))
How many do you want to sell (That's what slots are): 3 slots.

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Posted: Fri, 23/03/2018 13:13 (6 Years ago)
Username: ~Bella-chan~
Pokemon: 1x Alolan Vulpix
Payment Type: 15 Boxes/keys
If you are paying now or later: Later

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Posted: Thu, 22/03/2018 11:59 (6 Years ago)
Username: ~Bella~
Shiny you want: Skorupi
Breeder of shiny: Shinguuji
Have you read the rules and agree with them?: Yes
Other: Thank you~!

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Posted: Mon, 19/03/2018 17:17 (6 Years ago)
Bump! Shiny Abra Slots are open! Get them while you can :3

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Posted: Thu, 08/03/2018 19:50 (6 Years ago)
Hello Danuwa! I want to participate in your Lottery.
Username: ~Bella~
Items I am sending: 20 Fairy gems, 3 water gems, 5k pd, and 1 share.

29 tickets.

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