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I'm Feeling Lucky

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Posted: Tue, 22/11/2022 22:21 (2 Years ago)
"Thank you. Would you need any help with that? I'm a vet, but I do make my own remedies. I'm an insomniac too. Although, not anemic. Would you mind telling me about it? I might be able to help?" Akora facepalmed. "Sorry, questions." She looked guiltily at Idris's pale skin and looked away, mumbling something somewhat scolding to herself.

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Posted: Tue, 22/11/2022 22:06 (2 Years ago)
Akora frowned slightly. Not the friendly type? Wel- Oh, Akora! Stop thinking of people like animals and how to neutralize their mistrust. Akora shook her head to herself. "Well, a pleasure to meet you, Idris." She observed him. "You seem pale. Are you okay,- like, sick -or is it lack of sunlight?" Akora frowned, observing him.

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Posted: Tue, 22/11/2022 21:56 (2 Years ago)
Akora noticed someone- they were slinking off. Conspicuous. I assume thats the opposite of what he wants. Akora wrinkled her nose and giggled.

Fixing her face, unwanting of a psychopathic look, she walked up to him with a smile. "Hello." She paused. "I'm Akora Menx. Ultimate Veterinarian. You?" She asked.

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Posted: Tue, 22/11/2022 21:31 (2 Years ago)
Akora and Solaro read their letters, and creases of worry appeared on Akora's face, whereas Solaro almost immediately broke into tears.

Sorta after Ms. Monokuma... does something ig

Solaro shoves her note into her pocket, somewhat terrified but in awe of how bright and vibrant. Akora is blatantly confused as the walk out from the pool.

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Posted: Fri, 18/11/2022 22:53 (2 Years ago)
Akora squeaked, blue eyes flashing. Someone- threw somethin-SOMEONE?! She half-fell backward into Solaro, who shoved her off. "Whadya doing?" Solaro hissed quietly. "No-nothing." Akora frowned, looking at the new person. With- really huge boots? Goodness gracious.

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Posted: Fri, 18/11/2022 04:16 (2 Years ago)
Solaro and Akora entered the cafeteria, seemingly arguing over something. They sat together.

Solaro's eyes were caught by a plate of fish. Salmon, in particular. Slightly salted. She cocked her head seemingly. Is this tainted- How did they even know my favourite food? She narrowed her eyes as she took a bite. It tasted perfectly fine. She caught Akoras eye, who was picking at her food, and gestured at it with her eyes.

Akora, who got home late often, busy working with animals, barely ate. But during her days off for holidays, she'd often dine out somewhere for her favourite food, which was onigiri and mochi. She looked at Solaro, who was eating eagerly. Alright then. She took a bite gingerly. "Hmm." Akora hummed thoughtfully. She began to eat the rest.

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Posted: Mon, 14/11/2022 00:04 (2 Years ago)
Solaro and ‘Kora walked in, and Solaro clapped her hands over her eyes. “Aw gawd.” She whispered to Akora.

Akora swept their gaze over the wounded child. “He’s alive, moron. Barely.” Solaro uncovered her eyes and began to peer curiously at the kid, “Can you help? He’s not an animal, buuut?”

Akora frowned. “Depends if the role players say yes and the role play hasn’t progressed too far while we’re gone.” Solaro shushed her awkwardly “That’s not allowed! The fourth wall is crumbling..” Solaro said dramatically.

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Posted: Sun, 13/11/2022 23:51 (2 Years ago)
third person eiieieie

Solaro jumped. Someone… screamed? She realised that in shock she had clung to Akora, who was growling in protest as Solaro flung her arms around her. “No.” Akora batted Solaro. “Ow, much?” Solaro released Akora.

“Wanna check it out?” Akora cocked her head at Solaro, who shrugged. “Sure.”

Together they walked to the source of the cries.

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Posted: Sun, 13/11/2022 07:01 (2 Years ago)
"Fun. Murderous bears. Ever heard of em, Vet?." Solaro joked. "Or rabid. Take your pick."

Akora rolled her eyes. "Very funny, ultimate comedian." She wrinkled her nose.

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Posted: Sun, 13/11/2022 06:23 (2 Years ago)
Solaro scowled. "Dead kids?" She sniffed. "Like we're gonna be soon, I guess." Solaro rolled her eyes, grinning at Akora. Akora stood up, and socked her in the shoulder. "Ow!" Solaro squeaked.

"Akora Menx, Ultimate Veterinarian." She bowed her head. "You?"

"Solaro Makasu, Ultimate Singer." Solaro mimicked the movement.

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Posted: Sun, 13/11/2022 06:12 (2 Years ago)
"I suppose. Better than being here." Akora puffed. "Why me? I'm awesome!" Solaro cried at the same here.

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Posted: Sun, 13/11/2022 06:01 (2 Years ago)
Akora ground her teeth together anxiously and Solaro looked simply mortified. Still elegant though. Akora snickered. Solaro half wailed, half growled. "This is so-" She paused, frowning.

"See what I mean? I'm stupid! I need an education!" Solaro finally burst, and Akora also burst. Out laughing. Secretly, being incredibly worried about everything sucked. It was nice to laugh. Solaro smiled at Akora, and Akora smiled back.

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Posted: Sun, 13/11/2022 05:50 (2 Years ago)
Akora snorted as the orange haired girl flung herself to her feet, and tripped. Indignantly, Solaro hissed at her, mad. She focused her attention back on the bea- Monokuma. "You're joking? Is this a drama class?" She cried, a voice surprisingly elegant, even while sleepy and mad. Akora sat silently.

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Posted: Sun, 13/11/2022 04:59 (2 Years ago)
Akora twisted her arms, feeling her muscles twisting and her senses coming back. She sighed, relieved, and her gaze twisted around the room again, for a double take.

Solaro glanced at the girl a few paces to her left. She had black, twisting hair and a somewhat analyzing look, which reminded her of someone scanning for a wound.

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Posted: Sun, 13/11/2022 04:28 (2 Years ago)

Solaro Makasu

Solaro moaned. "My he-aad." She buried her face in her hands.

Akora Menx

Akora frowned, and sat up, quickly observing her surroundings. An orange haired girl beside her was sprawled awkwardly on the ground, mumbling feebly to herself.

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Posted: Sat, 12/11/2022 20:57 (2 Years ago)

Solaro Makasu

Solaro ran over to the gates of Hopes Peak Academy. Wows. She thought, blinking at the school.

She pulled her card out of her pocket and swiped it in the card scanner. Now it said #ID538 The Ultimate Singer.

Solaro stepped in, as her head began to feel light, an odd sensation. She crumpled to the ground suddenly.

Akora Menx

Akora flattened herself slightly as she walked into the school, almost tripping over her feet. "So clumsy. Why is it only in operations I am not?" Akora grumbled unhappily to herself.

At the gate, she pulled out her card, and scanned it. #ID243 The Ultimate Veterinarian.

Akora stepped in quickly. She hissed suddenly. Her head was dizzy and spinning. Akora slipped to the ground quickly.

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Posted: Fri, 11/11/2022 23:10 (2 Years ago)
Can you please make Koda as a pfp? You can surprise me or just recreate that photo! <3 Will send the PD!

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Posted: Wed, 09/11/2022 23:01 (2 Years ago)
epilouge woohoo

Koda fled in an instant, seeking those of her remaining kin. Upon finding long-lost friends she’d live a less feral life for several years, regularly traveling to the forest. She had two children, both of which strong, healthy girls. One of which had hair of fire, the other with hair like the night sky - black, dark.

A note from one to another
Wooza! Absolutely fantastic! Y’all did amazing- Jeez, 10 months? The months have gone by all too fast for me! Can’t wait for the second game! The roleplay constantly was in my head, and at every spare moment I’d be daydreaming and considering all the possibilities! Honestly, this has ruined the color purple for me/jjjjjjj

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Posted: Mon, 07/11/2022 23:18 (2 Years ago)
Koda bit her lip. “I killed her.” She paused. “My sister.. Indirectly. And my mother.”

“My mother tried to kill me first. All because of an accident.” She spat. “I wondered if she was alive. For ages.” Her heart was pounding with the memory. “One day I found her. She- She tried to finish the job… But I finished her.” Tears began to drip from her eyes, sliding down her cheeks. She covered her face stubbornly.

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Posted: Sat, 01/10/2022 23:56 (2 Years ago)
Koda leaned against a wall, and sneezed. The air was cluttered and dusty and she couldn't stand it. It was- was too stuffy. She needed fresh air and the trees. Somewhere open.

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