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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from _Nyx_.
Posted: Tue, 24/01/2017 12:17 (8 Years ago)
To my mind the price of all gems is still 400-500 pd since I always see people buying and selling for these prices or even higher. Maybe electric gems are even a bit more expensive, since many non-premium user buy 50 of them to use the pokeradar...so maybe 600 like the bug gems?

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Posted: Wed, 18/01/2017 10:35 (8 Years ago)

Christi's Item and Pokemon Sale!!!

Make sure to scroll all the way to the bottom!!
Don't miss anything good!!





~Shiny Hunters~
Show hidden content

ChristiBelle ~
Lost~Lyrics ~
Willowfur ~
Professor_Mac ~
AkaruiShiro ~
YoruKuro ~
JackEthan ~
Rscorpions2 ~ , , , .
Akemi86 ~
themightyglowcloud ~ ,

~Event Hunters~
Show hidden content

themightyglowcloud ~

Partner shops:
Show hidden content

Sansica's Shiny Jirachi Hunt. Click Me!


Show hidden content

Still Slightly under Construction

All prices are negotiable
If you see something you like and think it's overpriced make an offer!
We don't bite. We're actually very nice if you give us a chance =33
PalPad Me If Interested!
Do not post in this forum! It takes me longer to see it and therefore longer to respond to you!

Goal ~ 8,500,000pd
Current Total ~ 6,046,863pd


Poke Balls
Show hidden content

Pokeball x35 ~ 35k
Ultraball x7 ~ 7k

Show hidden content

Normal Gems x25 ~ 37.5k
Fairy Gem x25 ~ 37.5k
Dragon Gem x15 ~ 75k

Show hidden content

Pearl x2 ~ 18k
Strange Ornament x1 ~ 120k
Relic Copper x13 ~ 65k
Relic Silver x8 ~ 80k

Show hidden content

Delicious Bait x5 ~ 5k
Regular Bait x2 ~ 2k
Tasty Bait x29 ~ 29k
Armor Fossil x1 ~ 15k
Claw Fossil x1~ 15k
Cover Fossil x1 ~ 15k
Dome Fossil x1 ~ 15k
Helix Fossil x1 ~ 15k
Jaw Fossil x1 ~ 15k
Old Amber Fossil x1 ~ 15k
Plume Fossil x1~ 15k
Root Fossil x1 ~ 15k
Sail Fossil x1 ~ 15k
Skull Fossil x1 ~ 15k

Evo. Stones
Show hidden content

Fire Stone x8 ~ 32k
Leaf Stone x11 ~ 44k
Oval Stone x1 ~ 4k
Thunder Stone x9 ~ 36k
Water Stone x10 ~ 40k
DeepSea Scale x1 ~ 3k
DeepSea Tooth x1 ~ 3k
Moon Stone x12 ~ 48k
Soothe Bell x7 ~ 42k
Sun Stone x8 ~ 32k
Dawn Stone x15 ~ 75k
Shiny Stone x1 ~ 5k
King's Rock x1 ~ 5k
Protector x1 ~ 5k
Up-Grade x1 ~ 5k
Whipped Dream x1 ~ 5k
Spray Duck x 1 ~ 5k

Forme-change Items
Show hidden content

DNA Splicer (White) x2 ~ 80k
Electric Fan x2 ~ 100k
Lawnmower x1 50k
Red Orb x1 ~ 50k
Earth Plate x1 ~ 34k
Insect Plate x1 ~ 17k
Mind Plate x1 ~ 17k
Splash Plate x1 ~ 17k
Chill Drive x` ~10k

Berries ~ 40pd per Berry
Show hidden content

Aspear Berry x10
Bluk Berry x20
Cheri Berry x9
Chest Berry x10
Figy Berry x10
Grepa Berry x10
Hondew Berry x10
Kelpsy Berry x20
Leppa Berry x62
Lum Berry x70
Mago Berry x1
Oran Verry x51
Pecha Berry x12
Persim Berry x68
Pinap Berry x18
Pomeg Verry x20
Qualot Berry x20
Rawst Berry x10
Razz Berry x20
Sitrus Berry x77
Wepear Berry x21
Wiki Berry x30
Belue Berry x20
Cornn Berry x20
Durin Berry x20
Magost Berr x30
Nomel Berry x40
Rabuta Verry x33
Spelon Berry x10
Watmel Berry x5
Babiri Berry x4
Haban Verry x3
Payapa Berry x3

Flour x6 ~ 3k
Lemonade x195 ~ 19.5k
Moomoo Milk x40 ~ 4k
Soda Pop x151 ~ 15.1k
Super Honey x28 ~ 280k

Finished Meals
Show hidden content

Antidote x1 ~ 1k
Berry Juice x3 ~ 3k
Biscuit x10 ~ 10k
Burn Heal x10 ~ 10k
Ice Heal x1 ~ 1k
Bluk Shake x16 ~ 16k
Kelpsy Soda x1 ~ 1k
Pomeg Soda x11 ~ 11k
Razz Shake x1 ~ 1k

Show hidden content

Mystery Box (Dark Blue) x1 ~ 10k
Mystery Box (Gold) x30 ~ 600k
Mystery Box (Black) x6 ~ 420k

Mystery Key (Pink) x1 ~ 10k
Mystery Key (Red) x1 ~ 10k

Box and Key Sets ~ 40k

Show hidden content

Calcium x3 ~ 15k
Carbos x6 ~ 30k
Iron x8 ~ 40k
Protein x2 ~ 10k
Zinc x1 ~ 5k
Rare Candy x1 ~ 8k


Show hidden content

~ 12k

4x ~ 12k

2x ~ 12k

5x ~ 5k

5x ~ 20k

1x ~ 20k

4x ~ 20k

7x ~ 2.5k

4x ~ 2.5k

6x ~ 5k

A bunch of pokemon
Show hidden content

9x 50k from mike2003

~ 65,000 from Rscorpions2 Pokemon

7x ~ 14k
3x ~ 100k

A bunch of shinies
Show hidden content

Lost~Lyric´s pokemon:

~ 250k

~ 200k

~ 200k

~ 150k

~ 100k

~ 200k

~ 150k

~ 150k

~ 100k

~ 150k

~ 350k

Professor_Mac's Shiny Pokemon


~ 80k

2x ~ 150k

~ 120k

~ 120k

4x ~ 130k

~ 220k

~ 220k

~ 220k

WolfStorm's ShinyPokemon

~ 100k

~ 50k

~ 150k

~ 100k

~ 150k

2x ~ 100k

~ 40k

~ 40k

~ 40k

Show hidden content

Ryuzaki's Pokemon
~ 25k
~ 130k
~ 120k

~ 70k

Show hidden content

~ 100k
~ 150k


~Shiny Hunts~

ChristiBelle´s Froakie Slots ~250k

Show hidden content

Fee is to be paid up front.
#1. Lost~Lyrics
#2. Wicked8

Lost~Lyrics`Dratini Slots ~300k

Show hidden content

Fee is to be paid up front.

Willowfur´s Vulpix Slots ~200k

Show hidden content

Fee is to be paid up front.
#1. ~Potterhead~

Professor_Mac´s Altaria Slots ~200k/115nuggets

Show hidden content

Fee is to be paid up after shiny hatches.

AkaruiShiro´s Pansage Slots ~330k

Show hidden content

Fee is to be paid up half-half.
#1. ChristiBelle
#2. ThatGuy
#3. arvind

YoruKuro´s Meowth Slots ~330k

Show hidden content

Fee is to be paid up half-half.
#1. Wolfstorm
#2. Wolfstorm

JackEthan´s Absol Slots ~200k

Show hidden content

Fee is to be paid upon hatching.

Akemi86´s Charmander Slots ~200k

Show hidden content

Fee is to be paid upon hatching.

Rscorpion2´s Tyrogue (+evo´s) Slots ~400k(Hitmontop 600k)

Show hidden content

Fee is to be paid up after shiny hatches.

themightyglowcloud´s Cutiefly Slots ~120k/75nuggets

Show hidden content

Fee is to be paid up front.

themightyglowcloud´s Eevee Slots ~225k/150nuggets

Show hidden content

Fee is to be paid up front.

~Event Hunts~

no shiny!

themightyglowcloud´s Flowerboy Slots ~35k

Show hidden content

Fee is to be paid up front.

[Read more]
Posted: Wed, 18/01/2017 10:15 (8 Years ago)
So this will be my diary, please don't comment!! I will most likely use this to design my own shop and the one of a very good friend!

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Posted: Thu, 12/01/2017 15:49 (8 Years ago)
I don't really know, but tbh I never found a user who talked much about battling and it isn't that big deal of update (no offence, just not a so often used feature) and I am not very in in programming but I guess this would take a very long time to invent and as a consequence of specific attacks you have the problem on:
Can you get egg Moves, will they learn more moves with a certain level or do they have only these 4, because then you would maybe need invent different attacks for the same pokemon -all this would cost a lot of work and your pokemon would need a set of stats...all the stuff we have in the real games. So I guess for a not that much used feature it would be too compicated with to complicated effects...

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Posted: Wed, 11/01/2017 10:53 (8 Years ago)
Our current hunts:

Make your order right here:

I would like to order:
I would like to pay in/with:

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Posted: Sun, 08/01/2017 09:55 (8 Years ago)
Full support!! Great idea, I hate being a girl here but don't wanna be a guy as well. A symbole for "something else" and a option for "hide it completely " would be great for ether those feeling something else than make female or for those feeling compeletly unable to identify with once gender or just don't wanna show theirs to prevent hate from users who don't understand such things.

Very good idea!!

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Posted: Thu, 22/12/2016 21:00 (8 Years ago)
Anyone interested in shiny litten or popplio :P ?

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Posted: Thu, 15/12/2016 15:13 (8 Years ago)
Okay, but everything I have is in this stock listed, except maybe some colored boxes. And I want this form like in the rules, since there are so many people being very rude, so I take the form as a save way for a minimum of respectful way of treating people

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Posted: Thu, 15/12/2016 07:32 (8 Years ago)

Form wasn't okay and you are looking/asking for items not even listed in my stock

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Posted: Sun, 11/12/2016 15:24 (8 Years ago)

yeah, I have 114 water gems right now^^
28 watergems would make 14k since you can´t send such a small amount of nuggets

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Posted: Sun, 11/12/2016 08:07 (8 Years ago)
Hey guys!! How about some eevees for sale^^? I will make special offers ;)

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Posted: Thu, 24/11/2016 16:10 (8 Years ago)
I will palpad you ;)

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Posted: Wed, 23/11/2016 21:12 (8 Years ago)
@featherhorror1228...sorry, but what do you mean with any^^? please palpad me for more information xD

@Russia, I am texting you! Thanks for your visit and order!

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Posted: Wed, 23/11/2016 13:24 (8 Years ago)
Sadly I run this shop to get money or nuggets for my premium account, so I only accept pd or nuggets or special offers like...e.g. shiny for shiny...

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Posted: Wed, 23/11/2016 06:19 (8 Years ago)
@Zelfdoding, I sold all gems yesterday, but I will palpad you directly if I get new ones! I think it wont take longer as this evening ;)

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Posted: Tue, 22/11/2016 20:09 (8 Years ago)
does anyone has a wish for a next shiny hunt? :) Otherwise I would start the eevee chain, like swirl wished :)

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Posted: Fri, 18/11/2016 14:41 (8 Years ago)
Item sent shared
No. of tickets :1

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Posted: Sat, 05/11/2016 19:03 (8 Years ago)
@ Goku, this is the second time you aren´t using the correct form. You don´t know how much the item costs and send oover a random amount, 4k under the price. You are spamming me and aren´t patient, you don´t care about my simple rule to leave the name, your wish and the way you would like to pay, so I won´t sell you the item

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Posted: Mon, 24/10/2016 11:25 (8 Years ago)
since the Halloween Event started I am going to break my shiny chain to get all the cute Event pokemon. But after that I am planning on shiny hunting another pokemon :) Maybe it could be torchic? Maybe eevee? Or any other pokemon except Starters I don´t have female ones or legendary pokemon^^. I am even thinking about shiny misdreavous teddiursas^^. What would you like to see and maybe buy from me? leave it in the comments or palpad me!

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Posted: Mon, 24/10/2016 10:25 (8 Years ago)
I like this Idea, but what is all this bump about???
I agree to all the points mentioned here before, it is useful, you can find wich pokemon are missing, you can see all the pokemon you are searchng for the region, so you don't have to go through all the other pokemon from other regions you don't want to collect now.
a event addition is the best improvement to my mind, since I am only here for a month and you just don't know what event pokemon all exist^^
But..please stop the bump thingy..

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