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PolkaDot OFFLINE Forum Posts: 289 |
Posted: Thu, 28/07/2022 18:33 (2 Years ago) |
PolkaDot OFFLINE Forum Posts: 289 |
Posted: Thu, 28/07/2022 17:45 (2 Years ago) |
Character name: Quincey Young Age: 16 Gender: Non-Binary Appearance: Short Light Brown Hair, 6'0", dark green hoodie, black tight pants, Half mask (same color as hood) covering lower face Personality: Calm, Focused, Smart, Level-Headed Pokemon: Dartrix Pokemons Moves: Shadow Sneak, Leaf Blade, Brave Bird, Feather Dance Other: Not sure yet. Might hash out more as the story goes on [Read more] |
PolkaDot OFFLINE Forum Posts: 289 |
Posted: Thu, 28/07/2022 17:37 (2 Years ago) |
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- One submission per person. This is to prevent spams and make it fair for everyone - If you already see the roleplay/fanfic you wished to submit on here, then please do not submit it again. This makes it easier for me and anyone else judging to get to (pw is G3cky) everyone's submission. - All submissions must be from May 2021 to April 2022. Apologies to anyone wishing to enter something from these last couple months. There is always next year - Please submit using the form below Here is the form for submission! Name: Roleplay or Fanfiction: Link: Category for submission (optional): Password: [Read more] |
PolkaDot OFFLINE Forum Posts: 289 |
Posted: Thu, 28/07/2022 17:36 (2 Years ago) |
PokéHeroes Oscars I am your host Lavender, here to introduce and present this spectacular event. Last year's Oscars, I was lucky enough to be nominated for 3 different categories Awards: Most Dark Scene Most Dramatic Scene Best Original Fanfiction Best Written Character Best Group Roleplay Performance And when it all comes to fruition... Best Story and Best Roleplayer!!! The event will take place at 3pm PST on August 10th. Make sure to set your calendars for that day! And good luck! Want to nominate a roleplay or fanfiction that you like or were a part of? We are still accepting submissions until August 8th @23:59 server time. Submit them HERE, and we will take a look!* not all submissions reviewed will be nominated. [Read more] |
PolkaDot OFFLINE Forum Posts: 289 |
Posted: Tue, 26/07/2022 06:49 (2 Years ago) |
Closed due to lack of entriesCheck out the role play! The world has been pitched into darkness for almost half a decade. With an estimated 3 months before the world ends, how will you spend your final moments? Some basic rules! (Password is bolded) Show
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1. No Spam This means do not
post multiple posts at a time. Write your whole response and then
wait for another person to speak before typing again.
2) Keep Language PH Friendly Remember this is a site with a large minor demographic, me included. Ursing is obviously against PH rules, as is any suggestive commentation. 3) Follow PH Rules This one is pretty simple. If you wouldnt be allowed to so it anywhere else on the site, you shouldn't do it here. 4) Stay to the story This is a roleplay, obviously, and is driven by the RP choices. This does not, however, mean it is all up to you. You can go on the storyline you wish, but this is a semi-realistic roleplay, so no hybrids, powers, etc. All characters will be human for this. 5) Stick to your own storyline Similar to the previous rule, do not go super far off of your own story. If you and some friends arent happy with how your part is going, thats fine. But dont shift from a mission to searching for treasure. Either finish what you're doing or find a way to transition smoothly. Xqlcy This also means do not abandon it or join someone elses without permission. 6) Keep the structure This is a literate/semi-literate roleplay. (If you dont know what that looks like then ask me or look it up). This means make sure your grammar and spelling is correct. You don't need to have it as if it were edited by Ernest Hemingway, but there is a large difference between "*drives her home*" and "He drives her to her home." If you break any of these rules 3 or more times, you will be asked to leave. This is to prevent chaos and trolls from ruining others experiences The form (all of these apply to character, not user] Show
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Age: Gender: Skills (pick 3): Physical Description (single picture allowed but not required): Personality: (For User) Willing to be in OOC group chat?: Password: Past this, all should be okay. I will message you when you are accepted. Hope to see you all soon! -------------- My Form Name: Quinn Genith Age: 17 Gender: Female Skills (pick 3): Quick Thinking, Agile, Outdoor Survival Physical Description (single picture allowed but not required): Skinny, 5'10, Short Purple hair, blue eyes, pale skin, dark clothes/hoodies Personality: Untrusting, Kind, Protective, Brave (For User) Willing to be in OOC group chat?: Duh Password: find it yourself [Read more] |
PolkaDot OFFLINE Forum Posts: 289 |
Posted: Tue, 26/07/2022 06:49 (2 Years ago) |
CLOSED DUE TO LACK OF ENTRIESThe stars grew dim, but the sun never showed. In a moment, the sky was dark, as if the stars were extinguished in one fell swoop. With all traces is light gone but the Moon, it was only a matter of time before the human race, and all other life, would be gone as well. 4 years have passed, with 3 months left before The Cold. Most of humanity is gone, killed in the international panic and the reprocussions in the years following. Electricity has been gone for ages. The only ones left, are you. [Read more] |
PolkaDot OFFLINE Forum Posts: 289 |
Posted: Sat, 25/06/2022 17:30 (2 Years ago) |
PolkaDot OFFLINE Forum Posts: 289 |
Posted: Fri, 13/05/2022 17:04 (2 Years ago) |
Waiter, there's the anti-life equation in my soup! [Read more] |
PolkaDot OFFLINE Forum Posts: 289 |
Posted: Wed, 11/05/2022 05:28 (2 Years ago) |
PolkaDot OFFLINE Forum Posts: 289 |
Posted: Mon, 06/12/2021 01:14 (3 Years ago) |
PolkaDot OFFLINE Forum Posts: 289 |
Posted: Tue, 08/06/2021 04:33 (3 Years ago) |
PolkaDot OFFLINE Forum Posts: 289 |
Posted: Sun, 06/06/2021 09:29 (3 Years ago) |
================== Song 1 Style TBD: Show
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Tears that fall for you
Only make the rain feel wetter Every message that you sent I keep holding on to each letter Even though I know your gone Even though it's for the best Even though I know you hurt me Even after all the rest ================== Song 2 (trigger warning: sensitive subjects such as mental illness and suicide) Style of Nightmare by Zach Callison: Show
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Every morning he wakes up to another
day. Hiding from the outside under the sheets. He contemplates what
will it be like as he lie. A lie. its all he ever truly knows. He
never tells them what hes really like because he believes if he
doesn't he'll stay happy but what does that even mean? To be happy
is it to stand with a smile on your face even when on the inside
you're crying. To pretend your find even though you know you're
just effed up, insecure, needy and emotional? that all you need is
a hand to hold, a shoulder to cry, someone to listen. Listen. Do
you hear the sobs of those that have to hide what they truly feel
because if they even let the slightest bit out, the slightest
glimpse of the emotion inside they may explode and send a tsunami
of pain and suffering that will destroy them from the inside.
Committing mental suicide because no one can relate to them or what
they've been through- then again... maybe its just nothing. maybe
its nothing too important not enough for those to care enough
they'd even know its there enough. its time to get up. the alarm
blares. you need to get up. get up get up WAKE UP. Was it just a
dream? A nightmare you cant forget because it always ends the same.
Body in the bed. Tears on the floor. only youve learned the tears
just dont come anymore. why would they? where would they fall? The
shoulder of someone who isnt there? The palms of which your body
shares? Your mind of which is beyond repair? Reparations are due
and you cannot pay to fix what is broken, so every day you walk
alone, your mind at bay, youre not okay, and still you say, Im
fine. And thats fine. Because for all you know you are. Until you
step off the stool and cloth hits skin. Struggling to breathe as
the weight of the world pulls you down. until all is still. And the
nightmare finally ends.
PolkaDot OFFLINE Forum Posts: 289 |
Posted: Mon, 31/05/2021 16:27 (3 Years ago) |
Alex sets the photo back down. "Who do you think these people are? Noone has lived here since t least when our parents were kids." Just then, the painting. behind them fell to the ground. Alex jumps. "What the heck? Musta been ready to fall the second we got here. We should leave before we screw with anything else." Charlie laughs at her as he makes it to the hall where the two girls were standing. "What? Not like anyone's coming back for this cr*p." [Read more] |
PolkaDot OFFLINE Forum Posts: 289 |
Posted: Mon, 31/05/2021 03:33 (3 Years ago) |
Alex walks around the main hall, and sees a small shelf under a silver lined mirror. She sees a picture and picks it up. It shows a man who looked to be in his late 40s, early 50s, holding a woman about the same age. "Hey guys," she calls into the house. "Take a look at this." [Read more] |
PolkaDot OFFLINE Forum Posts: 289 |
Posted: Mon, 31/05/2021 02:58 (3 Years ago) |
PolkaDot OFFLINE Forum Posts: 289 |
Posted: Sun, 30/05/2021 20:44 (3 Years ago) |
"I'll stay and wait for Maya. You two go ahead." Alex sits in the stairs in wait. Nearby, an owl coos. It is a nice house. It could definitely use a lot of work, but maybe she could fix it up. She isnt going to college, gotta stay behind for the family. She already has a pretty good job, so it wont be too bad. Everyone else is leaving, however, and she feels like she'll never be as successful as them. [Read more] |